Can I come home now?--An unabashedly warm fuzzy thread

Re: HEY! This thing is STILL warm and...fuzzzzzy mmmmmm

DRxBlue said:
So many MORE...gotta get more marshmallow... or maybe... Vanilla Fudge! Can someone help me keep the warm fuzz off this chocolate?



ohhh dear
*shakes head*
MzChrista has a wonderful new AV, and she's funny and bright and charming. (uhm, have I done her before? I can't remember.)

Spectre... is easy. He's friendly and sincere, and has a genuinely friendly and compassionate nature.

Lancecastor because he's difficult. He can be a real asshole sometimes, but I admire his spunk and determination and Very Thick Skin. He's felt like a breath of fresh air around here from time to time.

PB I don't know real well, but he seems like a bright and friendly guy. Plus, he's funny. I enjoyed his "announcer" posts. And I admired his willingness to talk about submission here.

And cym, because she's cym. I've already done her, and I don't take one word back.
Nailing a nutsack to a boards supposed to hurt?

Hell i put needles through mine as it is anyway... fuck I have a wierd pain threshhold.

Blue rocks cause he loves freya and she says he rocks so I'm inclined to believe her.

Risia and Dangerous Dave... they rock.

Cym rocks, and makes me think that I'd be even scarier as a dom, every time

i'm sure I could think of more if i looked round here, but I hardly ever visit so this is plenty.

What a surprise and a delight! i thank you, and gladly admit to my love for the superlittlegirl.

Yeah, in my medical opinion a nail through the scrotum is USUALLY painful, but since you're made of felt and foam rubber! ...That can sorta take the sting out of it.

Come on back anytime,
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i was just looking back through this whole thread, and realized how lax i've been at mentioning the people who mean alot to me

Richard and i have been talking for many months, and i appreciate his insights and opinions so much. You are a terrific man, Richard... so good to all that know you!

MissTaken You are one powerful lady, with so many great ideas for threads... very thought provoking threads! So kind, and gentle, and ready to help sort out problems when they arise....

Sam and Caroline how wonderful it has been to be able to get to know the 2 of you through your wonderful posts... i have looked up to Caroline since my first few days here, and then to have met Sam and see how honorable and respectful he is of others, have made them 1 of my favorite couples ever!!

cellis i am so very happy for her, and of course, Himself... she has decided what she wants in her life, and gone for it.. full force ... such an inspiration to us all!!!

Artful's dream came here, and had alot to deal with, but came through it with such grace, and integrity, it is no wonder that Art has taken her under his wing, and fallen for her

James Blandings Such an awesome man. Quiet, reserved but there to help anyone out in need ( he even offered to escort me to meet my Dom in the early stages!! ):kiss: to you James!!

Ms Worthy i haven't really conversed with you alot, but i love your "Flirt" thread at the Playground, and i figure the world can use alot more flirts!! From what i've seen of you, you are very open, and honest. Wonderful Lady!!

i have sooo many more, but i will return later to finish... my brain is turning to mush, and my eyes are tearing up, remembering what each of you has meant to me....

:heart: :heart: :heart: sierra
Thank you, Sierra. Knowing that I have been of any help to those like yourself who are taking their early steps into this wild world of BDSM makes any effort I put into posting here more than worthwhile.
Sandia said:
Oh, yeah, and Quint, for her humiliation thread.

Why Sandia, I was just about to re-admire you for the same reason! I didn't know we had so much in common, and me being the egomaniac that I am, it's only natural that I grin whenever I see you posting. You have the charm of a mischievous young boy and the debonaire wit of a world-wise tiger...and we lust after the same things, only from opposite sides.

*sighs contentedly*
And no, I couldn't just stop there, could I?

First, to JB because I have always felt understanding, acceptance, and joy from him. He genuinely enjoys himself and he, like the perfect switch that he is, shares that pleasure with all and sundry. Not to wax melodramatic (pssshyeah right) but he's the hot water bottle of this thread...very soothing and nice to have when you're feeling alone and shivery.

Second, to Perse because she is so wordy in all the right ways! With superlittlegirl in and out (and sadly more of the latter than the former), we needed a vivacious, verbose stand-in. If Perse came in as an extra, she stayed around until the director decided to bump aside some other prima donna and cast HER instead. I'm proud to be a part of this forum every time she shares her views, because they're so trusting, and it's delightful to know that I deserve that trust. Plus her AV is so gorgeous. Okay, that was shallow...but it's true! o)

Third, to MsWorthy. She has fewer fireworks than Ebony and less brass than MzChrista, but her words ring with consideration and depth every time. No fanfare required. If I ever lose sight of quietly passionate D/s relationships, I need look no farther than this woman. Beautiful. very sleepy...I'll take on the rest of the forum some less-comatose time; I'd hate to shaft any of you worthies. Sweet dreams to all.
Quint said:
And no, I couldn't just stop there, could I?

First, to JB because I have always felt understanding, acceptance, and joy from him. He genuinely enjoys himself and he, like the perfect switch that he is, shares that pleasure with all and sundry. Not to wax melodramatic (pssshyeah right) but he's the hot water bottle of this thread...very soothing and nice to have when you're feeling alone and shivery.

Second, to Perse because she is so wordy in all the right ways! With superlittlegirl in and out (and sadly more of the latter than the former), we needed a vivacious, verbose stand-in. If Perse came in as an extra, she stayed around until the director decided to bump aside some other prima donna and cast HER instead. I'm proud to be a part of this forum every time she shares her views, because they're so trusting, and it's delightful to know that I deserve that trust. Plus her AV is so gorgeous. Okay, that was shallow...but it's true! o)

Third, to MsWorthy. She has fewer fireworks than Ebony and less brass than MzChrista, but her words ring with consideration and depth every time. No fanfare required. If I ever lose sight of quietly passionate D/s relationships, I need look no farther than this woman. Beautiful. very sleepy...I'll take on the rest of the forum some less-comatose time; I'd hate to shaft any of you worthies. Sweet dreams to all.

Thank you Quint. Let me say in reply that I have delighted in the enthusiasm you bring to your explorations in BDSM, and felt your pain when things haven't gone as well as they might. You are a tonic for a sometimes slightly jaded veteran.
Re: HEY! This thing is STILL warm and...fuzzzzzy mmmmmm

DRxBlue said:


The Zipman (VII)! Here is a voice just beginning to be heard, one that seems to me to show terrific promise.

A person who seems to do his homework, and really think about the posts he makes. Sounds simple enough, but it's actually such a rare practice. A mind which seems quite disciplined and well suited for analysis. Hard to believe, you'll forgive me please, that this mind could be a product of the New York City Public School System. <jk>

More going on here than meets the eye. i LOVE that!


Thank you very much Blue!! And may I compliment you on your perceptiveness. My job requires me to do a lot of analysis and my recommendations must be well-thought out and logical. I didn't realize that it carried over into my posts :D

And yes, the NYC school system has turned out a few gems, over the years :rolleyes:

But my sincere thanks for the compliment!


I almost never open this thread -- so I've never seen what Blue and Quint wrote about me.

I'm not sure if I ever thanked Zip privately for his words. But it's certainly time I did it publicly.

You ROCK, Zip. :D

Blue -- you're such a doll. Thank you for saying such beautiful things. :rose:

Quint -- OMG! I had NO idea you thought all those things of me. Well, lol, I think everyone at this points thinks I'm verbose. But I figured I bashed your poor head in with that er, traumatic, psycho PM I sent you, lol. Can we say nervous? I think we can. ;) I never think about how old you are Quint -- you have such a wonderful voice on here -- I just think of you as fun to hang with. And when you're serious -- I take you as seriously as anyone. Oh, yes -- lol, I like that AV too. ;) My hair is actually quite close to the color of the AV, I wouldn't mind looking like the rest of her either, lol. Thank you Quint. :)

Thank you all. :)
Re: HEY! This thing is STILL warm and...fuzzzzzy mmmmmm

DRxBlue said:
One of our more long term denizens has recently returned from that place where people disappear after the nuptial knot is tied. i would like to immortalize her in solid rock candy then have her covered in real edible gold foil.

petrel has been Lit member for OVER a YEAR! That's actually like a century in Lit years... or something. Her spelling might deviate from the standard from time to time... well, all the time, but her mind and heart are sweet, wise, warm and well worth paying attention to.

petrel has been an intrepid BDSM explorer and has shared many of her experiences and thoughts with us all, along the way. She has been on the front lines of the welcomers at this site, coaxing shy newbies into opening up to the wondrous new worlds here to discover.

Blue I'm all hurt - you picked on my spelling! *giggle* :p
you know I do try hard to check it its just that my fingers can't keep up with my exciting thoughts (now there's a thought waiting to happen) I forgive you thought cos you said such nice things about me!

I always thought of myself as a cinder toffee girl at heart though!

It seems to me it's time to kick this one back up there, in time for a little holiday cheer in this little corner of the slipstream. If you've forgotten what it's all about, go back and read the first page--jog your memory, because we've got a lot of new faces, and a lot of older faces that don't get the appreciation they deserve.

And, in that spirit, I'll tackle a challenge:
Outside Observer: Love her or hate her, this poster came in with enough insight into the forum and its participants and group dynamic to shake things up a little, which in the end is always a good thing. While I've struggled to reconcile myself with the somewhat confrontational and condescending tone she's chosen to adopt in responses to many of the forum's members, I've also noticed that she takes the time to respond with clear thought and lucid text to most everyone who attempts to engage with her. At the end of the day, her relationship to this forum is her own to decide--while I may not agree with the message or the manner, I respect the attempt to stimulate thought and conversation, as well as the clear intelligence that goes into the efforts.

Happy holidays, all!
Great idea, RS.

Now, I may have missed some earlier, or already posted about them and have since learned more.

Zipman: You call it like it is and 90 percent of the time, I agree with you. Either we are both usually very wrong or both usually very right. I enjoy that you can post the other side of an arguement without personalizing it and do not get into the politics of the board, here or on the GB. You have mucho wisdom and are a very funny and compassionate guy. MUAH!

Killermuffin, Lavey and other visitors from other forums. Hat's off to you for bringing your serious questions and insights. Questions from someone who is not into the alphabet lifestyle can jog the grey matter of those who are. Thanks to everyone stopping in.

Lark Sparrow: While I don't post a lot here anymore, I am always lurking. I respect your conviction and easy manner in which you express yourself. Thanks for signing on!

Desert Rose? You rock. You make sense, you say what you mean regardless of the fences or sides. I love watching you post. Hugs.

PBW: I feel I have gotten to know you better in the last few months. Ya gots hutzpah, humor and are a generally cool type dude. This coming from someone who doesn't want a strap on for your lily white ass! ;)

Oh...I will be back later with more, but I am lurking and finding that I enjoy reading many of the threads from our new and old posters.
Ok, I'll give this a quick shot... just thinking off the top of my head and not really putting too much thought into this... so bear with me... :)

RS: First... it's been a hard year for ya... and not just here from what I see. Thanks for sticking in here with us and being such a good moderator. You may have differences with people here, but you always play it fair.

lark sparrow: it's great to see you posting here and I really think you are a great addition to the lit bdsm family. :)

UCE: damn girl, you can type.

Eb: Thanks for always being here to be the big sista to us all. :) And keeping us in line too. And noooo... this doesn't mean I'm gonna give up the ass. ;)

zipman : I gotta say you are one of the most level headed people I've ever heard speak. Thanks for being here.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone...

Tis the Season...

Thank you for the welcome, MissTaken and PBW - I appreciate it.

To return the sentiment: Mr. Walker - approachable, fun sense of humor, with a compelling serious side to boot... (not to mention the compelling booty). Miss T - positive, thoughtful and a good example of outward generousity.

Has to say the entire cast and all the diverse characters make for an interesting BDSM discussion forum - everyone here included. Happy Holidays.
It has been a while since I last posted here on this thread - but what better time for warm fuzzyness can you think of than Christmas?

So :
~ Merry Christmas E/everyone ~

Thanks to each and everyone of you to make this place still "happen". Even though I have not much to say lately I do enjoy (mostly) the little banters and exchanges of pleasantries, the agitated discussions about BDSM and all its shades and shadows and the knowledge that we are all entitled to find our personal happiness no matter how we lable it.

May this little corner of Lit see a peacefull, maybe even more back on topic and less poitically influenced 2003. THanks to those who stayed, thank to those who once contributed to make it what it became and thanks to those joining us in the future to add their voices to the diversity of Lit BDSM.

May your pressies be plenty and may you have always scissors at hand to undo the ribbons and unruly knots *winks*

Have a wonderful festive season with your families and the ones you love

Be well and take care

Hecate said:
It has been a while since I last posted here on this thread - but what better time for warm fuzzyness can you think of than Christmas?

So :
~ Merry Christmas E/everyone ~

Thanks to each and everyone of you to make this place still "happen". Even though I have not much to say lately I do enjoy (mostly) the little banters and exchanges of pleasantries, the agitated discussions about BDSM and all its shades and shadows and the knowledge that we are all entitled to find our personal happiness no matter how we lable it.

May this little corner of Lit see a peacefull, maybe even more back on topic and less poitically influenced 2003. THanks to those who stayed, thank to those who once contributed to make it what it became and thanks to those joining us in the future to add their voices to the diversity of Lit BDSM.

May your pressies be plenty and may you have always scissors at hand to undo the ribbons and unruly knots *winks*

Have a wonderful festive season with your families and the ones you love

Be well and take care

...and MY wish, is to become as proficient as Hecate, Lance, Zip, MsWorthy, Shadows, Blue, Risia, Chele, and a few others in expressing their thoughts on a keyboard.:rose:
For what it's worth ..

Wishing you ALL a happy and Merry holiday season and please have a safe New years as well :rose:
This place engages me

I have had lots of pain and errors here but BDSM at Lit has made a difference in my life. I am very passionate about the place and respond irrationaly at times while my SOH is far to antipodean for many. My tongue is often too far in my cheek.

Much has been learned here and people including Cym and Risia have been conductors of the learning if not the content. They are after all teachers but to us they are surely more. maybe like MOORE'S law. :sorry;)

To the detractors, engage your heart and live with the place, in the place and with the people.:cool:

We say to much as anonamous individuals and too little to each other as friends. We all came here looking for ?? will post a poll.

ADR and wilfullbrat you make me smile.

i'd like to toss a little warmth on the fuzziness too...

It still hasn't been a year since i discovered this place, but WHAT a year. Although i may never actually practice many of the techniques for the expression of love i learned here, the lifestyle has opened me and healed me in ways i wouldn't have believed possible.

i don't post as much as i used to, mostly because what i learned here has led me to live a Real Life much different than before. i've learned more about caring and feeling and laughing from all the people who post here than i did anyplace ever before.

When i do get a chance to get back and scan the boards, i see a wealth of new people sharing and learning from each other. Things might have changed in some ways, but this is still the best place on the web to learn, to ask, to meet the people who know.

Blessing to All, :heart:
For the Season and Forever,
What a great place for Holiday greetings.

It has been an incredible year, for me, Turbulent as well as enlightening.

Many of you may not even realize the role you have played in 2002, for more than BDSM discussion. By your postings, your attitudes, your bickering ;) or whatever, the forum has been an important safe place for me to just hang out and be me. Sometimes lurking, othertimes posting like rabbits mating... ;)

Hugs to all and I look forward to 2003!


Merry Christmas!
i want to add my Christmas wishes to all here at Lit.

This place has been a home for me the past 10 months or so.. even when i haven't been posting, i do lurk, to read what everyone has to say. i have learned so much from everyone here, and i wish to say thank you to all.

Merry Christmas to all!!:rose:
It never ceases to amaze me how you can feel you know someone whom you have never shared a private word with.

Merry Christmas, once again, and to you, Sierra Moon!


I miss you. It is good to see your smiling face and read your prose. Be well.