all of a sudden passion suddenly

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Never does she ask what do I need
she'd rather
"What do you want?"
lips whisper, brushing an ear.

Busy fingers unbutton,
leaving me open
for her suggestion.

Vulnerable, there
laid out
free to take what I need.

She touches the want,
ever seducing the something
that is more than physical.
Writer's Block

I could write the expected metaphors
of impotence:
the wilted flower;
the listless hand clutching
the ink pen running dry.
But it's more like the fury of an imprisoned djinn;
the frenzied clawmarks inside Poe's coffin
the utter silence of a scream in space.
Einstein's Brain

For years after
his death, it sat
in a jar,
curved glass
a curved hole in Wichita,
slanting sunlight
long shadows
over the slow arc
of the plains.

A humble career after
the body failed, no
unified theory, just
a gap
on a shelf, then
two, and more,
the slivers of science sliced and
sent around the globe,
a mind
sometimes you just have to say
fuck the rules

put on that black kniw dress with sea shell buttons all the way down
leave them inside

I pull you down, brick pressed in the alley

city chill wind spins tornadoes around us
swirls around ankle and up
between newly shaven panty free
licked by the cold tongue of winter

until knee bends between
buttons freed by the slide of thigh
muscles contract and pull me into a involuntary arch

what do you want with me?


hands clench navy dress pants jut in cliser
while you hands grab mine,
lift me off my toes balanced on your leg

you are ttrouble girl

nuzzles through tousled hair

nip of neck

they will wonder where

fix up buttons
readjust seams

the foundation, laid
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got lost again...


Denial of the past
Creeping pain
Structural insubordination
So damned ingrained

Wasn’t it just yesterday…

Excuse me
what is your name?

gnarls of protection
grew a forest floor
of granite stained roots
verbosity filled
in-between slant glance
of desperation

there is no room
no way
no understanding
of how to change

so damned ingrained
that second breath
before the next
silent scream

I have no idea if it even makes sense :confused:
Home brewed, french-pressed is best.
It's cheating to pour from the pot
before the coffee is done.

Nothing is worse than a first cup
that is too strong with a second
a little weaker, until you are sipping
just colored water.

So wait.

It's worth every drop.

With that said, a cup joe is better
if it's shared with company.
The right people to have coffee with
is subjective, usually, but never relative.

I'd buy beers for the boys,
have a few with a rival, I'd even
buy a round for the house

But beer aside, coffee is different
you look eye to eye,
talk serious, bullshit and be real.

Don't ever serve instant
your friend will likely pass along
that you're a lazy bastard
or worse; you make shitty coffee.

So wait.

It's worth every drop.
Lost to the sensation
to revel in imagination

Back to front
is always preferred
I can't see you
and you can't see me

This is the way
it should always be

I get the emoticon with the little guy
on his back, kicking his feet
meaning, she is is amused,
over there ROTFLMAO.

Here, I'm rolling my eyes,
it's still too much information
(she forgets, I stand up to take
a piss; I don't dish!)

Boys, let me tell you,
the girl has a mind
for 'those' kind of numbers
and imagination for big pixels

So you say got one at mid-thigh
a long dong that drags along
well that's good for you,
but damn it, now I know it too

what's more, I don't want to!
So keep your cyber dicks all zipped,
she isn't a MPEG piece of ass,
just a blue ball, instant message tease.
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its not about you
no kidding

slide the index behind plastic i
and sleeve
pulled tight

seal in essence of the Y


desk throwing
wire clipping
splice and cinder

search and command
cast and reel

glowing red heat
take this softness from my eyes
rip the flowers from flannel
give me grit and shag bark hickory
planed, level
give me the grit that smooths the splinter
give me the fire that sets the clay
give me the needle that scratches the tune

make me smooth with your rough
Anti-Romance (a run on prose poem)

because you betray me everyday desiring her even as you move between my thighs, grunting lustily, i have learned to bleach away the taint of romantic love and now i see you for the imperfect, weak, corrupt man that you have become, so very different from the young boy who brought me flowers and cheap chocolates on a student's allowance; but you too must erase all expectation of the blushing bride, the virginal girl who vowed to stay by your side forever, beyond even the grave, because that antiquated notion has become a ghostly figment of the past and in its place stand i, imperfect, weak, corrupt, angered and yet impassioned, so very different from the young girl who took your flowers and cheap chocolates bought on a student's allowance.

I danced across your words
sometimes gyrating my hips
to their death dirge
but mostly surging forward
slowly with each excruciating
undulation of my big bellied laugh
tinkling, sprinkling thoughts of
lesser language, loudly
listening to each and every exhale
you put to paper
pushing your pen to slope
and stuccato until
your words danced with me
flowing, following, sometimes
sometimes just being

:rose: maria
I was hiding inside my life
when she told me about you
left me a trail of hansel and gretel
crumbs shaped more like chocolate
than crackers
she promised me poetry
and sometimes a girl can't resist such things

I stepped out of my closet
reached out for a hand to hold
some comfort on my path
my brain spilled out onto the floor
and she asked for more
so I gave it to her
thankful for the tug
in the right direction
I don't have time for poetry
not time for powertrips
while a tick and a tock and a sick sense of sand
slipping out of my hand
and a deadbeat head rush to a headline deadline
and a thousand tinket thinklets letting themleves loose
on my procrastination and I hear the steel roll in and out
to a sunnier destination
down there
at the railway station
and the cat
leaving the rest of the universe
but me
and I stare like a dumb devil dum dum dare
at a screen that screams
begging quietly for a tap on the right key
while all I do
is write
this god damn
Staring at a lone pecan
in that bare silver tin,
I now, sorely regret for letting
her eat the last piece of pie.
It's that season, she must be nesting.
Everywhere I find little tinfoil chocolates.

Few tucked in mugs instead of coffee
wrappers are bookmarks
in the car, in the sun
not melting, cuz', frankly
it's still too damn cold.

I find traces of them in bed
smeared on the sheets
melted, cuz', frankly
she's still too damn hot,
big in the middle or not.

And here I am wondering, worried rather,
what exactly is hatched from Cadbury eggs?
on my...


I said no
over the phone.
Didn’t you hear me?
I thought my intents,
reasons were clear,
as my deadpan
partitious meanings

Yet you came
heralding greatness,
some significant
endowment you
might wish
to bestow me.
That I should fall
to my knees
and fold my wings
faint flutter
then open them
only for you
three or four
times a year

I don’t think so,
I could fuck anyone
I wished
at whatever time,
dare it mean more
if we did twice
with mutual afterglow

Think about it,
I hope
I pissed you off
enough to remember

when I say no
I mean
it truly
perhaps I should say in the last verse

I hope I rippled
your swamped ego
enough to remember

when I say no
I mean
it truly
neonurotic said:
Staring at a lone pecan
in that bare silver tin,
I now, sorely regret for letting
her eat the last piece of pie.
Some would say,
she's eating for two
but I think your sacrifice
of that last slice,
says Darling, I love you.
simpler days


what means this word simple


100 words
reflect simple
quite a complex meaning

I do not recall days being simple
maybe summertime before I could drive
headphones on lying on grass carpet in bedroom
or meadow

just listening

just listening

and worrying about the day
my mother would join her mother
and I would not have either one of them

worrying about the day I would have to decide,
to lose an arm or a leg to torturers--
worrying about kisses and sex

worrying why she did not want to be a friend
and why his parents did not live together anymore
and what about that girl who

would I ever become a poet
what would I become


was it simpler, those days before the diagnosos?
thinking all was well, perfect
feeling the pressure

that rockwellian family
my mother always claimed we had?

after, life became simple
as there was
only to worry about
to drive into

was ist spimpler in Pop-pops day
simple hard work
simple living
simply coming in from the fields
another sibling
water in the well?
5 lost children in one summer

was that simpler?

"could it be it was all so simple then, or has time re-written every line
if we had a chance to do it all again, tell me would we, could we?"

simpler days

compared to today?

there are none
life was not meant to be easy

give me a simple day
or a simple hour
sleeping late sunday morning
half asleep cool spring breeze
blowing over face
the rest tucked under warm blankets

a simple hour

all I ask for
just one simple hour

then tie me back onto the ride
arms high shrieking with excitement
until fireplace and thick socks
simple hour
christmas day
alone in the livingroom

Main Entry: simple
Part of Speech: adjective 1
Definition: clear
Synonyms: child's play, clean, easy, easy, effortless, elementary, facile, incomplex, intelligible, light, lucid, manageable, mild, no problem, no sweat, not difficult, picnic, plain, quiet, royal, self-explanatory, smooth, snap, straightforward, transparent, turkey shoot, uncomplicated, understandable, uninvolved, unmistakable, untroublesome, vanilla, walkover
Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.1.1)
Copyright © 2005 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Main Entry: simple
Part of Speech: adjective 2
Definition: uncluttered
Synonyms: absolute, austere, classic, clean, discreet, elementary, folksy, homely, homey, humble, inelaborate, lowly, mere, modest, natural, not complex, plain, pure, rustic, sheer, single, unadorned, unadulterated, unaffected, unalloyed, unblended, uncombined, uncomplicated, uncompounded, undecorated, unelaborate, unembellished, unfussy, unmitigated, unmixed, unornamented, unostentatious, unpretentious, unqualified, vanilla
Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.1.1)
Copyright © 2005 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Main Entry: simple
Part of Speech: adjective 3
Definition: childlike
Synonyms: amateur, artless, bald, basic, childish, direct, frank, green, guileless, honest, ingenuous, innocent, naive, naked, natural, plain, sincere, square, stark, trusting, unaffected, unartificial, undeniable, unexperienced, unpretentious, unschooled, unsophisticated, unstudied, unvarnished
Source: Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.1.1)
Copyright © 2005 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved.

Main Entry: simple
Part of Speech: adjective 4
Definition: feeble-minded
Synonyms: amateur, asinine, backward, blockheaded, brainless, credulous, dense, dim-witted, dopey, dull, dumb, fatuous, feeble, foolish, green, gullible, half-witted, idiotic, ignorant, illiterate, imbecile, inane, inexperienced, inexpert, insensate, mindless, moronic, nitwitted, obtuse, retarded, senseless, shallow, silly, simple-minded, slow, soft, stupid, thick, uneducated, unintelligent, witless

New experiences
fear and desire mingle
as the past is swept aside
replaced by an unknown future
filled with passion
and lack of control

i fight them,
fight myself
as i drown in desire
and their intoxicating taste

fantasies long forgotten
return with a vengance
and try to steal my sanity
as the taste of ecstasy
lingers on in dreams
All of you
in the tight circle
of familiarity, all of you
are woven like cloth
that I used to wrinkle
until you ironed me
out of the equation:
the birthday parties,
and Sunday dinners.

You made me mad
as Mr. Rochester's wife,
hidden from any display
of your public approval,
but safe enough if a secret
in the attic of your morality
with its painted window
nailed shut.

Here is where it snows,
and days pass caught
between faltering arms
of hope and the restless
desperation of escape,
which is never a possibility
when you carry ghosts
everywhere you go.

Past and present
polarities spin and weave
at once, the New Year's Eve
we dressed in gowns
and tuxedos, promising
illusions of forever,
which is never a possibility,
and the snow that falls
and freezes and melts
that I watch
from one window.
On the higher Mountain.

Wild Rosemary and low bush Thisles
Scraping your bare legs,
Primitive again
Calves and feet catching
Every boulder
On that free ride
Across switchbacks
And gravelfields, with

Plenty of wind to spare-
Reading sundials
Ancient again-
Eternal youth
Mopped down on its own time.

Your shadow out front,
You made it over
Now your back straight,
Bodyless, while

The mountain is empty
Until you climb across it-

Tendril Fir and Sequioa
Far below
In the restful dark.

for Smithpeter.


All of us coming
We were half asleep
and close to dreaming
But we heard the tires
Roll in on the driveway

And perhaps the stealth
was what alerted us
and made our eyes fly open
for who would be creeping in

that late at night?
There was a muffled sound
a car door closing
and then one two one two
tiptoed steps towards

towards what?
the house? the silent house
all dark within?

We lay breathing heavily
thinking of the baseball bat
in the downstairs closet
or a golf club in the hall

the persistent jiggle of the doorknob
made us both bolt upright in bed

no key then...who was it?

There was a squeak and the sound
of metal on glass, scratching
high pitched, insistent
a precision tool cutting through?

oh my heart was in my mouth
pounding out messages of warning
i grabbed the phone to call

but it was dead
and the lights were out
click click click
frantic disbelief

Then a low voice
muffled by the door
on the first floor
cursing, unmistakeable profanity

footsteps running and tires
screeching on the damp asphalt
a hasty embarrassed exit

wrong house...
kind of vague tonight, not sure where I am right now and been here a while, so just going to post this.

I had a center once
That glowed
Of being one
With serenity
While I was in denial

So would it be possible
To find this peace
And joy
This ethereal fearie
Glowed in star’s reflection
Raindrops of minute
galaxies falling
Whispering against
each unsuspected cheek
smiles and wonder,
hearts radiating painfully

I read now and then
How some are so afraid
To feel love again
To trust
To accept
It was the word 'again'
Which made me stop
And question
If they have had love
Known it and yet still
Find it hard to step
And share this again

Then what chance have i
That I have never felt this
To understand
And accept what it really is

Yes I seek this core
To be at peace with myself
And radiate love,
Understanding, share smiles
Ease agonized hearts
To just be love
It was beautiful once
playschool paint
butcher's paper
and still
I create magic dragons
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