all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Maybe I'm like your mother
because my thumb hurts
and I don't know what to do,
or maybe I'm like my mother,
wired at dawn though her poems
always rhymed and she only
wrote them for death anyway.

If I slip away from the moment
or you or even the world,
my passing through will move
a shadow from one room
to another. There won't be much
difference, no cigarettes there
and a few people will notice,
but most of you will still
make coffee and go to work.

Yesterday you said you
smelled spring in the air
and it's true, if I lifted my face
in the right direction,
the sky smelled a little richer
as though it were carrying
flower memories back
to the earth, as though
there might be a loosening
and the ice might be a river

Lay down.
It's too early for resolutions
or even the newspaper.
When I press my face
against your back
I remember how
I'm supposed to breathe.
My heart is missing you
as my body feels the tug
inwards of a vacuum
which remains defiant
of abhorrent nature.
Proudly, achingly
empty; eager
for my belovèd's return.

...this is probably two poems but in a way is relative. :confused: :rolleyes:


Looking for a child
Lost in a major mall
Not investigating
where he said he would be
Nor dreaming his favorite spots
Places he wanted to go to

A second can seem like an hour

Mercury chills slowly
It blands your face,
Thickens your blood
Yet your heart is racing
A racing derby going on
Inside your head,
Trucks revving loudly
Yet so signaled to any
Detail you are seeking

Yet to have one man
Knowing or willing to listen
Takes charge once in a while
Or completely
So twistedly evil,
But his laughter music
As wondrous as his
Thrilling touch

An hour will be only a second

As your blood boils
And streams your heart
Into melodious screams
Hungered moans
Growling dare
Pleading goading defiance
Or beyond knowledge
Animalistic survival
Of need.
king of the pond

stamp my passport smudged and blue
back to the future style,
the photo fades

got my travellin boots
high step hard click
dont know no gravel grovel or
purse my lips for this town
sherriff and deputeeee

thank you maam
quite kindly yes

baby you ever think to look up?
yertle is kind of the pond
and the trees
well, all he sees

look up turtle boy
soon it will all be mud
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Rippled peace

I removed dark, dismal panels
expecting to find cold frosted cement
and 2x4’s, possibly nails
poking crossed,
split wood
subdued Grey.

Instead there was muted softness
white gold,
gentle carousing spires
of rippled relaxing peace.
A sigh as feet snuggle
on footrest, eyes closed.

Also were polluted bundles
of collected and entrenched dust,
but I just smile softly, unconcerned.
...and to think I thought
I might have to paint over white
with indented scars of fake design
painted sunshine

my friend said it was automated


I am gonna kill her
letting the white robe fall to the floor
skin marred by benign removals
that no longer soaked the color of sunnshine


masked gloved suited up attendant
held the hose steady covering
pale vulnerable skin
suntan bronze

somehow knowing
it would soon be a wig
I added extra steps of nana's whitewashed staircase
to get to ten as I climbed down
counting myself inside

down to daffodil clusters
feathered hemlock
cold spring dripping into the iron boiling pot

almost there


it is pitted


you flash into my meditation
your eyebrows flutter like subliminal mind trick
that freezes me on the fourth step, pulls me to the left

down the easy path downhill smooth and shaded

with the illusion of soliditty underfoot
jump to the right I feel the tremor and

snap myself back onto the steps

taking myself down to the deeper places

love and lullaby
and promises to be kept
got the best
of me

got the beast
out you

got the bliss
in us

a cigar
a strange day
three steps into accident
and a spoonful of sex

just add water
stir with love
or artificial sweetener
and serve chilled

delightful dessert
chocolate berries on top
raw punch drunk
ammonia beneath

the blend that makes diaries burn with confusion
i am you are we were somehow a three hour exception

abstracts angel
got the best
of me
Tonight two
of your poems were here
and here his small face
inclined at my shoulder,
clear-skinned, bright-eyed,
and deep with knowing
like his mother's eyes,
but full of your mischief,
soft as your kindness.
His smile is eager
to discover any of you.

So we read.

He reads because he
is a big boy, because he
is your boy, wanting
every moment of you,
even the ones only I inhabit.

He doesn't understand
the nuances, but plows
through, remembers
the night you told him
about your chipped tooth.

He's really good.

Yes he is.

The next time you cry,
I will remind you of poems
that are tears and tears
that are love big enough
and graced with purity
beyond the life of your
words or breath.
just another silly sex poem

its quick trip thursday click pencil thin heels
down your runway

always with another breeze that blows
volume into your
hair you come prepared

slick strip sidewinder pierce
anaconda squeeze
sucking down mothers milk
and nipple pierce venom

you have me

chin up
good girl
backbend arched
grab me by the spikes
teeth rip nylon
as you push the air in my mouth
compressed vacuum sealed
and nowhere to go

drive hips down with palm
self placed panty gag
mufles moans you slide
a swallow
or sound

you have me
shaky morning

my mind wobbled a bit
breath hesitated
tears formed
love and death
with madrigal meaning
lust, life and Christ...
Where does it all fit?

silent incantations
self-esteem boost
repetitive consideration
reflexive caffeine sips
the sun’s cape glimmered
off snow flounders
peeking through my window

a sigh with so much meaning
yet meaningless slips
into sleepiness
and idle time blunders
as I creep back to bed
it’s too early to wake
weakness hasn’t enough strength

Playing God

She lifts me
to her lips,
stretches me
and folds her lipstick gift
in the palm of her hand.

My Olympian vantage
affords me god-like
but my knees are weak
before this woman
who makes of me
a god.

I breathe you in
Warm musk scent of soft heat
Faded soap, swathed skin
And moan raw deep
Need saturates mind
With no want to think
Just please, just anything
To taste
to feel
You fill me complete
As being one

My tongue traces grooves
Known to make you moan
And writhe
Or grab my hair tight
Pulling my head
A bit more frantic
Than anticipation
I love how you harden
To slide so sweet and wet
to the back of my throat,
there I tease

It is tight now, force a want
A sudden slam downwards
For a home base hit
And my neck pulses
As it stretches
Groaning rumble of appreciation
Fluttered tongue of desire
Suckling reflex
And swallow for squeezing affection
I can’t breathe like that
But god you feel so damned good.
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missin' mella

once upon a Literotica
there was a feisty critic name of mella
and dammit I miss that perky word slut

her reviews were fair, blunt force trauma
to over-pumed egos and lack of sensibility,
how I wish she'd trample her sweet ass all over
my latest poetic frump and failure

mella I miss you, mella I'd kiss you
if only I knew where the hell you were

a failed experiment, an exercise in wasted breath

Clear black Night, move slowly now
no rush for daylight's prying eyes.
My feet need time to find the ground
before the dance is over, my hands
time to clear a small space to practice
my confession. Speak, child, slowly now
so your words are clear and sharp
and cut your tongue and my ear,
though we both know what you and I will say
so will keep quiet and watch the dark
feed on itself 'til morning.

Quiet open Night, tread softly now;
the heavy-handed clock beats loud enough
my head still rings. Your cover is cold
but all we need. Listen, child, closely now
I will confide in you if you will hear me.
Take my hand, or don't, I'm asking no more
than you can give and giving less. We
expected nothing, yet find ourselves surprised.
Though time is short, stay
inside our hollow arms, our huddled form
and sleep may find us yet.
PatCarrington said:
Everyone needs protection. It’s why they
invented guns, catatonia. And religion.
Shields have all sorts of shapes and shines.
Blue-steel handled, with a home for fingers.
Far-away eyes, drooping and glazed
like smoked glass. Heavy books with inlaid
gold. Mine was oval and on a chain.

I know all about him and highways.
He carried people across rivers, even Christ.
He died at Lycia. I don’t know where that is,
or what if feels like knee-deep in raging water
with the baby of God in your arms. If I
let him dangle and brush against my heart
long enough, I’m hoping to find out.

I never wear it.
The chain is too short,
and the pendant would lay
against the hollow of my neck,
though I don't think it shame
or avoidance

not wearing a shield
that says I am
their daughter of Jerusalem.
Grandpa would say this
is who you are whether
you believe it or not, but
he would never say that
because he carried loss
so gingerly, the balancing
act of holding close
all those graves enough
to make him mute
on the subject for 40 years.

Bubbe would just smile
to know it is the one
piece of family still
close enough to hold
in my hands or maybe
she would cry because
she loved me, and it is
the one piece of family
still close enough to hold
in my hands.

I never wear it
because the chain
is too short and the pendant
needs to fit between
my breasts, know my heart
still holds them somewhere
in there.
what do you think it means?

i made a list of things we needed
to complete the renovation
of the master bathroom, it seems
that i was always making lists
which he then approved
and surreptitiously tucked away

i made a mental note to make a new list
a better list,
a list of things I could do alone
things he might not notice and
i scrawled that short list on bread crust
rye with caraway, in fact
then crumbled that list, clenched in my palm
and left a trail for later, following

the original plan, continue on
with the renovation
i would have loved to assist
but it is impossible to paint a room
when one is not allowed
to hold a brush
Dead in winter

All season long, the stars glittered
under a midnight moon

A frosted whore laid dead in winter
slept soundless
on a drift of powder blue

waiting for that spring thaw
to melt her secret places
A 4 pack a day habit of Pall Malls
for 40 years, might not have bought
an all exspenses paid vacation
to beautiful black, Cancer Gardens

still, you are on a free ride
enjoying forced ventilation,
blind and paralyzed on the left side

And now, seeing that half-grin, I'm wondering
if you are having the time of your life
I am Steam

I am the steam
that rises from her morning cup;
tendrils that brush
her cheek
with trembling tips. I am
the muted click
of spoon on china, the sweet
and the bitter
edge. I am chocolate
dissolving into her day.

I am the chill
that wraps her collar
on her throat, the breeze
that licks her earlobe. I am
the jostle of shoulders
and brick
beneath her feet.

I am the clock
on her wrist, sweeping
her future and grinding
her past in my tiny teeth.
I am the number
of steps from her shower
to her bureau drawer.

I am the red
that lifts her lashes
from her cheek, and the blue
that presses them back down.
I am rumpled cotton
that creases
from her weight.
"I come to bury Caesar not to praise him"

crash dow the curtain
into the antipathy of moderation close

I to not feel anything
but the embossed imprint of your touch


seen today
seen today
no jitter no tear

I bury youi bury youi bury you
from my heart

and this is not the typical dead poet poem with blackbirds and crowas

he is not dead she is not dead you they we are not

and you, do you know what you will write before you sit there infornt of your keyboard just like mine

i gotta tease it out
lkike strands of mozareela
indistinguisable from the ball
fibers fal the updraft into

between ear and tombstiomb
death was not on my mind when I sat here

eyes closed keep ion doin it
I do not want to read new mail back off my mainstream mind stream

rounded silver airstream
frozen boxes metal steps
mud falls through the diamonds
Lines for a Kiss

Beware, it's saccharine

The way her hair falls across
her cheek like a veil, or a soft
shadow tinged with red, reminds me
of mornings with her, dawn filtered
through curtains of half-closed eyes,
waking not with the sunlight, but
with her smile; her kiss
the perfect alarm clock.
not intended to scare or tear pages
from the directory of my brain
have you the map, long since away


never meant to request my writing
your hard on
into my script
ripped from the pages
from the directory of my body
lured to your knees
by my approaching from the same position
leaned and teamed trained eyes
look up from between


never meant to suck the passion
for my art ripped from the heart
of my (your) creativity
your sexuality feeds me

do not be afraid of the meal
pull up a chair---there

padded and plush
we serve the best bites
kibbles and shrimp
remember baby, never eat the tale
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She's stubborn
he says he doesn't
know what else
to say to clarify
these truths, and I say
it doesn't matter.
Our reality lives
in words and flesh,
not contemplated
but consumed privately,
consummated even as no one
else knows the way
of this falling that awoke
not with a blind leap
past the ledge of reason
where fingers slip to dreams
that will not be,
but built with the waking days
of trust and deed,
the sighing nights
that mouthed no one
else need know
the breadth and depth
of hearts--
how grand they are
and how small the space
we made for two.
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