Annoncing my poem! You jey!

Angeline said:
When I was a kid, I wanted to be Tiger Lily in Peter Pan. She was much more interesting than Wendy. And she got to fight right alongside Peter Pan. :D

I wanted to be Thumbelina. Really bad. I still make dolls in nutshells for the kids.

Hey Tath. Cute babe in your icon. Is it you? He doesn't look as hairy and monkey like as you.
BooMerengue said:
I wanted to be Thumbelina. Really bad. I still make dolls in nutshells for the kids.

Hey Tath. Cute babe in your icon. Is it you? He doesn't look as hairy and monkey like as you.

That's my grand daughter Lillian
She has a lot of monkey in her but thank god she looks like her father and not me.
Tathagata said:
That's my grand daughter Lillian
She has a lot of monkey in her but thank god she looks like her father and not me.

A girl! Much better. I have no girls. I babysit for 8 boys- rarely all at once- and I would love a little girl.

I've come to the conclusion I'd like to play doctors with you, Tath.

More on that when my pc is fixed.

Soon, I think.

BooMerengue said:
A girl! Much better. I have no girls. I babysit for 8 boys- rarely all at once- and I would love a little girl.

I've come to the conclusion I'd like to play doctors with you, Tath.

More on that when my pc is fixed.

Soon, I think.


I had wanted her to have a boy, she had the ultrasound thing done and told me it was a girl, and from that moment all during her pregnancy I started to feel this " bond" with that baby.
Once I saw her I knew that she'd have me wrapped around her finger
and she does.
Shes an old soul in a elfs body

8 boys?
Oy Vey
My mom had 4 and she always said boys were easier...thats because she had no idea what we were up to when she wasn't looking

I get my stethoscope ready

good luck with the computer
Nice to see we have some book lovers. ;)

I cannot be held responsible for words once they have been released into the wild. :devil:
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Tathagata said:
She just has that look like
" C'mon let me eat for christs sake"

and it was the first time my daughter was able to put her hair up ala Pebbles
Shes been waiting 10 months for that

She looks so much like you it's frightening lol. Except she's really cute. :p

Angeline said:
She looks so much like you it's frightening lol. Except she's really cute. :p


She has some of my faces down pat
and she doesn't like to wait for food.

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That was entirely too early in the morning for you people to be all chipper and clever and stuff.

I worked on my own contribution to the latest contest - Sara, they're right. Yummy bad grrrl, you set a high standard, but then, that's why you're the Nymph.

Here's one of my attempts. The other one is my 30/30 for today cause I'm pretty sure that's not cheating.

Much more amused today. Thank you everyone.


They teach
that he is a dragon
and you, tigress, ingest
the elixir of gods now
to lengthen your youth.
You receive that shaft of light
aimed at the center of your head
where the pineal gland
was once called
the Chamber of Six Combinations.
From the plum ripe tip
of his cock emerges
the dragon tear
of his arousal. Drink
with the tip of your tongue;
conceive your immortality,
astride his center,
balance Heaven and Earth.
unpredictablebijou said:
That was entirely too early in the morning for you people to be all chipper and clever and stuff.

I worked on my own contribution to the latest contest - Sara, they're right. Yummy bad grrrl, you set a high standard, but then, that's why you're the Nymph.

Here's one of my attempts. The other one is my 30/30 for today cause I'm pretty sure that's not cheating.

Much more amused today. Thank you everyone.


They teach
that he is a dragon
and you, tigress, ingest
the elixir of gods now
to lengthen your youth.
You receive that shaft of light
aimed at the center of your head
where the pineal gland
was once called
the Chamber of Six Combinations.
From the plum ripe tip
of his cock emerges
the dragon tear
of his arousal. Drink
with the tip of your tongue;
conceive your immortality,
astride his center,
balance Heaven and Earth.

They are both worthy of exploding heads. But we already knew you were a very skilled erotician.
For lack of a more appropriate thread, I'll just stick this little find into this one. Besides, I'm not willing to let this place die, seeing as it's the only thread on which I've ever become Evil Grand Vizier.

Best found poem of my morning came from wandering into the "Roll Call" poetry thread, in a post by ZeckBock:

"Tried doing erotic poetry but wound up typing about wolves and mice and machines instead."

Something about that line just struck me as completely wonderful. Think I may try an erotic poem that includes wolves, mice and machines.

Let's have some shenanigans around here, hm? I'm sure we all need to blow off some steam given the tension of the STC deadline and the 30/30 pressure and all that...

unpredictablebijou said:
For lack of a more appropriate thread, I'll just stick this little find into this one. Besides, I'm not willing to let this place die, seeing as it's the only thread on which I've ever become Evil Grand Vizier.

Best found poem of my morning came from wandering into the "Roll Call" poetry thread, in a post by ZeckBock:

"Tried doing erotic poetry but wound up typing about wolves and mice and machines instead."

Something about that line just struck me as completely wonderful. Think I may try an erotic poem that includes wolves, mice and machines.

Let's have some shenanigans around here, hm? I'm sure we all need to blow off some steam given the tension of the STC deadline and the 30/30 pressure and all that...


Speaking of the STC, true to my nymph-ly lack of responsibility. I have accidentally deleted my STC pm. When are those babies supposed to be where ever they are supposed to be? I do remember the title. :cool: Yeah, I know, big of me eh?

I fully intend to shenanigan tomorrow. The outlaws are coming...they are way less painful when taken with tequila.

I could be easily talked into shenanigan-ing now though...
No one is supposed to post before 7/27, and the deadline is 7/31. Our entries are apparently to go into the STC thread when they're ready.

Shenanigans indeed. And nothing all demanding and brilliant, either; I'm under enough pressure. How bout this. I'm about to do a fund raiser in a bar tonight, one of the things I do as my secret superhero identity. We go in, throw a big debauched party, take everybody's money away, and give it to some randomly chosen charity. Tonight's take goes to Kiva, which is a phenomenal organization that gives microloans to people in developing countries so they can start their own businesses.

As an example of the bad behavior that has netted us over $7000 for various charities over the past 5 years or so, at the last fundraiser I was hired by a bachelor party to flog the groom. They gave me a $50 donation and I actually broke a riding crop on him. (okay, it was a cheap crop, so that's not as bad as it sounds.)

So here's the question: we've actually been banned from ever bringing whipped cream into this particular bar, after the unfortunate events surrounding the CASE of whipped cream we took to last year's Valentine's Day event (which, by the way, raised $900 for the Humane Society) but there are many things besides whipped cream that haven't actually been forbidden yet.

So help me brainstorm. What substance shall I purchase, and what coaching shall I give my little stable of Saucy Wenches as to how to use it on bar patrons so as to relieve them of as much of their cash as possible?

And on which Lit personality would you use said substances, given the opportunity?

I dunno, just noodling...

unpredictablebijou said:
No one is supposed to post before 7/27, and the deadline is 7/31. Our entries are apparently to go into the STC thread when they're ready.

Shenanigans indeed. And nothing all demanding and brilliant, either; I'm under enough pressure. How bout this. I'm about to do a fund raiser in a bar tonight, one of the things I do as my secret superhero identity. We go in, throw a big debauched party, take everybody's money away, and give it to some randomly chosen charity. Tonight's take goes to Kiva, which is a phenomenal organization that gives microloans to people in developing countries so they can start their own businesses.

As an example of the bad behavior that has netted us over $7000 for various charities over the past 5 years or so, at the last fundraiser I was hired by a bachelor party to flog the groom. They gave me a $50 donation and I actually broke a riding crop on him. (okay, it was a cheap crop, so that's not as bad as it sounds.)

So here's the question: we've actually been banned from ever bringing whipped cream into this particular bar, after the unfortunate events surrounding the CASE of whipped cream we took to last year's Valentine's Day event (which, by the way, raised $900 for the Humane Society) but there are many things besides whipped cream that haven't actually been forbidden yet.

So help me brainstorm. What substance shall I purchase, and what coaching shall I give my little stable of Saucy Wenches as to how to use it on bar patrons so as to relieve them of as much of their cash as possible?

And on which Lit personality would you use said substances, given the opportunity?

I dunno, just noodling...


Hm, we used to do a similar thing when I was at University but we used jello. Purple jello with vodka in it to be exact. We called it Purple Jesus. Five bucks to drink it outta the belly button of your choice. And there would be inflation now...
You could do the same thing with chocolate too.

Another group did the pedicure thing. It was a glorified excuse to rub someone's feet and legs. Probably kinda icky at a a bar though...

I should have added that I would pay big money to watch you break crops on a whole bunch a people around Lit.
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unpredictablebijou said:
So help me brainstorm. What substance shall I purchase, and what coaching shall I give my little stable of Saucy Wenches as to how to use it on bar patrons so as to relieve them of as much of their cash as possible?


Chocolate pudding
unpredictablebijou said:
No one is supposed to post before 7/27, and the deadline is 7/31. Our entries are apparently to go into the STC thread when they're ready.

Shenanigans indeed. And nothing all demanding and brilliant, either; I'm under enough pressure. How bout this. I'm about to do a fund raiser in a bar tonight, one of the things I do as my secret superhero identity. We go in, throw a big debauched party, take everybody's money away, and give it to some randomly chosen charity. Tonight's take goes to Kiva, which is a phenomenal organization that gives microloans to people in developing countries so they can start their own businesses.

As an example of the bad behavior that has netted us over $7000 for various charities over the past 5 years or so, at the last fundraiser I was hired by a bachelor party to flog the groom. They gave me a $50 donation and I actually broke a riding crop on him. (okay, it was a cheap crop, so that's not as bad as it sounds.)

So here's the question: we've actually been banned from ever bringing whipped cream into this particular bar, after the unfortunate events surrounding the CASE of whipped cream we took to last year's Valentine's Day event (which, by the way, raised $900 for the Humane Society) but there are many things besides whipped cream that haven't actually been forbidden yet.

So help me brainstorm. What substance shall I purchase, and what coaching shall I give my little stable of Saucy Wenches as to how to use it on bar patrons so as to relieve them of as much of their cash as possible?

And on which Lit personality would you use said substances, given the opportunity?

I dunno, just noodling...


Buy a case of (200) whippets and a few dispensers; leave the cream at home. Sell balloons at $6 a pop. You should net around $1000 for the evening. It's been awhile since I've done hippie crack though. I'd check the laws in your state first.

Or you can just sell watered-down test tube shots like everybody else. Lame, but effective. At $5 each (I've seen 'em go for as high as $10) you should make a tidy profit. It's all about the saucy wenches though: the saucier the presentation, the better; the test-tube-shot-served-from-cleavage, for example, should increase your revenues by at least 50%.
Sara Crewe said:
It's a little early...

I don't think he was talking about the alcoholic beverage, honey. Just a guess. What nationality are silverbacks, anyway? Are they considered Irish?

These are all excellent. Can't really do alcohol as such; Kansas is strict on that sort of thing. However, chocolate pudding presents some excellent possibilities. They're also making frosting in squeeze tubes now...

We tried offering foot massages a while back but yeah, with bar patrons that can be problematic. I give a great Tahitian head massage, though, and just stop thinking that right now cause I'm talking about the scalp. The jello thing is an excellent idea also, and if i just leave out the alcohol there wouldn't be any legal issue. If they buy their own shots from the bar, they can imbibe them however the wenches choose to let them, for the right price...

y'all are wonderfully twisted...
unpredictablebijou said:
I don't think he was talking about the alcoholic beverage, honey.

y'all are wonderfully twisted...

Yeah, I know. I play dumb. It's a nymph thing. He wasn't talking about a French dessert in the other post either. He's a twisted monkey.
Sara Crewe said:
Yeah, I know. I play dumb. It's a nymph thing. He wasn't talking about a French dessert in the other post either. He's a twisted monkey.

All the smartest grrrls tend to play dumb if they think it's to their advantage, I notice. And they do it so much better than the actual dumb girls.

Myself, I make a hobby of pointing out the obvious. I haven't had enough coffee yet today to be too clever.

A twisted monkey indeed. Can't help but secretly admire that sort of self-flagellation, at least a little.