At least five one-bombs in the last ten votes

This is erotica. At the end of the day (or night) the primary purpose is to provide a good stroking experience. One could argue that a 3.xx story is the ideal. Not so bad that the writing disracts from the stroking and not so good that the writing distracts from the stroking.

That's a sad thought. I always assumed that a high rating meant I got a lot of folks off real good. :D
That's a sad thought. I always assumed that a high rating meant I got a lot of folks off real good. :D

Apparently not with my stories. I get Red Hs and then comments that it isn't sexy enough so how can it deserve a red H?

The Red H only shows that people LIKED my story, not that it was the best stroke material.
This is erotica. At the end of the day (or night) the primary purpose is to provide a good stroking experience. One could argue that a 3.xx story is the ideal. Not so bad that the writing disracts from the stroking and not so good that the writing distracts from the stroking.

That's a sad thought. I always assumed that a high rating meant I got a lot of folks off real good. :D

A number of my highest rated stories have little explicit sex in them. Some have it in the first half of the story and the second half is largely, uh, 'story.' I actually warned readers in my preface that one story (long, 30,000 words) had hardly any explicit sex (essentially, two paragraphs, fair amount of eroticism, and lots of 'story'). It's still one of my highest-rated.

I also have stories where the fucking is front and center. Some of those are highly-rated, others bit more middling.

The primary purpose is for us to write stories we enjoy in the hopes the readership here is broad enough to enjoy them as they are.
This is erotica. At the end of the day (or night) the primary purpose is to provide a good stroking experience. One could argue that a 3.xx story is the ideal. Not so bad that the writing disracts from the stroking and not so good that the writing distracts from the stroking.

Not just stroking. There are women on here rubbing one out too, BTW.
This is erotica. At the end of the day (or night) the primary purpose is to provide a good stroking experience. One could argue that a 3.xx story is the ideal. Not so bad that the writing disracts from the stroking and not so good that the writing distracts from the stroking.

Not all of us "stroke". Around 50 percent of the humanity cannot. Personally, I would find it impossible to read a story and masturbate simultaneously. This might be the case for many women.

The website has stories that are identifiable as "strokers". In my experience those stories don't do particularly well ratingswise, at least my don't. Possibly because a good chunk of those readers don't stick around to vote or even to finish the story.

I fundamentally disagree with the idea that erotica should only help people get off. The genre has value beyond that. For some it's a genre that isn't afraid to tackle very adult or taboo themes.
Did someone not tell you you could stroke with a stick? :rolleyes:

And who has posted that erotica has to get you off?
Did someone not tell you you could stroke with a stick? :rolleyes:

And who has posted that erotica has to get you off?

Thanks for educating me. Much appreciated. I'll enjoy the splinters.

As for your second the question, I interpret "a good stroking experience" as one where you get off. Go ahead and prove me wrong since you probably know better.
Thanks for educating me. Much appreciated. I'll enjoy the splinters.

As for your second the question, I interpret "a good stroking experience" as one where you get off. Go ahead and prove me wrong since you probably know better.

I should care what gets you personally off because . . . ?

Lots of things can qualify as a stick, and it doesn't have to be made of wood.
Well, we're getting far from the OP, but it's an interesting topic. We could certainly have a thread on it.

What is erotica? Is anything that might arouse someone erotica? Is anything that doesn't arouse you not erotica?

Certainly many contemporary novels have very hot and explicit sex scenes, yet aren't generally considered erotica. In some cases, sex is the primary topic dealt with. And many stories here and on other erotica sites may have only a couple of sex scenes and may not arouse most readers.

So, what makes something erotica?
This is erotica. At the end of the day (or night) the primary purpose is to provide a good stroking experience. One could argue that a 3.xx story is the ideal. Not so bad that the writing disracts from the stroking and not so good that the writing distracts from the stroking.

I could not care less whether people stroke to my stories or not.
Well, we're getting far from the OP, but it's an interesting topic. We could certainly have a thread on it.

What is erotica? Is anything that might arouse someone erotica? Is anything that doesn't arouse you not erotica?

Certainly many contemporary novels have very hot and explicit sex scenes, yet aren't generally considered erotica. In some cases, sex is the primary topic dealt with. And many stories here and on other erotica sites may have only a couple of sex scenes and may not arouse most readers.

So, what makes something erotica?

Yes, I think erotica needs to sexually arouse you. Sexual arousal doesn't require completion, though. If it doesn't sexually arouse, I don't put it in the erotica category.
Yes, I think erotica needs to sexually arouse you. Sexual arousal doesn't require completion, though. If it doesn't sexually arouse, I don't put it in the erotica category.

I agree with that.

BUT, is everything that sexually arouses erotica?
That's a sad thought. I always assumed that a high rating meant I got a lot of folks off real good. :D

Apparently not with my stories. I get Red Hs and then comments that it isn't sexy enough so how can it deserve a red H?

The Red H only shows that people LIKED my story, not that it was the best stroke material.

A number of my highest rated stories have little explicit sex in them. Some have it in the first half of the story and the second half is largely, uh, 'story.' I actually warned readers in my preface that one story (long, 30,000 words) had hardly any explicit sex (essentially, two paragraphs, fair amount of eroticism, and lots of 'story'). It's still one of my highest-rated.

I also have stories where the fucking is front and center. Some of those are highly-rated, others bit more middling.

The primary purpose is for us to write stories we enjoy in the hopes the readership here is broad enough to enjoy them as they are.

Hmm. This is not turning out to be one of my more successful jokes, if such there are.
I agree with that.

BUT, is everything that sexually arouses erotica?

Is all sound music? Doesn't mean you can't enjoy it.

In music you need intention. I'd say that applies for erotica too. Is it supposed to arouse you?
I agree with that.

BUT, is everything that sexually arouses erotica?

I don't think so, no. Sexual arousal extends into natural animal lust and a physical need to release. I consider the erotic to have a major mental element. I do think you don't reach the level of erotica without the experiencing of a form of sexual arousal, though. It could just be in the mental realm.
I could not care less whether people stroke to my stories or not.

Well, you know how much I respect you and your writing. When I'm helping a writer on here as a vol. editor (which I consider coaching) I always say that if you don't get your reader either hard or wet, you have not done your job as a writer on here.

Not, "you've got to get them off," "hard or wet."

After all, it's sex fiction.
I agree with that.

BUT, is everything that sexually arouses erotica?
This is the eternal porn vs erotica debate. My answer is no, sexual arousal does not equate to erotica. There's an indefinable something that separates erotica from mere arousal, although I don't really know what it is. But I recognise it when I see it ;).
Not, "you've got to get them off," "hard or wet."

After all, it's sex fiction.

There are a lot of different goals, and different stimuli and reactions that can go into the erotica soup, and a lot of variety in just how arousing the resulting soup is.

Before I published here, I set a goal to give readers something to think about--hopefully something they'd think about after they were done with the story that would arouse them each time the act, idea, image, or relationship came up again.

I don't know if I've succeeded, and I haven't always stuck real close to that goal.
Well, you know how much I respect you and your writing. When I'm helping a writer on here as a vol. editor (which I consider coaching) I always say that if you don't get your reader either hard or wet, you have not done your job as a writer on here.

Not, "you've got to get them off," "hard or wet."

After all, it's sex fiction.

I think there is a distinction between "sex fiction" and fiction that includes sexual content. The difference, in my mind, is in the purpose. If other authors write with the goal of getting readers off that's great. But it's not what I do.

When I write sex scenes, I, of course, try to write the best sex scene I can. But I only writes those scenes if they advance the plot, not to provide stroking material.

I mostly write sexually oriented material because the issues associated with sexuality are interesting to me. I consider what I write erotica. Some people have told me that they don't. That's okay with me. My writing gets accepted here, and there are readers who like it. I'll likely never get a thousand followers and I am okay with that.

I don't have any doubt that you are a terrific coach.