Annoncing my poem! You jey!

Hey dinner was lovely. Anyone still throwing pies? I have to leave again momentarily to go cause REAL trouble, but I'm glad to see T stopped by. I imagine he completely missed the poetry assignment cause it happened before the pie fight but I'm eager to see what he creates for Annual Gerard Manley Hopkins Appreciation week.

Did you save me a pie? I wanted it, to answer your question, left on my chair. Pure whipped cream, if you please. And I want a full report on what's in Eluard's closet.

better late than Neville
Tzara said:
Sorry. Name's not Jones. Nor am I thin.

But are you lonely and lanky? And low-talkin'?

y'see, I leave you people alone for a couple of hours and you all go to bed. And you take the giraffes and the Jesus costume and the Pope and the pies and the streamers and the whipped cream with you. And Eluard's closet.

Here's my guess as to what's in there:

A Nathalie Wood scrapbook and full-sized cardboard statue
a Pope's mitre
a dog-eared copy of Artaud's The Theater and Its Double
an equally dog-eared copy of Weiss' Marat/Sade
a black lace catsuit, size 9
a spatula with a suspiciously evocative handle
priest's vestments, all white
a jar of marshmallow fluff
a bottle of Napoleon brandy, half-empty
a pair of antlers

How'd I do?
and good morning, you horrifyingly chipper early risers. You won't see me in here before 1 pm CST. You wouldn't want to. I'd be mean.

unpredictablebijou said:
But are you lonely and lanky? And low-talkin'?

y'see, I leave you people alone for a couple of hours and you all go to bed. And you take the giraffes and the Jesus costume and the Pope and the pies and the streamers and the whipped cream with you. And Eluard's closet.

Here's my guess as to what's in there:

A Nathalie Wood scrapbook and full-sized cardboard statue
a Pope's mitre
a dog-eared copy of Artaud's The Theater and Its Double
an equally dog-eared copy of Weiss' Marat/Sade
a black lace catsuit, size 9
a spatula with a suspiciously evocative handle
priest's vestments, all white
a jar of marshmallow fluff
a bottle of Napoleon brandy, half-empty
a pair of antlers

How'd I do?
and good morning, you horrifyingly chipper early risers. You won't see me in here before 1 pm CST. You wouldn't want to. I'd be mean.


Antlers make me think of either Deliverence and/or the Grinch tying them onto his doggie's head. Both are a tad alarming.

Eventually I lost a fight with my time zone last I do every night. Sleeping sucks.
Sara Crewe said:
Antlers make me think of either Deliverence and/or the Grinch tying them onto his doggie's head. Both are a tad alarming.

Eventually I lost a fight with my time zone last I do every night. Sleeping sucks.

I resent this having-to-eat thing in the way you resent sleeping.

Antlers are for those Swinburnian Pan-chasing-the-doe-through-the-woods games. Don't even bring up Deliverance - that's too CREEPY.

As usual, since I was the last one awake, I went ahead and mopped up all the whipped cream and blueberries.

And Ange, your giraffe? The drooling. A certain amount is normal. But this...It's bad. It's plentiful, and it's green. You may need to have him looked at.

You looked great on him, though. Very primal. Especially holding a pie.

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unpredictablebijou said:
I checked on the holidays. Turns out this week is International Gerard Manley Hopkins Appreciation Week, here in our small but proud nation of Nymphomania.

The grand idea is that you
..And Rachel strip as one.
My glory's riding both of you
..In holy, well, threesome.
MTVM said:

The grand idea is that you
..And Rachel strip as one.
My glory's riding both of you
..In holy, well, threesome.

It is NOT DIGNIFIED for Grand Viziers to giggle. But in this case I will forgive you.
The coffee in my sinuses is another matter entirely.

well done.

MTVM said:

The grand idea is that you
..And Rachel strip as one.
My glory's riding both of you
..In holy, well, threesome.

I'll record it for the website and the upcoming dvd: Poets Gone Wild. Pre-productions sales are brisk.
unpredictablebijou said:
Poets gone wild. Now THAT's an idea with legs.

Oh yeah! A calendar of poet legs. Good idea. We could even stick poems in between people's knees.
unpredictablebijou said:
Most of mine are already there.

I don't know whether I should offer you paper, comment that I thought they were slightly higher than your knees or ask what kinda ink you use...

Decisions, decisions.
Sara Crewe said:
I don't know whether I should offer you paper, comment that I thought they were slightly higher than your knees or ask what kinda ink you use...

Decisions, decisions.

Oh, why choose?
I figured the knee thing was metaphorical. Just my filthy mind, I guess.

The ink? My favorite recipe is a lampblack, tung oil, copperas, oak galls and a little verdigris. With just a pinch of dragon's blood. Failing that, my tongue makes a nice line.

Where was that paper again?
unpredictablebijou said:
Oh, why choose?
I figured the knee thing was metaphorical. Just my filthy mind, I guess.

The ink? My favorite recipe is a lampblack, tung oil, copperas, oak galls and a little verdigris. With just a pinch of dragon's blood. Failing that, my tongue makes a nice line.

Where was that paper again?

I think if I was being filthy I would have said thighs. I think thighs are far filthier in the grand scheme of things than knees. Although the backs of knees can make you feel filthy or being on your knees can be filthy. Okay. Nevermind. They are filthy.

If you are writing with your tongue. The paper is in the air and everywhere. Jesus. I can't stop rhyming. I may need a drink.

I so want to go the next time you need to get more dragon's blood.
Sara Crewe said:
I think if I was being filthy I would have said thighs. I think thighs are far filthier in the grand scheme of things than knees. Although the backs of knees can make you feel filthy or being on your knees can be filthy. Okay. Nevermind. They are filthy.

If you are writing with your tongue. The paper is in the air and everywhere. Jesus. I can't stop rhyming. I may need a drink.

I so want to go the next time you need to get more dragon's blood.

We sell it in the shop. Not my tongue. The dragon's blood. I just walk across the room, but you could go with me.

This whole knee thing is giving me ideas for a story. I could set it in a utility closet. With office supplies.

You should definitely go get a drink now.

unpredictablebijou said:
We sell it in the shop. Not my tongue. The dragon's blood. I just walk across the room, but you could go with me.

This whole knee thing is giving me ideas for a story. I could set it in a utility closet. With office supplies.

You should definitely go get a drink now.


I think your shop sounds interesting. Although I do have a hard time picturing it in Kansas. But to be fair, I have never been to Kansas and what I know about it can be attributed to the weather network and the Wizard of Oz. Hardly a solid geography lesson.

Sounds good. I would personally leave out the staples.

I fell victim to time zone-itis again and I am only getting to my drink now.
Sara Crewe said:
I think your shop sounds interesting. Although I do have a hard time picturing it in Kansas. But to be fair, I have never been to Kansas and what I know about it can be attributed to the weather network and the Wizard of Oz. Hardly a solid geography lesson.

Sounds good. I would personally leave out the staples.

I fell victim to time zone-itis again and I am only getting to my drink now.

Have one for me. I'm back at work, after an afternoon taking a husband to the vet. Diagnosis: he's sick. He'll get better soon. A little cough medicine, fluids, some Tylenol. And it only cost $150 and the bloodwork.

Kansas is a wild and mysterious place, full of strangeness that few suspect and even fewer understand. And we don't tell, cause we like it really empty like this.

Here's something:

Proof positive that living here too long will drive you batshit crazy, but usually in a harmless and artistic way.

You sound down, today, Nymphess of Universal Mischief. Shall I call the naked acrobat troupe to cheer you up, or do you wanna come with me over to the village idiot's house and try to teach him to sing opera some more?

unpredictablebijou said:
Have one for me. I'm back at work, after an afternoon taking a husband to the vet. Diagnosis: he's sick. He'll get better soon. A little cough medicine, fluids, some Tylenol. And it only cost $150 and the bloodwork.

Kansas is a wild and mysterious place, full of strangeness that few suspect and even fewer understand. And we don't tell, cause we like it really empty like this.

Here's something:

Proof positive that living here too long will drive you batshit crazy, but usually in a harmless and artistic way.

You sound down, today, Nymphess of Universal Mischief. Shall I call the naked acrobat troupe to cheer you up, or do you wanna come with me over to the village idiot's house and try to teach him to sing opera some more?


I like wild places so I am sure Kansas is worth seeing.

Husbands need to be women for one day and they would never complain about another second in their man-bodies.

I am actually not down. Although, I did mess with my head a little when writing today. Odd, how writing can bring you places you never intended to go.

I am also at the moment more than a little inebriated since the nymph has a pathetically low tolerance for alcohol. Maybe that is making me serious. Serious is always a big part of the nymph though, despite the fact that she often plays the fool.

Oh dear, I have started to speak about myself in third person...send the acrobats, the village idiot and yourself for good measure.

Crap! I just realized why a few drinks are making my brain dance. I forgot to eat supper and I missed breakfast this morning.
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Sara Crewe said:
I like wild places so I am sure Kansas is worth seeing.

Husbands need to be women for one day and they would never complain about another second in their man-bodies.

I am actually not down. Although, I did mess with my head a little when writing today. Odd, how writing can bring you places you never intended to go.

I am also at the moment more than a little inebriated since the nymph has a pathetically low tolerance for alcohol. Maybe that is making me serious. Serious is always a big part of the nymph though, despite the fact that she often plays the fool.

Oh dear, I have started to speak about myself in third person...send the acrobats, the village idiot and yourself for good measure.

Crap! I just realized why a few drinks are making my brain dance. I forgot to eat supper and I missed breakfast this morning.

I am glad to hear your mood is good. But I went and found this anyway, just in case.

Listening to Ladysmith always makes me feel good. I saw them live, god it must be almost 20 years ago now, and I cried for the ENTIRE CONCERT. Start to finish, no shit. I was dehydrated. They were called for four encores, ran out of songs, and their last encore was their national anthem. Then it wasn't just me crying.

Eat, mama. You look thin. And you'll hold yer liquor better.

I love them! You must be psychic. I hadn't heard of them until Paul Simon's Graceland album but I have loved them since then.

Just as I was about to think about what I should have for dinner I was called to rescue a bird trapped in a house. I rescued said bird and forgot about dinner.

I feel a little better about my liquor holding abilities knowing I have been serioulsy comprimised by lack of food.

unpredictablebijou said:
I am glad to hear your mood is good. But I went and found this anyway, just in case.

Listening to Ladysmith always makes me feel good. I saw them live, god it must be almost 20 years ago now, and I cried for the ENTIRE CONCERT. Start to finish, no shit. I was dehydrated. They were called for four encores, ran out of songs, and their last encore was their national anthem. Then it wasn't just me crying.

Eat, mama. You look thin. And you'll hold yer liquor better.

Sara Crewe said:
I love them! You must be psychic. I hadn't heard of them until Paul Simon's Graceland album but I have loved them since then.

Just as I was about to think about what I should have for dinner I was called to rescue a bird trapped in a house. I rescued said bird and forgot about dinner.

I feel a little better about my liquor holding abilities knowing I have been serioulsy comprimised by lack of food.

It wouldn't be the first time I have been accused of psychic ability.

So you're a hungry hero. And as to that, I must go and forage soon myself; no time for lunch what with the whole adventure of the afternoon.

I'll try to hammer something together for the 30/30 while I'm at the restaurant. Who knows, I might not flunk today.

So I've been thinking about the concept of the nemesis. I mean, there are people who seriously don't approve of my continuing to exist on this planet at all, and maybe even one or two who would be considered my nemesis if I paid any attention to them. But I'm thinking about BEING one. Not on this board, necessarily; I really dislike on-line drama. But in general. Shouldn't an evil grand vizier be someone's nemesis?

Maybe that's the seed for my 30/30 tonight. I'm off to hunt down a buffalo. Back later for a bit. But be sure to call me right away if Eluard shows up in a crown of thorns or anything...

I'll bring you some cheesecake. How bout turtle, with the caramel and the chocolate and that sort of thing? I know you're in a 12-step program but I've built a reputation for being a very bad influence.

unpredictablebijou said:
It wouldn't be the first time I have been accused of psychic ability.

So you're a hungry hero. And as to that, I must go and forage soon myself; no time for lunch what with the whole adventure of the afternoon.

I'll try to hammer something together for the 30/30 while I'm at the restaurant. Who knows, I might not flunk today.

So I've been thinking about the concept of the nemesis. I mean, there are people who seriously don't approve of my continuing to exist on this planet at all, and maybe even one or two who would be considered my nemesis if I paid any attention to them. But I'm thinking about BEING one. Not on this board, necessarily; I really dislike on-line drama. But in general. Shouldn't an evil grand vizier be someone's nemesis?

Maybe that's the seed for my 30/30 tonight. I'm off to hunt down a buffalo. Back later for a bit. But be sure to call me right away if Eluard shows up in a crown of thorns or anything...

I'll bring you some cheesecake. How bout turtle, with the caramel and the chocolate and that sort of thing? I know you're in a 12-step program but I've built a reputation for being a very bad influence.


Oh yeah. If ever at a loss for something to write about, think of anyone who deserves a tongue lashing and usually there are fifty poems begging to be written, Go ahead be someone's Nemesis. Paint an N on your chest and give them their just desserts.

Just not my turtle cheesecake 'cause then I will have to kill them. I wouldn't even throw it at Eluard no matter how much he asked me too.
Sara Crewe said:
Oh yeah. If ever at a loss for something to write about, think of anyone who deserves a tongue lashing and usually there are fifty poems begging to be written, Go ahead be someone's Nemesis. Paint an N on your chest and give them their just desserts.

Just not my turtle cheesecake 'cause then I will have to kill them. I wouldn't even throw it at Eluard no matter how much he asked me too.

See, you did it for me. I started thinking about a couple of Situations...with Some People... and suddenly I had a great deal to say. I keep trying to flunk out of this round of the 30/30 and I keep coming up with stuff by mistake. Most of it must wait, cause it might actually be good but I have to look at it first. In the cold light of the morning, as it were.

Here I am, the last one awake again. Just think about this: here in Kansas, some of us have lives like this. I'm waiting around for pies and giraffes and YOU people are all in bed.

Eh bien. C'est dommage.

unpredictablebijou said:
See, you did it for me. I started thinking about a couple of Situations...with Some People... and suddenly I had a great deal to say. I keep trying to flunk out of this round of the 30/30 and I keep coming up with stuff by mistake. Most of it must wait, cause it might actually be good but I have to look at it first. In the cold light of the morning, as it were.

Here I am, the last one awake again. Just think about this: here in Kansas, some of us have lives like this. I'm waiting around for pies and giraffes and YOU people are all in bed.

Eh bien. C'est dommage.


I can relate.

I have two sisters -in -law that 'cause me to say a great deal in private and in writing. It prevents me from imploding but also keeping the peace in both families.

Yeah, well, in the wilds of Canada, when I am waiting here patiently to be entertained everyone is off having a life, eating or still working. Do you think I have enough power to change it so everyone lives on EST? 'Cause I'm thinkin' about it. People aren't that attached to the whole sun during the day thing are they?
Sara Crewe said:
I can relate.

I have two sisters -in -law that 'cause me to say a great deal in private and in writing. It prevents me from imploding but also keeping the peace in both families.

Yeah, well, in the wilds of Canada, when I am waiting here patiently to be entertained everyone is off having a life, eating or still working. Do you think I have enough power to change it so everyone lives on EST? 'Cause I'm thinkin' about it. People aren't that attached to the whole sun during the day thing are they?

Demand it and see what happens. At least parts of the populace will be overjoyed to obey you, I suspect.

I, for one, have no fondness for the burning ball of fire in the sky. With both Swedish and Irish genetics, I'm quite vampiric in my avoidance of it. Sometimes I run outside and throw rocks at it, but it just won't go away.

This whole exploration of the Nemesis has gotten me into some very interesting writing territory. Love and anger, hatred, the open and closed heart, that sort of thing. hm. fascinating.

I was really trying to groom Tath for the position of Nemesis to the Vizier a while back but he ran away. Sad. Could've been fun...

unpredictablebijou said:
Demand it and see what happens. At least parts of the populace will be overjoyed to obey you, I suspect.

I, for one, have no fondness for the burning ball of fire in the sky. With both Swedish and Irish genetics, I'm quite vampiric in my avoidance of it. Sometimes I run outside and throw rocks at it, but it just won't go away.

This whole exploration of the Nemesis has gotten me into some very interesting writing territory. Love and anger, hatred, the open and closed heart, that sort of thing. hm. fascinating.

I was really trying to groom Tath for the position of Nemesis to the Vizier a while back but he ran away. Sad. Could've been fun...


I think the people on the west coast might mutiny.

If I have a Nemesis. She probably lives in me.

I can see why it didnt work with Tath. It's hard to groom Monkeys. They never sit still.