all of a sudden passion suddenly

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like the edge of flame
wavers seemingly random flickers
but somewhere there are numbers
predict anything


can predict anything
even when things will become


light is too tiny for my brain

part particle part wave
wrap your neurons around that for a bout of nausea
of limitation

I want all matter waves that knock me down
or lift me up,
depending on where my feet stand
or float

just float go with the wave
bobbing dreamlike
let go

can only be knocked down when I try to stand
so fucking deep

I have never been knocked on my ass
or lifted weightless in light waves

I peel like sunburn
The flame's dance
pulls me wet
to the edge

Lean, and feel red
in my cheeks,
shine in my eyes
that holds the phantom
black at bay

In numbers
the dark is defined,
but there is no solace,
no keeled safety
satellite guide,

waves bend
on moth wings
and never leave the flame.
A necklace of thighs
and sighs
about my jaw
like knuckles in my hair...

Thighs that glide on
bristled jaw and
catch lashes in
Smiles follow hollow knees
bending bony and gone
too soon.

one-road map
guides my tongue
to a curling wood.
Skin-blind driver leans
hard into the curve
while copilot
shrieks directions.

The navigator takes charge and
valleys parch as hills scorch
in the arid heat of
that rough and tumble drive.
Gripping slick sheets of
sweating skin we take the
downhill run free
of restraint.
No brakes, no breaks just
panting, laughing joy.
A necklace of thighs
and sighs
about my jaw
like knuckles in my hair...

Thighs that glide on
bristled jaw and
catch lashes in
Smiles follow hollow knees
bending bony and gone
too soon.

one-road map
guides my tongue
to a curling wood.
Skin-blind driver leans
hard into the curve
while copilot
shrieks directions.

The navigator takes charge and
valleys parch as hills scorch
in the arid heat of
that rough and tumble drive.
Gripping slick sheets of
sweating skin we take the
downhill run free
of restraint.
No brakes, no breaks just
panting, laughing joy.

The precipice looms, railed
by frail expectations.
Careening ride tears
steel from post, splinters
resistance in a glittering shower
of eyelid sparks. Freefall,
wheeling through lush
space, she collides
with the feather-soft
cushion of a rented room.
funny i suppose,
keeping themselves off the streets
while I vow to keep just one plant alive
rootbound indeed-
still the water is on the uptake
and the wind makes her stronger

im sure she could drink up a lake
get caught after dark in a full moon blue tide,
she always was good at absorbing
when it pleased her.

She stands up to the gales
and plants her feet
come over come over
please dont be late.
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13 years and I won't
be there. She knows.
She knows everything
she needs to know,
numbers and letters,
faces. She knows
every face mine ever
was from the irritated
no you can't face
to the sleepy midnight
one that used to lay
so close to hers
when I whispered
nightmares away.

She doesn't remember
that I sat rocking her
singing three generations
of Yiddish lullabyes
grandmother to mother
to daughter to daughter
or that sometimes I
laughed at myself
singing that she could,
if she wanted,
take the A train.

13 years and it was just
us, alone almost until
her dark eyes first mirrored mine,
and we walked around
and around that room
and me like an elephant
cheerleader, telling us
both that we could do this.

It's just another day, just
another day daddy used
to say.
A necklace of thighs
and sighs
about my jaw
like knuckles in my hair...

Thighs that glide on
bristled jaw and
catch lashes in
Smiles follow hollow knees
bending bony and gone
too soon.

one-road map
guides my tongue
to a curling wood.
Skin-blind driver leans
hard into the curve
while copilot
shrieks directions.

The navigator takes charge and
valleys parch as hills scorch
in the arid heat of
that rough and tumble drive.
Gripping slick sheets of
sweating skin we take the
downhill run free
of restraint.
No brakes, no breaks just
panting, laughing joy.

The precipice looms, railed
by frail expectations.
Careening ride tears
steel from post, splinters
resistance in a glittering shower
of eyelid sparks. Freefall,
wheeling through lush
space, she collides
with the feather-soft
cushion of a rented room.

Feathers fly free of fabric
like fireworks or
falling snow.
Oblivious, the lovers lie
curled in blissful bonds
as layers of down settle
covering their love.
"There goes the damage deposit"
He sighs.
Silly disorderly
pencil scratch
hen-pecked dribble
blank lead drag
gapped vacant
white stare
8 ball to corner pocket
empty mesh socket
made to catch dredges
of time passed
past time
an eraser only
the blurred edge of
a worn page

Wasn’t it just yesterday
we pooled liquid laughter
as we baked radiation
through the sheen
of passion’s sweat
glowing eerie
within smiles after
you had me screaming
your name in conjunction
with God, oh God
so many incomprehensible
mutters of madness
agreement to anything
beyond my knowledge
of that moment
and you
too late

Yesterdays are memories
sluiced and minced
into subconscious dreams,
altered state of mind
no longer reality,
but a partial
painstaking reminder
of “us” and “we”
now “you” and “I”

Burdens become mistakes
borne by regret,
conveyed with ache
absorbing reminiscences,
confusing yesterday.
Time blurs
aged succession,
distended todays
weep swollen tears
of too late.
They spoke he said
She looked
Speak, awaken
Or walk
God spike the burgundy
With more ice
Shoot brandy
Numb my mind
Before something screams
Futile projections
Of agony

Whine…no, wine
yes more please
She said no more whining
Just drink
So it was spoken
I thought
But don’t want to think
Walk it off
Run, don’t wake
Yes arise!
It’s just another mindless dream
I want to slide in there beside you

Love-scented sheets
to caress
what's found firm
and warm between
the layers.

How I envy that linen
its freedom
to explore my lover.

Wrap me inside.
Cover me like a stallion
covers his filly
and take away the veneer
of inexperience
I wear.

Leave me sated.
Kiss-stung lips red
and swollen
from the rasp
of your morning beard
against my mouth.

I want to slide
in there beside you.

Show me oblivion.
Passion's embrace
awaits the plunge
through those layers
of love-scented
The afterimage of you
burned into my eyes
like a tattoo that fade
but doesn't disappear
okay sappy so what

he falls upon me
like snow on a crocus
melting, he moves up my roots
and colors my bloom​
kiss the baby
wave to the fray
show me the money
before you pass
though the pearly gates
too early (or too late)
to matter
but wait,

but if you play
your persona like a harp
the harpies just might
stay out of sight

until secured
behind a pantzer of denial
you sneer at the world
in manner more natural
for a small soul
in a giant's shoes
Trust like waves ebb and flow
in tides of memory, the joy
that glows kissed by belief
and tempered with sorrow's
faded flags, these graves
of yesterday sunk in my heart
are the bones of ships
that never reached safe harbor.

Trust like a wheel steered past
the wrecks of each ordeal
we navigate and still we hold
fast, nothing else to do
but ride into our future.

Children and distance,
birthdays and bereavement,
and hope burst like a balloon
only to float again on another
horizon. Look up. The moon
is shrouded tonight,
but our naked eyes are clear,
and we are undisguised.
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"Shut up and kiss me
the train's about to leave."
Were those tears in his eyes,
the light playing tricks?
His lips were never so gentle,
never so loving.
His head never so dear
in my hands.
A kiss that would have to last
a lifetime of
separation lasted but a minute
and fate pulled him away
with a short, sharp whistle
to warn me.
I stood away.
what is her
shavken through the sieve like so many sand specks
powedered jade and amber
crushed by concrete toe and Sara always said this
that half a damn aint worth its fraction

under ultraviolet you can see her neuron flick in resonates tith finger click

she says
overstuff the wrong empty
just leaves you empty and sick
least the sick masks the empty

wipes nose and

you could do this anywhere

bird feather dont need no clippity prune
let it grow
use your own beak
what happened to my legs boots and pussy I used to have

slip and peeeeek over the mid point
kleft over right
can you do it corse you can
dont need to be taught this cross do you

well you might now

kinda puts a damper on everything else
like reaching for the salt or tieing your shoe

thank god for velcro and OT that teach small brains that

and you will never have friends
learn this trick

and clicng the penny falls into the can bank and we cheer successs
certainly why not
all goes to show what
a little hard work can do
reach for that rainbow
shoot for the moon and if you miss
you know, the stars and everything

pulling yourself up by your own bootstrap
and think outside the box
and all your dreams can come true

except for you
move along
through triangle holes cut through breath stained wood
he repeats his request
tell me how you have sinned
sho me how you have sinned

move your head from between
oiled thighs glimpse of confession and tease
who is the better man
the fortunate one who feasts on gods miracles

this is how you want me
wrapped in latin and velvet robe

with prayers crying to jesus
please lead me there to the firey passion
only your father could have created

you press in further
reminding me whose face holds my fate
and I cry the names of the father
his son and this holy man who holds me hard in his grip
sucking down my holy deliverance

god and man pulling for ownership of my prayers
until the only name I know
is yours

You want to be my god
and I knee before you
knowing the moment I kiss your feet, they will walk away
girl you must have know I was in love with you
cracked open, I spilled and willed myself
to absorb your perfection

and purity
not yet tainted by the stains of this world

stretched across my wounds moving as little as posible
you might hurt something broken you pressed me
giving your warmth
the presesence of warm living flesh
and breath and admitarion

you must have known they were for you
the words of longing and lust
hiding under toadstool we shrank ourselves down
concentrated monuments of transfusion

pulling anther through the honeysuckle
dripping nectar to tongue

I was wrong to jerk back in fearof reciprocation
you must have known
how my skin exposed to those cool spirng nights cloth tornn and alone
how I longed for your warmth
how I longed to press you inside
absorb your kindness your beauty
while you soaked in my tears of departure
stains of love
overflowing you again and again

you never moved away
but kept taking it in
taking it in

you must hve know, these words were yours
you gave me voice
and base to screaam it out to the universe
you must have known I was in love with you too
nature's score

water raced quick
under indistinct ice
contusions swelling on scores
borne bloody
sequential ooze
then swirled divergent
a tinge staining rosy
cheeks where children laughed
playing hockey

diligent onlookers unaware
of the rift
until it was too late
as time echoed shocked stares
a ricochet rupture
his single scream
spurred action
beyond the goal of security
Time to toss timidity aside
Slip on certainty with conviction
Wish I could straighten this hair
It flexes with the wind in disarray
Unruly like a poised whore just laid
Head tossed and whipped
From whimpers and moans

Red lips smeared over
the edge of a wine glass
Sipped then left ¾’s full
Purposely for affect
Now whisker burnt ruby
a seared offering from friction
No longer needing touch ups

Au natural they say baby
…all the way around

Where’s my dress, the one
That flips and curls
Sliding with the breeze
Over my body, caressed
Mingled murmurs
Weighing no more than the silk scarves
Left by the bedside

A mere suggestion for him,
For her, bonding,
Blind sight,
Bilingual joy,
No words necessary
To understand this body language
Pencil-thin and feeling dry
I find myself surrounded (and no
way out) by your long shadows
a temple built of words, columns
of stanzas ceiling to floor
an expanse of sounds and rhyme
echoing off marble pedestals
ringing around this chamber
so that my feet follow its rhythms
and my neck strains to take
it all in, the sweep and sway of this sanctum
you have written. My own temple throbs
with the knowledge of the force
that pulses in this place, the vitality
that my own stick house could never
contain, the spark that would burn
my offering with disdain, the breath that makes
me think the Big Bad Wolf killed from mercy.
Her Request

Write me a poem, she said,
full of passion
and lust. Put your pen
to paper as you would
put your hand
to me, your fingers

on my slender
neck, your thumb
tight beneath. Push

that slick trail black
and blue on virgin
page and tell me
in words I can hold
in my mouth, savoring

your intents as pulp
between my teeth. Slip
what you want of me
into language that rolls
off my tongue, clings
in spittle on my lip. Write

me in latex or lace,
and pull the verse tight
about my breasts
so that I inhale sharply
as I read. Give me

words that tangle
in my hair, draw my face
down till my whispers
barely fit between me
and your poem.
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