all of a sudden passion suddenly

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This space was meant to be a haven
where I could sing at the top of my lungs
and pretend no one else could hear,
a place where you could find yourself
in the melodies I sing, see your beauty reflected
if not in the tremor of my voice, then in the way
my eyes are shut tightly, head thrown back;
if not in the words, then in the feeling.
My praise is inadequate to the task, my song
barely music on its own, and I don't know
if you are even listening.

So let the world see I am a fool,
All are welcome. Let the curious look on
from a safe distance. Let the deaf
turn away. Let the righteous condemn
and the sinners grant their mercies.
Let the cruel throw their stones
and I will bleed, but I will not be silent.
A gentle hand slides
along the center line
mine encircles the middle

Together, we awe
our great wonder

It's a small miracle
for a woman who couldn't
and a man's second chance
for one who was lost
I want to sing a song
fresh from my heart
that soothes
the tensioned furrows
from Gaia's troubled brow.
Is there a voice
that can be heard
above the rabid snarls
of madness,
as tortured souls
writhe in the dark?

I fear not.

But who am I, to fear;
outside of that song
my voice is ill-equipped
to sing? To be bold
enough to withstand
inevitable critique,
that comes when a voice
rises above the insanity,
a world lost in agony
could possibly hear,
this is the song
I want to sing.
I am proud of you for throwin it down, jazz words funkin free flow just dont go

click out letters to the beat of my
head rap
where is my eminem
laying down his psychotherapy back beat poetry
sister's sister training me how to Listen
how you work through ytour shit
behind that pen and microphone
driving down route 309 saab turbo nineteen ninty two
where were you ninety two cuttin corners on the
eighth mile mama savin pennies to pay the doc
to fix you up good in the head
untucked and sweat, and I swear that was a smile
crackin through the scowl
tell me how ya gonna go on down
when your shit slate is wiped clean
two thousand nineteen you singin
louie armstrong what
a beautiful fucking world.

what if I told you
I want to be that writer that peasants can enjoy,
hoe in hand...

clay cracked fingers
half tooth double chin wife
swings her ass dangerously close to
kettle steam

persses ginger into ale

annaswirls lines
he drops the hoe
plants the row

such violence he fucks her down
cursing me for these dirtied knees
stained trousers
there is work to be done woman
curse the day you traced my way down unders with your pen
markedby the image of you
upside down and catching what falls, catching what falls
Haunted by the ghosts
Of “What if…”
And “What might have been…,”
We stumble
Through our sorrow.
Seeking solace
From each other
Wandering back roads
Of our memories,
Marked with signposts
Of our grief
And our happiness.
Muted sorrow
Offers no answers
To those questions
That we ask.
Pain and shock and grief
Put a shroud upon our soul.
Try to randomize,
when vagrancies are mine,
the light,
the three steps left behind
to keep up
with a meandering mind,
caught between a lanscape layout
and an inevitable flight.

But rest assured,
do sleep at night,
you're anchored to granite,
and will not dissolve
your location
to anyone's
or anything's

floating om magma,
you will.
For once, I feel like erotic poetry. Get yer goggles.

On my mind, today:

The frenetic pace of panting kisses
little gumdrop nipples piqued
and the way your hips move,
when I kiss you just so.

The way I can slide into you
without taking my hands off your face,
because I know every inch of you by feel,
the quiver and moan you let out
each time I lift the hair at the back of your neck
and kiss the dimple that hides there.

Slowly rocking back and forth,
I've thought of that, too,
and your no business, just sex hips, and
the small of your back, the little place
where barely there fingers make you stiffen
and scream into my shoulder.

Polite little teeth marks came to mind,
the neat rows of passion left behind,
and being behind you, lazing away the love-making,
right where we woke up, lying on our sides
with my breath in your ear and my hand
pulling on your hip because I could never
be enough inside,
dragging you closer as if the fervency of my hands
would be enough to fill you.

It's been a though provoking day.

so easily the dial turns
foot stamp and whisssper
no click for the pause
vacuum tube

such a time of celebration
stripping the wires
as heartsounds stop

no one told me
how long I had to live

but now it is time for celebration
ding dong the witch is dead

and they say
wait thought that dial was easy to turn
what are you still doing here

time to add
pop corn
poppy cock
roll over beethoven
stir up the grave
YES bones
remain in their places

push the peels
for the grind
dont forget to let the water run
keep things smooth amd moving through

cracker jack crunch I'm open!
I'm Open!

it is after hjurs
tis is free

what are you still doing here?
Hey it's brown and muddy
a whirlwind of 'smells bad'
stench rises like Linus's stink cloud

A shit storm is rolling in

and I'm there
on all fours taking up the ass
saying 'thank you'
with fucked up gratitude

Ya, stuck in this sepia funk
that soaks to the bone
slicks the skin with its greasy sheen

Don't get too close
or you'll get some on you
Here's a clue to where my writing has been doing... egad

periwinkle dandelions
tomato skies
plum clouds
a storm brewing

sipping lime hot chocolate
munching concrete lettuce
a forcast of lemon rain
this will go away
soon, my heart yearns

when you return
Detonation's set go

There it blows 1 2 3
seconds too short, fingers
on the switch

still on the switch

Bloody stump, pull back a nub.
Dumb fuck, what did you expect
playing with bombs?

Pain sparks blue; see red
It's color are violent
but it feels like heaven
Wanna get laid and fuck
the mean out of me?

You can do it on top
ride backwards

Reach high and spur those claws
make it deep, raise more
than stingin' razor welts

Ya darlin, think back
we did it before when I felt like this
in your daddy's field, you rode
the paint right off that pony

I was nice, but I'm nasty again
so go see a man about a horse
sinkuing into you confession
dark warm caves sound of canary barely holding on
it has been so long with door closed

love writer poet of truth
could you take me in
lantern in hand
direct me

scattered by dust rays shadow figures


and they will tell me
of the london hotel
cross legs blurred in bed
sharp focus typewriter and youcigarette forgotten between fingers
eyes that stare into the dark city
she woinders where are the words of the poet
I loved from far away ?

behind the eyes that stare outward as a mask
over the missed days mistakes

the words spin through churn frmo across the room


later he will write of her
listen and long for her point shoe click down london streets
and hardowood floor
some night just like this
off in new york city
while another warm body sits on the bed
watching the back of his head
wondering what he longs for
as the forgotten cigarette burns into ash
Of two minds

Two minds
tragically entwined
through fear and fate

he waits
hoping for a solution
to appear

so near he was
to completion
until incomprehensible
rage reared it's back
with claws of steel

crashing dreams
and all possibility
of realizing what
he had thought salvation

helpless but to turn
his back and flee
into oblivion
abandoning his love
for a chance to survive

a coward or practical
of two minds
he will forever remain
Hell’s waters churned,
a boiling cauldron
spewing forgotten spurned,
double witch boil
from itching fires.
A cackled twitch
the bitch sputtered,
snapped minds scream
yet I turn my back

To hell with it I say
I broke your rule
and smudged the
oiled tattoo of moralistic realm.
Release me,
it was deigned in the book
yet you dangle a noose
about my neck, teasing
sadistically, saying not yet

I sought apples in the tree
yonder, but saw chariots,
horned helmets, lances,
black horses, drawn circles,
always fire
And opened my mouth to laugh
choking on an apple blossom
reduced to her smallest terms
even straight women want to hold this thing
so condensed, whittled

boiled down into the essence of what you believe
not her name
only the glow

sex and shiver
of the sexual being that moves
beauty to its side for a clear view of its closest companion

reduced to a sliver of herself
a piece of jewlery to display
to contain in small packages easily opened
tossed aside

and suddenly she becomes the slut fucking bitch who dreams of being stopped
hand smacked
and abandoned where she might just

into something real
something that cannot be worn
packaged and passed across the table
cock crowed three times for Judas
nothing but silence on my side of the line
crossed over
and tossed aside

water stains mark my back
where you rested you glass upon my back

and that
true and means nothing
it is just there is no image

no sound
mo texture to identify my body

I watch the cock crow damn it!
but he never admits what is coming
aims his feathers into the wind gives me a gurgle of reassurance
but he only reassures himself

I am not convinced
flyguy69 said:
A necklace of thighs
and sighs
about my jaw
like knuckles in my hair...

Thighs that glide on
bristled jaw and
catch lashes in
Smiles follow hollow knees
bending bony and gone
too soon.
she tells me quiet quiet
you are not a taffy girl
stretched thin by the need to impress
to capture
so pull them close with sweet seduction of illusion

she tells me
walk it off

walk it off

make a sandwicfh
fix the drape

wait for the door pulled as always
as if one of these times it would be unlocked

wait for metal
on metal

for him to fuck nonsense from your mind
hard pounding until numb is gone
the world is in color
and three dimensions
taffy intact and not dissolved by drool

its not real
its not real
its not real

click my ruby slippers
I am going home
You are a passion...

a passion that is within me
a passion that makes me hard
a passion that swells my growing lust
a passion that makes me want you so much
a passion that arouses a need to take you hard
a passion that makes me think of delicious rough sex
a passion that breaks barriers and societies imposed taboos
a passion for you, only you, the whole you, the real and true you :rose:
Chain Poem

A necklace of thighs
and sighs
about my jaw
like knuckles in my hair...

Thighs that glide on
bristled jaw and
catch lashes in
Smiles follow hollow knees
bending bony and gone
too soon.

one-road map
guides my tongue
to a curling wood.
Skin-blind driver leans
hard into the curve
while copilot
shrieks directions.
when did the lines start
to become the samelength
stand up straight
stay in line

following the laws of physics
so easy to fall into the rhythm around
shoulders back
punctuation proper
clean shaven and perfection glow

my life is not quiet even and blurred perfection
no ones is

stand up
stay in
line even
keel beg
me down
in perfect

of what I am not
but do I want to be?

rules change ofver time original intention evolves
my feet glued in primordial ooze
stuck in the groove

I peel like a sunburn

The Laws of Physics
in bold-faced font

the wavelength


and duration of light
by stimulated
of radiation

a beam unbending
but defracting
at the edges reveals
the feathered edge
of light
not quite
as focused as it pretends.
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