BDSM forums

Your Bawdy of Work Has Always Been Impressive, PBW

I think it was your strong performance in "MzChrista, A strap On and A Summer Knight" that stole their hearts and put you on top. Your follow-up in "Lavendar Love-Nest" was strong and who could forget you in the "MuckRaker" series?

Don't forget your strong supporting roles in "Caroline, Oh Caroline!", "Lancecastor: Cyminator I" and "Cyminator II, the Lance Boils Over" as well as the weaker but funnier "DeVille Goes South" series.

P. B. Walker said:

LOL... that's kinda funny... to see them go Mental like that.

I actually take it as an honor to be ranked over you in their "Top ten men we hate" list. :)

PBW "Now... just imagine if I HAD picked a side... <wicked laugh>"
Yes, yes all good performances. I especially loved playing a role alongside the talented MsChrista. I daresay... I good feelings come Emmy time this year. :)

PBW "I'm gonna get naked for my acceptance speech"
lovetoread said:

You mean to tell me that others from here are posting about other posters over there?


I am so confused.

Look I am tired of it too.

I do not feel bad about not being there.

If they do not think I am a "serious BDSMer" who cares? I am a Domme and most of them are femsubs who hardly know anything about me or what I do. I think I can live with that.

I wish them well, and if they want to talk about me behind my back, then that means they are leaving someone else alone.

And since none of them support me or pay my bills, who gives a sh__?

Let's move on.

Bottom lining it

I said something stupid about Lance.

I have apologized.

The apology has been accepted.

Now, let's get back on topic. Multiple bulletin boards.

I started looking some time ago for a bit of variety. I have yet to find one that I am willing to sit on for hours on end or mod for except lit.

I have said before that we all need to "Get out" once in a while. Hence, I enjoy the Playground, when the mood strikes, the GB, when the mood strikes, the How To forum when the mood strikes, the Personals forum, when the mood strikes.

Damn...mood is pretty striking?


In any event, playing out "there" has helped me to keep perspective in here.
P. B. Walker said:

Oh yeah, I couldn't agree more Rose. Even if I had mysteriously received an invite... that kind of place would not be for me. Even if I were to seriously get into finding a live skin-to-skin relationship, I wouldn't feel that I could get help and guidance from anyone there. Mainly because for them to accept you, you already have to have the knowledge and experience... but you can't get that, unless you belong already. It's a catch-22. Basically, we that don't have it are kept out and basically told to pound sand.

I've learned more and been accepted by the majority of people that have stayed, than I ever did or was by the majority of people that left. So, there definitely aren't any hard feelings here with me. I wish them all well.

About the only thing I would say to them as a group is a word of caution: Be careful about keeping your group small and limited to only the people in the know (of bdsm and with the experience). This just leads to excluding people who seriously want to learn about BDSM thereby making it that much more unaccepted and forbidden by society at large. This just hurts the goal of making BDSM more accepted and keeps more true BDSM'ers in the closet for fear of what people will think about them. Just think if the gay rights movement had been as exclusive as you are being, do you really think there would be teens coming out of the closet in high school, or same-sex marriages, or legislation in favor gay rights? I seriously doubt it. Instead, it would still be something that people only talk about in the dark corners of society.

That's just my take on it and my opinion only. Flame if you must, but at least make it a decent argument. :)

That is not enough either. I had knowledge and experience and I did not fit in either.

On fitting in

It is all perspective.

How many times have I said "Diversity is a cool thing."

We sure have that here, don't we?

So, discussing bulletin boards.

I like the v bulletin format which is why I only browse some of them that are available.

I tried Gloria Brame's site. It took hours to get a post approved. Talk about a no flaming rule? Wow!

Oh and the talk was all rather stuffy.

Just MHO.

Re: Bottom lining it

MissTaken said:
Now, let's get back on topic. Multiple bulletin boards.

I have said before that we all need to "Get out" once in a while. Hence, I enjoy the Playground, when the mood strikes, the GB, when the mood strikes, the How To forum when the mood strikes, the Personals forum, when the mood strikes.

Speaking of wandering around Lit ... y'all should wander over to the Am Pic Forum and take a peek at LTR's new pics.

Absolutely gorgeous, LTR!
My lists

I post at FemDom_Sex and DOMestic.

They are lists primarily for lifestyle Domme/malesub married or 24/7, and they also have single Dommes and subs looking for partners.

There is a lot of talk about techniques for Domme/malesub pairs.
There are FemDom stories too.

Both lists are moderated by Christine and David, who are married and have been into D/s for 22 years.

Re: Re: Bottom lining it

Cherry said:

Speaking of wandering around Lit ... y'all should wander over to the Am Pic Forum and take a peek at LTR's new pics.

Absolutely gorgeous, LTR!

Thanks, Cherry!

She is an absolute babe!

Ebonyfire said:

That is not enough either. I had knowledge and experience and I did not fit in either.


Fortunately,...I and so many others appreciate the fact that you don't "fit in", anywhere. Just as a lot of us don't fit in anywhere. You and I are unique individuals who do not SEEK to fit in anywhere.

We know who we are, and we continue to learn and grow, offering our opinions to those who may BENEFIT from our insight, and search for others opinions which might be beneficial to US.

We are not alone either, there are MANY who are as we. Lance and RisiaSkye are also unique, and they have both shown me how much MORE, there is for me to learn.

This Forum will grow IF we post in a mature and adult manner. If we don't, it will fail. I have faith that MOST of us here want the Forum to succeed, and succeed it will.

I feel the MAJORITY of us here, want new people to become accepted, and NOW we have an excellent opportunity to do just that.

I have received PM'S from friends who have expressed their concern, that because of the recent departure of some of the regulars, the Forum will cease to exist.

I don't agree with that assumption at all. It's simply a matter of progress, and this time next year, we will be able to look back and MEASURE that progress.

(JMHO),...but it's mine,...and I own it. :rose:
Re: Sis

artful said:

Fortunately,...I and so many others appreciate the fact that you don't "fit in", anywhere. Just as a lot of us don't fit in anywhere. You and I are unique individuals who do not SEEK to fit in anywhere.

We know who we are, and we continue to learn and grow, offering our opinions to those who may BENEFIT from our insight, and search for others opinions which might be beneficial to US.

We are not alone either, there are MANY who are as we. Lance and RisiaSkye are also unique, and they have both shown me how much MORE, there is for me to learn.

This Forum will grow IF we post in a mature and adult manner. If we don't, it will fail. I have faith that MOST of us here want the Forum to succeed, and succeed it will.

I feel the MAJORITY of us here, want new people to become accepted, and NOW we have an excellent opportunity to do just that.

I have received PM'S from friends who have expressed their concern, that because of the recent departure of some of the regulars, the Forum will cease to exist.

I don't agree with that assumption at all. It's simply a matter of progress, and this time next year, we will be able to look back and MEASURE that progress.

(JMHO),...but it's mine,...and I own it. :rose:

Very well said, Artful - and very true!

IT is about progress.

It is about moving forward.

Let's just skip this nasty piece of our history and get back to the business of discussing BDSM.

There are lots of new people posting.

I imagine there are some lurking who are waiting and needing the same sort of guidance that I recieved from first, the Mother thread and then, the forum.

We can do it.

We can ALL do it.

And as far as I can tell, we ALL want to do it.

If we could, please let this thread die.

We can start a new one wihtout rehashing, blow by blow, events present and past.

I understand if anyone choses not to do so, but it is a respectfully made request.

Re: Sis

artful said:

Fortunately,...I and so many others appreciate the fact that you don't "fit in", anywhere. Just as a lot of us don't fit in anywhere. You and I are unique individuals who do not SEEK to fit in anywhere.

We know who we are, and we continue to learn and grow, offering our opinions to those who may BENEFIT from our insight, and search for others opinions which might be beneficial to US.

We are not alone either, there are MANY who are as we. Lance and RisiaSkye are also unique, and they have both shown me how much MORE, there is for me to learn.

This Forum will grow IF we post in a mature and adult manner. If we don't, it will fail. I have faith that MOST of us here want the Forum to succeed, and succeed it will.

I feel the MAJORITY of us here, want new people to become accepted, and NOW we have an excellent opportunity to do just that.

I have received PM'S from friends who have expressed their concern, that because of the recent departure of some of the regulars, the Forum will cease to exist.

I don't agree with that assumption at all. It's simply a matter of progress, and this time next year, we will be able to look back and MEASURE that progress.

(JMHO),...but it's mine,...and I own it. :rose:

Oh, nothing.....just re-posting one of Art's posts, that's all.

La la la la la la....

I'm going out now. Bye!
zipman7 said:

3) It appears that Lance only believes in free speech for himself, but he would like to either regulate or castigate people that post to other forums

When I read the thread dedicated to hating me over at Cymville last night, I admit that yes, the things I read there hurt my feelings.

And some of those very people were wandering around the Lit board, posting new threads like "do you post to other boards?" all bouncy-like. Like Saturday-morning missionaries.

So, yeah, I was pissed off.

I'm fine now though.

All in good fun.



ha. that "Some day you'll be sorry." playing in the background?

Lancecastor said:

When I read the thread dedicated to hating me over at Cymville last night, I admit that yes, the things I read there hurt my feelings.

And some of those very people were wandering around the Lit board, posting new threads like "do you post to other boards?" all bouncy-like. Like Saturday-morning missionaries.

So, yeah, I was pissed off.

I'm fine now though.

All in good fun.



ha. that "Some day you'll be sorry." playing in the background?


I wasn't online for most of this week and I hadn't seen the posts you mentioned. Now that I have, I can understand the way you felt reading them. Perhaps some of the things that you have written have hurt others' feelings more than you thought or intended. Perhaps it's a lesson to all of us to think about what we post, I know that I have at least one post that I regret.

As for a song in the background, well, if the meaning is that I'll be sorry some day because of anything that could occur at kinktalk, the answer is no, I won't. Nothing that could occur either there or here could possibly "make me sorry." These are forums where I go to learn, escape, share, have fun. I care about what happens, but I'm not about to get upset over it.

I mean, it's just a pron site :rolleyes:
Ebonyfire said:

That is not enough either. I had knowledge and experience and I did not fit in either.


Mmmm maybe it's just all a popularity contest. :) I wonder who is winning.

To be on topic: I do read and post to other boards. I am an avid cyclist, so I read two other bulletin boards, and the bike bulletin boards at (the magazine).

I also spend time in other forums here on Lit. When I first got here I spent most of my time on the Amatuer pic forum. Plus, I like the How To forum, the Author's Hangout, and the Story feedback forum.

I'm not really sure what that tells us about the members here. I would assume that the majority of people here read and post in other forums/bulletin boards.

Obviously I never read the GB... :) And if a little birdy wouldn't hvae told me to go read a certain thread, I would have never known there was a new bulletin board called kinkytalk. :)

PBW "Ignorance can be bliss sometimes."
Re: Sis

artful said:

Fortunately,...I and so many others appreciate the fact that you don't "fit in", anywhere. Just as a lot of us don't fit in anywhere. You and I are unique individuals who do not SEEK to fit in anywhere

I love this. I started a trend..... let's all not fit in anywhere. But don't be thinking we are a clique or anything..... ~smiling~
Re: Re: Bottom lining it

Cherry said:

Speaking of wandering around Lit ... y'all should wander over to the Am Pic Forum and take a peek at LTR's new pics.

Absolutely gorgeous, LTR!

Oh my...I like this change of subject...heh.. ;)

Thanks. :rose:
Re: Re: Re: Bottom lining it

lovetoread said:

Oh my...I like this change of subject...heh.. ;)

Thanks. :rose:

I wandered.

Ohhhh I was so are not only a sweetie, but you are hot.


Then, isn't this thread something someone with multiple personality disorder might enjoy.

On three or four topics.

Every cyber emotion under the sun.

Ugly one day

Nice the next

To the casual on looker, I know that I, for one, look like a nut case on this one :D:D:D
You do realize that even if we talked about roses ( :rose: ) and sunshine :)nana: ).

Because its on this board,we'd still be seen as nutcases... lol ;)
lovetoread said:
You do realize that even if we talked about roses ( :rose: ) and sunshine :)nana: ).

Because its on this board,we'd still be seen as nutcases... lol ;)


I almost forgot I was a freak, a perv, a nutcase.

How silly of me!

lovetoread said:
You do realize that even if we talked about roses ( :rose: ) and sunshine :)nana: ).

Because its on this board,we'd still be seen as nutcases... lol ;)

Yeah, cause one of us would want to beat someone with a rose!

Screw the roses...

Geesh, I should write a book with that sort of title? Sounds cool!