"Are You Not Entertained?" An Arts and Entertainment Challenge

Day 16: Something that was introduced to you by a friend

My college roommate introduced me to a LOT of movies. But this one has always stuck with me as a favorite. Thanks, Phil!

rushmore movie poster.jpg
Day sixteen: Something that was introduced to you by a friend

The entire Twilight Saga, especially the movies. I love vampire things so one of my friends highly recommended the books. At least I put my foot down after finishing the first book but I was later forced to sit through each of the movies by my high school best friend. It wasn't my cup of tea but I do remember enough that I can understand about 90% of the Twilight memes I see on Twitter so I think it was worth it in the end.
Day fifteen: Something that made you sympathize with a character you'd dislike in real life
Thanos (He is kinda right) :cry::unsure:

The ultimate "but he's got a point" villain.
Day 16: Something that was introduced to you by a friend

I'll never forget my first episode of Doctor Who, which was the episode "Blink" during the David Tennant era. My friend told me it would be the perfect episode to start on. I was tripping on mushrooms at the time so it was pretty intense lol. 😂 It's still holds up as my favorite, even with my experimental days behind me.
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Day 16: Something that was introduced to you by a friend

I'll never forget my first episode of Doctor Who, which was the episode "Don't Blink" during the David Tennant era. My friend told me it would be the perfect episode to start on. I was tripping on mushrooms at the time so it was pretty intense lol. 😂 It's still holds up as my favorite, even with my experimental days behind me.
That's such a strange thought. It's one of very few episodes of the "modern" Dr Who I've seen, and maybe the only one I saw broadcast on television. It wasn't the greatest time in my life, but to think of you seeing it at the same time as part of a fungal hallucination journey does make me grin.

By the way, I learned something while looking it up to see when it was broadcast: it's actually called "Blink."
Day 16: Something that was introduced to you by a friend

I'll never forget my first episode of Doctor Who, which was the episode "Don't Blink" during the David Tennant era. My friend told me it would be the perfect episode to start on. I was tripping on mushrooms at the time so it was pretty intense lol. 😂 It's still holds up as my favorite, even with my experimental days behind me.
I don't like that I can only :love: react to this once.
So here's some more.
Day 17: Something you love that's outside your normal interests

I never got into comic books or graphic novels at all. The Asterix books are one of very few exceptions.


"I'm glad that Justice Sotomayor brought up that sometimes we do need to apologize because we are human," Justice Barrett said. "And so sometimes you say something that comes across maybe in a way that you didn't intend."

The justices have norms to ensure collegiality, she added. They speak in order of seniority at their conferences, interruptions are not allowed and nobody speaks twice until everyone has spoken once.

The justices often have lunch together, in assigned seats. As it happens, Justice Barrett said, she sits across from Justice Sotomayor. The norms of discussions at conference, she added, mean that "you don't feel guilty about looking at someone across the lunch table."

This was an interesting article. I think speaking about politics is difficult for a lot of people, even if they're used to watching other people do it on TV and have their own political opinions. It can become overwhelming pretty quickly.

I get my news from all kinds of things; a lot of sources now even allow participation (within the same format). Sometimes it's easier to discuss a topic a bite at a time while the program is playing. You have to realize people might not have a lot of options to get involved.
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Day 16: Something that was introduced to you by a friend
Country Music in general (by my best friend/my wife)

Day 17: Something you love that's outside your normal interests
These Message boards
Day seventeen: Something you love that's outside your normal interests

I'm not a huge sci-fi person. And yet Gattaca is one of those movies that I still think about surprisingly often. This trailer doesn't do it justice unfortunately.
Day eighteen: Something that seems like it was created under the influence

Philippe Halsman - The Versatile Jean Cocteau, 1949
Day eighteen: Something that seems like it was created under the influence
Electric Vehicles 😳😈🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤔🤪😱🙄
Day Nineteen: Something that you wish was real

I think I'd quite like it if The Doctor was really out there saving the universe from doom. And I like the Ood 🐙 I want aliens who are just funny-looking lads.
Day 19: Something you wish was real
The Flux Capacitor. I need the sports almanac to create my own timeline 🤪🙄😱
I thought it could be fun to share the things that we enjoy during downtime.

Books, paintings, movies, TV shows, poetry, video games, etc. It's fair game if it was created as a form of self-expression and/or entertainment. Really the only format I'm excluding is song. We have a space for songs and it's awesome.

One selection per day please. A photo, link, or video is encouraged!

Day twenty: Something that changed your perspective
Can you explain what you mean a little better?