
Decayed Angel said:

lacking that we tiptoe
on iambic feet
emotional motion
un and then stressed
dressed and then un
and she says it, "I
am bitch on heels"
wear it well, but where
with bottled blue pills
that fuels pernicious
ambition - desire will kill

desire shall kill ...

emotions emanated
tried and tried again, only
to fail. tired, so tired
of this desire I have
which burns white hot and deep
scouring every septic second
of silly nonsequential sensation.
only it means the world, to me.
RhymeFairy said:
This one reaches deep. What a way to go eh ~


I thought of it the other night but I have to think that it has been said before ... somewhere or similar. Obviously I am still working on the Ambition essay. <grin (~_~)
RhymeFairy said:
desire shall kill ...

emotions emanated
tried and tried again, only
to fail. tired, so tired
of this desire I have
which burns white hot and deep
scouring every septic second
of silly nonsequential sensation.
only it means the world, to me.

and hence sublime
the fairy's rhyme
a fire eater tastes
attrition, not ambition
until the blue, blue flavor
swallowed a moment
and a moment more
to share sensation
and then her elation
ambiton may not allways have a pin point destination, such as a man may want to go around the world, that does not mean that they have seen the whole world, for the world is round and in order for an ambitious soul to want to see the world then perhaps they should go to the moon. And if their ambition is to be one of the wealthiest on the planet then I suggest they get a contract with the one whom wants to go to the moon.
Decayed Angel said:
and hence sublime
the fairy's rhyme
a fire eater tastes
attrition, not ambition
until the blue, blue flavor
swallowed a moment
and a moment more
to share sensation
and then her elation

her eager elation short lived
for sometimes reality is stronger
than dreams. ambition sustained
like a slow acid bath
regurgitated without permission,
burped and set free ...
What's that lyric? ''It's no secret that ambition bites the nails of success..''

Good ol u2
L_homme said:
What's that lyric? ''It's no secret that ambition bites the nails of success..''

Good ol u2
Ah, quite appropriate.

It's no secret that a conscience can sometimes be a pest
It's no secret that ambition bites the nails of success
Every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief
All kill their inspiration and sing about their grief

Art, I'm at a loss with this obsession of yours over ambition. Ambition: the desire to improve oneself. The end.
Lauren Hynde said:
Ah, quite appropriate.

It's no secret that a conscience can sometimes be a pest
It's no secret that ambition bites the nails of success
Every artist is a cannibal, every poet is a thief
All kill their inspiration and sing about their grief

Art, I'm at a loss with this obsession of yours over ambition. Ambition: the desire to improve oneself. The end.

I had the privilege to partake in some of the SHSU (Martial Arts) activities this summer. A good friend of mine, 'Shawn' is a member of the WTSD association (World Tang Soo Do Federation) He asked if I could write an article/essay to promote their class and help lure more students to join.

I chose 'Ambition' because so many come into the Dojo wanting to be like Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris and after a few classes their desires change, their ambition changes as well, to pursue a black belt and develop their own characters, instilling self-defense and growing in self-confidence. The Ambition is still there but I often watch it change for the better. Eventually the pursuit for a black belt changes into a goal to simply better ones self, which was their 'ambition' in the first place.

I was hoping, by starting this thread to receive some great lines about 'ambition' and 'GOALS' that I could use for this article. School has started and it is about time to finish the article and submit it to the University paper. I appreciate any and all input into this topic. Perhaps by expressing what I am writing about, maybe some one has a good line or two I can use, or inspire a thought that may guide me to finish this write. <bigrin

thank you Art~
My Erotic Trail said:
I had the privilege to partake in some of the SHSU (Martial Arts) activities this summer. A good friend of mine, 'Shawn' is a member of the WTSD association (World Tang Soo Do Federation) He asked if I could write an article/essay to promote their class and help lure more students to join.

I chose 'Ambition' because so many come into the Dojo wanting to be like Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris and after a few classes their desires change, their ambition changes as well, to pursue a black belt and develop their own characters, instilling self-defense and growing in self-confidence. The Ambition is still there but I often watch it change for the better. Eventually the pursuit for a black belt changes into a goal to simply better ones self, which was their 'ambition' in the first place.

I was hoping, by starting this thread to receive some great lines about 'ambition' and 'GOALS' that I could use for this article. School has started and it is about time to finish the article and submit it to the University paper. I appreciate any and all input into this topic. Perhaps by expressing what I am writing about, maybe some one has a good line or two I can use, or inspire a thought that may guide me to finish this write. <bigrin

thank you Art~

I think your error is to think of ambition as a negative. Ambition doesn't change for the better, because it is always a positive force, it's what drives you forward out of apathy. What often changes is the awareness of how to better one self, of what is important.
Lauren Hynde said:
Art, I'm at a loss with this obsession of yours over ambition. Ambition: the desire to improve oneself. The end.
Or, the greed for success.

Bit of double edged connotations to the word.
Lauren Hynde said:
I think your error is to think of ambition as a negative. Ambition doesn't change for the better, because it is always a positive force, it's what drives you forward out of apathy. What often changes is the awareness of how to better one self, of what is important.

I never thought of ambition as a negative. But more as a catalyst into something that will change one for the better. Point is one starts with a destination in mind and yet it seems to have a constant change... for the better! I wasn't exactly sure that ambition was the word I needed to build on which is why I started the thread as a catcher of ideas. Like a web, <grin thanks (~_~) Art~
RhymeFairy said:
her eager elation short lived
for sometimes reality is stronger
than dreams. ambition sustained
like a slow acid bath
regurgitated without permission,
burped and set free ...

it was not until she belched
in iambic pentameter
that I truly learned
to appreciate her ambition
and I can only revel
in her Budweiser sonnet
while I sip my Kirin
burping sushi and haiku
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Decayed Angel said:
it was not until she belched
in iambic pentameter
that I truly learned
to appreciate her ambition
and I can only revel
in her Budweiser sonnet
while I sip my Kiren
burping sushi and haiku

still motion memories
meditating within the minds eye.
while I play with words and watch
as wisdom, passes by ...


was not a Budweiser moment,
more like a MeNoWiser moment, lol ~ :rolleyes:

Thank You for making me think it out and give it another go. That is true ambition ...

RhymeFairy said:
was not a Budweiser moment,
more like a MeNoWiser moment, lol ~ :rolleyes:


You know, my Grandmother always used to say,

"Beer will make you smarter --
It made Budweiser."
A fire in the belly doesn't light itself. Does the spark of ambition lie in genes, family, culture--or even in your own hands?
My Erotic Trail said:
A fire in the belly doesn't light itself. Does the spark of ambition lie in genes, family, culture--or even in your own hands?
Last time I had a fire in the belly, a week ago tomorrow, the spark laid in the francesinha hot sauce. I was shitting blood the following day (forgive the TMI moment), but it was worth it!
Lauren Hynde said:
Last time I had a fire in the belly, a week ago tomorrow, the spark laid in the francesinha hot sauce. I was shitting blood the following day (forgive the TMI moment), but it was worth it!

Hope everything came out alright <grin
I had read somewhere that you were not feeling well...
I hope you get well soon and are able to ingest francesinha hot sauce as much as you like <grin

this reminds me of that ole' Texas proverb...

Life is like a bowl of jalapeño peppers...
what you do today, may bite you in the ass tomorrow (~_*)

wishing you a speedy recovery!!
My Erotic Trail said:
you still have a sore toe??? <grinin'

I assume that you look at the top list alot! And your politics was to make it more to your liking. You (and all your names) should be so very proud. (~_~)

I don't know what's wrong with you or what world you live in, but perhaps you should take your meds, old timer. I feel fairly confident that (as you say) 'half the people here' couldn't do half of what I can do. I may not write as well as half the people here (~_~) bows humble, what does that have to do with enjoying poetry at what ever stage a person is @ in their learning process of literature. Some one doesn't write as well as you would like, and they get these bombardments of 'verbal assaults' of your absurdities. Or a comment on their poem that their poem is crap, pathetic, etc!

All I have ever preached (what soap box?) here is that we should be more encouraging and more inspirational in our feedback to one another, (polite criticism, not use the list of poems so that you can unload your un-happiness, or play superior poet to others. I assume it is a character trait that is acquired over a long period of time and can not be turned off like a light switch just as some one can not learn poetry/ literature over night. And not to pick on the new poets who are just stretching their writing wings. (some of you are doing better in that area, thank you) But Snail/1201/anon? it is like your in a sewer and try to talk others into going their with you. Good luck on your quest. (~_~)

Just a few words on the top list, tell-tale. Back in March, April, I did take a look, I was asked because it was starting to look very strange. It looked the "enemies" of your crowd had disappeared to be replaced by a certain other crowd. I don't know who took it upon themselves to "encourage" shall I say a certain select group of second tier poets. Along the way I did some relational mapping I cannot accuse you, because I don't have all the facts. Unlike your history It does look like some sort of horse trading was going on and a load of horse shit left. Angeline, jd4george, ishthat. etc pushed off, to be replaced by four or five of yours and people that can be indentfied with you. Follow the trail.This is not the way an organic process of change works. A writer writes something that real people like and real people vote for and SOME older ones are displaced. Your simplistic thread indicates to me you had some knowledge of it, well lets just say THAT smelled like a sewer.
All I am saying is everyone of your threads is a soapbox has a political agenda behind it and has a tendency to incorporate your slanders.
You and your crowd has called me among other things:
asshole - I can live with that, if I have to become one to beat a bunch of them, I will do that.
Nazi - this begins to get interesting, doesn't it?
coward - now asshole, what is the ratinonal for that? Even if I don't believe that you have the support that you pretend you have, it is still one against, I don't know, eight maybe nine.
To pretend here that you haven't engaged in a vicious game of politics of word twisting, denigration and retalition against your world view of you presenting yourself as a "humble teacher" is absurd. Defender against "verbal assults" <Bullshit! How many did you leave. One of your dipshit Ack-O-Lites wanted to get me banned for leaving a string of lame ass comments and Fives. <Duh!
Here is the deal, anytime you get on a soapbox, I will come along and kick your word-twisting ass off. If you want to start your own religon, do it elsewhere. This should be a place for learning about poetry, not for your form of self-aggrandizement, because, really, they would have to know next to nothing for YOU to teach them. Your crowd has consistently shown a lack of interest in learning anything except gaming the system.

As for twelveoone, it would be interesting to see what he has to say about slander/libel. Email him.

Almost forgot :D
Have a nice day! Fakir.
I am writing about ambition today in part because of the whole gaming the system thing (which I'm over, really) but also because of another online place where I hang out that got hacked, allowing the hacker access to real names, credit card information, etc. This was done, presumably, to get back at people the hacker didn't like within that universe. (Thank heavens Lit doesn't have such issues.) Anyway:


Though the little leaguers
had been enrolled for the general health
of running in sunny fields and all the lessons
that can be caught in mitts,
the coach was a bat man.

He bullied the players he didn't like off the team
the ones who wouldn't play with vengance.
He stole strategems and cleats and taught
the boys to slide into shins when possible
and pitch at 10-year-old heads.

The little Tygers chanted "We are the champions, the first
place champions" and jeered
at the defeated children in bandages.
The coach was proud of his winners
who had learned well and would leave
a wake of wounded behind for the rest of their lives.
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cherries_on_snow said:
I am writing about ambition today in part because of the whole gaming the system thing (which I'm over, really) but also because of another online place where I hang out that got hacked, allowing the hacker access to real names, credit card information, etc. This was done, presumably, to get back at people the hacker didn't like within that universe. (Thank heavens Lit doesn't have such issues.) Anyway:


Though the little leaguers
had been enrolled for the general health
of running in sunny fields and all the lessons
that can be caught in mitts,
the coach was a bat man.

He bullied the players he didn't like off the team
the ones who wouldn't play with vengance.
He stole strategems and cleats and taught
the boys to slide into shins when possible
and pitch at 10-year-old heads.

The little Tygers chanted "We are the champions, the first
place champions" and jeered
at the defeated children in bandages.
The coach was proud of his winners
who had learned well and would leave
a wake of wounded behind for the rest of their lives.

this is very good, as well as a topic that should be addressed in more ways than one. <super-bigrin Thanks cherries for the reminder....

...before I opened Inner Spirit Martial Arts, I had always put my son and wife (templeminded) in karate where-ever we were living. When Temple's grandmother died we moved back to her home town to be closer to her family (actually, we moved so that she could spend the last remainder of her grandmother's days, near her.)

I put my son in the only martial art's class available. The man was 'Gung-o' to kill and mame. Violent force was taught rather than self-defense and instilling harmony with-in a harsh universe, his tactics were to defeat violence with violence. When my son came home mamed from a lesson, I can only relay that he got more than an ear full <grin However... the turn of events lead to my opening a martial arts school that quickly recieved numerous students that had dropped out of his class from fear and injuries. I think the true test came in a local tournament where 'the way of the peaceful warrior' (my school) prevailed over the methods of violence and anger. I have met many students of this man whom once they develope over the years, their harshness is a cold soul without room for love, kindness and offering helpful hands to the community. (like your poem, they leave a wake of injured souls and bodies)

This poem reminds me that there are those who have the stature to teach others how to behave in a less than honorable manner. Children usually grow to mimmick their parents and teachers (not in every case) I can say that I am very proud of the way my son turned out, he is his own man now, teaching others, 'the way of the peaceful warrior' @ Inner spirit martial arts

thanks for the lesson (~_~)
MyNecroticSnail said:
Just a few words on the top list, tell-tale. Back in March, April, I did take a look, I was asked because it was starting to look very strange. It looked the "enemies" of your crowd had disappeared to be replaced by a certain other crowd. I don't know who took it upon themselves to "encourage" shall I say a certain select group of second tier poets. Along the way I did some relational mapping I cannot accuse you, because I don't have all the facts. Unlike your history It does look like some sort of horse trading was going on and a load of horse shit left. Angeline, jd4george, ishthat. etc pushed off, to be replaced by four or five of yours and people that can be indentfied with you. Follow the trail.This is not the way an organic process of change works. A writer writes something that real people like and real people vote for and SOME older ones are displaced. Your simplistic thread indicates to me you had some knowledge of it, well lets just say THAT smelled like a sewer.
All I am saying is everyone of your threads is a soapbox has a political agenda behind it and has a tendency to incorporate your slanders.
You and your crowd has called me among other things:
asshole - I can live with that, if I have to become one to beat a bunch of them, I will do that.
Nazi - this begins to get interesting, doesn't it?
coward - now asshole, what is the ratinonal for that? Even if I don't believe that you have the support that you pretend you have, it is still one against, I don't know, eight maybe nine.
To pretend here that you haven't engaged in a vicious game of politics of word twisting, denigration and retalition against your world view of you presenting yourself as a "humble teacher" is absurd. Defender against "verbal assults" <Bullshit! How many did you leave. One of your dipshit Ack-O-Lites wanted to get me banned for leaving a string of lame ass comments and Fives. <Duh!
Here is the deal, anytime you get on a soapbox, I will come along and kick your word-twisting ass off. If you want to start your own religon, do it elsewhere. This should be a place for learning about poetry, not for your form of self-aggrandizement, because, really, they would have to know next to nothing for YOU to teach them. Your crowd has consistently shown a lack of interest in learning anything except gaming the system.

As for twelveoone, it would be interesting to see what he has to say about slander/libel. Email him.

Almost forgot :D
Have a nice day! Fakir.

I don't know where to begin, taps my toe, still waiting to be knocked off <bigrin, I can only say that I think your reading way to much into the simple fact I come here to read, post and write. I am not sure why you think I am manipulating anything yet confess to your acting on hunches and manipulating the list? 1201 there is no enemies, or army's of differences. We all share the same common goal, enjoyment of the internet and come to this site to share with one another. If your jealousy, anger or sore toe keeps you from opening your mind to a broader spectrum of possibilities (rather I follow your advice or not seems to be your main disgruntled reasoning) You have badgered so many here and run so many good people from this site with your hatred filled opinions and stalking that it makes it really hard to extend an open hand to shake ...rather than to swing a closed fist full of words. The key to tranquility is acceptance, I accept that you'll never be satisfied. (~_~)
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My Erotic Trail said:
this is very good, as well as a topic that should be addressed in more ways than one. <super-bigrin Thanks cherries for the reminder....

...before I opened Inner Spirit Martial Arts, I had always put my son and wife (templeminded) in karate where-ever we were living. When Temple's grandmother died we moved back to her home town to be closer to her family (actually, we moved so that she could spend the last remainder of her grandmother's days, near her.)

I put my son in the only martial art's class available. The man was 'Gung-o' to kill and mame. Violent force was taught rather than self-defense and instilling harmony with-in a harsh universe, his tactics were to defeat violence with violence. When my son came home mamed from a lesson, I can only relay that he got more than an ear full <grin However... the turn of events lead to my opening a martial arts school that quickly recieved numerous students that had dropped out of his class from fear and injuries. I think the true test came in a local tournament where 'the way of the peaceful warrior' (my school) prevailed over the methods of violence and anger. I have met many students of this man whom once they develope over the years, their harshness is a cold soul without room for love, kindness and offering helpful hands to the community. (like your poem, they leave a wake of injured souls and bodies)

This poem reminds me that there are those who have the stature to teach others how to behave in a less than honorable manner. Children usually grow to mimmick their parents and teachers (not in every case) I can say that I am very proud of the way my son turned out, he is his own man now, teaching others, 'the way of the peaceful warrior' @ Inner spirit martial arts

thanks for the lesson (~_~)

So ironic... your story sounds like the karate tale I posted here a number of months ago. Like my story, here an ignorant karate teacher's teachings undermines the true course of the correct peaceful warrior. Something, it seems, you don't approve of.
Decayed Angel said:
So ironic... your story sounds like the karate tale I posted here a number of months ago. Like my story, here an ignorant karate teacher's teachings undermines the true course of the correct peaceful warrior. Something, it seems, you don't approve of.

I excersise my body as well as my voice. I find it hard to sit by and watch others try to run some one off from this site by badgering and be-littling them and Jim... no I don't aprove of that, you know this. Also, most schools teach (and it is usually printed in their school creeds) to help their country, family and their neighbors.

You attack some one's poem with an ill comment and I say something encouraging to them, some one's thread is hijacked and several poets converge to rally words against them. I try to help them by taking the heat off them and I am your bad guy <bigrin

From the words of a Jerry Jeff Walker song
"You be right from your side and I'll be right from mine."

What name did you submit your story under? What is its title?
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