"Are You Not Entertained?" An Arts and Entertainment Challenge

Day 10: Something that won an award in its field

Me! Well, me and several hundred other people. I was part of a project called "Star Wars Uncut." They took the original Star Wars and cut it in to 15-second segments. People could register, log in, claim up to three pieces, and film that 15 seconds in any manner you chose. We had ones anywhere from complicated (at the time) CGI to crayon drawings on paper stuck to straws, and everything in between. Then they took the whole thing and stitched it all together.

It won the 2010 Emmy for Outstanding Achievement in Interactive Media.

I shot two scenes, so I won 1/206th of an Emmy. :)
Day 12: Something that’s under-rated

The Rocketeer was a movie that deserved to be way, way more successful than it was. It was an extremely well-done adaptation of the comic book written and drawn by the late Dave Stevens, and is one of my favorites.
Day eleven: Something you loved as a child and still love just as much
Winnie the Pooh.

I grew up on the wonderful Disney cartoons, where they broke the fourth wall to let Tigger climb down the text. How could I not fall in love with that. Sebastian Cabot is still the voice in my head when I read the books.

But I go back further. I was adopted. When I came home, it was holding this:


A little worse for wear. He lost his music box a long time ago. But 55 years later, he is still on my bed.

I taught my daughter to play Poosticks. (Where you toss the sticks in the water with a little bit of a flickery motion, of course). Yeah, he is still my silly old bear.
Day 12: Something that's under-rated
As far as I'm concerned, this belongs in the pantheon of great fantasy writing, though I rarely see it mentioned.
It did get a remarkable mini-series adaptation by the BBC with Jonathan Rhys-Meyers and a who's-who of British actors back in 2000.

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I couldn't agree more. It is sadly left off many lists of great fantasy literature.

How was the adaptation? I have avoided it so far.
Day thirteen: Something that made you cry

White Oleander by Janet Fitch makes me cry every time I read it. Maybe it's the side effect of it being my favorite book. The prose is just beautiful. I first read it when I was about 11 or 12 and I loved it but my perspective has obviously changed since then. It's one of those books that you analyze a little differently with each read.
Day 13: Something that made you cry
I cried like a baby when that putt dropped in 2019 and Tiger Woods won the Masters!
I listen to the Loremen Podcast almost every night as I'm falling asleep. And yes, I have to rewind it 5 minutes every time I listen during full consciousness. The Lady of the Lake episode comes to mind as a particularly good one. I love Welsh folklore ❤️
They're a little too talkative for ghost stories, IMO. I listened to Horror Hill when it still had the original narrator. Some of them might keep you up though. 😜
Day 13: Something that made you cry
Day 14: Something that says a lot without actually saying anything

I think I'll combine these two days with a single painting.

El Perro (The Dog) by Francisco Goya.

Day 12: Something that's under-rated

In the history of Queen, one name stands supreme. No one out shown Freddie Mercury. Nobody then, and nobody since.

Brian May, musician, doctor, and astrophysicist, is well known. He built his first guitar, the Red Special, from the wood of a fireplace mantel when he was a teen. A. Fireplace. Mantel. Who does that? Brian May, that's who.

And the flashy, and sexy, Roger Taylor. The man who wrote "I'm in Love with my Car." If he never did anything else, that song would cement his fame. But he looked so good in a dress that MTV banned their video for "I Want to Break Free", and Queen never toured the US again. Because of stupid sexy Roger.

But what of "the other one," as he is often called. John Deacon is one of the most underrated bass players ever. And for evidence, the also criminally underrated (because it came after "Bohemian Rhapsody"), "The Millionaire Waltz:"

Listen to that bass line! It is perfect. He was brilliant at playing what he needed, and not playing what wasn't. There is nothing superfluous in Deacy's work.
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Day 13: Something that made you cry

In 1993, ABC launched a coming of age sitcom called Boy Meets World. It started out pretty normal, pretty average sitcom-y, but over the years leaned into the silly conventions of sitcoms and bordered on surreal at times. One of the running jokes was how the children's teacher, Mr. Feeny (the brilliant William Daniels) ends up as their teacher every year as they age, including into college. He is not a replacement father, but an additional one. And the last scene of the last episode is him saying farewell to the characters as they finally move on with life. And it knocks me down every time.

I hold it together for most of it. But the final "I love you all. Class dismissed" breaks me.
Day fifteen: Something that made you sympathize with a character you'd dislike in real life

More Than You'll Ever Know by Katie Gutierrez has one of the most flawed characters I've read. The book revolves around a woman who's a bigamist living a double life. Her second "husband" ends up dead after discovering her lie. I felt bad for every character in the book, even Lore, which I definitely wasn't expecting.
Day 15: Something that made you sympathize with a character you'd dislike in real life
Learning more of the backstory between Adam Groff and his father in "Sex Education" explained some of his dickishness in the 1st season and went a long way towards humanizing him.

Still a dick, though.

sex education groffs.jpg
I thought it could be fun to share the things that we enjoy during downtime.

Books, paintings, movies, TV shows, poetry, video games, etc. It's fair game if it was created as a form of self-expression and/or entertainment. Really the only format I'm excluding is song. We have a space for songs and it's awesome.

Day fifteen: Something that made you sympathize with a character you'd dislike in real life
I think a lot of people are really looking for a better way to do something. Am I being too obvious if I say talking to people online?