Anyone for cleeks?

MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
I see that is the Fool hard at work with his flange-puller.

Really Fool, your idea of womanly charm comes from the Cheri magazines your coworkers leave in the breakroom.

What the fuck is a flange-puller? Whatever it is, I want one of those in my toolbox.

My idea of womanly charm is a woman who can make me lonesome with a sigh, make me laugh with a look, make me care with a tear and make me hard with a smile.

Cheri Magazines? I didn't even know they were still in print.
Coworkers? There idea of porn is a new router manual.
breakroom? Slaves don't get breaks.

Are those dimples or is that cellulite?
The_Fool said:
My idea of womanly charm is a woman who can make me lonesome with a sigh, make me laugh with a look, make me care with a tear and make me hard with a smile.

Are those dimples or is that cellulite?
Womanly charm went the way of the dodo, Fool. What were you weaned on? Rhetorical query, please don't tell.

The cellulite card is way off the chart. As jocular as being called post-menopausal as if it were an insult.

MathGirl said:
I suggest we call a truce. That's enough backbiting and insults. Let's all coexist peacefully in the true spirit of brotherly and sisterly love.
Ps. Sven, you're an asshole.

Hey the anaconda haven't had a chance to wrap around your bonely little spine and crawl up your tight little ass.
Blacksnake, you are a filthy, disgusting, dick obsessed pervert (with an extremely sexy wife), and if I see one more picture of your "schlong" I'm going to be sick on it.
MathGirl said:
Dear Earl,
Be patient. It won't be long before your testicles descend and you can stop singing in the treble clef.

You shouldn't make fun of the guy just because your cock and balls are bigger than his.
Just-Legal said:
Blacksnake, you are a filthy, disgusting, dick obsessed pervert (with an extremely sexy wife), and if I see one more picture of your "schlong" I'm going to be sick on it.

If you get your hand out of your pants then you can get something like: this
perdita said:
Womanly charm went the way of the dodo, Fool. What were you weaned on? Rhetorical query, please don't tell.

The cellulite card is way off the chart. As jocular as being called post-menopausal as if it were an insult.


*whispering* Its a really cute butt, but don't tell her I think so....
perdita said:
Womanly charm went the way of the dodo, Fool. What were you weaned on? Rhetorical query, please don't tell.

The cellulite card is way off the chart. As jocular as being called post-menopausal as if it were an insult.


It's so funny how little sence things make when all you do is pick words from a thesaurus. Is there an original thought in there somewhere?
Tatelou said:
Thanks, Mlle. Nope, can't bring myself to insult you either.

Where have all the little boys gone? They are no fun.

Your AV is hot, is that what you want for xmas?
Tatelou said:
Haha! What would you know, Yorkie boy?
We have a much more refined way of insulting others down here; we merely stick our noses up at them.

Does everybody have their noses stuck up someones ass?
Re: Re: Ahhh

MathGirl said:
That from someone who thought Benny Hill was overly sophisticated.

That was funny, but you seem to know something about Benny and on the Hill.
The_Fool said:
*whispering* Its a really cute butt, but don't tell her I think so....
I want the moderator!

This is grounds for being kicked out of the cleek.

Cuteness should not be allowed; real fools don't cute out.

And they don't PM the gals to say they're just kidding; that's too wise for a fool.

Tatelou said:
Ah, yes, I keep forgetting about that rule. I must be blinded by the witty retorts clumsily slung at me by certain people.

Mlle, the pose you are striking in your delicious AV makes me want to run my hands down the whole of your body.

Your AV is sturring my snake. Open wide...
perdita said:
I want the moderator!

This is grounds for being kicked out of the cleek.

Cuteness should not be allowed; real fools don't cute out.

And they don't PM the gals to say they're just kidding; that's too wise for a fool.


*L* Don't you realize how Machiavellian my comment was? Got you going didn't it? Psych!!!
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:

See my quote. Arg. I fucked up. How do I erase the taint of the smilies? I must say something really crackerjack venomous now..... not to make any more mistaky-wakes.


You wanna spank me arse for my transgressions?

I'll pop that ass. Over, and over, and over,...
Damn...the thread could almost drive me to drink...But then I would have to go to the liquor store for some Mad Dog...
The Two Shades of Blue


I'll pull your flange right the fuck off, you mongoloid machine-shop chuck.

Then I'll fill it in with nitro-stan, sand it off and make of you a lovely little cherub.


Since you're such a remarkable judge of appearance, maybe you'd be so kind [read: brave] as to display a picture of yourself? I'm sure it will be beyond reproach. I'm sure your come-hither beauty will be like manna to us all, a revelation of the idealized evolved humanitarian, and a balm on my gargantuan, orange-peel pitted ass.

Don't worry about risking your self-esteem, oh you glorious, benevolent creature- it's a very comfortable, accepting board. I've always felt absolutely respected here.
maybe you'd be so kind [read: brave] as to display a picture of yourself? I'm sure it will be beyond reproach. I'm sure your come-hither beauty Mlle
Well, in the case of The(underscore)Fool, it's probably more a case of being beyond approach with his get-the-fuck-away-from-me beauty.


Cuteness should not be allowed; real fools don't cute out. Perdita
What if they have acute Angina?

Rumple Foreskin
*rolls eyes at BS*

That's just... eugh...

*lets eyes wander over Mlle's lovely form*
BlackSnake said:
Your AV is sturring my snake. Open wide...

Would you put that thing away? It's getting my dog riled, his hackles are up and he's ready to pounce.
Hmmm, perhaps you'd enjoy a big set of teeth sinking into it?