An Ode to the Loser Who Slashed 4 Poems With a '1'

~hellbaby~ said:
It's scary putting your stuff out there, you put yourself on the line.

Hell babe... that is the only way you can learn.. life is putting yourself on the line... stepping out of the shadows and playing tag with change! When I think of men and women who have stood on battle fields fighting for our freedom or a mother living in a land looking down at her child dying for lack of food or a child hiding in a corner watching the shadow of his abusive parent looming forward... Those things are scary honey.... as they well should be.. but look at these people living and continuing walking through fear ...

So when I look at it that way my life has nothing really to hold fear in... putting my poetry out there or a story, not having money to pay the bills, making decisions to simplfy life... all fear is just a wall of limitations. Once on the other side we of the wall we realize just how trival it really was..........

Speaking of the Source

~hellbaby~ said:
Like the 1's, I consider the source and take it out with the trash.

Speaking of the source - inspiration for your bug perhaps; just imagining that magnified my chuckle. ;)
Du Lac said:
Hell babe... that is the only
So when I look at it that way my life has nothing really to hold fear in... putting my poetry out there or a story, not having money to pay the bills, making decisions to simplfy life... all fear is just a wall of limitations. Once on the other side we of the wall we realize just how trival it really was..........

Sure, I agree but I was talking from my trivial lil dust speck world not globally.

Don't leave home without it.

There is a reason that you close the curtain behind you when you vote.
There is a reason you fold over the little piece of paper.

People should be allowed to vote here in private.

Think about it folks! There is a reason many reasons why you vote with the curtain closed! Can you think of them?

I grew up in a very conservative town. The woman at the polling area sympathized with my mom, very loudly, for having a liberal daughter, as my affiliation was in the records.

They laughed and joked. I was not ashamed of my political affiliation, rather proud, however, it is no ones business even the politition for whom I am voting, of how I voted.

Social acceptance, in whatever form, should not impact a person's vote.

Being anon is not always cowardly, sneaky evil. Sometimes it is because the harassment of voting what you believe is NOT WORTH IT. And sometimes people want their own poetry judged by it's quality, not by how nice you are to other people's poems, not because of how much you kiss up. Maybe someone wants to be able to give 5's and nice comments without pissing off the poet's girlfriend and sending her into a jealous rage that has her turn around and vote down all of their work (or the work of the poet.) Who knows. Who cares. It all happens.

If people want to give their opinion in private, they should be allowed to.

The way people have been treated for giving less than high votes gives one reason.

Hell I will stand up to what I believe in despite consequences, but come on, I should be able to vote anon, without having to answer to anyone. We are not in Congress. Our votes do not have to be televised.

It is called Privacy.

So if you want to close the curtain when you vote, you should have that right. In a perfect world, people would be able to express their opinions without backlash.

So turn off your voting, you will be amazed how light you feel without the weight of numbers on your shoulders.

ps it is also not a good idea to share with the public what others have sent to you in private.

Maybe I am just a bit sensitive at our privacy being eroded from all angles! Credit card information, personal health records, grocery store discount cards that track everything you buy, governments ability to search every book you check out of the library or purchase with a card..... patriot act in general.

Come on, this is literotica, people should have the right to privacy (or complete exposure inside out upside down) if they so choose. There is a reason most people do not use their real names for their screen names.


annaswirls said:
governments ability to search every book you check out of the library

by the way, your late fees are building up.

i checked. they're public record now.

better get that Al Franken book returned soon. :)
PatCarrington said:
by the way, your late fees are building up.

i checked. they're public record now.

better get that Al Franken book returned soon. :)

omg you know, I DO HAVE LATE FEES!!!

And there was a sale on the Koran at Barnes and Noble and I bought like 6 copies as gifts.

Yeah, and they got reels of tape from the top of govt buildings on the Mall as I protested this that and the other thing. So please do not nominate me for any office. Oh yeah there are some questionable photos floating around out there unaccounted for.


And for the record
I inhaled deeply
annaswirls said:
omg you know, I DO HAVE LATE FEES!!!

And there was a sale on the Koran at Barnes and Noble and I bought like 6 copies as gifts.

Yeah, and they got reels of tape from the top of govt buildings on the Mall as I protested this that and the other thing. So please do not nominate me for any office. Oh yeah there are some questionable photos floating around out there unaccounted for.


And for the record
I inhaled deeply

Dep't of Homeland Security, Ma'am. *slips on a pair of big rubber gloves* We've got a couple of questions for you.
LeBroz said:
Speaking of the source - inspiration for your bug perhaps; just imagining that magnified my chuckle. ;)

When I was 10 or 11, my mother set my hair in pincurls one night, as she often did, and I went to sleep. During the night a waterbug decided to investigate my inner ear. Try getting anyone to believe you when they are putting drops in your ear and you tell them it's a bug in there because you feel it moving around. It wasn't until the doctor started pulling legs out of my ear that my mother believed me. I slept with cotton in my ears for a year. I learned 3 things. Children should be taken more seriously, it takes a long time to drown a waterbug and if you go to bed in pincurls,put cotton in your ears.
Bugs creep me out. These stupid things fly into a wall and get turned on their back then they try to roll over, it's noisy on a wood floor. It would have been funny to see, your right. :)
annaswirls said:
Don't leave home without it.

Maybe I am just a bit sensitive at our privacy being eroded from all angles! Credit card information, personal health records, grocery store discount cards that track everything you buy, governments ability to search every book you check out of the library or purchase with a card..... patriot act in general.

Unfortunatley privacy comes at the cost of security because you cannot grant privacy selectively. The patriot act is an example of what happens when the wrong people are in charge of finding a solution to balancing privacy and safety.
Always Getting Bugged

~hellbaby~ said:

When I was 10 or 11, my mother set my hair in pincurls one night, as she often did, and I went to sleep. During the night a waterbug decided to investigate my inner ear. Try getting anyone to believe you when they are putting drops in your ear and you tell them it's a bug in there because you feel it moving around. It wasn't until the doctor started pulling legs out of my ear that my mother believed me. I slept with cotton in my ears for a year. I learned 3 things. Children should be taken more seriously, it takes a long time to drown a waterbug and if you go to bed in pincurls,put cotton in your ears.
Bugs creep me out. These stupid things fly into a wall and get turned on their back then they try to roll over, it's noisy on a wood floor. It would have been funny to see, your right. :)

Well, I wouldn't know too much about going to bed in pincurls, :eek: even when I had my 'tail (long since shorn real short). But I always took my kids seriously - you never know if they're speaking true or training you & testing the limits. But, in any case, it's good to see that even what was once a traumatic incident can inspire you to verse - in life, there's nothing mundane. :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:
flyguy69 said:

Dep't of Homeland Security, Ma'am. *slips on a pair of big rubber gloves* We've got a couple of questions for you.

ooh big boy what ya got for me?

just be careful, once you get me talking I will not stop, and you will have to resort to torture me again to shut me up

~hellbaby~ said:
Unfortunatley privacy comes at the cost of security because you cannot grant privacy selectively. The patriot act is an example of what happens when the wrong people are in charge of finding a solution to balancing privacy and safety.

I still think that any vote should be measured from good enough to vote for (1) and awe inspiring (5). If someone doesn't like the poem, they shouldn't vote for it at all. If they want to help the writer, they can leave a comment or pm. Simple solution that shouldn't ruffle any feathers! The idea that one could destroy a good score out of vindictiveness would basically disappear!

quietpoet said:
I still think that any vote should be measured from good enough to vote for (1) and awe inspiring (5). If someone doesn't like the poem, they shouldn't vote for it at all. If they want to help the writer, they can leave a comment or pm. Simple solution that shouldn't ruffle any feathers! The idea that one could destroy a good score out of vindictiveness would basically disappear!

The only thing that would achieve would be to bring the older poems to the top lists, not the best.
And besides, some "poems" are bad. If you don't acknowledge that, then all the praise in the world would be meaningless.
It would require a change... old and new poems I guess

I do understand what you are saying, but the system is flawed right now (what system isn't). Perhaps we should just let our ego's..... go! I love the site anyway, regardless of what happens or doesn't happen!

quietpoet said:
I do understand what you are saying, but the system is flawed right now (what system isn't). Perhaps we should just let our ego's..... go! I love the site anyway, regardless of what happens or doesn't happen!

The change you ask would be to trade a flawed system for a disastrous one, though.
annaswirls said:
Don't leave home without it.

There is a reason that you close the curtain behind you when you vote.
There is a reason you fold over the little piece of paper.

People should be allowed to vote here in private.

Think about it folks! There is a reason many reasons why you vote with the curtain closed! Can you think of them?

I grew up in a very conservative town. The woman at the polling area sympathized with my mom, very loudly, for having a liberal daughter, as my affiliation was in the records.

They laughed and joked. I was not ashamed of my political affiliation, rather proud, however, it is no ones business even the politition for whom I am voting, of how I voted.

Social acceptance, in whatever form, should not impact a person's vote.

Being anon is not always cowardly, sneaky evil. Sometimes it is because the harassment of voting what you believe is NOT WORTH IT. And sometimes people want their own poetry judged by it's quality, not by how nice you are to other people's poems, not because of how much you kiss up. Maybe someone wants to be able to give 5's and nice comments without pissing off the poet's girlfriend and sending her into a jealous rage that has her turn around and vote down all of their work (or the work of the poet.) Who knows. Who cares. It all happens.

If people want to give their opinion in private, they should be allowed to.

The way people have been treated for giving less than high votes gives one reason.

Hell I will stand up to what I believe in despite consequences, but come on, I should be able to vote anon, without having to answer to anyone. We are not in Congress. Our votes do not have to be televised.

It is called Privacy.

So if you want to close the curtain when you vote, you should have that right. In a perfect world, people would be able to express their opinions without backlash.

So turn off your voting, you will be amazed how light you feel without the weight of numbers on your shoulders.

ps it is also not a good idea to share with the public what others have sent to you in private.

Maybe I am just a bit sensitive at our privacy being eroded from all angles! Credit card information, personal health records, grocery store discount cards that track everything you buy, governments ability to search every book you check out of the library or purchase with a card..... patriot act in general.

Come on, this is literotica, people should have the right to privacy (or complete exposure inside out upside down) if they so choose. There is a reason most people do not use their real names for their screen names.



Yeh anna. I'm all for it, post your poems anon, put a bag on your head...
By the same token, is there a reason, where you have a right to be confronted by your accuser not (although, this is being subverted) anonymously.
"You suck" sounds like an accusation.

All your points are well taken, except you do have to give a name to vote don't you, isn't that taken to extreme, an invasion of your privacy?

It depends on where you draw the line. In some states there are laws, against wearing a full mask, passed in reaction to the KKK, because it is too easy for "decent" people to hide while performing their atrocities, their intimidations.

I am sure that most of these things you speak off are done under the cover of privacy (anonymously), for fear of reciprocal action.

You walk around exposed posting poetry, you deserve a valid feedback loop. Those that comment (or vote) should expose themselves also, equality of sorts.

Just my thoughts.
quietpoet said:
I still think that any vote should be measured from good enough to vote for (1) and awe inspiring (5). If someone doesn't like the poem, they shouldn't vote for it at all. If they want to help the writer, they can leave a comment or pm. Simple solution that shouldn't ruffle any feathers! The idea that one could destroy a good score out of vindictiveness would basically disappear!


you know they changed "F" for FAILING to E in my school. Because they did not want to give the kids a complex.

Whatever the lowest on the scale is will mean the same thing.

I would like to see 0-10 (not that I think it will or should) that way the next thing down from 100 is 90 instead of 75. Looks like an A-, which is what I want to give lots of poems.
twelveoone said:
Yeh anna. I'm all for it, post your poems anon, put a bag on your head...
By the same token, is there a reason, where you have a right to be confronted by your accuser not (although, this is being subverted) anonymously.
"You suck" sounds like an accusation.

All your points are well taken, except you do have to give a name to vote don't you, isn't that taken to extreme, an invasion of your privacy?

It depends on where you draw the line. In some states there are laws, against wearing a full mask, passed in reaction to the KKK, because it is too easy for "decent" people to hide while performing their atrocities, their intimidations.

I am sure that most of these things you speak off are done under the cover of privacy (anonymously), for fear of reciprocal action.

You walk around exposed posting poetry, you deserve a valid feedback loop. Those that comment (or vote) should expose themselves also, equality of sorts.

Just my thoughts.

hmmm good point with the having to register to vote. but you kind of do that here, don't you? by coming in? track IP addresses?

I am not about to put a bag over my head or post poems anon. But I still stand that a person should be able to vote without comment or reason.
I Like the Way You Think

annaswirls said:
you know they changed "F" for FAILING to E in my school. Because they did not want to give the kids a complex.

Whatever the lowest on the scale is will mean the same thing.

I would like to see 0-10 (not that I think it will or should) that way the next thing down from 100 is 90 instead of 75. Looks like an A-, which is what I want to give lots of poems.

As a reader upset with the anon troll voting, and the way it slams not only good poets but, indirectly, me, I offered to the Vixxx a suggestion and posted part of it on "The lowest of the low" thread (post #242). It's a suggestion for the creation of a "refuge" from anon voting/comments by creating an additional "members only" area. Humbly<grin> I think it's a good framework for a start. One of the points I raise is to change the voting scale in this area along the lines you mentioned above. And for those that want to vote or comment anonymously, the current public area would remain unchanged.

You're right though because many times I'll give a 5(100) instead of the more painful 4(75). Many times I would have preferred to render a 9(90).

And from my view as a reader. the score or red icon tells me only that the poet connected with the readers. A poem might be technically correct and have a "perfect" structure but if it doesn't connect with me, I'll pass on it without voting. So as tacky as it may seem to the purist, it comes down to a popularity contest.
annaswirls said:
hmmm good point with the having to register to vote. but you kind of do that here, don't you? by coming in? track IP addresses?

I am not about to put a bag over my head or post poems anon. But I still stand that a person should be able to vote without comment or reason.
I have more consideration for one single reasonless vote from an anonymous reader than I do for ten coming from any well-known fluffers. :rose:
LeBroz said:
You're right though because many times I'll give a 5(100) instead of the more painful 4(75). Many times I would have preferred to render a 9(90).
That's bulshit and you know it. Whenever you have that doubt, you know you should give it a 4, but that would mean most of the poems you vote for would have to get 3s, and the ones you like less would have to get 2s or 1s.

The voting is so inflated that anything less than a 4.5 in 5 (have you stopped to think of that?) hits you like a kick in the teeth.
Lauren Hynde said:
The only thing that would achieve would be to bring the older poems to the top lists, not the best.

I agree - relutantly - but I see your point. Why not vote a 1? BUT a ONE and two must leave a why, and it cannot be the bad excuse of "because it did not get me off."