Bunny's Stuffie Corner

So I've been struggling a lot lately since the stomach virus.

I have had problems with hypersomnia for a very long time. The older I get, the worse it seems to become. I know I have untreated sleep apnea, but I think this may be something else altogether.

I am always tired. I struggle with sleep inertia and brain fog. The only way I can clear my head enough to accomplish anything is through liberal application of caffeine pills (3-6 a day) and Adderall when I can afford it. Haven't had Adderall since January, though. And, honestly, neither one of those things work that well at keeping me up and moving.

I have always slept more than normal people. But it's gotten ridiculous. I only get about 9-10 hours of function per day before I have to go back to bed. I have to cram work, 2-3 meals, a shower, my religious rituals and meditation, and anything else I may need to get done into that 9 hours. And there's just not enough time.

My income is suffering because I simply can't just sit up and wait for the phone to ring for hours on end. When the sleepiness sets in, I'm not able to do calls. I also can't stay logged in while I'm asleep and just wake up and take calls when they come because of the sleep inertia. Some days, the brain fog is so bad, I can't even work at all.

I don't know what to do about it. Yeah, I should go to the doctor, but the first thing they'll do is order a sleep study I can't afford because I don't have insurance, and that'll be the end of it. There's a low income clinic in town, but I don't know how much help they can be to me.

It's gotten so much worse, post-virus. It's 8:46 pm right now. I woke up around 12:30 pm today, and I'm already on the verge of crashing. I've been crying off and on all night because I can't function anymore.

Sorry to vent here (again), but I didn't know where else to go. Anybody else had this problem, and if so, what did you do about it?
Hi Bunny,

I have diagonsed sleep apnea, but they did nothing with it so far. When I used to sleep in one room with my bf he used to tell me I scare him sometimes, as I literary stop breathing as I sleep. Well I snore 🤦‍♀️ then I dont breath for a while and then I gasp heavily cuz I wasn't breathing for a while. The only thing the docs did about it is that they prohibit to use me Neurol for my depression, cuz it makes you sleep deep. Few weeks back when I saw my psychologist she gave me the Neurol anyways cuz my depression got worse and this usualy helps. Well it helps me sleep better. As if I need that LOL! Sometimes I feel sleep is all I do. 🙄

Not sure how to help you with the sleep apnoe, Bunny. The docs were thinking about giving me sleep mask that would keep the oxygen goin into my lungs when I stop breathing in the sleep, but it looks sexy as fuck, so noooo thank you! I struggle with my looks as it is, don't need a mask to make it even better LOL! It does help though I've heard. Try ask your doc for it. I understand how tired you are, I feel the same. I can talk to someone and 2 minutes later I am deep asleep. It sucks! My Master knows that very well, as I did fall asleep not just once while talking to him, and not because it was boring, but because I couldn't keep my eyes open and I simply drifted off sooner than I could even say I am tired.

Hope it will get better for you, Bunny. All of it. As for your Daddy, I still wanna kick him in the balls for you!!


Thats the sleep mask. As I said, sexy AF... lol
Hi Bunny,

I have diagonsed sleep apnea, but they did nothing with it so far. When I used to sleep in one room with my bf he used to tell me I scare him sometimes, as I literary stop breathing as I sleep. Well I snore 🤦‍♀️ then I dont breath for a while and then I gasp heavily cuz I wasn't breathing for a while. The only thing the docs did about it is that they prohibit to use me Neurol for my depression, cuz it makes you sleep deep. Few weeks back when I saw my psychologist she gave me the Neurol anyways cuz my depression got worse and this usualy helps. Well it helps me sleep better. As if I need that LOL! Sometimes I feel sleep is all I do. 🙄

Not sure how to help you with the sleep apnoe, Bunny. The docs were thinking about giving me sleep mask that would keep the oxygen goin into my lungs when I stop breathing in the sleep, but it looks sexy as fuck, so noooo thank you! I struggle with my looks as it is, don't need a mask to make it even better LOL! It does help though I've heard. Try ask your doc for it. I understand how tired you are, I feel the same. I can talk to someone and 2 minutes later I am deep asleep. It sucks! My Master knows that very well, as I did fall asleep not just once while talking to him, and not because it was boring, but because I couldn't keep my eyes open and I simply drifted off sooner than I could even say I am tired.

Hope it will get better for you, Bunny. All of it. As for your Daddy, I still wanna kick him in the balls for you!!


Thats the sleep mask. As I said, sexy AF... lol

I know the masks are not sexy at all (lol), but I'd like to get one, along with the machine. They're expensive, but there are options for getting them, too. I just have to figure out exactly *what* to get.

I'm sorry you struggle with sleep apnea, too. It's a common problem, I think, but it can also cause a lot of serious side effects.

I'll take you up on kicking Daddy in the balls, too, lol. The man is damn near useless at this point.

Hope you're doing ok!
I know the masks are not sexy at all (lol), but I'd like to get one, along with the machine. They're expensive, but there are options for getting them, too. I just have to figure out exactly *what* to get.

I'm sorry you struggle with sleep apnea, too. It's a common problem, I think, but it can also cause a lot of serious side effects.

I'll take you up on kicking Daddy in the balls, too, lol. The man is damn near useless at this point.

Hope you're doing ok!
Same old here I am afraid, Bunny.

As for the sleep apnoe, I think our health care is much better than the one you have in the USA, no offence! Better in a way that if you really need that mask and the machine you get it for free. Lots of things is worth of shit here, but health care is not one of them. Thank God!

Hope you will find a way how to get that mask for you or something else that would help you feel better and get some proper sleep!

Sending lots of gentle HUGS to you ❤️ and BIG kick in the balls to your Daddy Dom!!
An offering for the Stuffie Corner.

I got her at Five Below this weekend. :)


I also made a wonky Hello Kitty stuffie myself, but it's not nearly as cute as the one I bought.

I know I say this a lot, but I am so tired.

I haven't spent time with my Daddy in a year and a half. We live 20 minutes apart. There is literally no excuse for this, other than he just doesn't want to see me.

We rarely ever talk. I'm tired of texting into the void. I have tried so hard, for so long, to be positive about this and wait until the right time to bring up my concerns and so forth. But there is no right time. There's always something going on in his life that he can use as an excuse to not see or talk to me.

If he wanted to see me or talk to me, he would. He's had plenty of time to do it by now. The fact that he doesn't tells me that he doesn't want to. Seeing me and talking to me is not a priority for him. It doesn't make him happy. I want to be something other than another burden on him, and I'm not.

I'm so tired of dragging this "friendship" along by myself. He has no interest in it or in me, so what's the point in continuing to bang my head against the wall here?

I'm sorely tempted to tell him that I won't be bothering him anymore. If he needs something, I suppose he'll come around then. And if he wants to use this as an opportunity to ghost me (again), he can. I'm just exhausted being the only one making an effort. I can't keep doing it.
I stole this from @barefootgirl69 from the Daddy's Little Girl thread in the PG. (I'm sorry, but it hit me hard, so I had to make another post. Didn't wanna derail that thread with my whining.)


Why do other people get to have this, and I can't? I'm not even in a long-distance relationship, ffs. I have tried so hard to be good for my Daddy for so long, and he won't let me have any of this. It's not fair.
I stole this from @barefootgirl69 from the Daddy's Little Girl thread in the PG. (I'm sorry, but it hit me hard, so I had to make another post. Didn't wanna derail that thread with my whining.)

View attachment 2365595

Why do other people get to have this, and I can't? I'm not even in a long-distance relationship, ffs. I have tried so hard to be good for my Daddy for so long, and he won't let me have any of this. It's not fair.
I can't explain why some men are like this, Bunny, but I DO feel your pain. 🙁

*big gentle HUG* 🌹
I stole this from @barefootgirl69 from the Daddy's Little Girl thread in the PG. (I'm sorry, but it hit me hard, so I had to make another post. Didn't wanna derail that thread with my whining.)

View attachment 2365595

Why do other people get to have this, and I can't? I'm not even in a long-distance relationship, ffs. I have tried so hard to be good for my Daddy for so long, and he won't let me have any of this. It's not fair.
I don’t think you’re whining at all. I think that you’re saying g what you want. Amd that’s ok. I’m sorry you’re not getting the things you want.
Why do other people get to have this, and I can't? I'm not even in a long-distance relationship, ffs. I have tried so hard to be good for my Daddy for so long, and he won't let me have any of this. It's not fair.

It always hurts me that he doesn't treat you the way you need and deserve. Only he can answer your questions, and you still have the option of determining if you'll accept these conditions.
Thanks, guys. I'm sorry, I'm lazy and not quoting everyone, but I appreciate each and every one of you and your words. I still don't know what I'm going to do. I know what I'd like to do, but I don't trust my own decision-making process. I never know if I'll regret doing something later or not. Seems like no matter what I do, it comes back to bite me in the ass somehow.
Thanks, guys. I'm sorry, I'm lazy and not quoting everyone, but I appreciate each and every one of you and your words. I still don't know what I'm going to do. I know what I'd like to do, but I don't trust my own decision-making process. I never know if I'll regret doing something later or not. Seems like no matter what I do, it comes back to bite me in the ass somehow.
It’s quite possible and in my opinion quite ok to feel regret that things didn’t turn out the way you wanted and still know that it was the right decision.
I think I'm sick again. I did a Covid test, and it was negative, but I'm not sure if the old tests can detect the new variants or not.

Either way, I have a stuffy nose, an awful headache, neck pain, body aches, and a cough. It's irritating that it seems like every time I go out with my mother, I come home with some sickness or other. At least it's me and not her, I guess.

I have a lot of work that needs to get done, and I don't want to do anything but sleep. 😒
Better now. Just a cough and some congestion. The hurting all over feeling is gone. Luckily, my voice has stayed intact so far, so I can still work. Hopefully, it'll remain that way.

Ignoring Daddy again because he's a twat. That's about all I can say about that.

Going to do what I do and bury myself in my work.
My former best friend is crying on Tumblr because her new friends turned out not to be so cool, after all, and her "old friends" (me) "disappeared when she stopped being their support system."

Bitch, my father was actively dying, and you couldn't be arsed to send me a "How are you holding up?" message. So forgive me if I've left you to your own devices. That's what you wanted, anyway.

God, I cannot with people sometimes.
The head congestion from the cold/sinus infection/whatever just keeps lingering. It gets to be unbearable in the evenings after I shower. No idea what's going on there. At least it's preserved my voice so far.

None of my work stuff has taken off like I wanted it to because I haven't been around to devote enough time and attention to it. So now I'm trying to decide if I want to suck it up and go to work for a company, too. Not either of the ones I was at before, but a different one of some sort. I mean, I don't want to, but I probably should.
The head congestion from the cold/sinus infection/whatever just keeps lingering. It gets to be unbearable in the evenings after I shower. No idea what's going on there. At least it's preserved my voice so far.

None of my work stuff has taken off like I wanted it to because I haven't been around to devote enough time and attention to it. So now I'm trying to decide if I want to suck it up and go to work for a company, too. Not either of the ones I was at before, but a different one of some sort. I mean, I don't want to, but I probably should.
I think you have been sick over 10 days. Might see a doc? Make sure you are on the mend and don't need intervention?

As to your daddy... he is NOT being a daddy. According to what you say, he is not even being the most inattentive of friends. I know it's hard, because you have invested a lot in him emotionally, but I just have to say, you should walk away. Stop texting him, stop hoping, just stop. If it takes him more than 2 weeks to notice you have stopped reaching out to him, put a fork in it - it's done.

Once you stop hoping on him and putting energy into his void, who knows what other possibilities may become visible to you?

Huge hugs. Be sweet to yourself. Get well quick.