An Erotic Art Challenge

ooops newbie to the site mistake :( sorry
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#5 -- whoosh, that is erotic as hell! GM doesn't normally get this raw, but it could be his.
I'm digging #7, it has a butters feel, with a Tzara sentiment. Nice work from whomever wrote it.

i wished, but not mine. no idea who wrote this. i'd say it has a man's pen behind it but champ or tess could have as easily created it. something about the chinese laundry line's nagging my memory, and is probably why i see it more as a man's write.
My guesses so far:

1 is AH
6 is Piscator or Tzara
7 is Tzara

Yeah. That's all I got. And Piscator just guessed GM for 6 so now I'm confused. But I think I'm right about 1 and 7. The jazz poem could also be AH but I don't think he'd let a typo get by him.
Don't let Eyer read #5 or he'll start 20 threads trying to shame us and Laurel into having it removed.
I'm new to this but have a feel for some of them. Here goes.
1- AH or GP;
2 - Magnetron??
5 mer - somehting about the sea,
6 - gm
7- not a clue but on a similar theme the Weakerhtans have an interesting song on Edward Hooper's Sun inan Empty room"][/URL]
8- probably female and a good point humourously delivered - Angeline or butters?

Thanks, Piscator, but no. Hot art, though.
i'm really loving Shell #9 - exquisite

#10 - doesn't read like todds to me, but maybe he's disguising

I think #10 is the toddster, throwing in some line breaks to try and confuse us. :D

Funny -- I was ready to guess you, because of Chet Baker.

One line in #12 seems odd -- describing Vermeer's girl as a "modern-age Mona Lisa"? It's not so modern.
I'm still not familiar enough with the poems of the regulars here to hazard any guesses but I'm impressed by all of the different subjects chosen as "erotic art."

Four, five and nine are my favorites so far.

One line in #12 seems odd -- describing Vermeer's girl as a "modern-age Mona Lisa"? It's not so modern.

I felt the same way AH. I thought it said modern-day Mona Lisa when I first read it (isn't that a Jay-Z lyric?). When I googled modern-age Mona Lisa one of the first results that popped up was an article in the Guardian on the Vermeer painting where they actually call her the, "Mona Lisa of the modern age." Maybe it's a reference to the painting's relatively newfound popularity compared to Da Vinci's work?

Oh, I also thought #9 reminded me of Bloom by Ellen Moore. Now I just need a list of entrants' names so I can see if she is even in the challenge...
Some time ago Tzara submitted a very erotic poem about carpentry....try as I might I can't find it.......sadness. :( It would be a perfect fit in this thread,
Some time ago Tzara submitted a very erotic poem about carpentry....try as I might I can't find it.......sadness. :( It would be a perfect fit in this thread,

If I was a carpenter
and you were a lady
I'd nail you against the wall
something something
What is with the length of the model's back in #15? Great poem btw.
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#19 Bound in Sin is by .... dun .... dun .... duh .........

...... Sinseria