Big Breasts Lovers

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I find this comment funny coming from a person who hides behind a keyboard and trolls members when they don't like something or get his or her way. Yes Im not sure whether your a man or a woman that is why I clarified my post.

Why do you troll? Why do you feel necessary to add your two cents on others posts, when you don't agree with what they post? I guess your upbringing never taught you"if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all".

Cuppers ignore toeskr. He or she hasn't had there feel of Toes.

If pointing out your posting violations and commenting on a previous " shopper " makes me a troll, oh well.

Sorry to hurt your feelings. Speaking of keyboard, do you ever step away from yours?
I find this comment funny coming from a person who hides behind a keyboard and trolls members when they don't like something or get his or her way. Yes Im not sure whether your a man or a woman that is why I clarified my post.

Why do you troll? Why do you feel necessary to add your two cents on others posts, when you don't agree with what they post? I guess your upbringing never taught you"if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all".

Cuppers ignore toeskr. He or she hasn't had there feel of Toes.

Speaking of someone who hides behind a over 26,000 posts you must live in front of yours. Most likely jerking off to the fake females on this site who will respond to you playing their superhero and coming to their defense. Your scolding of others who post things you don't agree with is annoying. There is nothing wrong with comments that are critical of other posts. Especially if it's more than likely the truth. I think "Cuppers" is a guy and most of what I have seen posted by him is obviously photo-shopped and or not of the same person, as claimed.
Lovely in lavender


Yeah keyboard dude, you ought to head over to the ampic section, see how your white knight of cupps gets blown the fuck out of the water.

And yes, keep screen stretching, see how that works out for you. :)