ASSHAT AWARDS: Best of the Worst PMs and Emails Received

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The PM itself wasn't spam, but the person was a 0 post type whose homepage is a spam site.

The PM actually sounded legit until I tried to check out who was interested in me.

I'll forward you my PMs for the next week if you like :p
I'll forward you my PMs for the next week if you like :p


No thank you. I have two teenage daughters. I need to keep some hope that there are young men out there with at least half a brain.

Someone in the GB started a thread about this particular spambot.

No thank you. I have two teenage daughters. I need to keep some hope that there are young men out there with at least half a brain.

Someone in the GB started a thread about this particular spambot.

There has been someone sending the same PM (or super similar) for the past week or so from multiple accounts, I imagine all the women are getting it though no-one has said anything. At first amusing, then mildly annoying, then.. stupid :rolleyes:
This sort of thing is my favourite of the genre:
"Hey sexy! I'm sure you're drowning in PM's but I thought I'd give it a shot. Perhaps mine will offer something more...intimate...than others. I like writing detailed, passionate and sensual erotica. Could I read some to you? There's lots of juicy details, foreplay, oral, etc"
See - it *sounds* like he's maybe read my profile/post and is really writing to ME, but closer examination reveals that this is a form PM that he properly fires out to anyone who appears to be female and breathing. Oh - and there were photos. Not dick pics though. :(

Hate to burst your bubble....but I got the same one.
Damn nekkid avatar that everyone mistakes for a girl...shit I need to start working out again.

There has been someone sending the same PM (or super similar) for the past week or so from multiple accounts, I imagine all the women are getting it though no-one has said anything. At first amusing, then mildly annoying, then.. stupid :rolleyes:

I looked your posts. Y0u interested me. Let's get acquainted?

That one? That's all I got today.
"I looked your posts. Y0u interested me. Let's get acquainted?
That one? That's all I got today."

I got that one a couple of days ago and, being the cantankerous harridan that I am, told it to fuck off and leave me alone.

*shrug* It's better than kicking the cat.
"I looked your posts. Y0u interested me. Let's get acquainted?
That one? That's all I got today."

I got that one a couple of days ago and, being the cantankerous harridan that I am, told it to fuck off and leave me alone.

*shrug* It's better than kicking the cat.

I tried to bait it by asking exactly what I had posted that they found interesting, and why.
But I got no reply :confused:

And I got that same PM from about half a dozen separate accounts .. :rolleyes:
I tried to bait it by asking exactly what I had posted that they found interesting, and why.
But I got no reply :confused:

And I got that same PM from about half a dozen separate accounts .. :rolleyes:

I get the generic "let's get acquainted" followed by the inevitable link to Slavic porn and mail order brides.

I wish I could hunt down some of these human trafficking fuck sticks and measure out how much lye to use. Otkroyte vorota motherfuckers.
(poked my head into this thread but now retreating quietly as feel I get enough weird one liner pms as it is and this seems to be the place that generates them...)
(poked my head into this thread but now retreating quietly as feel I get enough weird one liner pms as it is and this seems to be the place that generates them...)

Oh my.. no. Asshats rarely come here to witness their failure and shame. Except the ones that are in to failure and shame :rolleyes:
The zero posts PMs

"You nice comment. I want to get to kn0w you. Let us chat."

Really?! Nice adding the zero instead of an O

I got one! And even a womanly female one!

SofiaBrunet said:
I read your comment. You got me interested. We will get acquainted? P.S. My photo/videos you will find in my bio ;-)

Name is included, 'cause "she" is nothing but a spammer... And the link to her blog leads to some kind of malware trap porn site.

I so wish it had been a real pervert!
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I got one! And even a womanly female one!

Name is included, 'cause "she" is nothing but a spammer... And the link to her blog leads to some kind of malware trap porn site.

I so wish it had been a real pervert!

I hear there have been a lot of spam bots on Lit lately. Be careful guys...
DO NOT click on those links.
AND It's back.
Yeah don't be dumb enough to click it's profile link. Really? People here do that?

I looked your post. Y0u interested me. Let's get acquainted? P.S. My photo/videos you will find in my bio ;-)
Exactly the same again, just from another "user".

JuliePatel said:
I read your comments. You interested me. Let's get acquainted? P.S. My photo/videos you will find in my bio ;-)

I don't see any way you can report PMs as spam?
Yeah they found the loophole

On some other fora I frequent, you can't send PMs before you have made a normal post or before you have been a member for a week.
That makes this kind of spamming harder.

(And on some of them, your first post has to be approved by a mod too. That is probably not realistoc to do on a forum as huge as Lit, but it is very efficient)
The whole spam thing can be solved easily.

The internet "controllers" (those guys who say what nations can have what domain names) need to get their act together. If it's a porn site then it shouldn't be a .com or .BZ or whatever. It should be .xxx in every nation.

To block, just block .xxx. If it's a porn site and it doesn't use the .xxx delete their domain from the internet registry after an complaint is made and proven to be true. (Simple proof, use a non .xxx domain and show porn, you're done.)

Easy, child safe, and helps control porn related spam.

Had an interesting thought about Yahoo scanning all those emails for the HSA in realtime. If they can do that, why can't they scan for viruses realtime? Seems to me the PTB's have the capability to do lots of things but don't. I wonder if it's because combating all that stuff makes jobs and money? Meanwhile security goes out the window...
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