An Erotic Art Challenge

#20 is another one I really liked. The only speedbump was the word course where I think coarse was meant to be used. Other than that minor typo, beautiful.
#27 is Ashesh :D

Over sexualized comic book art is always a hot button topic.
If anyone is still working on a poem for the challenge, please pm me.

These damn holidays are getting in my way at the moment. :mad:

That's quite all right. We have 30 good ones, all interesting in their own way.

Unless I get a big yes but from someone, I'll probably post the poets without specific reference to their poems either tonight or tomorrow morning for some more guessing.
I'd like a voice playlist from this thread. My wish list would be as follows:

#3 Champ
#5 Tzara
#7 Angeline & Tzara
#10 Todski
#12 Butters
#13 Des
#18 AH
#20 Honey
#21 Calli & Mer
#22 Mags
#30 me, lol, it goes so well with my Soundcloud moniker
#31 Champ

These aren't my guesses for who wrote what, just whom I'd like to hear voice various pieces.
heh I am still learning everyone's writing type so I am going to sit out on this guessing round!
I'd like a voice playlist from this thread. My wish list would be as follows:

#3 Champ
#5 Tzara
#7 Angeline & Tzara
#10 Todski
#12 Butters
#13 Des
#18 AH
#20 Honey
#21 Calli & Mer
#22 Mags
#30 me, lol, it goes so well with my Soundcloud moniker
#31 Champ

These aren't my guesses for who wrote what, just whom I'd like to hear voice various pieces.

You want the T-man and me to each read #7, right? I have no idea how two people would record together without being in the same room. I'd happily read with him if possible, although it might be a bit of a George Burns/Gracie Allen effect! (Don't be mad, Tzara. Have a cigar. :D)

Very nice, precise reading. I enjoyed listening. That btw has to be a gm poem.
So here is the list of poets for those of you who like to guess who dun it:

Erotic Challenge Poets

You want the T-man and me to each read #7, right? I have no idea how two people would record together without being in the same room. I'd happily read with him if possible, although it might be a bit of a George Burns/Gracie Allen effect! (Don't be mad, Tzara. Have a cigar. :D)

LOL, yes I meant I would like to hear each of you read it. The same goes for the one I earmarked for Calli and Mer.

AH, thank you for your reading! I really wasn't expecting anyone to record until after the reveal, if then, lol. I hate to call a halt to having my wishes met but it's probably best if we get permission before making the files public. :eek:

To making the guessing a bit easier, I've given permission by putting mine on the wish list. :D
The poems and poets have been matched.

Any surprises? In addition to the matches, any other surprises? For example, I was surprised how sensual the Vermeer painting appeared to me after reading Seanathon's poem about it when I otherwise probably would have glossed over the painting.