Biden’s Team Deliberately Kneecapped Trump’s Security

Maria Bartiromo: Mysterious Man in Grey Suit Climbed Ladder, Directed Police While They Took Photos of Crook’s Body — Not Secret Service as Initially Believed​

By Jim Hᴏft Jul. 21, 2024 11:00 am

On Sunday, Rep. Ron Johnson joined Maria Bartiromo on her show, dropping bombshell after bombshell concerning the recent assassination attempt on President Trump.

Johnson informed Bartiromo that the Secret Service had neglected their scheduled meetings on the morning of the attempted assassination. Moreover, they had also taken photographs of the would-be assassin, identified as Crooks, an hour prior to the shooting! Johnson also revealed that he has seen evidence suggesting the possibility of not one, but two shooters.

Bartiromo told Pete Hegseth of Fox and Friends Weekends, “The local officers went up to that roof and started taking pictures of the dead body, of the shooter’s body. So suddenly a guy in a gray suit walks up the ladder and goes up to the roof.”

This man, who did not appear to have credentials, was initially assumed to be from the Secret Service. He instructed one of the local law enforcement officers to send photos to a particular cell phone number. Later, it was revealed that this individual was not from the Secret Service at all.

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The beat goes on.
Was this the man?


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What I said was: "The question now is, with the information we now know they had why did they allow him to get up on the stage to start with?"

What we know now was a reference to what they knew then. You do need better than a room temperature IQ to figure it out though.
Do you understand the term armchair quarterbacking?

You flat-out screwed up. You own your poorly worded mistake and tried to cover it with sardonic attempts at being witty. You're not. Just bad at it overall.
RFK pays for his own security. I imagine if trump thought he needed more security he would spend the money for it. But he always wants someone else to pay.
You do understand as a former President, Pres Trump is afforded USSS protection? 🙄
That's not what I said.

You're missing the point. Prior to last Saturday RFK Jr. had to pay for his own protection detail. (Biden authorized it after last Saturday.)

Trump does not have to pay for personal security.

As an Ex President he is entitled to USSS protection and if that protection isn't adequate, as illustrated by the almost successful assassination attempt last Saturday, then he is entitled to MORE USSS protection and still doesn't have to hire a private security detail.

A private security detail which USSS wouldn't allow near him anyway so it'd be a waste of money and time and result in no additional protection and could actually hinder what protection he already has and gets.
Let's ask a simple defining question: At what point does a list of deviations from protocol suggest a planned outcome?

We can look at pattern and consistency: We can determine if the deviations are consistent and form a clear pattern, rather than being random or isolated incidents. This consistency can indicate intentional actions rather than accidental or sporadic mistakes.

We can look at repetition: If the same deviations occur repeatedly in similar contexts, it might suggest a deliberate approach rather than a series of coincidental errors.

We can examine beneficial outcomes: Do the deviations consistently benefit a particular party, or lead to a specific advantageous result, implying that the deviations are not merely mistakes but part of a strategy?

We can study timing and coordination: Do the deviations occur at critical moments that align with achieving a specific goal, indicating careful timing and coordination rather than spontaneous actions?

We can see if there is a lack of justifiable explanation: If there are no reasonable explanations for the deviations based on standard operating procedures, circumstances, or necessity, we can suggest that they were not caused by necessity or oversight but by design.

We can study communication evidence: We can see if there is documented communication or behavior that supports the idea that the deviations were discussed, planned, or encouraged by individuals or groups.

When these factors are present, it becomes more likely that a list of deviations from protocol suggests a planned outcome rather than a series of unintentional errors.

I thin the above approach offers the most practical and methodical path to a reasonable conclusion as to whether or not this event could have been planned.
You have a proven record of being wrong, you should learn to keep your yao shut so everyone doesn't think you're a tard.
You're missing the point. Prior to last Saturday RFK Jr. had to pay for his own protection detail. (Biden authorized it after last Saturday.)

Trump does not have to pay for personal security.

As an Ex President he is entitled to USSS protection and if that protection isn't adequate, as illustrated by the almost successful assassination attempt last Saturday, then he is entitled to MORE USSS protection and still doesn't have to hire a private security detail.

A private security detail which USSS wouldn't allow near him anyway so it'd be a waste of money and time and result in no additional protection and could actually hinder what protection he already has and gets.

He had the standard amount that an ex president gets and probably more. The shooting did not occur because of lack of protection. The shooting occurred because of complacency.
He had the standard amount that an ex president gets and probably more. The shooting did not occur because of lack of protection. The shooting occurred because of complacency.

Negligence and politics. Trump request additional security and that request was denied. That denial opened up the door for the assassination attempt.
Negligence and politics. Trump request additional security and that request was denied. That denial opened up the door for the assassination attempt.
Cheatle affirmed that additional security for the Butler event was.provided as requested.
Cheatle affirmed that additional security for the Butler event was.provided as requested.


Further, Jill Biden was in Pa at the same time and had her SS detail numbers increased, taking away resources which could have, should have in hindsight, been used for Trump's security.

The reality is there was a credible threat against Trump from Iran and the USSS instead of increasing the security detail denied those requests. In Pa, rather than increase the security, and increase the perimeter security, the USSS relied on local law enforcement to to USSS's job for them. With a tragic result.

The USSS has ONE MISSION and their mandate is no failures. They didn't live up to that credo, not even close, because leadership played political games and that resulted in negligence by those on the ground.

I won't say it was intentional but it certainly wasn't complacency, it was a targeted political ideology set into motion.
I won't say it was intentional but it certainly wasn't complacency, it was a targeted political ideology set into motion.
Disagree here. Consistent failures for so long are intentional. They opened him up deliberately, hoping that some wingnut would take a shot and be successful.

No conspiracy and totally plausible deniability. Appoint incompetents, hire DIE hires who are not up to the job, reduce Trumps security and allocate third raters.

It's no coincidence that this happened after Biden bombed in the debate - this was their last gasp, it wasn't planned tho, it was an expose him thru incompetence and laziness, ramp up the rhetoric and someone will take a shot. My guess would be some deliberate exposure by individuals within the Secrete Service as well, but again, with plausible deniability.

They really have no idea what they're fucking around with here. If Trump did get assassinated, it'd turn hot really quickly. Not riots, but bodies would start dropping all over.
I won't say it was intentional but it certainly wasn't complacency, it was a targeted political ideology set into motion.
ffs a targeted political ideology set in motion couldn’t be anything but intentional.

Further, Jill Biden was in Pa at the same time and had her SS detail numbers increased, taking away resources which could have, should have in hindsight, been used for Trump's security.

The reality is there was a credible threat against Trump from Iran and the USSS instead of increasing the security detail denied those requests. In Pa, rather than increase the security, and increase the perimeter security, the USSS relied on local law enforcement to to USSS's job for them. With a tragic result.

The USSS has ONE MISSION and their mandate is no failures. They didn't live up to that credo, not even close, because leadership played political games and that resulted in negligence by those on the ground.

I won't say it was intentional but it certainly wasn't complacency, it was a targeted political ideology set into motion.
Yes, I know the spin that the right has deployed.

Cheatle confirmed any additional security requested for the Butler event was granted.

She went on to say that there were times when additional security at other events may have not been granted due to other remediation or resourcing decisions.

I have agreed that the secret service failed at their responsibility and I have repeatedly called for Cheatle 's firing or resignation along with other SS officials.
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Disagree here. Consistent failures for so long are intentional. They opened him up deliberately, hoping that some wingnut would take a shot and be successful.

No conspiracy and totally plausible deniability. Appoint incompetents, hire DIE hires who are not up to the job, reduce Trumps security and allocate third raters.

It's no coincidence that this happened after Biden bombed in the debate - this was their last gasp, it wasn't planned tho, it was an expose him thru incompetence and laziness, ramp up the rhetoric and someone will take a shot. My guess would be some deliberate exposure by individuals within the Secrete Service as well, but again, with plausible deniability.

They really have no idea what they're fucking around with here. If Trump did get assassinated, it'd turn hot really quickly. Not riots, but bodies would start dropping all over.

I can't say it was intentional. All the signs point that way but there's no evidence of it, and there's NEVER going to be any evidence of it. This is hush hush don't talk about fight club level of secrecy.

The interesting thing is that in hindsight the PTB which groomed the shooter pointed him at the wrong target.

After the assassination attempt Biden suffered a medical emergency in Las Vegas. Then he dropped out but will remain in seclusion/hiding as President. Lots of chaos is the fallout from that and no one is looking good as a result. But in hindsight...

TOTAL TINFOIL THEORY HERE and I'm not advocating anything, just spitballing.

HAD THEY groomed the shooter to take out the SF democrats (Pelosi, etc) and HAD the FBI "arranged" for a few "accidents" of the other puppeteers who organized the soft palace coup, Biden's medical emergency could have resulted in an open and honest revelation that he's going to have to stop running for reelection and will release his delegates from their pledges at the convention. This would have made him look good instead of old and frail and confused appearing.

THEN he could have had a "bedside" chat talking about whatever his problem is and saying that he and his docs would know more in a few days. Depending on the outlook, he will either remain in his office or resign and transfer the duties to Harris. THAT would have made him a national hero and would have secured Harris as the D nominee without ANY of the drama we have now.

But, as usual, the democrats lean into their playbook and use force against their foes to try and secure a victory. The problem, as always, is that their foes aren't who they believe them to be. To democrats there is always revolt coming from within, they just aren't, and never do, looking close enough to home to see the true enemy.

So we get chaos.
And now, Cheatle has resigned.

"According to NBC News, United States Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle has resigned in the wake of a disastrous congressional hearing. While testifying on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, Cheatle remained defiant, pledging to stay on. Something changed overnight."

Prolly got one o' these delivered to her doorstep in the early early am.

Do you understand the term armchair quarterbacking?

You flat-out screwed up. You own your poorly worded mistake and tried to cover it with sardonic attempts at being witty. You're not. Just bad at it overall.
Have you learned how to read yet? Just admit you're an idiot and shut up.
And now, Cheatle has resigned.

"According to NBC News, United States Secret Service director Kimberly Cheatle has resigned in the wake of a disastrous congressional hearing. While testifying on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, Cheatle remained defiant, pledging to stay on. Something changed overnight."
She can go back to protecting Pepsi cans now. Meanwhile the SS will have to be rebuilt from the ground up. Now the perjury investigation can begin.
Was this the man?

Might have been this man.
Why don't YOU just admit you are a Russian bot on the payroll of the Russian government- you have basically all but admitted it- and then we will shut up.

You have no credibility left, and never did.
Same goes for Wang Chung Tsang.
The felon sex abuser was shot at by a domestic terrorist with an AR-15 whilst he was whining about those nasty immigrants being dangerous terrorists.

AR-15s keep you safe.
Twenty-two caliber rodent rifle.
And bodyguarding a US President is strictly for realists, otherwise we have a dead Prez. As was nearly the case, altho it also reeks of a deliberate setup.
I served in the military for some 20 years Chloe and my experience suggests that 99% of security stuffups can be explained by simple incompetence without the slightest need for input from conspiracy theories. The generic problem is that the people in charge of security never, ever, delegate to the people on the ground at the pointy end of every problem the authority needed to fix it - immediately.