Annoncing my poem! You jey!


I dont mean to be rude, or anything like that, but your spelling sucks and you have an attitude problem. If you want to talk, drop me a line ;)

ps, it is KILLING me, the subject line of your thread, what does "You jey" mean?

I know I am a produck of SC schools, but that is no reason to keep me in the dark, as we've had electricity here for about a decade now...

ghost_girl said:

I dont mean to be rude, or anything like that, but your spelling sucks and you have an attitude problem. If you want to talk, drop me a line ;)

ps, it is KILLING me, the subject line of your thread, what does "You jey" mean?

I know I am a produck of SC schools, but that is no reason to keep me in the dark, as we've had electricity here for about a decade now...


I am glad to see you 'round these parts, gg. I was obsessed with turtle poems earlier this summer and it made me think of your frogs. :)

I think the incredibly brilliant and ever so talented MTVM means HUGE when he says 'you jey' but I dunno... I'm not smoking and/or drinking whatever he is so it could be anything.
thank you Sara ;) I wish I could express how badly I miss my froggies. I feel so bipolar when I think about them.

However, my daughter has 2 red-eared sliders turtles ( named for the way they pull their heads into the shells....)they are approx. 8 years old and we have had them since they were the size of a quarter. Binky Patel ( has a red dot on her head) and Speedy, well, he's just fast.

They are surprisingly smart, they beg for food when we eat, and paddle the water really hard with their front feet and make a blooping sound as the water splashes up. It is so funny. They like broccoli :)

In all the time we've had them, they have yet to inspire apoem. But that is not their fault, I'm sure. my muse just isn't turtle-tuned, yet.

You wouldnt believe how fast a turtle can be! It is amazing. I do not know where people got the idea they are slow creatures. And they sure do bite hard! speedy is more than a handful now, and his neck is so long that any position I hold him, he can manipulate around to get my fingers. I bought them a kiddie pool so they can play outside when it is really hot or when I change the water in the tank...did I say my daughter's turtles? naahh,. I think they are mine now, by default.

It is good to see you and to be around here again. I was working and had no internet access at all for a while and then only limited and could not get into Lit.



I was kidding with that post, I read through it, just couldnt figure out what "you jey" meant....
ghost_girl said:
thank you Sara ;) I wish I could express how badly I miss my froggies. I feel so bipolar when I think about them.

However, my daughter has 2 red-eared sliders turtles ( named for the way they pull their heads into the shells....)they are approx. 8 years old and we have had them since they were the size of a quarter. Binky Patel ( has a red dot on her head) and Speedy, well, he's just fast.

They are surprisingly smart, they beg for food when we eat, and paddle the water really hard with their front feet and make a blooping sound as the water splashes up. It is so funny. They like broccoli :)

In all the time we've had them, they have yet to inspire apoem. But that is not their fault, I'm sure. my muse just isn't turtle-tuned, yet.

You wouldnt believe how fast a turtle can be! It is amazing. I do not know where people got the idea they are slow creatures. And they sure do bite hard! speedy is more than a handful now, and his neck is so long that any position I hold him, he can manipulate around to get my fingers. I bought them a kiddie pool so they can play outside when it is really hot or when I change the water in the tank...did I say my daughter's turtles? naahh,. I think they are mine now, by default.

It is good to see you and to be around here again. I was working and had no internet access at all for a while and then only limited and could not get into Lit.



I was kidding with that post, I read through it, just couldn't figure out what "you jey" meant....

Hmm, I think my turtles first inspired me when I watched them climb their rock in the middle of the marsh (always the same rock) and just revel in the warmth. It's weird...but they looked happy.

The turtles do sound like your turtles. Always the way. ;)

I knew you were kidding about the letter dude. Just thought I would add my guess at what he meant to say with his 'you jey' and to say it was good to see you. :heart:
Sara Crewe said:
Hmm, I think my turtles first inspired me when I watched them climb their rock in the middle of the marsh (always the same rock) and just revel in the warmth. It's weird...but they looked happy.

The turtles do sound like your turtles. Always the way. ;)

I knew you were kidding about the letter dude. Just thought I would add my guess at what he meant to say with his 'you jey' and to say it was good to see you. :heart:

Turtles are very capable of demonstrating happiness, if you're watching them closely. Very fond myself. I had a few red-eared sliders for a while. And there are box turtles all over the place on my land.

Had a friend whose pet box turtle roamed freely around her house. To make sure no one stepped on him during parties, she'd tie a red helium balloon around his middle, so that it hung in the air at about human-face height. Sometimes she'd even paint a turtle face on it. That way, wherever he was wandering around on the floor, people would notice him.

I think he appreciated the acknowledgment. He seemed happy.

unpredictablebijou said:
Turtles are very capable of demonstrating happiness, if you're watching them closely. Very fond myself. I had a few red-eared sliders for a while. And there are box turtles all over the place on my land.

Had a friend whose pet box turtle roamed freely around her house. To make sure no one stepped on him during parties, she'd tie a red helium balloon around his middle, so that it hung in the air at about human-face height. Sometimes she'd even paint a turtle face on it. That way, wherever he was wandering around on the floor, people would notice him.

I think he appreciated the acknowledgment. He seemed happy.


I think all animals are capable of happiness but that opinion is widely disputed and usually gets me labeled a fruitcake. When I write about them, I have a hard time calling them 'it'. They are not 'its' to me and if that makes me a fruitcake so be it. I am happy with the nuts that live inside me.

The turtles around me are all snappers. Maybe that's why I like 'em...'cause they will bite you hard if they don't want you to get too close.

*shuts up before more fruitcake jokes come tumbling out*
THe "real" snappers down here get so huge they could wreck a car and live to be ancient.


I don't think you're a fruitcake, Sara, but that Stepford wives poem assured that I would always love love love you!! :D

I personally believe that a true poet must have his/her sanity questioned at some time during his/her career or there will be no mystery for future generations of Lit majors to ponder when they are dissecting our work, lol.

hey bijou, thanks for your story, too!! made me smile, what a cute idea with the balloon.

I will have that image of the party turtle in my head forever now. lol

ghost_girl said:
THe "real" snappers down here get so huge they could wreck a car and live to be ancient.


I don't think you're a fruitcake, Sara, but that Stepford wives poem assured that I would always love love love you!! :D

I personally believe that a true poet must have his/her sanity questioned at some time during his/her career or there will be no mystery for future generations of Lit majors to ponder when they are dissecting our work, lol.

hey bijou, thanks for your story, too!! made me smile, what a cute idea with the balloon.

I will have that image of the party turtle in my head forever now. lol


I am a fruitcake but I don't see that as a bad thing. ;) Snappers here are both big and small and nice and nasty. Kinda like people, I guess.

I bet the turtle loved his balloon.

Hmm, you liked the Sara goes nasty bitch on the plastic people poem? ;) Maybe I need to do another. For that matter I don't have anything to write about for today either.

I actually had an editor write me back about that poem. Said he loved it but couldn't print it 'cause his wife read his site and that she was wayyyy too much like one of my characters . Said taking my poem was not worth sleeping in the dog house. :devil:
ghost_girl said:
THe "real" snappers down here get so huge they could wreck a car and live to be ancient.


I don't think you're a fruitcake, Sara, but that Stepford wives poem assured that I would always love love love you!! :D

I personally believe that a true poet must have his/her sanity questioned at some time during his/her career or there will be no mystery for future generations of Lit majors to ponder when they are dissecting our work, lol.

hey bijou, thanks for your story, too!! made me smile, what a cute idea with the balloon.

I will have that image of the party turtle in my head forever now. lol


I fed hashish to a rabbit once. I put it in a carrot and gave it to him. And he seemed to enjoy it though his hop was crooked for a little while.

I'm going to hell, right? :D

Sorry, that's my only animal story. Any turtles in my neighborhood in New Jersey would have been mutant escapees from Woolworth's. People probably put them in balloons. It was New Jersey. Fuggeddabboudit.
I like the phrase "party turtle". Evocative. Not just your everyday turtle. Feelin' celebratory? Time to get out the party turtle.

There's something vaguely obscene about it too, as if I needed to point that out to THIS group.

A rabbit on HASH?

Are you actually Charles Dodgson in disquise?

unpredictablebijou said:
I like the phrase "party turtle". Evocative. Not just your everyday turtle. Feelin' celebratory? Time to get out the party turtle.

There's something vaguely obscene about it too, as if I needed to point that out to THIS group.

A rabbit on HASH?

Are you actually Charles Dodgson in disquise?


I think the party turtle cannot be obscene because it evokes a sense of shyness. But I am twisted and I like my obscenities to slap me in the face.

Ange may not go to hell but I am pretty sure she is going to animal purgatory. She gets a least a year of some goldfish constantly trying to flush her down a giant toilet.

Wait a minute. Assuming cleanliness, that kinda sounds like fun. A porcelain water park
Sara Crewe said:
I think the people on the west coast might mutiny.

If I have a Nemesis. She probably lives in me.

I can see why it didnt work with Tath. It's hard to groom Monkeys. They never sit still.

This got stuck at the end of a page and I missed it. It occurs to me now that I might have gone about the grooming thing in entirely the wrong way for a monkey.
I'm telling you that rabbit wanted the hash. He kept hanging around people who were smoking it and he willingly ate that carrot piece. I improved the quality of that rabbit's life, however briefly.

I spent a few years on the other side of the looking glass, but I'm much better now thank you.

And I buried my goldfish in the backyard. In shoeboxes. With their name written on the side.
unpredictablebijou said:
This got stuck at the end of a page and I missed it. It occurs to me now that I might have gone about the grooming thing in entirely the wrong way for a monkey.

Maybe if you googled it you could find some articles on how to groom a monkey. Top Ten Tips on how to get your monkey to behave or not behave, depending on your desires at the time.
Angeline said:
And I buried my goldfish in the backyard. In shoeboxes. With their name written on the side.

Well, that sounds like a boring purgatory. (And yes, purgatory is all about personal entertainment) I'd ride the porcelain over a box in the backyard but that's just me.
Sara Crewe said:
Well, that sounds like a boring purgatory. (And yes, purgatory is all about personal entertainment) I'd ride the porcelain over a box in the backyard but that's just me.

They were my beloved pets, not being permitted to have a dog. The only other pet we had was a series of doppleganger parakeets named Chipper. As soons as one died, my mom got another. Stepford parakeets.
Angeline said:
They were my beloved pets, not being permitted to have a dog. The only other pet we had was a series of doppleganger parakeets named Chipper. As soons as one died, my mom got another. Stepford parakeets.

Acck. They were all named Chipper? Was there at least a Chipper Junior or a Chipper III?
Sara Crewe said:
Acck. They were all named Chipper? Was there at least a Chipper Junior or a Chipper III?

No! They were all Chipper! My sister and I lobbied for a Petey once, but my mother is a strange and stubborn woman.
Angeline said:
No! They were all Chipper! My sister and I lobbied for a Petey once, but my mother is a strange and stubborn woman.

I say you march right outside and name the first bird you see, Petey, in honour of the Petey that so wrongly was named Chipper. Or you could ask them nicely if they would take Petey as a middle name if you wanted to be polite about it.
Sara Crewe said:
I say you march right outside and name the first bird you see, Petey, in honour of the Petey that so wrongly was named Chipper. Or you could ask them nicely if they would take Petey as a middle name if you wanted to be polite about it.

Okay. There's a bunch of crows and a few hawks I see all the time from my bedroom window. I'll ask one of the crows. They love to talk. :)
Sara Crewe said:
I say you march right outside and name the first bird you see, Petey, in honour of the Petey that so wrongly was named Chipper. Or you could ask them nicely if they would take Petey as a middle name if you wanted to be polite about it.

Fuck yeah. I agree. Hell, name them ALL Petey. They'll understand. They'll think it's excellent. I'm all for repairing childhood injuries like that. And by the way, the Rabbit on Hash was the funniest image I've heard all week. It'll come up as a simile soon, I'm sure: " a rabbit on hash..."

Sara, I'm checking into the monkey grooming thing. It'll definitely be aimed toward the NOT behaving. I mean, what good is a monkey who behaves?

unpredictablebijou said:
I was really trying to groom Tath for the position of Nemesis to the Vizier a while back but he ran away. Sad. Could've been fun...


I am ungroomable

One does not groom Hanuman
He grooms himself
( and yes that could be a euphemism)

Tathagata said:
I am ungroomable

One does not groom Hanuman
He grooms himself
( and yes that could be a euphemism)


A euphemism? Have you gone all soft on us?
Tathagata said:

I forgot to tell you a couple of things, Monkey-Man.

I loved your whiffle ball poem. Loved it for your first image alone. I also love what your sig line says right now and finally I do solemnly promise to record myself trying to read your title. Although, seemingly simple, my brain cannot do it without getting stuck and succumbing to giggles.