Can I come home now?--An unabashedly warm fuzzy thread


Thank you and PB and Art and Dream for your valuable advice of late. I appreciate that you are my friends.....
MzChrista said:

look now or lose out, Ill give you about an hour.
I *knew* there was a reason I popped online just now. Damn you're good lookin', MzC. :kiss:

Thanks to JB & zip for the kind words. I need to review and see who I've already posted about, so I can widen the net. I've intentionally chosen a mixture of people I know well and those I barely know, so it gets really hard to keep track...especially for me, Queen of Misspent Youth. :D
Gee...Miss T

Thanks for the offer of sanctuary, but i feel a bit like the deer frozen in the headlights.

i kinda feel like i really want to find out what MzC has in store for me. i got her picture, and i'd be happy to die with that image on my retinas.

If i should happen to LIVE in terrible pain! ...Hell, that ain't much different than most of my life has been. At least she'd maybe be happy. That'd be worth a lot!

i may come dashing to huddle in your bosom, (whew! that DOES sound pretty good!) but for the moment i'll just stay right here.

MzChrista said:

JB thats so nice I aint even gonna make fun of that you wrote the same damn post last week. But you gettin old, I understand.

It's as true now as it was then.
Respect your elders. The rest of them may be scared of you, but I've seen you in your bunny pajamas.
Re: Gee...Miss T

DRxBlue said:
Thanks for the offer of sanctuary, but i feel a bit like the deer frozen in the headlights.

i kinda feel like i really want to find out what MzC has in store for me. i got her picture, and i'd be happy to die with that image on my retinas.

If i should happen to LIVE in terrible pain! ...Hell, that ain't much different than most of my life has been. At least she'd maybe be happy. That'd be worth a lot!

i may come dashing to huddle in your bosom, (whew! that DOES sound pretty good!) but for the moment i'll just stay right here.


Sheeeesh doc yes go ahead have yourself run over by a TRUCK for all I care ... :cool:

What makes you think that is the kind of message I want to read after 4 hours of sleep? I'm gonna see you in about 10 days, so make sure they don't do anything to you that won't heal until then! :kiss:
Egad! i am DISCOVERED!

Hmmm this does raise an interesting question. How long does it take for them little pin holes from the butterfly board to heal, MzC?

Until they heal, would i pee like, just all over the place like one of them sprinkler hoses? 'Sides...what difference would it make Süsse? i planned on serving coffee or "tee"..not ME!

Flogging shouldn't cause anything socially embarrassing. Not as embarrassing as wearing a skimpy tee shirt would be.

Oops...i really came here with a warm, fuzzy for SexySusan. She has been a major influence on my life. A positive one i THINK, but all the cards haven't been dealt yet.

That's what i came here for.

James Blandings said:

It's as true now as it was then.
Respect your elders. The rest of them may be scared of you, but I've seen you in your bunny pajamas.

Now THAT'S funny.;)
Re: Egad! i am DISCOVERED!

DRxBlue said:
<snip> 'Sides...what difference would it make Süsse? i planned on serving coffee or "tee"..not ME!

Okay, you WIN. Maybe a little spanking or flogging will render you docile ... I *think* you could do with one. ;)
And that's Tee, Süsser. Eistee is my favorite.

I bet by the time we get to see each other I'll have to fight you off with a poker ... :p

Oops...i really came here with a warm, fuzzy for SexySusan. She has been a major influence on my life. A positive one i THINK, but all the cards haven't been dealt yet.
How often do I have to tell you Blue ... stop thinking. :rolleyes: It feels good, doesn't it? Mmmmhhhh ...

That's what i came here for.


Yeah. Me too. :heart:

James Blandings said:

It's as true now as it was then.
Respect your elders. The rest of them may be scared of you, but I've seen you in your bunny pajamas.

ummmmmmm ...

I don't suppose you had a camera with you at the time????

(just a thought!)
James Blandings said:

It's as true now as it was then.
Respect your elders. The rest of them may be scared of you, but I've seen you in your bunny pajamas.

500 posts I write building up an image and you go and say that. Now I gotta start all over.
Re: Re: Gee...Miss T

SexySusan said:

Sheeeesh doc yes go ahead have yourself run over by a TRUCK for all I care ... :cool:

What makes you think that is the kind of message I want to read after 4 hours of sleep? I'm gonna see you in about 10 days, so make sure they don't do anything to you that won't heal until then! :kiss:

Now Sue, you know you my girl. If Doc comes sniffin round here Ill hogtie and gag him and hold him for ya.
MzChrista said:

500 posts I write building up an image and you go and say that. Now I gotta start all over.

Don't worry MzC....I think your image is safe. :D


pssstt...James....let us know more anytime.....hehe
dixicritter said:

Don't worry MzC....I think your image is safe. :D


pssstt...James....let us know more anytime.....hehe

You think? cause I can go surf the net for more nut kickin pics.
MzC IN Bunny jammies??

MzChrista said:

500 posts I write building up an image and you go and say that. Now I gotta start all over.

awww I THINK that you'd make a really cute buny MzC..and I MEAN THAT with all due respect (giggles):catgrin:

A Desert Rose said:
Thank you and PB and Art and Dream for your valuable advice of late. I appreciate that you are my friends.....

you are most kindly welcome,Rose sweety...Master and I Consider You a good friend already,I guess you just have that effect on people.:)
thank you

both, Dream and Art. I think there is potential to be great friends.
and I do look forward to that happening.

Oh YES!!!

MzChrista said:

Now Sue, you know you my girl. If Doc comes sniffin round here Ill hogtie and gag him and hold him for ya.

<< jumps up and down and claps her hands >>

I was *hoping* you'd say that! He looks a little too tall for me to tackle him alone ...

That would be like a whole pile of birthday presents - you don't even know what to start with ...

I just KNOW Willow's gonna walk by any minute now and say she wants to watch ... there'll be a whole crowd gathering outside your window ...
taking it back to the beginnings...

Time to add a few more, wouldn't you say?

Never is a force of nature--a brilliant mind, a clever and sometimes biting wit, and what seems to be a legitimately open minded tolerance of all varieties of difference, and most any style of living. She's well informed and turns a nice phrase, which makes her fun to read and a kick to debate with--and she very rarely really puts her foot in it. (Though when she *does,* the results are sometimes hilarious.) She's not a self-described kink, but she enters conversations about BDSM intelligently and respectfully, using her intellect and imagination to supply the insights she can't draw from experience. She is also the subject of my unbridled mental lust--the Queen of my imaginary harem.

Todd has to be the most open-minded, devoutly curious, and consistently unjudgemental Fundamentalist Christian 'Nilla I've ever met. He asks good questions, pays attention to and learns from the responses, and always answers civility with clear respect. He's come a long way since I first knew him (as Bobtoad), and developed into a sensitive, caring person--one who'd make a very compassionate preacher, I suspect. Very few actually live the reality of Brotherly Love and reserving judgement unto the Divine, and while I don't march to the same drummer, I very much respect and admire his commitment and lack of hypocrisy.

cellis has been around since way back in the salad days of the Mother, and she's slowly found her voice and come into her own as a nurturing spirit of the Forum and a source of experiences and insights in her own right. It's been wonderful to watch her self-awareness and enjoyment of life flower through her relationship with Himself, each new experience bubbling to the surface and awakening new thoughts, fantasies and realizations. I've seen her go from confused and uncertain but determined to informed, embraced and content within herself--and I've cheered for her at every step. And, while others (including me) sometimes grow jaded and don't help newbies like we should, cellis is always there to pick up the slack, and I admire her for her dedication.

petrel is delightfully, unapologetically impossible to categorize or sum up simply. She seems to give a pretty heartfelt and flagrantly cheeky raspberry to the limiting nature of labels and strives to base her life on her desires and personal moral compass rather than what other people think--or even what they shout. She's also nice to look at, always has fun and creative avatars, and earned a permanent place in my heart by being one of the first Switches around here (along with myself, T and maybe-cellis) and making me feel a little less conspicuous by not letting me be the token femSwitch in a long term relationship. She also broke my heart and dashed my hopes by getting married, the bitch. :)

WillowPuss is a recent arrival, but already it seems like she was always here. She tiptoed in one day with a charming and disarming way of making people feel heard and important. She's got her own experiences to draw on, but seems interested in hearing about everyone else's perspective and continuing to let her sexuality and her view of the world evolve. She speaks of her Robuck with great love, respect, and admiration and I have a particular affinity for fellow marrieds-in-love. She wears her heart and her submission on her sleeve, but not as attention-getting ploys, drama fodder, or the cultivation of a superior attitude. She's just soft in tone, respectful and non-confrontational in style, and seems honest, sincere, and very accessible. I also love the little kittie avatar, it cracks me up every time I see it.

MzChrista is seriously overdue for inclusion on my growing list. She's funny, honest to a fault, direct, and succinct. She's also full of interesting information and stories drawn from life experience vastly divergent from my own, which means that she ends up unintentionally teaching me a great deal. She plays like she's hard as nails and prides herself on her Badass Mama image, but I have a suspicion she's a warm, big hearted and trustworthy friend to those who have the good fortune to know her well enough to penetrate the persona and reach the woman herself. And, she's hella fine. :devil: :kiss:

That's enough for today. More soon.
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Risia, thank you. That bowled me over.

I would like to mention a few of those newer than me ...

SexySusan - Sue is growing in confidence with every post. She brings such a new wonder to many things that is a delight to see. And her written English often puts mine to shame!

MxChrista - In your own words, MzC ... you rock! (Gosh .. I hope that is a compliment.) Your posts always give me pause to think and often cause me to wince on behalf of male subs! You are one of the people I would love to meet ... but then again, maybe not!

zipman7 - His posts are well thought out and are drawn from his own experience.
MzChrista said:

You think? cause I can go surf the net for more nut kickin pics.

Bunny slippers? Oh MzC, say it isn't

James, you are a devil!

I think everyone would agree that Zipman has come here and immediately made an impact with his thoughtful, knowledgeable posts. He is a wonderful addition to the board.
HEY! This thing is STILL warm and...fuzzzzzy mmmmmm

No appropriate emoticon for that face... that Snuggle Bear Smile. You'll just have to imagine.

Two new people i must sculpt in high density marshmallow and dip in the purest dark chocolate for display until we gobble them up, but FIRST!

One of our more long term denizens has recently returned from that place where people disappear after the nuptial knot is tied. i would like to immortalize her in solid rock candy then have her covered in real edible gold foil.

petrel has been Lit member for OVER a YEAR! That's actually like a century in Lit years... or something. Her spelling might deviate from the standard from time to time... well, all the time, but her mind and heart are sweet, wise, warm and well worth paying attention to.

petrel has been an intrepid BDSM explorer and has shared many of her experiences and thoughts with us all, along the way. She has been on the front lines of the welcomers at this site, coaxing shy newbies into opening up to the wondrous new worlds here to discover.

If your "honeymoon" is any indication, i suppose we'll see Caroline and Sam even less for a while after they've jumped on that broom... OVER!!
(yeah, nice save there, Blue)

Now slivers and shavings of marshmallow fill the air like a blizzard and we see the form of...

Persephone36! The name itself is music... an experienced poster before she ever joined us, she has burst upon us like dawn, with a hint of elegance too rare in this world.

Her posts are thoughtful, kind and gracious. She is friendly yet can be firm, when she has a point to make. Definitely one to watch.

Now from a flurry of sugary dust...

The Zipman (VII)! Here is a voice just beginning to be heard, one that seems to me to show terrific promise.

A person who seems to do his homework, and really think about the posts he makes. Sounds simple enough, but it's actually such a rare practice. A mind which seems quite disciplined and well suited for analysis. Hard to believe, you'll forgive me please, that this mind could be a product of the New York City Public School System. <jk>

More going on here than meets the eye. i LOVE that!

So many MORE...gotta get more marshmallow... or maybe... Vanilla Fudge! Can someone help me keep the warm fuzz off this chocolate?
