being Pro Domme

This is way cool so many people liked my thread. Thanks to all of yous.
Re: Re: Re: Thanks A LOT!

MzChrista said:
...One woman we had in particular I liked was a older woman about 50 who was a huge pain slut. Her favorite thing was to be hung by the wrists on a post and flogged very very hard. She would keep saying it wasnt enough until you were wailing on her like crazy. When she got to where she would finally give it up and sag down, I would come behind her and put my arms around her and finger her pussy and she would cum over and over. She said that was the only way she came.

How many times do you run across submissives who aren't particularly into pain, but more about being used and pleasing. They might take some pain, but mainly to please you.
Re: Re: Thanks A LOT!

CarolineOh said:

Well, I'd pay to see you strut around in a corset and heels;)

Thanks to the 70's styles, i know how to handle high heels and platforms. i had a pair of boots with 3½" heels i called my "acid boots", cuz when i wore them i was always tripping. YOU could get like an extreme discount to see my show.

TV Domme, huh? i like the sound of that! No surgery involved. (not that i'd miss the damn thing, but it's so expensive) Now, i'm correct in assuming that a TV Domme is not ON TV? (shoot)

Interesting info, MzChrista. i don't think it's just the fact that you're so unattainable that makes you so attractive to me.

i'm kinda like the old dog who asks the young dog, who is chasing a UPS truck, "What do you think you're gonna do if you CATCH it?"

Still, something about you just appeals to me.

Puppy Love Blue:rolleyes:
I don't suppose....

...there is such a career option as a Pro Sub?

Oh wait, anything in the food industry. "Yes, may I take your order?" *grumbles*
Re: Re: Re: Re: Thanks A LOT!

Rubyfruit said:

How many times do you run across submissives who aren't particularly into pain, but more about being used and pleasing. They might take some pain, but mainly to please you.

I hate to say it but you dont get many. And you have to watch it cause they try to fool you. They say ohh let me serve you and then they fuck up to get punished. We did have a few though and it was cool. We would send them on errands for us and stuff. "Slave, go to Burger King for me! And pick up my dry cleaning!" hahaha
Re: Re: Re: Thanks A LOT!

DRxBlue said:

Thanks to the 70's styles, i know how to handle high heels and platforms. i had a pair of boots with 31/2" heels i called my "acid boots", cuz when i wore them i was always tripping. YOU could get like an extreme discount to see my show.

TV Domme, huh? i like the sound of that! No surgery involved. (not that i'd miss the damn thing, but it's so expensive) Now, i'm correct in assuming that a TV Domme is not ON TV? (shoot)

Interesting info, MzChrista. i don't think it's just the fact that you're so unattainable that makes you so attractive to me.

i'm kinda like the old dog who asks the young dog, who is chasing a UPS truck, "What do you think you're gonna do if you CATCH it?"

Still, something about you just appeals to me.

Puppy Love Blue:rolleyes:

just shows you got good taste Doc.
Re: I don't suppose....

Quint said:
...there is such a career option as a Pro Sub?

Oh wait, anything in the food industry. "Yes, may I take your order?" *grumbles*

hahaha. Look what i just said about Burger King.
But yes some places will have pro subs but usually they will be part of a scene with a Domme there, not just subbing to the client 1 on 1.

A delightful thread that answers so many questions. I am watching and reading the developement with a great deal of curiousity and respect.
What she said

Shadowsdream said:

A delightful thread that answers so many questions. I am watching and reading the developement with a great deal of curiousity and respect.

Ditto! :rose:
Re: Re: I don't suppose....

MzChrista said:

hahaha. Look what i just said about Burger King.
But yes some places will have pro subs but usually they will be part of a scene with a Domme there, not just subbing to the client 1 on 1.

My first actual experience in the BDSM realm was as a pro-sub.

The first week I was in New York working as an escort, I had the incredible luck to get a call for a client session at Pandora's Box. I had never done any BDSM play before, but I had been reading about it for years, so I was willing to try whatever Mistress B. had in mind. I really enjoyed the comfort and relaxation I found in submission, and the evening's play evolved to include a super-wide range of activities I had never tried. I had so much fun that Mistress B. and the client kept me for an extra couple of hours, just to play, after the official scene was over.

I never for a moment felt like I was in danger, or felt any discomfort that was not also pleasurable. She was so good at what she did. I had no reservations about letting her do whatever she wanted to do. So I ended up in a gasmask, rubber straight jacket and industrial cling wrap for a very cozy mummification scene, and I slipped into subspace as easy as you please.

In my own work, though, I refuse to sub to a client if it's just the two of us. It just doesn't feel safe to me. I really enjoy dominating clients, but it has evolved so that domination is primarily for work, and submission (or switching) is for my personal life. I definitely don't mind subbing in a professional context if I'm in the hands of a skilled Pro Domme, but that's the only way that I'll do it.

I do enjoy it tremendously when BDSM intersects with my everyday work. It gives me an opportunity to be creative and more theatrical than I'd usually be. And my submissive clients are so devoted and sweet. It really is fulfilling.

--Freya (She Who Has Not Been Around But Will Make An Effort To Be More Often)
Re: Re: Re: I don't suppose....

superlittlegirl said:

My first actual experience in the BDSM realm was as a pro-sub.

The first week I was in New York working as an escort, I had the incredible luck to get a call for a client session at Pandora's Box. I had never done any BDSM play before, but I had been reading about it for years, so I was willing to try whatever Mistress B. had in mind. I really enjoyed the comfort and relaxation I found in submission, and the evening's play evolved to include a super-wide range of activities I had never tried. I had so much fun that Mistress B. and the client kept me for an extra couple of hours, just to play, after the official scene was over.

I never for a moment felt like I was in danger, or felt any discomfort that was not also pleasurable. She was so good at what she did. I had no reservations about letting her do whatever she wanted to do. So I ended up in a gasmask, rubber straight jacket and industrial cling wrap for a very cozy mummification scene, and I slipped into subspace as easy as you please.

In my own work, though, I refuse to sub to a client if it's just the two of us. It just doesn't feel safe to me. I really enjoy dominating clients, but it has evolved so that domination is primarily for work, and submission (or switching) is for my personal life. I definitely don't mind subbing in a professional context if I'm in the hands of a skilled Pro Domme, but that's the only way that I'll do it.

I do enjoy it tremendously when BDSM intersects with my everyday work. It gives me an opportunity to be creative and more theatrical than I'd usually be. And my submissive clients are so devoted and sweet. It really is fulfilling.

--Freya (She Who Has Not Been Around But Will Make An Effort To Be More Often)

You are smart to not go off subbing like that, it is not safe. But it aint always safe to be the domme either it ought to be said.
Every once in a while you get somebody freaks out on you. Aperson might have that sm fantasy because they got something fucked in their mind and when you start in that shit kicks in and you got a crazy man on your hands.
Re: Re: Re: Re: I don't suppose....

MzChrista said:

You are smart to not go off subbing like that, it is not safe. But it aint always safe to be the domme either it ought to be said.
Every once in a while you get somebody freaks out on you. Aperson might have that sm fantasy because they got something fucked in their mind and when you start in that shit kicks in and you got a crazy man on your hands.

You're absolutely right, MzChrista. Safe calls are de rigeur and I rely heavily on my intuition to size up the rest. The domination I've done hasn't involved much physical intensity beyond strap-on fucking; it's been more focused on sissification and cross-dressing. I don't know how comfortable I'd feel entering the realm of flogging or anything like that in a one-on-one situation. I'd feel comfortable doing that in a 2 Domme scenario, but my domination experience to this point has actually been very gentle.

Cross dressing stuff is one thing im no good at. I cant even dress myself to look girly.
MZ C said:

So then I was understanding that I liked what I was doing not just the cash. But I wanted for one thing, to play with women and also to really play for real, because 90% of these guys were not subs, they just wanted certain things done to them and if you doing it cause they want t you aint Domme, they are. //

Well put.

So, a question: It would follow that a Domme with a real sub is doing something the latter does NOT want. (If asked, the sub would say, "I don't want this.") Correct?

Is your view different from the "official" one, here: Are you saying, in effect, that you determine, from a sub, a) what's wanted (say, a spanking), and b) what's NOT wanted (say, a caning). Then you will--if in control, having the person at your 'mercy'--cane the person? This is turning the whole "limit" thing upside down! (it would seem). Very Interesting!!

Would this further imply that--unless you're into kidnapping--that you obtain consent for a session, overall? And not for each particular thing? In the example, if you said "Bend over, so I may cane you!" they would not comply, but, if they are already, by consent, bound up to something, then their saying "I don't want this" or "Stop" is ignored?
Pure said:
MZ C said:

So then I was understanding that I liked what I was doing not just the cash. But I wanted for one thing, to play with women and also to really play for real, because 90% of these guys were not subs, they just wanted certain things done to them and if you doing it cause they want t you aint Domme, they are. //

Well put.

So, a question: It would follow that a Domme with a real sub is doing something the latter does NOT want. (If asked, the sub would say, "I don't want this.") Correct?

Is your view different from the "official" one, here: Are you saying, in effect, that you determine, from a sub, a) what's wanted (say, a spanking), and b) what's NOT wanted (say, a caning). Then you will--if in control, having the person at your 'mercy'--cane the person? This is turning the whole "limit" thing upside down! (it would seem). Very Interesting!!

Would this further imply that--unless you're into kidnapping--that you obtain consent for a session, overall? And not for each particular thing? In the example, if you said "Bend over, so I may cane you!" they would not comply, but, if they are already, by consent, bound up to something, then their saying "I don't want this" or "Stop" is ignored?

Well if I didnt do something I wanted to do because a sub wanted it too, Id STILL be letting them control things, right?
See the consent thing in regard to pro Dommes goes the other way. Its the Domme who makes a compromise and does things she might not really want to do. Ideal situation the 2 parties will have an overlap of what they want. But I do think a sub ought to be willing to put up with doing a certain amount of shit they dont like if it pleases the cominant. Of course I am saying things they DONT LIKE and not things they wont consent to.
As far as what goes on, I make it pretty clear what the possibilities are but I dont go through a checklist and say "if you do this scene with me I am doing A-B-C, ok?"
The sub can always safeword and I always respect that right. However if I think the safewording is bullshit, or if they safeworded out of doing something I really wanted to do, I have the right to decide that I am not interested in dealing with them again, and I let them know that too. Some might say that my attitude intimidates hm into doing things they dont want todo, but most often they are glad they did it afterwards anyway.
I like your style.

MzC said

>Well if I didnt do something I wanted to do because a sub wanted it too, Id STILL be letting them control things, right? //

Good point. One is controlled if the reaction is predictable; one is not controlled if the person can't be sure what you'll do, be it pleasant or painful. If a neglected child misbehaves to get spanked, s/he is controlling Mom, even though the spanking is supposedly 'punishment.'

>See the consent thing in regard to pro Dommes goes the other way. Its the Domme who makes a compromise and does things she might not really want to do. //

Exactly. Not unlike a carpenter hired to make some shelves. Suppose the customer favors an ugly design; yet that customer is paying the bill. So the carpenter goes along if s/he wants the job.

>Ideal situation the 2 parties will have an overlap of what they want. //

But wouldn't that be a problem. If the sub wants a backrub and the dom/me wants to give him/her one, they do it. And it's nothing particularly 'dominant' about it.

If the sub wants a spanking, and the domme feels like spanking, they do it. Everyone enjoys. Has any 'domination' occurred?
Okay, not every minute has to be domination; there need to be light occasions and 'breaks' and etc. But isn't the mutually desired spanking more like a 'light occasion'?

>But I do think a sub ought to be willing to put up with doing a certain amount of shit they dont like if it pleases the dominant. Of course I am saying things they DONT LIKE and not things they wont consent to.//

Well taken. A sentiment not commonly expressed around here.

On consent: May it not be obtained before the fact? In the nice little story, "Branded" a woman consents to that, and to being tied and gagged during. The hot iron, by agreement, is to be held in contact for say, five seconds.

Were the 'brandee' to be consulted, or even watched for a signal in that five seconds, I suppose she'd be saying 'stop', 'red' or whatever. Yet that would be ignored. Why? Because that same woman 'agreed' that such a protest was to be ignored.
She consents in advance, but not at the time.
Any comment?
Well first let me say this, the dominance dont live in the act it lives in the relationship so just because the dom and sub are doing something both want the d/s dont disappear. it just means that right then it exists in their heads but not their action.

Now consent. I think there is a certain thing as consent in advance that goes without saying I think. But how much does it cover? If a sub could not pull it back then they really dont have the right to have limits or even to get out of the relationship. Now your example is interesting because thats sort of like if they say hit me and as Im swinging say no dont, they have to deal with the fact that they spoke too late. But if I hit them again, thats on me.
but Im seeing sometimes the dom cant just pull back without aking things worse. heres an example of what I mena. Lets say I got hmmmmmm DIXICRITTER all tied down and put clothespins all up and down her labia. So she decides its too much and says she dont want to play no more. I can take them off one by one and bring her down slow, or I can say OK babe, you called it, and yankyankyank and make her howl for about an hour. If I do the first thing Im violating her request to stop the scene right? But if I do the second thing Im doing more harm than good.
This is good stuff to consider Pure.
MzChrista said:
Lets say I got hmmmmmm DIXICRITTER all tied down and put clothespins all up and down her labia. So she decides its too much and says she dont want to play no more. I can take them off one by one and bring her down slow, or I can say OK babe, you called it, and yankyankyank and make her howl for about an hour. If I do the first thing Im violating her request to stop the scene right? But if I do the second thing Im doing more harm than good.

And this critter would be more than happy to take the slow bring down route.......One word if I may


That is all.

dixicritter said:

And this critter would be more than happy to take the slow bring down route.......One word if I may


That is all.


You rock girly.
MzChrista said:

You rock girly.

Thank Ya Ma'am.

Funny thing is I've had that done to I know I'd want the slow bring down. Damn that is one intense sensation.

Oh and I don't even hold a candle to you MzC.

dixicritter said:

Thank Ya Ma'am.

Funny thing is I've had that done to I know I'd want the slow bring down. Damn that is one intense sensation.

Oh and I don't even hold a candle to you MzC.


Ill hold the candle. You hold your breath.
MzChrista said:

Ill hold the candle. You hold your breath.

Now you've hit on something I've yet to try....wax play. I'll be sure to hold my breath, I'd hate to blow out your candle MzC. ;)

dixicritter said:

Now you've hit on something I've yet to try....wax play. I'll be sure to hold my breath, I'd hate to blow out your candle MzC. ;)


try it baby. I bet you will love it.