all of a sudden passion suddenly

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bluejeans effigy

Favorite, lucky pair
faded, kneeless
rotted at the seams,
but still
sewed with care.

Patched seat
red, stitched in white.
An all-state track star
caught on fences
escaping dogs
and girlfriend's husbands;
the latter, worse in bite.

Another, over-mended crotch,
for witchy girls,
cast itchy spells
on a cocksure
been there done that,

Holes in pockets
made for pool
or watches;
losing time,
being aimless

Tide, bleached-out
"Let me die!" in bluejeans,
a retro effigy
of apathetic youth
sometimes wasted,
but naively, well spent.
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Tathagata said:
sitting on the beach
i wonder
" who is the real me?"
is he this worrier?
the doubter?
the drinker?
how can I be all these things?
they don't go together............

and the real me sits on the beach
waiting for my idea of the real me to show up


I have the number of a good doctor who can help
with these multiple
that seem to be rampantly
running amok

um who else was there
mother lover psycho beta alpha disco
poet priestess city dwelling john denver rocky mountain HIGH
lover wanna be lover sitting cross leg under
begger philanthropist thief scavanger
demanding submissive
fist raised control me now
and me too
begging the number what was that number I gave
and was it prime

Friday mornings
are Mondays, born again

A day off doesn't mean
more patience for waiting
while cafe au lait lovers
have none
(coffee and milk —
that's service done quick)

Lattes, mochas must be
steamed, painstakingly
too slow espresso


Let me drive through
for Café Du Monde
flirt with voluptuous
blonde barristas

Then be gone
merrily on my way
sipping coffee
without mint or spice
(although chicory
would be kind of nice)
count things worth
asking for

things worth being told
not now
not like that not
in this lifetime no
not you



count backwards from denial
count by twos
you will get here faster
if you count backwards
by two
skip heartache
go directly to jail of submersioun

down to nothing

nothing light enough to carry
on the backs of get what
you get and smile when you get it
something unfolded
like the cover of Mad MAgazine
opening for the big picture
the detai
the story behind the joke
and I can breathe

run my fingers over the crease
read all your hidden stories
some things are worth the asking

toes pinch
I sink

delivery overnight
Bone Poetry

Slice to there,
write painful,

There are details displayed with horrific delicacy,
fist and flesh trimmed to black, blue poetry.
Screams in the nest, still raw.
Wedded fray speaks for splintered wood,
for skin bruised like surrender.

To-the-bone is the language
of fragile poets.

(last stanza edit)
Less is the language
of fragile poets.
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I want you flawed,
receding and white,
like winter melting.

most perfect
Work it
like they do on silver.
Paramount suspense
and scripted climaxes
all paying dues
to seven of one,
a Kurosawa nightmare
on the edge of this
inflammable roll
that spins
whenever you are
on a roll,
like that.

Hell, the audience
won't give a toss
as long as penile extending guns
and a minimum amount of t&a
delects their delusion
of living the illusion
once more.

Boxed and bristling
and ready
to run smoothly down
their throats.

Yeah baby,
work it like that
with an open shirt
an an easy grin,
bidding the bidders
welcome in.
So sweet and seductive
for the moment,
but who will
and reward?
you keep coming
in unexpected places
last online
hidden folders forgotten
tracking messages unable to view

permanent grey invisible mode
your inbox is full
What do you want?
Do you want
what I have? Do you
know what I have?
Do you think you know?
Do you think? What do
you have? Do you
appreciate that you
have or just take
what you want, not
knowing what I have
or have lost? Who
are you? What have you
been told? Do you know
what I have been told?
Do you think it's the same
as what you want
or were told you have?
I know what speaks
in a broken whisper
or cries lonliness
bigger than all
your forest. I know
what I have. I hold
these secrets
in my arms, gather up
pain and rock it close
as a child, even
when my own pain
dwarfs it. I know that need,
offer nights to comfort,
and keep my silence.
Watch the changing moon.
seeded vs. unseeded

I was not the one who deemed that bunch
of red globes grapes a metahor, for this
or any other universe,but I will agree that it fits.
Take one singularly, insert with caution into mouth,
feel it's shape-
rotund, and ripe, yet firm,
about to burst into an exclamation, ney a song
with nothing more than fructose bound by sweet,
tart skin and several shades of crimson blush
applied by sun
to grace this fruit from stem, to cheek, to chin.

I have seen her belly burst into display,
a single bite
from teeth, clenched in smile anticipating
impending joy, the nectar extricated
from its captor's bulge and I watched
as she gave birth to a half-dozen stars,
in humbled form of measley slender seeds,
cast from greedy lips onto the ground.
Under fluorescent light
locked behind glass
everything looks shiny

life saving


or she dreads
not able to afford it
but still in need

The white coat opens
the display
hands me what she wants

I scrape off the gummy sticker
pay for it
give it
and walk away

What does a few bucks
buy any how?

I'm hoping good karma
is on special today.
A frozen smile,

An equal polar stare,

Posed for serious wear.

to kill
lessor beings
with ice picks;

those who dare
think they are more.
Unburden, Lover

I am your hollow,
pressed bare.

Slide the heart,
those constrictions,
your history, each factor
inside me.

I love you that much.

for J
She was a bald-headed woman
with curly hair
none on top
but lots down there
She throws me down
shows me who's boss
I save a ton
on dental floss.

(boy am I in a goofy mood)
I stare into a space
and space is forgotten
no room for my distress
cluttering up my floor
in this empty flat space
into which I stare

and when I leave this room
shall I take with me
that which I see most
in my flat lost space

my desire staring back at me
I am on the midnight poem,
slowing in thought,

it's desert rock there.
You can fry an egg
on a hot one. Though,
we're not talking about that.

I will not singe
the edge of your need. No.
Incinerate may be extreme,
but it's midnight,
and I'm a desert rock.
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of parades paroxysm and pensiveness

rom da da boom

march in crisp of winter night
to skeletons in rumba.

dance bones,
bones shake,
with fleeting sprig
of my kiss-me ache.

there is incentive for banded men,
not single figures, flawed with one less,
flanked by kinetic bundle of babes, high-strung
like snowy mittens over flame and tinder.

rom da da boom

she is at ease with the din of merry, with da boom
deep in her belly, yet joy is retreating.

with fleeting sprig
of my kiss-me want,
away with longing,
no wistful haunt.
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for god's poet

what heaven place
has ample street
for poet, for window
with tallow and wick

there is paper, bow
and box for beneath
your dogwood

gentle shakes, dear

angel jazz floats swirling
verse penned on tissue
where I fold love, all

unidentifiably soft

which heaven street,
again I ask

in time for christmas
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impaired apparitions
winter solstice
bones creaking
whitewashed floorboard shrieks
hardwood rattle
shaken hands
bequest time
or time
and time again
passes alone
A lil wait

my smart phone is dumb
it knows what I want
doesn't it

know I expect a call
just a quick jingle
your familiar voice
for a few minutes

for a few hours
I've been waiting

paying my dues
but wait....
did I pay the bill?

after he swung it around the room

backyard, frightful weather,
there is cat and uncle benny eleazar
to bury. he'll be beneath. we'll curl

tabby stray on his chest, perhaps
his mexican hairless head.
he would have loved a brindled toupee.


edited to add a title
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women's channel,
movie of the week,

what more is there to say?

your comment:
christmas always brings out some sadness
for people carrying out illicit affairs

is ratings tinsel.

baby, let's flip through.
six is showing soft-core
and I believe they're jolly.

I'll name the one behind her,
rodolfo. Isn't this merry? though,
I'm unscrewed by her frosty stare.

it must be this time of year.
fruit and crayons

an orange,
not for tasting
but for blue simper
or some expression from the box.

an orange,
personified, peeled,
now for tasting.
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had a taste
of outer space love
weightless in a hot tub
bubbling with passion
and a ration
of steamy jets
if it gets
any better than this
I'll go into orbit
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