BDSM Organization

Wonder if they should hire someone in the BDSM Dept. since Home Depot has them for plumbing, electrical, etc, lol.
Now that's a job for me *G*
If all are laid out like the one here I even know where all of the 'good' things like Hitching Rings, rope, chain, etc can be found. *L
snoozebutton said:
Wonder if they should hire someone in the BDSM Dept. since Home Depot has them for plumbing, electrical, etc, lol.

Hmmm, does this mean their electical department carries Violet Wands now?
Speaking of Violet Wands... get 'em while you can. I've been told that the FDA is going to force them off the market for some damned fool reason.
Well, at least TENS units are medical things and they'll be around.
PhoenixPrime01 said:
Speaking of Violet Wands... get 'em while you can. I've been told that the FDA is going to force them off the market for some damned fool reason.
Well, at least TENS units are medical things and they'll be around.

Sighs... Instead of just a black market, there will be a violet market then. :(
But heaven forbid the FDA do it's job elsewhere and regulate the food packing and drug companies like it was FOUNDED for :mad:
Indeed Kayte and imagine what that will do to the already high prices. *siiiiiigh* Big Brother butts in unwanted again.

Yeah, snooze. Why bother with meat packing plant regulations, testing and releasing the lastest 'wonder drugs' to the public when you can home in on and insidious threat to the Public Health like the 'dreaded' Violet Wand that's been around, in one form or other, for over 75 years.
Sorry got off subject but that just angered me. But back to happy thoughts of writhing subbies recieving their just pleasures in a gloriously measured and well timed and organized manner.
Or even a bit chaoticly so they are a bit surprised now and then. *G*
Take a look at all. It's the best blindfold I've ever owned. The foam allows the eyes to be open when it's on and all light is blocked by it. So even open eyes see nothing, oh and they even included ear plugs with mine.
PhoenixPrime01 said:
Or even a bit chaoticly so they are a bit surprised now and then. *G*
Take a look at all. It's the best blindfold I've ever owned. The foam allows the eyes to be open when it's on and all light is blocked by it. So even open eyes see nothing, oh and they even included ear plugs with mine.

I believe I may have to send a customer their way, thanks for the info.:)
You're welcome snooze and another recommendation would be www.leathermaster (not sure if the space is there or not to be honest. I just drove over.)
The owner is Grand Master Stu a rt friend for many years. He was 'awarded' the Grand Master for his years in the Lifestyle and all he's done to help the Lifestyle in Central and South Florida over the years.
Stu now, very sadly, has MD, but continues to work and his leather work is great and his prices are very, very reasonable as well.
Take a look at the site and if you contact him let him know Old Phoenix aka Bruce sent you to 'visit'. *s
Gee Phoeniz, I wonder if we know each other?
I need to second this reccomendation, Stu is an old friend and a FABULOUS toymaker
Most of my best stuff came from him
And now with his illness, any support you guys can offer by getting your toys from him would be GREAT!

PhoenixPrime01 said:
You're welcome snooze and another recommendation would be www.leathermaster (not sure if the space is there or not to be honest. I just drove over.)
The owner is Grand Master Stu a rt friend for many years. He was 'awarded' the Grand Master for his years in the Lifestyle and all he's done to help the Lifestyle in Central and South Florida over the years.
Stu now, very sadly, has MD, but continues to work and his leather work is great and his prices are very, very reasonable as well.
Take a look at the site and if you contact him let him know Old Phoenix aka Bruce sent you to 'visit'. *s
I don't know James. I live in Pinellas and have known Stu since we were cops on different depts at the same time.. not the old joke either. His jurisdiction ended at the city limits where I worked.
There's not a nicer person I know and I wholeheartedly endorse the man and his work. *s

Here's his site address. I wasn't sure if the space was there or not.. it's not.
snoozebutton said:
Sorry got off subject but that just angered me. But back to happy thoughts of writhing subbies recieving their just pleasures in a gloriously measured and well timed and organized manner.

mmmmmmmm......very happy thoughts indeed :D
PhoenixPrime01 said:
Or even a bit chaoticly so they are a bit surprised now and then. *G*
Take a look at all. It's the best blindfold I've ever owned. The foam allows the eyes to be open when it's on and all light is blocked by it. So even open eyes see nothing, oh and they even included ear plugs with mine.

Better late than never. I must be getting blind. I missed this.

Thanks, Phoenix.

You're very welcome Eb. *S

BTW, if any of you folks do look at send Stu an email to say Hi and comment on the site. It'll cheer him up and if you wish also let him know that Phoenix aka Bruce sent you his way.
PhoenixPrime01 said:
You're very welcome Eb. *S

BTW, if any of you folks do look at send Stu an email to say Hi and comment on the site. It'll cheer him up and if you wish also let him know that Phoenix aka Bruce sent you his way.

Phoenix ~ Thanks again for the link to Stu's site. I have sent him several emails. And his responses were most courteous. And yes, the emails were with my Master's permission. :) Hope things are going well for you.
GBS* Thanks kayte very happy to hear that. I hope you 'dropped' my name. *chuckling*
Stu's a super guy and sure can use anything to bolster his spirits, which I knooooow your emails certainly did.
Thank you very much for your kindness and thoughfulness. *ss
PhoenixPrime01 said:
GBS* Thanks kayte very happy to hear that. I hope you 'dropped' my name. *chuckling*
Stu's a super guy and sure can use anything to bolster his spirits, which I knooooow your emails certainly did.
Thank you very much for your kindness and thoughfulness. *ss

Phoenix ~ Of course I did. I'm a name dropper from way back. ;) Hope your evening is going well.
It is thanks. *S
One day, with Master's consent, you should come over to the SRP Board and perhaps engage in a Lifestyle story with me.
PhoenixPrime01 said:
It is thanks. *S
One day, with Master's consent, you should come over to the SRP Board and perhaps engage in a Lifestyle story with me.

Well, I will go over to the Board and take a look at the roles and stories you have started. That is all I can agree to until I check it out and present it to Him. Hope you don't mind the wait.
Of course not.
Look for my name in the right hand column too as I'm in several stories others have started. In fact more of those than one's I've begun.
Happy reading and I hope they have the "desired effect" as you read.
Oh, btw, other than an endless array of toys, nearly all I write about relating to the Lifestyle comes from my rt experience, nearly all. I'm not quite the sadist rt that I portray in some of the stories. Not quie--evil lil grin.
PhoenixPrime01 said:
Of course not.
Look for my name in the right hand column too as I'm in several stories others have started. In fact more of those than one's I've begun.
Happy reading and I hope they have the "desired effect" as you read.
Oh, btw, other than an endless array of toys, nearly all I write about relating to the Lifestyle comes from my rt experience, nearly all. I'm not quite the sadist rt that I portray in some of the stories. Not quie--evil lil grin.

Well, the best writing comes from real life experience. I have done a little looking. I guess a full blown search is in order. ;)
PhoenixPrime01 said:
Do tell me if the desired effect was acheived kayte.

And that is? Smiling innocently :)