Biden’s Team Deliberately Kneecapped Trump’s Security

Well applied logic here. Trump is a big guy; there is no way someone who doesn't have the height or mass body weight to shield him should have been on that stage. Had he been more seriously injured and needed to be manhandled off the stage, someone of Choe's stature and charming weight could not have pulled off lunging that much lard of stage. From the video, as they stood him upright, he was exposed from the front angle due to those girls' short stature. In apparent shock, as it was, it was difficult to get him down that ramp with the male agents struggling as well.

And no, it doesn't smell like a setup. Though, if you believe the rumors that Trump requires diaper changes due to issues, there may have been some diaper changes needed.
The question now is, with the information we now know they had why did they allow him to get up on the stage to start with?
I'm wondering about those three alleged encrypted foreign accounts the FBI reported.

more details are emerging. few videos i want to watch. in particular is a second cell phone recovered that does have contacts on it the media is not talking about. there were apparently requests for more security that were denied and the ownership of the building this deadly sloped roof belonged to.
We'll never know with the current administration. "That's classified and part of an ongoing investigation." Which is government speak for "your too stupid to know so we're covering it up."
more details are emerging. few videos i want to watch. in particular is a second cell phone recovered that does have contacts on it the media is not talking about. there were apparently requests for more security that were denied and the ownership of the building this deadly sloped roof belonged to.
Details like the shooter being photgraphed by the second sniper team at 5:14. Trump wasn't shot until 6:11. They had eyes on this gut for almost an hour.
That and they've gotten so used to lying they're incapable of telling the truth.
They've been lying to the American public about Trump for years hoping to create an atmosphere of violence. It finally got somebody killed and they are inwardly sad it wasn't Trump. We can take that to the bank.
They've been lying to the American public about Trump for years hoping to create an atmosphere of violence. It finally got somebody killed and they are inwardly sad it wasn't Trump. We can take that to the bank.
There will be another attempt.
There is no bullshit. Your haste to cover-up the potential participation of Democrats and federal officials is well noted.
I haven't done that, so your notes are bullshit as well. I have only said that evidence has not proven anything of the sort.
I'm sure Chloe appreciates your mansplaining heroics in coming to her rescue. However, she is very capable of speaking for herself if she needs to. [Note: buckets of sarcasm were used here.]

Okay, Rightguide, just for you–I call all of them false.;) It's not like anyone reading her rant didn't know that.
You don't "know" anything at this stage except what you biases confirm. Like 1174 you draw a lot of cognitive ease by processing information that aligns with pre-existing beliefs. It's a simple demonstration of your innate intellectual sloth. It easier and more efficient for the lethargic brain. It allows you to maintain a consistently incoherent worldview without the cognitive effort required to process conflicting information. It enables a far simpler life for you and the rest of the fanciful left.
You don't "know" anything at this stage except what you biases confirm. Like 1174 you draw a lot of cognitive ease by processing information that aligns with pre-existing beliefs. It's a simple demonstration of your innate intellectual sloth. It easier and more efficient for the lethargic brain. It allows you to maintain a consistently incoherent worldview without the cognitive effort required to process conflicting information. It enables a far simpler life for you and the rest of the fanciful left.
Lol, shut up.
You don't "know" anything at this stage except what you biases confirm. Like 1174 you draw a lot of cognitive ease by processing information that aligns with pre-existing beliefs. It's a simple demonstration of your innate intellectual sloth. It easier and more efficient for the lethargic brain. It allows you to maintain a consistently incoherent worldview without the cognitive effort required to process conflicting information. It enables a far simpler life for you and the rest of the fanciful left.

That’s probably true tbf.

And if you changed the last word to “right” it’d apply equally well to you and your fellow travellers.

A bunch of propagandists the lot of you.

Most people can see that the public are being presented with a nakedly pitiful choice and yet still their respective fan boys keep telling us how fabulous the emperor’s new outfit is.
That’s probably true tbf.

And if you changed the last word to “right” it’d apply equally well to you and your fellow travellers.

A bunch of propagandists the lot of you.

Most people can see that the public are being presented with a nakedly pitiful choice and yet still their respective fan boys keep telling us how fabulous the emperor’s new outfit is.
And then there is the fanciful left where all the answers come easy while blindfolded against reality.

Maria Bartiromo: Mysterious Man in Grey Suit Climbed Ladder, Directed Police While They Took Photos of Crook’s Body — Not Secret Service as Initially Believed​

By Jim Hᴏft Jul. 21, 2024 11:00 am

On Sunday, Rep. Ron Johnson joined Maria Bartiromo on her show, dropping bombshell after bombshell concerning the recent assassination attempt on President Trump.

Johnson informed Bartiromo that the Secret Service had neglected their scheduled meetings on the morning of the attempted assassination. Moreover, they had also taken photographs of the would-be assassin, identified as Crooks, an hour prior to the shooting! Johnson also revealed that he has seen evidence suggesting the possibility of not one, but two shooters.

Bartiromo told Pete Hegseth of Fox and Friends Weekends, “The local officers went up to that roof and started taking pictures of the dead body, of the shooter’s body. So suddenly a guy in a gray suit walks up the ladder and goes up to the roof.”

This man, who did not appear to have credentials, was initially assumed to be from the Secret Service. He instructed one of the local law enforcement officers to send photos to a particular cell phone number. Later, it was revealed that this individual was not from the Secret Service at all.

More here:

The beat goes on.
The question now is, with the information we now know they had why did they allow him to get up on the stage to start with?
Armchair quarterbacking is nearly 100% hindsight 'expertise.' You have answered your own questions with the 'with the information we now know' statement. We know it now, not then, so you are asking for a reason based on future information—not logical.
You don't "know" anything at this stage except what you biases confirm. Like 1174 you draw a lot of cognitive ease by processing information that aligns with pre-existing beliefs. It's a simple demonstration of your innate intellectual sloth. It easier and more efficient for the lethargic brain. It allows you to maintain a consistently incoherent worldview without the cognitive effort required to process conflicting information. It enables a far simpler life for you and the rest of the fanciful left.
Good for you! You can ascribe baseless claims as well as Donald Trump! Congratulations on reaching such a high bar for irrational thought. Have you had dinner with Hannibal Lector yet? Speak to Donald about that. He carries that water day in and day out, and it definitely is innate intellectual lunacy on his part.
Armchair quarterbacking is nearly 100% hindsight 'expertise.' You have answered your own questions with the 'with the information we now know' statement. We know it now, not then, so you are asking for a reason based on future information—not logical.

WTF are you smoking?

The SS had that information AT THE TIME. So the question is; why did they allow Trump to take the stage if they knew for nearly an hour that someone with a rifle was on the roof and they didn't know who it was?
The kids high school released a statement.

"There is a painful misconception that Thomas Crooks was relentlessly bullied in school, which may have led to the assassination attempt on former President Trump," the school district wrote.

"According to our records, Mr. Crooks excelled academically, regularly attended school, and had no disciplinary incidents, including those related to bullying or threats."

The school district also clarified reports that Crooks was rejected by the high school rifle team and, according to classmates, "shot terrible" and was "asked not to come back [to tryouts] because how bad of a shot he was."

"Thomas Crooks was never a member of the school's rifle team and we have no record of him trying out," the school district wrote. "The coach does not recall meeting him. However, it is possible that Crooks informally attended a practice, took a shot, and never returned. We don't have any record of that happening."

The district also dispelled a rumor, which was reported by British tabloid The Daily Mail on Thursday, that Crooks had threatened to 'shoot up' the school. Classmate Vincent Taormina said he made the threat in 2019.

"We had like this anonymous place you could post things or tell on someone on our computers at school and he posted something like 'Don't come to school tomorrow,' and something else that made it sound like he'd put bombs in the cafeteria bathrooms," he said.

But the district dismissed this claim outright, calling it false.

"In 2019, there was an unfortunate incident involving threats made by a different student against specific school administrators," it wrote. "That incident was thoroughly investigated and quickly addressed, and the student involved received appropriate discipline. It had no connection whatsoever to Thomas Crooks."

The school district said that it would be "wildly irresponsible" for it to speculate on Crooks' mental state in the two years after he left school, and that, as a student, he was known as a "quiet, bright young man who generally got along with his teachers and classmates."
RFK pays for his own security. I imagine if trump thought he needed more security he would spend the money for it. But he always wants someone else to pay.
Armchair quarterbacking is nearly 100% hindsight 'expertise.' You have answered your own questions with the 'with the information we now know' statement. We know it now, not then, so you are asking for a reason based on future information—not logical.
What I said was: "The question now is, with the information we now know they had why did they allow him to get up on the stage to start with?"

What we know now was a reference to what they knew then. You do need better than a room temperature IQ to figure it out though.