BDSM forums

Yes, I admit it - I am not faithful to only Literotica. Now I just gotta figure out exactly why that is such a problem to some folks.

**Any resemblance to any sort of advertisement for any other internet bulletin board, real or imagined, is only a figment of the readers imagination**
No Problem for me at all

Actually I feel people would be deprived of both your wisdom & intellect and experience Chele,if you didnt ...JMHO:rose:
zipman7 said:

Usually, I find myself agreeing with most of your posts MissT, but this one really got under my skin.

1) Discussing people's participation in online forums is a legitimate thread

2) I haven't seen one post that shows that you have "hurt" anyone

3) It appears that Lance only believes in free speech for himself, but he would like to either regulate or castigate people that post to other forums

Oddly enough, I was told I have hurt a lot of people today in my desire to please everyone, to sit on the fence, to not take sides.

Isn't it just possible that we graduated from grade school and can recognize strengths and desirable qualities in diverse peronsalities. Or perhaps that two people can disagree without flaming? I have done that with all parties involved.

If one judges any one of us based on our postings....this is a general statement and is true on whatever bb you frequent,. you will find yourself surprised by the many facets of one's personality when you know them outside the narrow forum in which you share bb info.
MissTaken said:

Oddly enough, I was told I have hurt a lot of people today in my desire to please everyone, to sit on the fence, to not take sides.

Isn't it just possible that we graduated from grade school and can recognize strengths and desirable qualities in diverse peronsalities. Or perhaps that two people can disagree without flaming? I have done that with all parties involved.

If one judges any one of us based on our postings....this is a general statement and is true on whatever bb you frequent,. you will find yourself surprised by the many facets of one's personality when you know them outside the narrow forum in which you share bb info.

The only problem, MissT, is that not everyone is as level-headed and mature as you are. If people are going to feel hurt, then there is nothing you can do about it.
MissTaken said:

Oddly enough, I was told I have hurt a lot of people today in my desire to please everyone, to sit on the fence, to not take sides.

I think I'm living proof that this philosophy doesn't work, Miss T. I remained on the fence and never took a side, and yet I'm the first name on the hit list. <shrug>

P. B. Walker said:

I think I'm living proof that this philosophy doesn't work, Miss T. I remained on the fence and never took a side, and yet I'm the first name on the hit list. <shrug>



I am quickly learning to <shrug>

You know, who really cares? PB my take on you is very similar to me. You are not a 24/7 kind of person, as you have stated many times on this board. I am not either. I no more belong in this forum full time than I would in the "new" forum created elsewhere.

My feelings are not hurt by not "belonging". It speaks volumes about me that I do not "belong." I would rather be happy to accept myself as a multi-faceted individual.
I'm finding it oddly ironic that many are stating they simply "do not care" that there is another web site out there cannot seem to let the subject alone. I mean, really and truthfully, just what is the big deal here? Lit is full of cliques. Lots of folks have their little "in groups", and not everyone is invited to join. So what? So another web site was started. It happens thousands of times every day. And not everyone is "invited" to join, and not everyone who is invited does join. Is there really a need to make a public statement? I'm just not getting it, I guess.

And, just for information, not everyone who "went over there" has completely left Lit. I post in both places, as well as other places on the 'net. I'm sure there are places some folks here post at that would not want to see me there. It's cool. That's life.

This is all starting to sound like a broken record to me. Doesn't anyone have anything interesting to talk about today?
SexyChele said:
I'm finding it oddly ironic that many are stating they simply "do not care" that there is another web site out there cannot seem to let the subject alone. I mean, really and truthfully, just what is the big deal here? Lit is full of cliques. Lots of folks have their little "in groups", and not everyone is invited to join. So what? So another web site was started. It happens thousands of times every day. And not everyone is "invited" to join, and not everyone who is invited does join. Is there really a need to make a public statement? I'm just not getting it, I guess.

And, just for information, not everyone who "went over there" has completely left Lit. I post in both places, as well as other places on the 'net. I'm sure there are places some folks here post at that would not want to see me there. It's cool. That's life.

And that is all a good thing... ~smiling~
SexyChele said:
I'm finding it oddly ironic that many are stating they simply "do not care" that there is another web site out there cannot seem to let the subject alone. I mean, really and truthfully, just what is the big deal here? Lit is full of cliques. Lots of folks have their little "in groups", and not everyone is invited to join. So what? So another web site was started. It happens thousands of times every day. And not everyone is "invited" to join, and not everyone who is invited does join. Is there really a need to make a public statement? I'm just not getting it, I guess.

And, just for information, not everyone who "went over there" has completely left Lit. I post in both places, as well as other places on the 'net. I'm sure there are places some folks here post at that would not want to see me there. It's cool. That's life.

This is all starting to sound like a broken record to me. Doesn't anyone have anything interesting to talk about today?

Chele you could have posted something interesting you know.

That is what free speech is about. I have the right to post my feelings and opinions on the subject and you can disagree. But as for your control of it, you have none.

If you have a subject to post about, feel free to do so. No one is stopping you. If the broken record annoys you, why read it?

A Desert Rose said:
You know, who really cares? PB my take on you is very similar to me. You are not a 24/7 kind of person, as you have stated many times on this board. I am not either. I no more belong in this forum full time than I would in the "new" forum created elsewhere.

My feelings are not hurt by not "belonging". It speaks volumes about me that I do not "belong." I would rather be happy to accept myself as a multi-faceted individual.

Oh yeah, I couldn't agree more Rose. Even if I had mysteriously received an invite... that kind of place would not be for me. Even if I were to seriously get into finding a live skin-to-skin relationship, I wouldn't feel that I could get help and guidance from anyone there. Mainly because for them to accept you, you already have to have the knowledge and experience... but you can't get that, unless you belong already. It's a catch-22. Basically, we that don't have it are kept out and basically told to pound sand.

I've learned more and been accepted by the majority of people that have stayed, than I ever did or was by the majority of people that left. So, there definitely aren't any hard feelings here with me. I wish them all well.

About the only thing I would say to them as a group is a word of caution: Be careful about keeping your group small and limited to only the people in the know (of bdsm and with the experience). This just leads to excluding people who seriously want to learn about BDSM thereby making it that much more unaccepted and forbidden by society at large. This just hurts the goal of making BDSM more accepted and keeps more true BDSM'ers in the closet for fear of what people will think about them. Just think if the gay rights movement had been as exclusive as you are being, do you really think there would be teens coming out of the closet in high school, or same-sex marriages, or legislation in favor gay rights? I seriously doubt it. Instead, it would still be something that people only talk about in the dark corners of society.

That's just my take on it and my opinion only. Flame if you must, but at least make it a decent argument. :)

SexyChele said:

This is all starting to sound like a broken record to me. Doesn't anyone have anything interesting to talk about today?

I am all tapped out of good ideas. Please, start us a new and interesting thread... ~smiling~
A Desert Rose said:

I am all tapped out of good ideas. Please, start us a new and interesting thread... ~smiling~

Sorry, I cannot help you. I am not a "real BDSMer".

P. B. Walker said:

Just think if the gay rights movement had been as exclusive as you are being, do you really think there would be teens coming out of the closet in high school, or same-sex marriages, or legislation in favor gay rights? I seriously doubt it. Instead, it would still be something that people only talk about in the dark corners of society.


Very valid point, PB. ~smiling and applauding~
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MissTaken said:
I realize this thread was a mistake. I am sorry if it has caused any hurt feelings for anyone.

I am tired of all this crap.

Yes, this thread was a boo-boo, Boo-boo.

My part: I jumped on it hard after having just read what You, Cellis and Des had said about me on the other site.

My feelings were hurt by what was being said behind my back.

Imagine that. Lance. Feelings. Has. Nahhhh....can't be true.

My view: Cym always wanted to be able to manage the membership of her own BDSM space. That wasn't possible here. It is possible in the new space. That is good for her and those she wants there with her. All the best. If you come here too, great. But please leave your other shoes at the door.

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Lancecastor said:

Yes, this thread was a boo-boo, Boo-boo.

My part: I jumped on it hard after having just read what You, Cellis and Des had said about me on the other site.

My feelings were hurt by what was being said behind my back.


Lance, I have never posted anything about you on any site; not here and not on Kinktalk. It isn't my style and I would not do that. I have always treated you with respect and have expected the same in return. If you wish to discuss this with me personally, I will be more than happy to address your concerns. I regret that your feelings have been hurt. I would be hurt if I thought people were talking about me behind my back.
Well I know people are talking behind my back. And I wasn't even on a "side"... I was neutral. But oddly, I don't really care. I will admit... I am kinda psyched by the fact that I got mentioned before Lance and that I was banned from a site before I even visited it. That is a rare treat. LOL.

PBW "That's Mr. Bad-ass to you!"
Lancecastor said:

Yes, this thread was a boo-boo, Boo-boo.

My part: I jumped on it hard after having just read what You, Cellis and Des had said about me on the other site.

My feelings were hurt by what was being said behind my back.

Imagine that. Lance. Feelings. Has. Nahhhh....can't be true.


You mean to tell me that others from here are posting about other posters over there?


I am so confused.
P. B. Walker said:
Well I know people are talking behind my back. And I wasn't even on a "side"... I was neutral. But oddly, I don't really care. I will admit... I am kinda psyched by the fact that I got mentioned before Lance and that I was banned from a site before I even visited it. That is a rare treat. LOL.

PBW "That's Mr. Bad-ass to you!"

Well, PBW, you'll be pleased to know that the thread in question was up to 17 posts before they figured out how to lock me out.

You know how this place says at the top "Welcome Our Newest Member XXXXX XXXXX" ?

Well, they use the same software at Cymgusta National , so at the top when it said "Welcome Our Newest Member, Lancecastor"....they went absolutely MENTAL.

And yes , you got Top Billing, Dr. Evil Grin.

*Sigh* I feel better now.....thanks PBW. That helped.

lovetoread said:

You mean to tell me that others from here are posting about other posters over there?


I am so confused.

The question is not why. Why does not matter.

The point is and should be flattery. How flattering to be talked about..... ~smiling~ One has made an impact or one would not be the topic of conversation.
Lancecastor said:

Well, PBW, you'll be pleased to know that the thread in question was up to 17 posts before they figured out how to lock me out.

You know how this place says at the top "Welcome Our Newest Member XXXXX XXXXX" ?

Well, they use the same software at Cymgusta National , so at the top when it said "Welcome Our Newest Member, Lancecastor"....they went absolutely MENTAL.

And yes , you got Top Billing, Dr. Evil Grin.

*Sigh* I feel better now.....thanks PBW. That helped.


LOL... that's kinda funny... to see them go Mental like that.

I actually take it as an honor to be ranked over you in their "Top ten men we hate" list. :)

PBW "Now... just imagine if I HAD picked a side... <wicked laugh>"
A Desert Rose said:

The question is not why. Why does not matter.

The point is and should be flattery. How flattering to be talked about..... ~smiling~ One has made an impact or one would not be the topic of conversation.

I like that explaination.

It just boggles my mind. I love all of ya'll,really I do,but apart from Tiger,I do not speak of what I do or with whom I do it with on this board, with anyone else on the net.

It just mystifies me.

Don't let this forum or any other mystify you.

Concentrate on the big picture.

The Big Bang theory, now THAT is mystifying...... ~smiling~