An Ode to the Loser Who Slashed 4 Poems With a '1'

My best voted poem has been the victim of the one bomb bandit as well. To make matters worse, the scanning, for lack of a better description, that checks vote irregularities put me back to my original score, only to have it drop again in minutes. It seems someone is trying to find the most highly rated poems and drop them. Of course, I have no evidence and am speaking competely biased having no proof. So, all I'm really saying is that I'm in the same boat. :)
rikaaim said:
My best voted poem has been the victim of the one bomb bandit as well. To make matters worse, the scanning, for lack of a better description, that checks vote irregularities put me back to my original score, only to have it drop again in minutes. It seems someone is trying to find the most highly rated poems and drop them. Of course, I have no evidence and am speaking competely biased having no proof. So, all I'm really saying is that I'm in the same boat. :)

Welcome aboard the trolled boat Rika! lol
Bein Troll'd Ain't No Fun

rikaaim said:
My best voted poem has been the victim of the one bomb bandit as well. To make matters worse, the scanning, for lack of a better description, that checks vote irregularities put me back to my original score, only to have it drop again in minutes. It seems someone is trying to find the most highly rated poems and drop them. Of course, I have no evidence and am speaking competely biased having no proof. So, all I'm really saying is that I'm in the same boat. :)

Know what you mean; I've seen good works, favs & otherwise, move like a yo-yo at times. Someone needs to spend less time voting with 1's and more on showing their own verse.
LeBroz said:
Know what you mean; I've seen good works, favs & otherwise, move like a yo-yo at times. Someone needs to spend less time voting with 1's and more on showing their own verse.

I'm with ya here but it aint gonna happen, trolls will be trolls, and although they drive us crazy we can't get rid of them!

I had 13 H's lost to trolls and i was gutted, but now i'm over it, I think fuck it I can still write, they can't take that away from me!

I hate them as much as anyone but these latest attacks have helped me accept them, trolls are here and you have to accept them and get on with your writing. :rose:

Jennifer C said:
What a wonderful phrase :D lol

Sorry my son loves that film, i know it off by heart! lol

I won't hide behind any children I come right out and tell you I have that film have watched it thousands of times. and still cry at the begining. It is my favorite lol.. and I have no kids just me at 43.... OH I Just can't wait to be king lol.. I love that one to dance around thehouse to ....hehehehe what an ego song!
Du Lac said:
I won't hide behind any children I come right out and tell you I have that film have watched it thousands of times. and still cry at the begining. It is my favorite lol.. and I have no kids just me at 43.... OH I Just can't wait to be king lol.. I love that one to dance around thehouse to ....hehehehe what an ego song!

Lol, ok i'll fess up, I've had the video for years, long before I had my son and I still cry when Mufasa dies! But my son does love it too! :cathappy:
LeBroz said:
Know what you mean; I've seen good works, favs & otherwise, move like a yo-yo at times. Someone needs to spend less time voting with 1's and more on showing their own verse.

The thing that touches me most is when my poem, or anything for that matter, first posts and those first few PCs left, or PMs given, lets me know that someone, if only one person, "gets" it. That means the world to me and keeps me writing more than any score ever will. :)
rikaaim said:
My best voted poem has been the victim of the one bomb bandit as well. To make matters worse, the scanning, for lack of a better description, that checks vote irregularities put me back to my original score, only to have it drop again in minutes. It seems someone is trying to find the most highly rated poems and drop them. Of course, I have no evidence and am speaking competely biased having no proof. So, all I'm really saying is that I'm in the same boat. :)
I got ones taken off 2 poems; one went up before it dropped. On a legit low score there's usually some comment too,(for me there was)

rikaaim said:
The thing that touches me most is when my poem, or anything for that matter, first posts and those first few PCs left, or PMs given, lets me know that someone, if only one person, "gets" it. That means the world to me and keeps me writing more than any score ever will. :)

Exactly - and this is where I am "coming from" when I offered my thoughts to Du Lac in "The Lowest of the Low" thread. Well thought out comments, even positive critiques, can make you feel "seen." Though if I were out there with works of verse or prose, that little red icon would be special, telling me how many smart people are out there with good taste <grin>. :D
LeBroz said:
Exactly - and this is where I am "coming from" when I offered my thoughts to Du Lac in "The Lowest of the Low" thread. Well thought out comments, even positive critiques, can make you feel "seen." Though if I were out there with works of verse or prose, that little red icon would be special, telling me how many smart people are out there with good taste <grin>. :D
I got some excellent advice in feedback on A New World . It wasn't so much critical as constructive. I'm sorry it was anonymous because I wanted to thank him. I would rather be told what works and what needs tweaking if something sucks then take a 5. *well,maybe..*hee,hee
But of course

~hellbaby~ said:
I got some excellent advice in feedback on A New World . It wasn't so much critical as constructive. I'm sorry it was anonymous because I wanted to thank him. I would rather be told what works and what needs tweaking if something sucks then take a 5. *well,maybe..*hee,hee

But of course - a 5 mindlessly given has no value and ceases to please; what's the value of a 5 if anyone & everyone gets it? To connect to the reader may be value in itself, but an earned 5 "attaboy" sure must feel nice. :D
~hellbaby~ said:
I got some excellent advice in feedback on A New World . It wasn't so much critical as constructive. I'm sorry it was anonymous because I wanted to thank him. I would rather be told what works and what needs tweaking if something sucks then take a 5. *well,maybe..*hee,hee

I agree. The number is just a number, but I do like my H's. *snicker*

To me my "poems", I use the term loosely because mainly I just play with words, are a certain feeling to me, a certain image, emotion, thought, whatever.

Not everyone is going to get it. I know this. When someone sees what I posted and says how moved they are, or leaves a comment of how to improve, then I know that they are really feeling me .

Sometimes people may get jealous and go on a troll binge as we like to term it. I'm fine with that too. I'm sorry they feel so insecure, but there is nothing I can do to stop them from posting or voting the way they do. It's stated that a person can vote a 1 for whatever reason they want to. I can not deny that and know this going into posting a new submission. It's life. It happens. Once my words are done escaping the tips of my fingers, they have their own life. I can no longer defend them in my head, because they speak for themselves now. is nice to have one's ego stroked every now and then though, isn't it? :)
Okay - We Get It

rikaaim said:
I agree. The number is just a number, but I do like my H's. *snicker*

To me my "poems", I use the term loosely because mainly I just play with words, are a certain feeling to me, a certain image, emotion, thought, whatever.

Not everyone is going to get it. I know this. When someone sees what I posted and says how moved they are, or leaves a comment of how to improve, then I know that they are really feeling me .

Sometimes people may get jealous and go on a troll binge as we like to term it. I'm fine with that too. I'm sorry they feel so insecure, but there is nothing I can do to stop them from posting or voting the way they do. It's stated that a person can vote a 1 for whatever reason they want to. I can not deny that and know this going into posting a new submission. It's life. It happens. Once my words are done escaping the tips of my fingers, they have their own life. I can no longer defend them in my head, because they speak for themselves now. is nice to have one's ego stroked every now and then though, isn't it? :)

A point I'll make, as a reader wont to vent at the trolling. The value of 5's and red icons aside, when you offer your work, it's a two-way street.

Not only are you feeling good at being "seen," but it works for the reader as well. I'll read the verse and think, "ah ha, he 'gets it.'" So consider this, as your ego's stroked, so's mine, and it couldn't get better.

It's the difference between looking in a mirror engaging in poisonous narcissism or through a broad window taking in a breath-taking view.
I think that to vote

one must put in their screen name. Then we could see who is doing it. If we keep the existing system.

HOWEVER... It seems to me, that if someone doesn't like a poem, they should just ignore the vote period. A "1" vote shouldn't be bad, it should be good. 1-5 should be a scale from good to submit to the frigging New Yorker cause it is a sure thing! 1000 hits with no votes should say a lot more than a 3.5 with 10 votes and 25 hits. IMHO, THAT is a good poem! After all... there is a choice to NOT leave a vote!

quietpoet said:
one must put in their screen name. Then we could see who is doing it. If we keep the existing system.

HOWEVER... It seems to me, that if someone doesn't like a poem, they should just ignore the vote period. A "1" vote shouldn't be bad, it should be good. 1-5 should be a scale from good to submit to the frigging New Yorker cause it is a sure thing! 1000 hits with no votes should say a lot more than a 3.5 with 10 votes and 25 hits. IMHO, THAT is a good poem! After all... there is a choice to NOT leave a vote!

1000 hits~I wish. I agree, I think the amount of votes says something, and comments too. I'd rather have 50 hits with 13 votes than 875 with 2 votes, speaking from personal experience.
A Good Point

quietpoet said:
one must put in their screen name. Then we could see who is doing it. If we keep the existing system.

HOWEVER... It seems to me, that if someone doesn't like a poem, they should just ignore the vote period. A "1" vote shouldn't be bad, it should be good. 1-5 should be a scale from good to submit to the frigging New Yorker cause it is a sure thing! 1000 hits with no votes should say a lot more than a 3.5 with 10 votes and 25 hits. IMHO, THAT is a good poem! After all... there is a choice to NOT leave a vote!

I left a post on the "Lowest of the Low" thread suggesting how to minimize the effects of anon troll voting. Having an added members area where votes and comments are tied and the member must be identified.

But it's just a suggestion and your point about number of times a poem's viewed without voting is another telling point. Perhaps it's too cerebral or perhaps the reader's too distracted. But you're right that it sends a message as powerful as a lot of 5's to be seeing that so many readers view your work without voting.
LeBroz said:
A point I'll make, as a reader wont to vent at the trolling. The value of 5's and red icons aside, when you offer your work, it's a two-way street.

Not only are you feeling good at being "seen," but it works for the reader as well. I'll read the verse and think, "ah ha, he 'gets it.'" So consider this, as your ego's stroked, so's mine, and it couldn't get better.

It's the difference between looking in a mirror engaging in poisonous narcissism or through a broad window taking in a breath-taking view.
It's scary putting your stuff out there, you put yourself on the line.

~hellbaby~ said:
It's scary putting your stuff out there, you put yourself on the line.

And as just a reader I appreciate that which is why I watch what I say in my comments.

Beside, like I say, it's a two-way street although that's a point not easily seen.
About the 5's

When we are dealing with a small amount of people in the site, giving 5's can become a popularity contest as well. I'm not suggesting that most of the votes are that, but it is open to cronyism. I have seen poems given 5's that weren't that great in MY opinion. But MY opinion is just that. Everybody's tastes are different. That is what is so great about poetry. There is a place for all of us!


LeBroz said:
I left a post on the "Lowest of the Low" thread suggesting how to minimize the effects of anon troll voting. Having an added members area where votes and comments are tied and the member must be identified.

But it's just a suggestion and your point about number of times a poem's viewed without voting is another telling point. Perhaps it's too cerebral or perhaps the reader's too distracted. But you're right that it sends a message as powerful as a lot of 5's to be seeing that so many readers view your work without voting.
Jennifer C said:
Yes I agree hb, it can be terrifying! lol :rose:
I know. The first time I submitted something I had knots in my stomach for days `until it went up and I got the feeling it didn't suck.I don't mind being told it sucks, as long as it's done tactfully in a positive way.
The first story I posted to a critical writing group I'm in was a disaster but helpful. This writer whose work I run into often in this genre told me the story was bad, so bad she couldn't crit it. She went on in detail explaining why and what I needed to do to fix it. It took me a bit to get over it but when I did I realized she was a great help. Anyone can just say 'oh your story or poem sucks'
Someone who I never personally asked to edit something for me sends me a message saying, your story is so bad, I can't even read it, even the best editor has limits. Well, I would think the best editor would vary their response a bit. Now if your not going to say why and offer help was there any particular reason for insulting me or do you just get your kicks that way? A simple 'I can't do it' would suffice. That crap I can live without.
Like the 1's, I consider the source and take it out with the trash.
For Sure

~hellbaby~ said:
I know. The first time I submitted something I had knots in my stomach for days `until it went up and I got the feeling it didn't suck.I don't mind being told it sucks, as long as it's done tactfully in a positive way.
The first story I posted to a critical writing group I'm in was a disaster but helpful. This writer whose work I run into often in this genre told me the story was bad, so bad she couldn't crit it. She went on in detail explaining why and what I needed to do to fix it. It took me a bit to get over it but when I did I realized she was a great help. Anyone can just say 'oh your story or poem sucks'
Someone who I never personally asked to edit something for me sends me a message saying, your story is so bad, I can't even read it, even the best editor has limits. Well, I would think the best editor would vary their response a bit. Now if your not going to say why and offer help was there any particular reason for insulting me or do you just get your kicks that way? A simple 'I can't do it' would suffice. That crap I can live without.
Like the 1's, I consider the source and take it out with the trash.

A dissertation on Metphysics or Logic is one thing, a business plan another, but a story or poem's a whole nother animal. Because when you create a work of art - story or poem - you stand there naked, exposing your inner soul. There are no real secrets about you - it's more than just your baby - it's you. So from this reader's perspective, I'll give you the care you deserve. Whether you inspire me or give me a chuckle, I'll try to give out more than a mere 5 (nice as it is) with some suitable comments. If I find a mechanical error, I'll exercise care before speaking; going so far as to send a private message, rather than engaging in a public flogging. The score I dispense says as much about me as the work that is in question. The lower the score, the harder the work when writing up a comment, or so it should be - at least IMHO.

Which is why I feel so strongly that anon scoring w/o supporting comments are such an obscene travesty, deserving to be shoveled off to you know where as you know what. :devil:
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