Are you a lurker?

Are you a lurker? Do you spend time reading, perhaps even messaging people but never really post? Or maybe you post a lot in one forum but lurk around in others?

I have to admit I'll read through a thread, which takes me to another thread, which takes me to someone's profile and suddenly an hour's gone by.

Fess up.... do you lurk?

I post mostly in The Playground but I post in a couple of the BDSM threads.
I definitely do lurk on the BDSM Boards, the more extreme stuff makes me want to run away but so much of it makes me want to run toward it.
But that’s ok right? It’s a spectrum and we’re all different 😊
Are you a lurker? Do you spend time reading, perhaps even messaging people but never really post? Or maybe you post a lot in one forum but lurk around in others?

I have to admit I'll read through a thread, which takes me to another thread, which takes me to someone's profile and suddenly an hour's gone by.

Fess up.... do you lurk?

Sometimes I lurk sometimes I read some of a thread my attention gets a bump and I could go to someone’s profile or I could check out another thread. Sometimes I see something and feel I must open my big mouth about it....later I might wish I hadn’t ...sometimes I post pictures as I’m sure you could tell that a lurker? do YOU lurk?
I am definitely a lurker but I do post occasionally. Many subjects are way beyond pretending any expertise but I do find some things to borrow for discussion or experimentation. And many things from which I just turn and run being of a cowardly nature. Being new to the whole BDSM scene, I do find many things of interest even if I would be afraid to try them. One thing that stands out to me is that most of the activities here require a strong emotional attachment and a need to fully understand your partner or at least try to understand their needs and desires.
Are you a lurker? Do you spend time reading, perhaps even messaging people but never really post? Or maybe you post a lot in one forum but lurk around in others?

I have to admit I'll read through a thread, which takes me to another thread, which takes me to someone's profile and suddenly an hour's gone by.

Fess up.... do you lurk?

More than most would credit.

Less than many wish.

I lurk, I'm not particularly proud of it, but I'm too lazy or too busy to trawl through pages of posts on a thread looking for a conversation. I'd much rather take it elsewhere or do it in private through pm's.
Lookit all the lurking going on! Thanks for coming out of the shadows and saying hi.

I am still very much a lurker. I enjoy reading, sometimes learning, but haven't really found a place I have anything to add.
I am still very much a lurker. I enjoy reading, sometimes learning, but haven't really found a place I have anything to add.

I've seen you around on other boards where I lurk!!

Asking questions is ok, too!!

Thanks for saying hi.
I've been away from the boards a good 4 or 5 years. I occasionally pop back in just to see what's cooking, but don't stay for long. Most the folks who were around the BDSM/HT boards when I was a regular seem to have drifted off. I was, however, pleased to see a post by MWY upthread. *happy dance*
I've been away from the boards a good 4 or 5 years. I occasionally pop back in just to see what's cooking, but don't stay for long. Most the folks who were around the BDSM/HT boards when I was a regular seem to have drifted off. I was, however, pleased to see a post by MWY upthread. *happy dance*

Us new kids ain't so bad


But yeah, I know what you mean, you get in with some folks, you feel kinda comfy.

Thanks for saying hi
I lurk, I'm not particularly proud of it, but I'm too lazy or too busy to trawl through pages of posts on a thread looking for a conversation. I'd much rather take it elsewhere or do it in private through pm's.

Nothing wrong with that in all honesty.
It's what I usually do. :)
I will comment on things that really catch my eye, but I have too much else going on to go through too much.
Nothing wrong with that in all honesty.
It's what I usually do. :)
I will comment on things that really catch my eye, but I have too much else going on to go through too much.

haha! Apparently I have little going on. :)

Isn't Lit great though? It's a little something for everyone. I don't enjoy PM's from people I haven't met through the threads.

It's good to know there are folks who welcome new folks through PMs.