Annoncing my poem! You jey!

unpredictablebijou said:
Fuck yeah. I agree. Hell, name them ALL Petey. They'll understand. They'll think it's excellent. I'm all for repairing childhood injuries like that. And by the way, the Rabbit on Hash was the funniest image I've heard all week. It'll come up as a simile soon, I'm sure: " a rabbit on hash..."

Sara, I'm checking into the monkey grooming thing. It'll definitely be aimed toward the NOT behaving. I mean, what good is a monkey who behaves?


I say if George Foreman can name all his kids George, Ange is well within her rights to call all the crows in the world, Petey.
Sara Crewe said:
I say if George Foreman can name all his kids George, Ange is well within her rights to call all the crows in the world, Petey.

We have an aquarium at home, for which I occasionally need to buy new snails. We always name them Gary. I have it on good authority that all snails are named Gary.

Tath, not that I'm against the whole self-grooming thing, cause there's nothing wrong with that, y'know, long as you aren't in public or anything, but really, letting someone else groom you could be enjoyable too. You should try it.

Job openings for a nemesis are still available, and grooming and good behavior are NOT required. In fact, the best candidate will exhibit neither, in great measure.

unpredictablebijou said:
We have an aquarium at home, for which I occasionally need to buy new snails. We always name them Gary. I have it on good authority that all snails are named Gary.

Tath, not that I'm against the whole self-grooming thing, cause there's nothing wrong with that, y'know, long as you aren't in public or anything, but really, letting someone else groom you could be enjoyable too. You should try it.

Job openings for a nemesis are still available, and grooming and good behavior are NOT required. In fact, the best candidate will exhibit neither, in great measure.


All snails are named Gary and they all meow.
Sara Crewe said:

I forgot to tell you a couple of things, Monkey-Man.

I loved your whiffle ball poem. Loved it for your first image alone. I also love what your sig line says right now and finally I do solemnly promise to record myself trying to read your title. Although, seemingly simple, my brain cannot do it without getting stuck and succumbing to giggles.

Thank you , you just liked it because you are from Canada and I used the word " Igloo" because, as we all know, you are all canucks, eat blubber,play hockey, and live in igloos.

I subscribe to 3 or 4 " thoughts of the day" things
That was one of them.
I like it too, it's sarcastic

when you say it you have to move your hands like the pistons on a steam engine and thrust your hips forward on the " boom" part....

well you don't have to, but I'd like to see you do it
Tathagata said:
when you say it you have to move your hands like the pistons on a steam engine and thrust your hips forward on the " boom" part....

well you don't have to, but I'd like to see you do it

I'd pay money to see it.

C'mere, monkey boy. You got a little schmutz in your fur there. Lemme get that for ya.

say, is that whipped cream?
The boom is not the problem. I add 'r's to the lakalaka so that it is lakralakra.

You want to see me to the Bill Murray dance? What a bunch a perverts. Next thing you'll tell me that you know what it means to be Aunt Jemima-ed.
Sara Crewe said:
The boom is not the problem. I add 'r's to the lakalaka so that it is lakralakra.

You want to see me to the Bill Murray dance? What a bunch a perverts. Next thing you'll tell me that you know what it means to be Aunt Jemima-ed.

"strip me naked, cover me with syrup, and throw me to the lesbians?....:)

actually, that doesnt sound so bad, come ta think of it
unpredictablebijou said:
I'd pay money to see it.

C'mere, monkey boy. You got a little schmutz in your fur there. Lemme get that for ya.

say, is that whipped cream?

banana cream
i must have been eating pie
Sara Crewe said:
The boom is not the problem. I add 'r's to the lakalaka so that it is lakralakra.

You want to see me to the Bill Murray dance? What a bunch a perverts. Next thing you'll tell me that you know what it means to be Aunt Jemima-ed.

We don't have " ah's" in Boston
L M N O P Q Ah S T U V...

" Who's your buddy, Who's your pal? It's me isn't it?"
Tathagata said:
We don't have " ah's" in Boston
L M N O P Q Ah S T U V...

" Who's your buddy, Who's your pal? It's me isn't it?"

Big fan of the spatula scene. Though I believe the exact line is "Who's your buddy? Who's your pal? I am, aren't I?"

at least, when we played that scene in the home game, that was the line...

Why didn't I expect that a monkey would be eating banana creme pie? I must be slipping.

Look, King Kong, we can't very well form a double secret alliance that no one would suspect if you won't go through the first step of becoming my publicly declared nemesis. There's a process here. Must I explain everything?

unpredictablebijou said:
Big fan of the spatula scene. Though I believe the exact line is "Who's your buddy? Who's your pal? I am, aren't I?"

at least, when we played that scene in the home game, that was the line...

Why didn't I expect that a monkey would be eating banana creme pie? I must be slipping.

Look, King Kong, we can't very well form a double secret alliance that no one would suspect if you won't go through the first step of becoming my publicly declared nemesis. There's a process here. Must I explain everything?


you'd think after using lines from that movie for 20 years or so I'd get it right
arigato for the correction bijou-san

I still manage to use "well sir we were going to this bingo parlor at the YMCA ,well one after another things got all fouled up ..."

you should see me cream my banana
for the pie

oh I'm much to shy to be a nemesis
can't i be the evil mystic who gives everyone absinthe and peyote as sacraments , then has perverse unspeakable orgies with all the serving wenches after ordering the horse suspension halter be rigged up over the queens bed?
You seem to have this all wrong. But I can understand that. Being an evil Vizier creates a reality distortion when the evil turns inward, as it always does.

Let me splain it to you.

You are evil. Your Nemesis is therefore the opposite of that. He's good. You have plots and plans that you try to involve the slightly dim Caliph in. (Sorry SC but I didn't give you that part.) You are dressed in long robes that have stars and moons sequined onto them with a 14th century bobbydazzler, and bear a suspiciously close resemblance to Conrad Veidt, particularly in the beard.

I am dressed in white from head to foot. I work for truth and an end to tyranny. (Also the hand of some fair maid.) I am………………………………… Tony Curtis!

I am the hero.

That is your Nemesis. The hero. Want to give up now dontcha? Don't blame you at all. It would be no fun having a Nemesis that's the Hero. Best give up, eh? Best, yeah.

(Went out and got some more peaches for you.)

Alright now LOOK. When I went into that thread this morning and saw the wreckage we'd left around, while these nice people are actually trying to talk about poetry like reasonable human beings, I was absolutely mortified. Peach melba indeed.

We need to get all that stuff cleaned up before Senna Jawa gets back and sees that mess. My only defense is that you started it, and I haven't had to pull that one for 20 years or so.

Any more bad behavior goes on in here. There may be a time in my life when I want to actually be taken seriously, though I doubt it, and if I'm running through the poetry reading with a can of whipped cream every ten minutes that will be more of a challenge.

Now as to the subject at hand.
I like heroes. They're tasty.

How did you know I look like Conrad Veidt? Actually think more Max Von Sydow in Flash Gordon. Or Vincent Price in The Conqueror Worm.

Alright. I get the shiny jackboots. I wanted them anyway. The star-spangled robes are for the new absinthe-guzzling, peyote-munching Court Mystic, so long as his appointment meets with the Nymph's approval. I'll be in my conventional black leather. Think Diana Rigg in the Avengers. With a coiled bullwhip.

And I should have known after the whole jesus-robe thing that you had some sort of fetish for being the good guy. Thing is, whenever someone insists on dressing all in white, I tend to be reminded of Elvis. The later, Las Vegas version of Elvis. But if that's what you want, hey... you're the hero.

(Elvis came to me in a vision once... but I digress)

Good guys, as I think EVERYONE knows, do not always win.

And sweetie, I hate to break it to you, but Tony Curtis was not particularly into fair 'maids'. A virile young swain in distress was I think more his style. But whatever - who am I to judge tastes, with a monkey as my shaman.

I've tried the dim-witted Caliph route, and it didn't work out so well. Having a smart Nymph of Shenanigans is a much better deal. And round here, I don't think I'll lack for mummified heads to add to my collection any more than I ever did.

Off to dangle some raw meat in front of the guard dogs and poke the bear with a stick.

unpredictablebijou said:
Alright. I get the shiny jackboots. I wanted them anyway. The star-spangled robes are for the new absinthe-guzzling, peyote-munching Court Mystic, so long as his appointment meets with the Nymph's approval. I'll be in my conventional black leather. Think Diana Rigg in the Avengers. With a coiled bullwhip.

I definitely approve of the boots and the mystic. I want to watch him hook up the *looks back at the mystic monkey's post* horse suspension halter over the queen's bed. It's hard to get people to do good suspension bondage installations these days.
Sara Crewe said:
I definitely approve of the boots and the mystic. I want to watch him hook up the *looks back at the mystic monkey's post* horse suspension halter over the queen's bed. It's hard to get people to do good suspension bondage installations these days.

I'd like to do a good deal more than watch him install it.
unpredictablebijou said:
Alright. I get the shiny jackboots. I wanted them anyway. The star-spangled robes are for the new absinthe-guzzling, peyote-munching Court Mystic, so long as his appointment meets with the Nymph's approval. I'll be in my conventional black leather. Think Diana Rigg in the Avengers. With a coiled bullwhip.


Is that like stroke mags?
I hope so

Have a brownie Mrs Peel
Sara Crewe said:
I definitely approve of the boots and the mystic. I want to watch him hook up the *looks back at the mystic monkey's post* horse suspension halter over the queen's bed. It's hard to get people to do good suspension bondage installations these days.

yes i agree

drink this and meet me in bell tower
oh and God wants you to wear this latex nurse uniform
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Tathagata said:
Is that like stroke mags?
I hope so

Have a brownie Mrs Peel

I have an Emma Peel dress or at least that's what my friends call it. Might be too short for the Vizier though...that's never a bad thing though.
Tathagata said:
yes i agree

drink this and meet me in bell tower
oh and God wants you to wear this latex nurse uniform

Hey, now I always watch when people make my drinks. I rarely listen to God so I'll wear whatever I want and if that makes people unhappy when I arrive I will happily suffer the consequences. I might come as a nun, as a matter of fact.
Sara Crewe said:
I have an Emma Peel dress or at least that's what my friends call it. Might be too short for the Vizier though...that's never a bad thing though.

you're killing me
Tathagata said:
lovely décolletage in your AV

Thank you dear.
It's the only place for rubies. Especially big ones.
I do believe we've found your niche, Mr. Mystico. I can tell you're going to be very good at this.

Jackboots are like these *points to knee-high, shiny black leather boots with 3-inch heels and silver buckles up the front.* They give good ankle support. That's why I wear them.

As to the Emma Peel dress. I'm 5'9" so I bet it would be pretty short. Besides, I'd rather see it on YOU, dear...
unpredictablebijou said:
Thank you dear.
It's the only place for rubies. Especially big ones.
I do believe we've found your niche, Mr. Mystico. I can tell you're going to be very good at this.

Jackboots are like these *points to knee-high, shiny black leather boots with 3-inch heels and silver buckles up the front.* They give good ankle support. That's why I wear them.

As to the Emma Peel dress. I'm 5'9" so I bet it would be pretty short. Besides, I'd rather see it on YOU, dear...

I had a feeling you were taller than I am. I only am 5'4" so it might make you a nice top. I can wear it and be 'Spy Nymph' for this evening...
unpredictablebijou said:
Thank you dear.
It's the only place for rubies. Especially big ones.
I do believe we've found your niche, Mr. Mystico. I can tell you're going to be very good at this.

Jackboots are like these *points to knee-high, shiny black leather boots with 3-inch heels and silver buckles up the front.* They give good ankle support. That's why I wear them.

As to the Emma Peel dress. I'm 5'9" so I bet it would be pretty short. Besides, I'd rather see it on YOU, dear...

Yes I like big ones too

I see purely an orthopedic accoutrement
how very sensible

5'9 with 3 inch heels....
I'll get the nylon rope and pitons
I'm sure you'd be worth the climb

me in an Emma Peel dress would be the equivalent of a short round Seth Rogen in black saran wrap