Anyone for cleeks?

Thanks, Mlle. Nope, can't bring myself to insult you either.

Where have all the little boys gone? They are no fun.
gauchecritic said:
Ooh trolly rage at Tescos. Then tea and scons at mater and pater's and playing the grawnd pyanoe in the drawing room.

I'm surprised you know what a grand piano is. Didn't you chop the remaining few up for firewood the last time the miners were on strike?
gauchecritic said:
You Girl.

You noticed? Give that man a banana!

There was me thinking that you all had scurvy up north, hence impaired vision.

MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
Pops, for shame, you brute!
He'd probably have more time to work something out if you weren't always buggering him!

By the way Tatelou....your new AV is mashingly hot.

No dear that's work something 'in'.
Hey look at that. I didn't think they could afford computers North of Watford.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
Hey look at that. I didn't think they could afford computers North of Watford.

They can't, but I hear shop lifting is on the National Curriculum up there.
Ah bless

Tatelou said:

(Don't know why, I can't bring myself to be nasty to you Pops.:kiss:)

Ah bless:rose: hey I just switched show av's back on, love the new pic dear, I think I need to go relieve some pressure now:D

PS: mlle, yours hasn't helped my freekin blood pressure much either:D
It's all part of our fiendish plot to assasSINate you, Pops...



I'll have you know I'm still playing by the rules! They said we could flirt outrageously in lieu of insult ;)



Come and get me YOU GIRL...

MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:

I'll have you know I'm still playing by the rules! They said we could flirt outrageously in lieu of insult ;)

Ah, yes, I keep forgetting about that rule. I must be blinded by the witty retorts clumsily slung at me by certain people.

Mlle, the pose you are striking in your delicious AV makes me want to run my hands down the whole of your body.
BluePen you sloppy bitch. "I'm playing by the rules. I'm flirting." and then you go and spread smilies all over the fucking place. Wanker.


Tatelou said:

Mlle, the pose you are striking in your delicious AV makes me want to run my hands down the whole of your body.

Can I watch if I promise not to make too much noise, I won't tell anyone honest:D

Fuck this I've got to change avatar and get back to pirate and ravishing mode;)
Re: Hmmmm!!!!!!!!!!splat

pop_54 said:
Can I watch if I promise not to make too much noise, I won't tell anyone honest:D

Fuck this I've got to change avatar and get back to pirate and ravishing mode;)

Yes, pop...
You are so dashing as a pirate. I don't know how the women and resist you. :heart:
Re: Re: Hmmmm!!!!!!!!!!splat

Jenny _S said:
Yes, pop...
You are so dashing as a pirate. I don't know how the women and resist you. :heart:

It's not the women, silly old bugger(er) is bothered about. Eh dad?


See my quote. Arg. I fucked up. How do I erase the taint of the smilies? I must say something really crackerjack venomous now..... not to make any more mistaky-wakes.


You wanna spank me arse for my transgressions?
I don't know...Earl wants to be draped in flouncy organza, last I heard...

Anyway, don't it take a real man from Yorkshire to know a man's love?

Chancers away!
Re: Re: Re: Hmmmm!!!!!!!!!!splat

gauchecritic said:
It's not the women, silly old bugger(er) is bothered about. Eh dad?


You got it son, only had you cos some leaked round to the other hole.
Gosh, but then I'd just have to lick both you *and* 'Lou all over!!

And Pops would keel.

" me parrot!..."
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
Anyway, don't it take a real man from Yorkshire to know a man's love?

You're thinking of rugby players. Never played slap bass before although I do a mean 12 bar blues.

destinie21 said:
If he doesn't
Then I does.

Give it up Dest. Walk away. Don't look back. To paraphrase Groucho "I've never slapped a woman before, but in your case..."

gauchecritic said:
Give it up Dest. Walk away. Don't look back. To paraphrase Groucho "I've never slapped a woman before, but in your case..."


really, you'd just commit suicide just like that ?
destinie21 said:
really, you'd just commit suicide just like that ?

You'd never be able to reach him destinie. He's had a lot of practise at running away.

Being bitchy's fun. I should do this more often. Night all.

The Earl
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: It's called 'respect', dummy.

Tatelou said:
Keep that frustration out of my face you fool, you imbecile, you half-wit, you ignorant pig, you cold dessert made of pureed fruit mixed with cream and served with custard.

Fool, yes. Imbecile, just another name for fool. half-wit, Ditto. *Yawn* How boring. You ignorant pig, well the ignorant part fits and I can make a pig of myself at some things.

You cold dessert made of pureed fruit mixed with cream and served with custard....Have you been hanging out with "Two Fat Ladies" again? I wasn't sure if that was lard or something else white hangin off your chin...