all of a sudden passion suddenly

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marble desire

she will be graced with prosopopeia,
a name to murmur over dilwara wrists,

he chips away all that is not her,
till she is smooth like iced lakes,
a love to die upon.
why must I be this curve
along your backbone, compliant
with slavish murmur,

with sweet utterance,
indulgent breath inclined to linger
at the base of your spine?

why must there be temperament, unresisting,
that bends to touch these servile depths of me?
Thanks C and B.

and now to replace the edited into oblivion poem with this crap:

1 + 2 = 3

where 1 is popular name a,
and 2 is popular name b,
the plus is fucks
and equals results in 3 cums.

does this satisfy poetic craving?
if you become 1 or 2,
then you'll adore?

there seems to be no need for beauty
that cascades down the page
in metaphoric wonder.

yet, I will linger in those streams,
away from the puddled shores
of gimmick and god forbid,
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I'm sending kissi pennies to spain
and she wants a rock star's odor-graph
it's a macaroni evening
with santa on twelve

and out the window
red is parked in the gray
there's nowhere to be

home is noodles and measure of goldweights
and trying to be like red without the gray
but gray is nothing and it's inside me
'tis the season
for not saying
'tis the season
for sad
She wants to wear me like a suit--
my smooth cheeks and those living eyes.
I wheel her to a far window,
where she presses palm to winter glass.

It's cold outside.

Her voice is snow,
amazing as it falls,
though not lasting.

Her hand slides away
when I offer lavender polish--
pretty nails always glow her,

Perhaps Alfonse will notice.

I tell her I'll visit again and again
until it's my time to stay.
shake it like a
she says tell me how to skake it like
metal rattle ice
shake it like a seizure
you are sick
you are right

we whittle out the many ways of shaking

hammer smashed thumb
body maracas
she said metaphor
and someone else said
eith er
that one

or that one

when all the nuts settle down
kernels stuck
molars too tired to write

something makes me realize it is time
to throw away the tupperware in my brain
holding molded ideas
scrub the walls
because this just
There's nothing wrong in being consumed.
Finding naught but ashes where a flame
had burned so brightly is a moment
of mourning, no more. The flare
lit the night and had its signifying glory
in that wicked moment when only love
could burn so brightly, but ...
Who will mourn the ashes
when they nourish the sapling
born out of the fire? Let their tears fall.
want to recognize that dark on dark
falling through
illusuion or truth of depth
want to slide in and feel-
I have been here before
comforted by the pressure of ocean
holding me all in
all in those eyes
those that I do not recognize
where iris becomes pupil and no one notices
only a heavy pull into answers absorbed
density wins shoulders sink
imagine I am yours
Amante, here in one thousand points of light
jewel hued, nieve que cae, las estrellas shine
and candles dance. Lumenaria shiver bright

as frozen apples. The moon ornaments night
oro puro, querido, se calienta aquí. We entwine
Amante, here in one thousand points of light.

Our bodies, suavecito, stretch to hips. The flight,
nuestra libertad ,comienza con besos. We incline
and candles dance, lumenaria shiver bright.

I see them in your eyes. I dream you. Our night
is hush and sigh, our secrets big as sky. Recline
Amante, here in one thousand points of light,

cover me with skin, forest me, give your sight
to mouths, fingertips. ¡Escuche! Swish of pine
and candles’ dance, lumenaria shiver bright.

Seasons del amor are passing, what is right
is precious prescience. There is no decline
Amante, here in one thousand points of light
and candles’ dance. Lumenaria shiver bright.
what kind of crazed lunitic
leaves a new born babe outside in Northeast US of A
in December
wrapped or swaddled in nothing but
hard plastic guaze

arms flail and parents and angels
wise men and sheep herders just sit and watch

this pale baby freeze

savior or not
this kid needs a blanket

I am frantic
some one stop me

before I get the recieving blankets from the attic
and wrap every single one of them
in the nativities of Baltimore
Serial Sumie

he bleeds for her brush, for line
and rhythm between bruised blades,
down spine, where there's balance
in her strokes.

he was chosen for skin,
weariness and hinterland.

she wonders about his companion,
if he's still off path.
perhaps she'll return to autumn isolation
after the unveiling.
take this longing

want to wear these words
like skin, living to sing this everything
comes to me from you
water soluable and touchless
soft wash

you under spray
take this longing from my tongue
high pressure pusles this everything
let me see your beauty broken down

not only naked
but inside

let me read your everything
from the inside of my lids
sketched backwards like
live you like a mirror

and the laurel leaves crunch
dead under foot
I refuse to crush them dusted in a spice jar
with this water of everything
I dress you in leaves imagine you taste of arrugula
field greens soft springtime

let me see your beauty broken down
like you would do for the one you love
let me see your beauty broken down
let me see your beauty broken down

I wear
these words like skin
living this everything


edited to add italics words from l cohen- link to lyrics

take this longing
Swinging carelessly
legs dangling over the edge
blissfully unaware
of the dangers that await.
The pain,
the loss,
the heartache,
the death of your dreams,
your beliefs,
your spirit.

Swinging carelessly
legs dangling over the edge
blissfully unaware -
lost in the glorious stupidity of youth...
zippers walk down Loch Raven Bullevard
holding up baggy jeans
under baggy black coats
baggy white t's the eminem boys on the end

crosswalk zippers holding wool pinstripes
casual day khacki
theck blue oil stained
zips all the way up to chin
my unzip lasts
between stop and go

keeps unzipping
leaving a parade of confused
power lunch Williams and crosswalk grandpas
semester break Jacob
equal opportunity mind over matter
psychic voyeur

giggles and squirms then writes
a poem about how she undressed
every male all the way home
slid under the blanket
and right onto you-

who knew better
i never looked
down there
always eyes
licking mine
wondering of taste
wet hot

or arms
how they felt
firm, strong
pulling me against you
space pushing space

i want to look
down there
i carouse these floors
toes sweeping finish to grain
slowly sanding time
for 7 hours
5 out of 7
days a week

each pulsed warm
breath pushed past
bare skin
each chilled goose bumpy nipple
poking out, tightened ache
for touch

the radio played
to fill empty space
words, songs
relaying human
on an vacant road of one
submission extreme



there was permission
to be a butterfly

flight is in the silk, pet

he chose seamless, french cut,
a complaisant shade
for her, though
he'd forgotten these words:

pull your wings up from around your ankles
a suddenly poem from last night. I use the term "poem" lightly.

I'm alone tonight.
I should take my red car,
go to a bar, get drunk,
and screw around.

There are no kids, tonight,
but money in my pocket
and fucking panties waiting in the drawer.

I should not sit alone,
writing poetry and drinking green tea.

So, when tomorrow is here,
I will complain about loneliness
and all variations of boredom.
And all I will have to show for a night alone
is a single poem and good reputation.

Slick fiction, silica friction
turns sand to glass
that flows, molten

filling space between us.
Igneous glow
that shows
motion frozen in crystal

snow-globe moment.
Invert and shake,
let magic settle
on our hair
and upturned noses
stereogram seduction

stereogram seduction was edited and submitted. It's gone. So, I replace it with this quickie, untitled, word thing:

I walk, all weather,
with umbrella gusted inside out
to drench me in some Ivan,
and I've been layered for blizzard strolls
and stripped for baking.

Now, I've grown weary.

Today, the chill was swallowed
till I blew out its ache
and surrendered to warmth
just inside my door.

Cold is like loneliness,
sliding down my throat
to touch those not acclimated

If I could only breathe away the solitude
and warm myself in you.
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questions only have so much hang time
before they too fall unanswered
distenigrating into molecules like rain
that evaoprates before it touches hot sand
desert air dry sucks everything hoover gone meteorite race to the ground like the ocean mice foamy critters racing for the beach towels almost soaking through

we burn in atmosphere

my questions

toes under sand mirrored reflections are what I take
from your eyes
before you blow me away
Drowning in your manhood,
swallowing an ocean of pleasure,
runaway waves cascade down my lips.

You explode into my port,
before the current suddenly changes,
and you willingly slip away from my harbour.

Like a cast away I watch you drift
before you settle into a distant shore
leaving me bereft, abandoned.

I see the sun set on my ship of dreams,
as the tide chases away my bright tomorrows
and know the damage is irreparable.

Rudderless, unmanned,
I feel myself sinking into an abyss,
and become lost in lonliness.
Tread softly midst the possible
Lest you crack the moment’s shell
Spill out the effervescence
Loose the liquid of the almost attainable
Coddle closely the seed of the seemingly
unreachable fulfillment for which you have
searched lifelong
Nurture the could be, should be
until it becomes the is
are you ready to break the seal
drown in scent
submerged in overflow
plastic wrap peeled back

are you ready for consumption
once broken
the decay will begin

are you ready to feast
or would you like more time
under glass protected from mold spore
landings and the black flies that fight us for the feast

we always looked so good
pressed against the glass
tight wrapped and frozen
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