Bunny's Stuffie Corner

I think you have been sick over 10 days. Might see a doc? Make sure you are on the mend and don't need intervention?

As to your daddy... he is NOT being a daddy. According to what you say, he is not even being the most inattentive of friends. I know it's hard, because you have invested a lot in him emotionally, but I just have to say, you should walk away. Stop texting him, stop hoping, just stop. If it takes him more than 2 weeks to notice you have stopped reaching out to him, put a fork in it - it's done.

Once you stop hoping on him and putting energy into his void, who knows what other possibilities may become visible to you?

Huge hugs. Be sweet to yourself. Get well quick.

The sick part finally (mostly) resolved itself. I think I'll be ok now.

As for Daddy, I know what I should do, but I can't bring myself to do it. So I continue to go in this cycle of doing the same thing and expecting different results. :rolleyes:
Because when it rains, it pours, the check engine light came on in my car last night.

Because I am somehow lucky in weird ways, it's not something that's pressing to get fixed. So I can wait until I have more funds to do it.
Because when it rains, it pours, the check engine light came on in my car last night.

Because I am somehow lucky in weird ways, it's not something that's pressing to get fixed. So I can wait until I have more funds to do it.
Hugs and care.
Glad the car issue is non urgent!
Because when it rains, it pours, the check engine light came on in my car last night.

Because I am somehow lucky in weird ways, it's not something that's pressing to get fixed. So I can wait until I have more funds to do it.
That’s good news. Being able to hold off is a nice luxury sometimes.
The sick part finally (mostly) resolved itself. I think I'll be ok now.

As for Daddy, I know what I should do, but I can't bring myself to do it. So I continue to go in this cycle of doing the same thing and expecting different results. :rolleyes:
I so feel this, Bunny and I am sorry he treats you like that. I do the same with my bf I am afraid...

Gentle HUGGS sent 🌹
Can dominants have stuffies too?

Talked to Daddy today. He was oddly helpful with my problem. If only he wanted to see me. :rolleyes:

PSO job is turning out to be a headache, and I haven't officially even started yet. Several red flags there.

I saw an ad for a call center job in town on Facebook. The positions are being filled by a staffing company. I worked in a call center many, many years ago, so I think I'm gonna apply to this job. It sure would be nice to escape the hell that is PSO work and to have health insurance again.

Y'all, please keep your fingers crossed, send good vibes, prayers, whatever that I can get this call center job and that it will be beneficial to my life. I hit a wall with my current job, and I just don't think I can take it anymore.

I know, it seems weird to just nope out of something I have been working so hard at for many years, but the straw finally broke the camel's back last night, and I don't know that I can do it anymore.
Work starts tomorrow. Training is on the first shift, which...ugh. I hate mornings. But it only lasts three weeks, then I move to second shift, which is when I wanted to work.

Please let this go at least passably well, lol.
First day was not too bad. But, God, I hate mornings. I'm pretty sure I'm the idiot of the training class, simply because I can't function worth a shit before noon, lol.
Ever since that stomach virus, I haven't been able to drink regular coffee. But I do hit the caffeine pills hard!
Have you ever tried this. It's the ONLY coffee that has never burned my gut. I've been drinking it for over 20 years.1000000664.jpg