
Lauren Hynde said:
It's been my lifelong ambition!

Shit! I said the A-word.
Stop using the goddamned A-word! Don't you know this place has fucking rules about language?
Lauren Hynde said:
It's been my lifelong ambition!

Shit! I said the A-word.

hmm.. maybe I can do them in a nice beadwork but I am not so ambitious and would probably just do

TheRainMan said:
i said you are a hypocrite for telling HotKittySpank that you kill people with kindness, even quoting your mother, thereby sanctifying it, only seconds after you tore a person down in the same post – you do one thing, and claim you live by the opposite.

that is the definition of hypocrisy.

biggrin... I was being nice

and all the Snail did was point out another hypocritical moment of yours, suggesting you practice what you preach ( Ambition without knowledge is like a boat in the desert), and acquire a bit of knowledge, about poetry it can be assumed..

you know what amazes me, this statement. Some one with KNOWLEDGE, would know better <grin

neither anna nor i ever slander you. we just call you to task when you show your hypocrisy.

I think you need a better example but settled on this one <grin'

nor does 1201/anonamouse/Snail slander you. it just bothers him when you flaunt mediocrity like a medal.

lots of things bother the snail... especially, any one who does not embrace his crap.

thank you Pat, for being yourself (~_~) <grinin... I will take being hypocritical over being deceitful any day.

You know, I was just saying the other day...

"It's been a long time since the pompous poets verbally battered any one, it's coming,"

annaswirls said:
I am not sure why you were concerned about my wherabouts, I will not make any presumptions. Maybe you were looking to ask me how I like this Texas heat.

Well well well, neighbor MET: I sometimes try to imagine you as some character from a satire, like South Park, so over the top that your flaws are magnified to the point of absurdity, and it is humorous. I mean, how could you really be for real? If you were a superhero, I think you would be Contradiction Man! :)

I too think we can all learn from each other. In fact, I learn from you in the philosophy of "what NOT to do" You give such good examples!

ps is the false accusation of slander, slander?
pps I think in order for something to be slander, it has to be false? For example, it would not be slander to call a rock a rock, would it?



Howdy neighbor!
any time the PPC verbally assaults any one, you have to throw in some slaps of your own <grin like rain after the dark clouds... Your like the caboose on a train. I knew you would cum... for this! <bigrin
My Erotic Trail said:
Howdy neighbor!
any time the PPC verbally assaults any one, you have to throw in some slaps of your own
...or not. I vote for not.

My Erotic Trail said:
(~_~) bows humble

Agreeing with Liar is almost always the best course of action. - min

zero plus one...whos the plus...whos the zero...same ole story of non nesting....
cherries_on_snow said:
To be fair, though I have benefitted much from MNS's criticism, I would think his sarcasm probably does turn some people off whether or not anyone else politics against him, and honestly, it doesn't seem that he cares. I also don't think that Art has been the only person in his sights (well a quick read of his poem in the poetry circle shows that, I'd say). It took me awhile to realize that MNS was trying to do something good here, because I was put off by tone.

I welcome what MNS has to say to me perhaps because he doesn't seem angry at me when he says it. Well, so far. :) In fact, his criticism was something he really put thought and effort into. He made me think a bit about reader experience approaching my poems. I really appreciate that. I'd count myself lucky if he criticized my work and have actively sought his feedback because he wants poets to work hard and get better.

MNS is very smart and passionate about his vision of what this site should be (a vision I think I agree with from what I can figure: a place where honest criticism is fairly given and received and where people grow their talents). He was also 'big' enough to congratulate Art on a well written poem awhile back, despite their differences, (as was Rainman).

Bless you, Rainman, for the beautiful poems you write and honest criticism you give. And Art, I've always appreciated how kind you are to new writers, reading and commenting on everything. Maybe there is room in this world for more than one approach? I'll cross my fingers for that.

a sane voice in an insane world ~

Love this Cherries. Very well thought out and honest. I hate controversy and someone is always slingin' a lil muck around here. Think it keeps their writers juices flowing or something, lol. :devil:

one last thought ... please, don't eat the daisies

peace to all ... :rose:
My Erotic Trail said:
I like that <grin... ambition...

Don't fret... the disgruntled 1201-snail-anon and other names (his alias's)
his ambition is to get under other's skin.
I like the saying that 'others can not drive you crazy unless you give them the keys.' I won't give them to him (again) <grin...

jealous bones may riddle his ambitions (~_~) like my mother always says, 'kill'em with kindness for even a dog has the right to bark'
What are you saying? Oh, poster boy of "ambition without knowledge?" Anyone that has been here for any length of time knows that you fit that description more than any one else, ever. And you have the gall to get up on a soapbox. Anyone that show's up with any knowledge, your "pompuss" crowd shouts down. Do you not see? :rolleyes:

Discounting "H's which can be subject to serious number fuckery. Let's look at "E"'s
If you subscibe to the therory of "if enough monkeys with enough typewriters..." the possibility exists that anyone can get an "E".
I have one. Although with a lot less tries. :rolleyes: Are you saying that I am also twelveoone
who has three, that would give me a total of four. Again with a lot less tries. It does lot like some of his are missing. That would make me a genius, which I may be, but I can't claim his.
I knew 1201, I am no 1201. But he told me that is one of your tactics to claim someone is someone else, it is a tactic of depersonalization and demonization typical of those with two value systems. It is also a tactic of diversion to take the focus off of attension you find unpleasant. Like the fact that you are the POSTER BOY of ambition without knowledge.
It's a disease, maybe they will find a cure, maybe there is a twelve set program, maybe we can start a fund :rolleyes:
Or maybe you can just get the fuck off of your soapboxes, shut the fuck up and listen to those that maybe have more knowledge. Should be at least half of the people here. Maybe more :D
Jealous? <snicker

I just noticed the top list looks a lot more normal than it did in April.
< :nana:
HotKittySpank said:
oh dear, oh dear...

i feel as though i should never had said a thing... i hate this.
i want to learn, not be barked at or made to feel ashamed.
(for future reference, if you wish to criticize 'me' please do so with the understanding that i will run and hide if you are mean. think constructive not destructive.)

oh - i am so sorry everyone - yesterday i was riding high soaking up sun in the breezeway - speaking just to speak.

shit, and i'm sorry also to this Snail person (?) - if i offended you - truely sorry - you have every right to speak as you wish.

make nice now.
None taken.
Enjoy, learn, good luck, don't listen to shit. :rose:
Like the act that "I'm a poor bumpkin and everyone is jealous" crap.

Feel free to share your knowledge, tell tale trail, I have a poem up in PDC pick it apart. I take criticism pretty well. Or you can refute what I said about yours.
you still have a sore toe??? <grinin'

MyNecroticSnail said:
I just noticed the top list looks a lot more normal than it did in April.
< :nana:

I assume that you look at the top list alot! And your politics was to make it more to your liking. You (and all your names) should be so very proud. (~_~)

I don't know what's wrong with you or what world you live in, but perhaps you should take your meds, old timer. I feel fairly confident that (as you say) 'half the people here' couldn't do half of what I can do. I may not write as well as half the people here (~_~) bows humble, what does that have to do with enjoying poetry at what ever stage a person is @ in their learning process of literature. Some one doesn't write as well as you would like, and they get these bombardments of 'verbal assaults' of your absurdities. Or a comment on their poem that their poem is crap, pathetic, etc!

All I have ever preached (what soap box?) here is that we should be more encouraging and more inspirational in our feedback to one another, (polite criticism, not use the list of poems so that you can unload your un-happiness, or play superior poet to others. I assume it is a character trait that is acquired over a long period of time and can not be turned off like a light switch just as some one can not learn poetry/ literature over night. And not to pick on the new poets who are just stretching their writing wings. (some of you are doing better in that area, thank you) But Snail/1201/anon? it is like your in a sewer and try to talk others into going their with you. Good luck on your quest. (~_~)
<--- Has anyone noticed that I'm now a cat?

Just wanted to point that out during the intermission.
WickedEve said:
<--- Has anyone noticed that I'm now a cat?

Just wanted to point that out during the intermission.
I suppose I could make some suggestive remark about "pretty kitty" or something, but I won't. My first impression was that it's a picture of a cat who has been stapled to the side of a house, but I assume that's just my faulty depth perception in action.
Tzara said:
I suppose I could make some suggestive remark about "pretty kitty" or something, but I won't. My first impression was that it's a picture of a cat who has been stapled to the side of a house, but I assume that's just my faulty depth perception in action.
Fluffybell is lounging on the front porch stairs.

I think I'm entering that "cat lady" period of my life. I'm taking pictures of my cat and calling him my little man.
Lauren Hynde said:
Be wary of those teenage "rat boys". I read they're the natural enemies of "cat ladies".

"the natural enemies of cat ladies"
I'm taking that. You know I have to write a poem about it. I have to. Damn.
Tzara said:
. . . My first impression was that it's a picture of a cat who has been stapled to the side of a house . . .

i'm with Tzara. only instead of staples, i figured tenpenny nails.

. . . you're torturing Fluffybell, aren't you, Eve. :cool:
TheRainMan said:
i'm with Tzara. only instead of staples, i figured tenpenny nails.

. . . you're torturing Fluffybell, aren't you, Eve. :cool:
I treat that cat like a god. I have to. Two old cat ladies in the neighborhood have a fancy for him. That one witch keeps feeding him salmon and fluffy's loyalties are greatly challenged.
WickedEve said:
I treat that cat like a god. I have to. Two old cat ladies in the neighborhood have a fancy for him. That one witch keeps feeding him salmon and fluffy's loyalties are greatly challenged.

he looks like they've been slipping him cheesecake and milk shakes too.

can he still walk, or do you need to get him a motorized wagon?
TheRainMan said:
he looks like they've been slipping him cheesecake and milk shakes too.

can he still walk, or do you need to get him a motorized wagon?
He's not fat. The camera added 20 pounds.