Annoncing my poem! You jey!

MTVM said:
My raech is far, Canadiem! Bewar!
My swat's nor never simple, au contraire.
Swat I unjust? Oh, no! And no no no!
Sawt I to be impervious? No. Show
Here how lowyl girl's and boy's confit, imeersed
In howlnig, lowling smut, time is besmershed.
Heer things are lowe, and pricing can't I mete.
Be silent nowe! I sawt you unto sleeope.

"besmershed" is so wonderful I can't even speak english now. I'm going to try to use it in a sentence three times at the bar tonight.

unpredictablebijou said:
"besmershed" is so wonderful I can't even speak english now. I'm going to try to use it in a sentence three times at the bar tonight.


I think it sounds like a black and yellow insect ran into a windshield. I also think it sounds like something Kermit the Frog might say. I can't explain that last comment. It defies explanation.
For a while there I thought you were MTVM, bijou. But while the laws of quantum physics don't explicitly prohibit one poster from being in two places at the same time, you being in Kansas and he/she/it being several hundred miles away does make such an event highly improbable.

Anyhow, I'm sure a mad genius like MTVM doesn't mind a bunch of fellow madmen (and women) appropriating his thread for purposes of madness.

At least until TVM comes back. Then it's every crazy person for himself.

(Oh, I see the venerable MTVM has returned. Welcome back! I missed your musings, good sir (or madam))
Picodiribibi said:
For a while there I thought you were MTVM, bijou. But while the laws of quantum physics don't explicitly prohibit one poster from being in two places at the same time, you being in Kansas and he/she/it being several hundred miles away does make such an event highly improbable.

Anyhow, I'm sure a mad genius like MTVM doesn't mind a bunch of fellow madmen (and women) appropriating his thread for purposes of madness.

At least until TVM comes back. Then it's every crazy person for himself.

(Oh, I see the venerable MTVM has returned. Welcome back! I missed your musings, good sir (or madam))

I would introduce you to the handsome and brilliant Mister MTVM, Pogo, but he has threatened to swat me to sleep after he wretches in my direction so I am keeping my distance.

I had no idea he was so violent. It's always the quiet ones.
Picodiribibi said:
For a while there I thought you were MTVM, bijou. But while the laws of quantum physics don't explicitly prohibit one poster from being in two places at the same time, you being in Kansas and he/she/it being several hundred miles away does make such an event highly improbable.

Anyhow, I'm sure a mad genius like MTVM doesn't mind a bunch of fellow madmen (and women) appropriating his thread for purposes of madness.

At least until TVM comes back. Then it's every crazy person for himself.

(Oh, I see the venerable MTVM has returned. Welcome back! I missed your musings, good sir (or madam))

You flatter me beyond words, but no, I haven't half the parodic skill of our Noble Poet Lariat. And I'm new enough here that I only have ONE secret identity who doesn't even post. Unless that personality's gotten out while I wasn't paying attention.

Your AV is most excellent.

unpredictablebijou said:
You flatter me beyond words, but no, I haven't half the parodic skill of our Noble Poet Lariat. And I'm new enough here that I only have ONE secret identity who doesn't even post. Unless that personality's gotten out while I wasn't paying attention.

Your AV is most excellent.


Damn. Now I have to turn avs on.
Sara Crewe said:
I would introduce you to the handsome and brilliant Mister MTVM, Pogo, but he has threatened to swat me to sleep after he wretches in my direction so I am keeping my distance.

I had no idea he was so violent. It's always the quiet ones.

I'd let him swat me to sleep... I have a serious Thing for poets. Especially the ones with a good slappin' hand.

Swattin' never involves sleep.

I would worry. I think the hawk is lookin' at him funny.
Picodiribibi said:
For a while there I thought you were MTVM, bijou. But while the laws of quantum physics don't explicitly prohibit one poster from being in two places at the same time, you being in Kansas and he/she/it being several hundred miles away does make such an event highly improbable.
To scuh none sense, I say, "spukhafte Fernwirkung!" Iam artiste whjioch is quantizalizable, meybe.

Boost me to another shell, I sing, bébé.
MTVM said:
Anyhow, I'm sure a mad genius like MTVM doesn't mind a bunch of fellow madmen (and women) appropriating his thread for purposes of madness.
Mind is not genous. Multithreaded, thogh. Angry? Not I, as all frenidnlyness. Beatifatical, in fact. ALL if welsome!!!!! :D:D:D
MTVM said:
To scuh none sense, I say, "spukhafte Fernwirkung!" Iam artiste whjioch is quantizalizable, meybe.

Boost me to another shell, I sing, bébé.
Mind is not genous. Multithreaded, thogh. Angry? Not I, as all frenidnlyness. Beatifatical, in fact. ALL if welsome!!!!! :D:D:D

It scares me how well he does that.
Sara Crewe said:

It scares me how well he does that.
Just type faster than your hands can keep up. It's actually pretty easy.


I mean type fatsdr thne yoru hand scan kjeepup!!!! :p:p:p!!!
MTVM said:
Just type faster than your hands can keep up. It's actually pretty easy.


I mean type fatsdr thne yoru hand scan kjeepup!!!! :p:p:p!!!

Ooooo. I saw the man behind the curtain. ;)
Sara Crewe said:
Swattin' never involves sleep.

I would worry. I think the hawk is lookin' at him funny.

Hawks look at everything funny. They have a really twisted sense of humor. Especially after a few cicadas.

Don't get me started on swatting. I have to try to behave myself at the bar tonight, and you people have me all distracted. Not that I wouldn't have been anyway, but this place and a slow day at the shop make it way, way worse.

I'll sleep when I'm dead.

when the world is full of strange arrangements...

See, that's what I'm saying. (in an entirely other thread so no one has any idea what the hell i'm talking about, of course...) This is an adorable song, a wonderful song, but really, not that great a song, honestly, musically speaking. It's poppy, simplistic and full of cheap hooks and silly instrumentation. But I fucking love it. It sorta... does something to me. I cannot justify it. I cannot explain it. But there it is. I hope nobody comes into the shop while I'm dancing around like an idiot.

I'm not the most professional shop owner in the world.

Dammit, Pico.

unpredictablebijou said:
Hawks look at everything funny. They have a really twisted sense of humor. Especially after a few cicadas.

Don't get me started on swatting. I have to try to behave myself at the bar tonight, and you people have me all distracted. Not that I wouldn't have been anyway, but this place and a slow day at the shop make it way, way worse.

I'll sleep when I'm dead.


Good behaviour is best left to unconscious states.
unpredictablebijou said:
See, that's what I'm saying. (in an entirely other thread so no one has any idea what the hell i'm talking about, of course...) This is an adorable song, a wonderful song, but really, not that great a song, honestly, musically speaking. It's poppy, simplistic and full of cheap hooks and silly instrumentation. But I fucking love it. It sorta... does something to me. I cannot justify it. I cannot explain it. But there it is. I hope nobody comes into the shop while I'm dancing around like an idiot.

I'm not the most professional shop owner in the world.

Dammit, Pico.


I know I played it twice and I would say I'm bouncing on the bed..but that doesn't sound that good so I won't.
Sara Crewe said:
Good behaviour is best left to unconscious states.

I am totally putting this on a bumpersticker.

And what's this about people alive in the 80's?

Didn't hear you cause I'm old and deaf.

Picodiribibi said:
Fine. I see your ABC and raise you A Flock of Seagulls. To my mind, an even more irritating 80's band, q.v.: This clip is rather sad, actually, like the Seagulls are playing in an almost empty club, with just one table of patrons in the back who are, oddly, discussing the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, drinking Jägermeister, and hoping the band will finally shut up so they finally get down with decoherence.

Ah. Physics girls. Be still my heart. :rolleyes: :p:p:p :):):)
unpredictablebijou said:
I am totally putting this on a bumpersticker.

And what's this about people alive in the 80's?

Didn't hear you cause I'm old and deaf.


I was alive in the 80's . I know MTVM was alive in the 80's. Don't know about Pogo. The hawk is a total baby.
MTVM said:
Fine. I see your ABC and raise you A Flock of Seagulls. To my mind, an even more irritating 80's band, q.v.: This clip is rather sad, actually, like the Seagulls are playing in an almost empty club, with just one table of patrons in the back who are, oddly, discussing the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, drinking Jägermeister, and hoping the band will finally shut up so they finally get down with decoherence.

Ah. Physics girls. Be still my heart. :rolleyes: :p:p:p :):):)

I cant seagull yet. I got stuck on 54-40. Youtube is a bad place to send me if you want me to come back. Hey...I see what's going on now.