Biden’s Team Deliberately Kneecapped Trump’s Security

All I have discovered so far is the incompetence that allowed this to happen and the facts that are known to us as we speak. The real story is yet to come.
Of course.

And if the story isn't an inside job,.I'm sure you'll accept that. 👍
Your problem is you already have all the evidence and won't tolerate anything that challenges your preconceived notions .

i think there are other factors to take into consideration with Crooks himself being misrepresented by the media om several fronts. The lack of any social media, only "porn" on his cel phone. Then theres things like behind the scenes a few elites would have profited big time over Trumps death are now claiming it was an oopsie clerical error, Assigning Cheatle, herself being a personal friend of the Bidens to Trump would alone make me suspicious of something.
Trump and Vance are holding a big rally in Michigan late this afternoon. I believe around 4 or 5 pm local time. People have been lining up since 9 am. I’m guessing the security will be better this time.
i think there are other factors to take into consideration with Crooks himself being misrepresented by the media om several fronts. The lack of any social media, only "porn" on his cel phone. Then theres things like behind the scenes a few elites would have profited big time over Trumps death are now claiming it was an oopsie clerical error, Assigning Cheatle, herself being a personal friend of the Bidens to Trump would alone make me suspicious of something.
Cheatle is the Director of the SS and not personally assigned to Trump's security detail. Her presence at the RNC was more of a personal in house concern for shoring up what's left of SS integrity. We find now that a number of those who were assigned to Trump's detail were not SS but DHS security people untrained in SS protection protocols. It has been reported that some of Trump's normal SS agents were shifted over to Jill Biden who coincidentally had an engagement elsewhere. Former agents and experts have said that presidential security details are permanent assignments and that they have never seen overweight females and DHS substitutes assigned to any former presidential security teams. Director Cheatl has been under fire for her DEI appointments and policies that have caused dissention both inside and outside the Secret Service. The SS has been in noticeable decline since being transferred from the Treasury Department to Homeland Security. With Secretary Mayorkis in charge it's no wonder it's failing.
Cheatle is the Director of the SS and not personally assigned to Trump's security detail. Her presence at the RNC was more of a personal in house concern for shoring up what's left of SS integrity. We find now that a number of those who were assigned to Trump's detail were not SS but DHS security people untrained in SS protection protocols. It has been reported that some of Trump's normal SS agents were shifted over to Jill Biden who coincidentally had an engagement elsewhere. Former agents and experts have said that presidential security details are permanent assignments and that they have never seen overweight females and DHS substitutes assigned to any former presidential security teams. Director Cheatl has been under fire for her DEI appointments and policies that have caused dissention both inside and outside the Secret Service. The SS has been in noticeable decline since being transferred from the Treasury Department to Homeland Security. With Secretary Mayorkis in charge it's no wonder it's failing.

I was curious why she would even be there. Did Trump have any of his own people there?
I was curious why she would even be there. Did Trump have any of his own people there?
I believe after the attempt on his life they, either the President or Secretary Mayorkis ordered a reinforcement of Trump's protective team at the RNC, but at this point Cheatl's main motivation is her own self preservation in my opinion. Many high level people are calling for her firing.
Trump and Vance are holding a big rally in Michigan late this afternoon. I believe around 4 or 5 pm local time. People have been lining up since 9 am. I’m guessing the security will be better this time.
I sure as fuck hope so!

But I sure as heck hope Trump now has his own security people oversighting the SS and he doesn't trust them again.
I believe after the attempt on his life they, either the President or Secretary Mayorkis ordered a reinforcement of Trump's protective team at the RNC, but at this point Cheatl's main motivation is her own self preservation in my opinion. Many high level people are calling for her firing.

They just released a statement. They're offended people are criticizing women in the secret service.
They just released a statement. They're offended people are criticizing women in the secret service.
They wouldn't be if they were up to the job. Women cannot defend men against other men. If they could we see them in the NFL, NBA, and the MLB. We'd see them handily beating men in the Olympics. We'd see one of them breaking Ali's jaw instead of Ken Norton. Alexander the Great, and Caesar would have filled their legions with them, and women would have been the 300 standing beside Leonidas at Thermopylae. Finally we'd have seen women Marines raising our flag on Mount Suribachi. The truth is women protecting men, leading men in battle, women dominating the battlefield anywhere on Earth is a fantasy. They are capable of many great things, but in the final analysis enforcing the laws and norms norms of humanity isn't one of them.
I was curious why she would even be there. Did Trump have any of his own people there?
IMO, in light of what happened last Saturday, it made sense for her to be present at GOP convention with the spotlight on security there. If she hadn’t shown up and something bad had happened, she would have been accused of being detached.

She started with the SS right out of college and spent most of her career there. From everything I’ve read, she held highly relevant positions including presidential security detail. There’s nothing in her career history prior to last Saturday that would lead me to believe she’s a political hack or lacked the experience to qualify for the job.

But Saturday changed everything. As the head of the agency, she’s responsible. I’m sure she feels horrible and is wishing she would have done things differently in the days leading up to last week, but she owns it. It’s lonely at the top of any organization when things go bad. I expect her to resign next week after the Congressional hearing.

Her bosses are not making it any easier on her.
Of course.

And if the story isn't an inside job,.I'm sure you'll accept that. 👍
I will accept the truth uncovered by the Select Congressional Committee that has been formed to get the truth. because their ineptitude the administration cannot be trusted.

Biden’s Team Deliberately Kneecapped Trump’s Security To Allow An Assassination Attempt​

They kept the rooftop open, watched the shooter, kept Trump on the stage, and didn’t do a damn thing until after he had been shot. And we’re supposed to believe it was an innocent oopsie?

Nobody wants to hear this because of the implications, but oh well, because it needs to be said: Joe Biden’s security regime deliberately and with malice aforethought created the conditions that led to an attempted assassin shooting Donald Trump in the head. It is by the grace of God that he lived and our nation is not currently in the midst of a violent civil war. They deliberately starved Trump’s security team of the resources it needed. And they did it repeatedly, over many weeks and months.

With Trump’s security detail understaffed, under-resourced, and stretched to its limits, Biden’s security regime reportedly diverted even more resources to a hastily planned Jill Biden event that just happened to be in the area. Biden’s security regime then ordered the most obvious assassination perch in the entire area to remain outside the main security perimeter. Furthermore, Biden’s Secret Service director ordered law enforcement and counter-snipers OFF the roof the assassin used. If that weren’t enough, Biden’s security regime also refused to block the line of sight from the assassin’s perch to Trump’s location. When law enforcement radioed in a suspicious person using a laser range finder at the building and even took photos of him, nothing was done to detain the assassin.

The assassin was so obviously a threat that bystanders at the event begged law enforcement to stop him, but nothing happened. And even as snipers on the roof near Trump saw a gunman on the other roof, Biden’s security regime refused to have agents immediately surround Trump or remove him from the stage to protect him from being shot.

Given the lies and nonsense from both Biden’s Department of Homeland Security secretary and his Secret Service director, it’s increasingly difficult to believe this was just a series of independent mistakes (Secret Service director Kim Cheatle at one point this week claimed snipers couldn’t be on the roof because it was sloped and they might fall and hurt themselves). In contrast, when you look at the entire picture, what you see better resembles a deliberate plan to make Trump vulnerable but to appear at first glance to be just a couple of innocent mistakes. And when you add in how little information we’ve been given about the shooter — apparently the only person on Earth not on the internet — you begin to wonder if maybe a group of people at a different three-letter agency might have been working on a parallel track to find and encourage people to take action against Trump at the very same time he was kept vulnerable by Biden’s regime.

We know this happens because the FBI did it with Gretchen Whitmer: It recruited and urged disturbed individuals to buy weapons and put together a plan to kidnap her. In that case, the FBI wanted a story it could use to slime right-wingers. So it created the story itself. What happens when an agency like that, or maybe even another three-letter agency, decides instead that it’s had enough of Trump? Some former FBI employees might even call it an “insurance policy.” So who was the shooter talking to in the hours, days, and weeks ahead of the event? Who was he meeting with? Did anyone suggest or nudge or urge him to go to the Trump rally in Butler? Did anyone suggest or point out to him the building he eventually used? Was he told at any time not to worry about security?

The FBI told us almost immediately that while it couldn’t open the assassin’s phone, it knew he acted alone. That’s kind of strange, when you think about it. They told us almost immediately that they identified him by DNA, despite him having no criminal record. They also said they found explosives in his car. Why didn’t they just identify him by his plates or registration or next of kin? That’s pretty weird, too. At some point, you just have to say enough with the lies. We saw what they did with the Russia hoax. We saw the Kavanaugh hoax. We saw the Covid origin hoax. We saw the Ukraine hoax, the stolen election, the J6 op, and then the armed Mar-a-Lago raid and the myriad illegal cases against Trump.

They called him Hitler. They said he was an existential threat. They said he would destroy democracy. They said he was the most dangerous person on Earth. Then they denied him security. They kept the rooftop open. They watched the shooter and did nothing. They kept Trump on that stage. And they didn’t do a damn thing until after he had been shot in the head.

And we’re all supposed to believe it was just an innocent oopsie?

And now look at what the MSM is doing. The bastards are taking one of the most significant events in American history since the assassination of JFK and memory holing it. We really cannot hate the MSM nearly enough.
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Woof. Unless you got actual receipts for that steaming pile of shit all you have is pizzagate pedophile ring level of conspiracy crazy.
They wouldn't be if they were up to the job. Women cannot defend men against other men. If they could we see them in the NFL, NBA, and the MLB. We'd see them handily beating men in the Olympics. We'd see one of them breaking Ali's jaw instead of Ken Norton. Alexander the Great, and Caesar would have filled their legions with them, and women would have been the 300 standing beside Leonidas at Thermopylae. Finally we'd have seen women Marines raising our flag on Mount Suribachi. The truth is women protecting men, leading men in battle, women dominating the battlefield anywhere on Earth is a fantasy. They are capable of many great things, but in the final analysis enforcing the laws and norms norms of humanity isn't one of them.
Are you claiming women can’t perform SS duties?
They wouldn't be if they were up to the job. Women cannot defend men against other men. If they could we see them in the NFL, NBA, and the MLB. We'd see them handily beating men in the Olympics. We'd see one of them breaking Ali's jaw instead of Ken Norton. Alexander the Great, and Caesar would have filled their legions with them, and women would have been the 300 standing beside Leonidas at Thermopylae. Finally we'd have seen women Marines raising our flag on Mount Suribachi. The truth is women protecting men, leading men in battle, women dominating the battlefield anywhere on Earth is a fantasy. They are capable of many great things, but in the final analysis enforcing the laws and norms norms of humanity isn't one of them.
We need them to at least guard women. I recall Pubs making a huge stink about men in women's restrooms. And there are many situations where having some women around could be helpful while men step on their dicks.
So why don't you do so and itemize her points you think are false? Why guess?
I'm sure Chloe appreciates your mansplaining heroics in coming to her rescue. However, she is very capable of speaking for herself if she needs to. [Note: buckets of sarcasm were used here.]

Okay, Rightguide, just for you–I call all of them false.;) It's not like anyone reading her rant didn't know that.
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Are you claiming women can’t perform SS duties?
A lot of them. And a lot of it is physical, pure and simple. I have a 2nd dan black belt in Taekwondo, I'm 5 3 and 115. Some 6'3 guy who weighs 220 lbs with no martial arts experience whatsoever is going to run right over me like a bulldozer no matter how good I am. There's stuff I can do, and there's stuff I can't. Simple physical reality. And bodyguarding a US President is strictly for realists, otherwise we have a dead Prez. As was nearly the case, altho it also reeks of a deliberate setup.
A lot of them. And a lot of it is physical, pure and simple. I have a 2nd dan black belt in Taekwondo, I'm 5 3 and 115. Some 6'3 guy who weighs 220 lbs with no martial arts experience whatsoever is going to run right over me like a bulldozer no matter how good I am. There's stuff I can do, and there's stuff I can't. Simple physical reality. And bodyguarding a US President is strictly for realists, otherwise we have a dead Prez. As was nearly the case, altho it also reeks of a deliberate setup.
Well applied logic here. Trump is a big guy; there is no way someone who doesn't have the height or mass body weight to shield him should have been on that stage. Had he been more seriously injured and needed to be manhandled off the stage, someone of Choe's stature and charming weight could not have pulled off lunging that much lard of stage. From the video, as they stood him upright, he was exposed from the front angle due to those girls' short stature. In apparent shock, as it was, it was difficult to get him down that ramp with the male agents struggling as well.

And no, it doesn't smell like a setup. Though, if you believe the rumors that Trump requires diaper changes due to issues, there may have been some diaper changes needed.
The truth is: This thread is dangerous.

Some right wing lunatic on Lit (they know who they are) that reads the lies in the OP - and believes them - could very well decide to commit an act of violence against government officials.

Lines have been crossed here.



A lot of them. And a lot of it is physical, pure and simple. I have a 2nd dan black belt in Taekwondo, I'm 5 3 and 115. Some 6'3 guy who weighs 220 lbs with no martial arts experience whatsoever is going to run right over me like a bulldozer no matter how good I am. There's stuff I can do, and there's stuff I can't. Simple physical reality. And bodyguarding a US President is strictly for realists, otherwise we have a dead Prez.
So did all those buff strong men protecting Reagan back in the day save him with their size and strength? No, they hustled Reagan into the car and he was shot in the process. It was close and dirty and size and strength weren’t factors there.

Moreover, I don’t recall any news articles of SS incidents where size and strength were factors. So I’d argue overwhelming percentages say not much of an issue on the whole. But let’s use @dmallord’s comment and if a big guy needs protecting put your big guys on him to shield most effectively. The women can be watching the perimeters. Done and dusted. But in trump’s case maybe they had to go with who they had available.

As was nearly the case, altho it also reeks of a deliberate setup.
I’m sure there’s a reason for the SS being stretched so thin, but receipts not conspiracy theories on the trump attack, please.
So did all those buff strong men protecting Reagan back in the day save him with their size and strength? No, they hustled Reagan into the car and he was shot in the process. It was close and dirty and size and strength weren’t factors there.

Moreover, I don’t recall any news articles of SS incidents where size and strength were factors. So I’d argue overwhelming percentages say not much of an issue on the whole. But let’s use @dmallord’s comment and if a big guy needs protecting put your big guys on him to shield most effectively. The women can be watching the perimeters. Done and dusted. But in trump’s case maybe they had to go with who they had available.

I’m sure there’s a reason for the SS being stretched so thin, but receipts not conspiracy theories on the trump attack, please.
When Bill Maher says there's issues, well, there are genuine issues.
i think there are other factors to take into consideration with Crooks himself being misrepresented by the media om several fronts. The lack of any social media, only "porn" on his cel phone. Then theres things like behind the scenes a few elites would have profited big time over Trumps death are now claiming it was an oopsie clerical error, Assigning Cheatle, herself being a personal friend of the Bidens to Trump would alone make me suspicious of something.
I'm wondering about those three alleged encrypted foreign accounts the FBI reported.