Amazonian Roll Call

Tzara said:
Just about. Barefoot I am about an inch taller than you. If I stand really really straight.

My boobs haven't grown a size (thank God), but then I've never had kids. We shan't talk about my shoe size.

Aww, don't be so modest. Shoe size, hmmmm - Mayhap that should be the next question ;) :)

Me, I'm 5'4 ... heels, depending on which I'm wearing of course. As for my boobs, let's just say, I need a reduction, grrrrrr ~~~ (that would be, after the kids of course, the boobs that is, lol ;) )

:rose: :kiss:
I'm 1,76m - 5'8" - barefoot, and don't have any particular feeling about my height. Depends on the people standing around me, I guess.
Before I broke my back... 5'10"
after I broke my back... 5'9"
my feet breasts hips...spread...LOLOL
I am 5'11 to 6 '1 depending on the heels I wear...
the so is 5'10 so I always am taller than him unless we are laying down LOL....
I would love to have a GIANT to make me feel petite and fem...
I am the Amazon/Valkyrie of my family... including extendeds....of the female variety :)the shortest is 4'11 but she definitely carries herself at 6 and half feet tall.... hehehehehe

I can reach but I don't wanna... LOL
RhymeFairy said:
As for my boobs, let's just say, I need a reduction, grrrrrr ~~~ (that would be, after the kids of course, the boobs that is, lol ;) )

:rose: :kiss:
Are you tilting forward?
Jeanx2storm said:
Thanks WickedEve. Like you, I'm often called on to help reach those items high on the store shelves. Aren't we friendly giants!
You are not a giant. You're 5'6 1/2. That's average. Unless your live in Oz. :catgrin:
vampiredust said:
no, just my shoulders

i have quite broad shoulders

You have shoulders like a broad?
Must be tough to buy a suit off the rack

I'm 5'6...I used to say 5'7 when I was a teen because that's how tall Bruce Lee was.

I don't understand that either

I was always the second to last kid picked for games in the schoolyard because of my height..the last kid was about 4'7 and stayed that tall for life.

So I figure I'm better off than him at least.

I think Eve would be worth the climb
Sara Crewe said:
It's also the reason why I almost always wear heels to work. I refuse to be the shortest person in a class of teenagers. :cool:

I bet there's a lot of pencil dropping in that class.........
WickedEve said:
Are you tilting forward?

My aunt had to have that reduction surgery cause she was tilting forward and wrecking her back. She isn't otherwise heavy either--just chesty.
Sara Crewe said:
We are. I am really a Japanese Sumo wrestler.

Hajemimashite Crewesan
Yaru ka??

a sumo in heels...
there must be a fetish page for that some where
Angeline said:
My aunt had to have that reduction surgery cause she was tilting forward and wrecking her back. She isn't otherwise heavy either--just chesty.
I just saw my kids' cheerleading coach in the store. She had a breast reduction. She went from a triple G down to a D. She still has a slipped disk in her neck from the weight of the G cups.
Tathagata said:
Hajemimashite Crewesan
Yaru ka??

a sumo in heels...
there must be a fetish page for that some where


Tathagata said:
" Come Back Little Sherpa"?

The fact you know what a sherpa is excites me no end
My first introduction to the sherpa people was years ago on an episode of The Simpsons.
A female sherpa is a sherpani. Would you like a taste of sherpani?
WickedEve said:
My first introduction to the sherpa people was years ago on an episode of The Simpsons.
A female sherpa is a sherpani. Would you like a taste of sherpani?

I love educational TV

can one slurp sherpani?
can one say slurp sherpani?

there's a poem there some where
Tathagata said:
I love educational TV

can one slurp sherpani?
can one say slurp sherpani?

there's a poem there some where
I'm kind of excited now. Not sure if it's the sherpa or Homer.
You write the poem. :)
Tathagata said:
I love educational TV

can one slurp sherpani?
can one say slurp sherpani?

there's a poem there some where

I think Dr. Seuss already wrote this one. :cool:
Tathagata said:
Hajemimashite Crewesan
Yaru ka??

a sumo in heels...
there must be a fetish page for that some where

I am just weird enough to like being called Crewesan. You may continue. ;)
I lost mine breast feeding. After my second I lost a cup size. This time I think their getting bigger. Last few weeks my hubby has been teasing me about my areolas. He says their big as pancakes. They aren't really. Maybe those cute little pancakes. Not the full size ones