Blurt Thread III - Emporium of Unexpected Exclamations & Revelations

Lord give me the patience to get through tomorrow. It’s gonna be a trying day.
Here’s to an exhausting but successful day! No one is dead, no one is in jail, and baby minx is safely back at her place of higher learning. I deserve a cookie. 🍪🍪🍪
Here’s to an exhausting but successful day! No one is dead, no one is in jail, and baby minx is safely back at her place of higher learning. I deserve a cookie. 🍪🍪🍪

Based on the evidence, I would say that a good stiff drink is in order. :rose:
Big day tomorrow. Game changer potential and I’m rather excited. May not sleep, although I know I should.
Hey there Rainshine! That post was about a significant career opportunity and it turned out exactly as I had hoped.
Wednesday is shaping up to be have an awkward and difficult conversation with your boss day.

I’m glad Tuesday turned out well for you MWY. 👌🏻

I hope your conversation went well Rainy.

I have survived Wednesday, and am still gainfully employed so I’m taking it as a win. Maybe I will be abducted by aliens tonight. Heaven knows I could use a good probing.
I hope your conversation went well Rainy.

I have survived Wednesday, and am still gainfully employed so I’m taking it as a win. Maybe I will be abducted by aliens tonight. Heaven knows I could use a good probing.

For your sake, I hope that it's a genuine probing. ;)
For your sake, I hope that it's a genuine probing. ;)

He came to me first with a different take on the conversation I was going to have with him with. It went pretty well, though the result is yet to be seen on paper, so we will see.

Did you get your proper probing?

Nope, nary a probe in sight, aside from the unsolicited one that showed up on my fb messenger feed this morning, prompting the response, “Ewww! Noooooo! Why???” Yet another round of unsolicited dick pic bingo.

Walking a tight rope with a different guy between trying really hard not to hurt his feelings as he’s a nice guy, and trying to get him to fuck off. He’s babyminx’s bff’s dad, so “fuck off creep” would cause problems, but if I were any less interested it, it would cause a lack of interest black hole that would suck in the entire universe and really, who wants that?

I need a tee shirt that says I’m emotionally unavailable and uninterested in relationships. Then it’s right out there from the jump.
Another day, another brain MRI.

Those fuckers must just really like looking at this thing.

At least I don’t cry when they stick that cage over my head anymore. Well I didn’t last time, maybe I will this time now that I’ve jinxed it.

Good luck!!! I'm not claustrophobic but undergoing an MRI is not anything I want to have to go through again if possible.
Another day, another brain MRI.

Those fuckers must just really like looking at this thing.

At least I don’t cry when they stick that cage over my head anymore. Well I didn’t last time, maybe I will this time now that I’ve jinxed it.

I think that it was during brain MRIs that I came closest to perfecting my meditation technique. It helped me to keep my breathing shallow so my head wouldn't move.
Menstruation while you’re on hardcore blood thinners is as horrific as one might imagine.

To anyone here that was ever remotely attracted to me. You’re cured. 😂

Rule 34 says you just made someone with a Vampire kink very very excited.
The Emerson poster keeps stalking me on the GB, with the most demeaning and sexually inappropriate shit.

Yes, I made some derrogatory comments about certain posters's sex -which I regret in hindsight-. But it was all driven by a push back related to my own perception of being harassed.

I just want him off my back, and to stop harassing me.
I have no problems with his friends, I'm just distressed and angry with those who keep supporting his stalking.
Welcome once more to the HT, hashtag.
Why, it seems like only yesterday you came out as a dude pretending to be woman, here in this wee corner of Lit.

I can’t speak for anyone else, of course, but I’d love to hear more about those derogatory comments you made, about certain poster’s sex.

C’mon, share, big fella.

Who's on First?

It's astounding
Time is fleeting
Madness takes its toll