Can I come home now?--An unabashedly warm fuzzy thread


SierraMoon said:

i'm going to start blushing soon, if y'all don't stop it with the high praise.. i just hope that i do live up to it!
Thank you, Risia, for always being so kind to me. i strive to be open, honest and helpful, like you have always been to me.. i try to give as good as i get!
Seems my av has made quite an impression on people... i believe i got it from the ever beautiful Artful's pet.....

No matter where ya got it,...ya got it! Boy do you ever,..."GOT IT!!!".

BTW,...I love your av too! :D :rose:
Re: He He He...(giggle, even)

DRxBlue said:
Good'un artful!

i totally agree! :D

"Doc",...I been looking for an opening (no pun intended), to tell ya just how much I really respect your talent and skills, in communicating not only a certain *style* of humor,...but also giving us all an insight to many other talents you so openly display.

I liken your personality comparable to "Will Rogers",...'Never met a man I didn't like'. You are gifted in being able to go anywhere, and do anything with anybody,...and STILL maintain your own identity without offending anyone.

My hat is off to ya Bud! :)
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Re: Sierra

artful said:

No matter where ya got it,...ya got it! Boy do you ever,..."GOT IT!!!".

BTW,...I love your av too! :D :rose:
Thank you, Artful.... that means alot to me... you have been a great friend to me, and i appreciate your praise!!
It only takes ...

... 2-3 complaining whiny posts and bang! I get noticed all over the place ... I wasn't fishing for compliments ... okay, who am I kidding. I was fishing ... ~grin~ I'm so vain.

Thank you Shadowsdream for your kind words. I really liked you from the start but now you'll be forever in my heart.

Thank you dixi. Your words really moved me. I hope I can live up to those expectations ...
What a wonderful thread.
I am touched that although I have not been around much of late, I was remembered by such good friends, and I thank those who mentioned me.
There are just too many people here who have made an impression to name them all, but as I've been reading and catching up, names appear to me and brng a smile to my face.
Risia and cym, the co-first ladies of the forum.
My best pal, MzChrista, who seems to have made quite an impression while I've been away.
My lovely luncheon partner, CarolineOh.
Great friends, Dr.Blue,Ebonyfire, cellis, Sierra, Spectre T, MissTaken, I could go on and on...
Shadowsdream, a goddess if ever there was one.
Petrel, why oh why did you get married, I will pine for you;)
My head is spinning from trying to name you all, and I apologize to every single person I haven't named. Every one of you has been a part of making this forum what it is, and what it is draws me back again and again.
And all the fascinating new names that are flying at me right and left. I look forward to making this list much much longer in the days to come.
James Blandings said:

Petrel, why oh why did you get married, I will pine for you;)

you know someone said this to me yesterday as well - I feel flattered; but my darlings did any of you think geting married would change me one little jot?
Re: It only takes ...

SexySusan said:
... 2-3 complaining whiny posts and bang! I get noticed all over the place ... I wasn't fishing for compliments ... okay, who am I kidding. I was fishing ... ~grin~ I'm so vain.

Thank you Shadowsdream for your kind words. I really liked you from the start but now you'll be forever in my heart.

Thank you dixi. Your words really moved me. I hope I can live up to those expectations ...

Susan, I didn't consider your comments about this thread whining, I thought it was a just observation. I hope you feel you have been treated fairly. I have enjoyed your posts and I am glad you are here.

And I concur with you in regard to both Shadowsdream and dixi, they are wonderful women, and their praise honors us.
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CarolineOh, you're just as sweet as candy ... re-reading my posts I thought they were a tad bit theatrical. I've been reading too much of MzChrista's stuff after posting them, I think. She rubs off easily. Now I'm more like "yeah get over it fight for your rights". :)

No, I never felt treated unfairly. Not at all. I was just trying to point out how confusing it can be until one knows the dynamics of this board a little better.

CarolineOh ... you rock. (I should really cut back on MzChrista - well I never do what I should :) )

I just found out what wily means ... did I mention I am a blonde?
petrel said:

you know someone said this to me yesterday as well - I feel flattered; but my darlings did any of you think geting married would change me one little jot?

Good, otherwise I might think you changed your av just to torment me.
Shadowsdream said:
Willfullbrat...whos sensitivity always touches the soft spot in My heart...whos pride I feel with every word she writes. A woman that would be a valuable friend.

Thank you so much, Shadowsdream, for your kind words. I just recently became aware of you and have read some of your posts and visited your website.

You are an amazing person. Your confident yet down-to-earth attitude are a wonderful combination. In spite of your considerable experience and knowledge, you are never arrogant, but share with others in kind and patient way. Thank you for the wisdom and kindness you bring here.
SexySusan said:
CarolineOh, you're just as sweet as candy ... re-reading my posts I thought they were a tad bit theatrical. I've been reading too much of MzChrista's stuff after posting them, I think. She rubs off easily. Now I'm more like "yeah get over it fight for your rights". :)

No, I never felt treated unfairly. Not at all. I was just trying to point out how confusing it can be until one knows the dynamics of this board a little better.

CarolineOh ... you rock. (I should really cut back on MzChrista - well I never do what I should :) )

I just found out what wily means ... did I mention I am a blonde?

Dont be cutting me out, you my girl, SexySue.
If you blonde, then your wily too no doubt like that tricky little Oh girl. But thats cool, wily is good.
Gee...i almost missed this

artful said:

"Doc",...I been looking for an opening (no pun intended), to tell ya just how much I really respect your talent and skills, in communicating not only a certain *style* of humor,...but also giving us all an insight to many other talents you so openly display.

I liken your personality comparable to "Will Rogers",...'Never met a man I didn't like'. You are gifted in being able to go anywhere, and do anything with anybody,...and STILL maintain your own identity without offending anyone.

My hat is off to ya Bud! :)

What with Mr. Blanding's return i clean skipped over this post before. i appreciate it very much.

Will Rogers has always been one of my heroes. We had some recordings of him i was addicted to when i was a kid. i learned a lot from him.

He's part of the reason that until i know whether or not i'm going to get along with somebody i kinda keep my mouth shut. Even if i get to disliking someone, (which happens very rarely) i think it's too much work to say bad thing about 'em.

i save all my best insults for the people i like the best! Makes 'em tough! Sharpens the wits. You're beginning to grow on me, old man, so watch out! :D

Thanks again,
Maybe i can think of something nice to say about you ... someday ;)

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I've been thinking about this alot. I admire everyone who posts here and I have learned so much from reading your words. I also appreciate the fact that many of you share your humor. I love to laugh.

Cellis, you've been my friend through some tough times lately. You've been there when I needed you and understood when I needed to be alone.

Cym, you always know the right thing to say.

Artful, you remind me so very much of a certain man we both know. I value your friendship and the teasing we've engaged in.
SexySusan said:
CarolineOh, you're just as sweet as candy ... re-reading my posts I thought they were a tad bit theatrical. I've been reading too much of MzChrista's stuff after posting them, I think. She rubs off easily. Now I'm more like "yeah get over it fight for your rights". :)

No, I never felt treated unfairly. Not at all. I was just trying to point out how confusing it can be until one knows the dynamics of this board a little better.

CarolineOh ... you rock. (I should really cut back on MzChrista - well I never do what I should :) )

I just found out what wily means ... did I mention I am a blonde?

Thank you, Susan.
I know how this place can make your head spin when you are new, but it soon begins to feel like home, doesn't it?
I have been thinking about this alot.... I hate this because I always leave people out that I mean to include... but anyway.

Sprectre T You were the first male that I ever met that was a switch... it was actually some of your posts that put me in touch with who I am.... I love your honesty.

Dr Blue I have to tell you Doc I am so glad you got rid of those blinking eyes, LOL! Seriously, it has been a joy to watch you grow and learn.

James Blandings You just appeared one day and it was like you had always been here. You have a vast wealth of knowledge and information and the experience to go with it. (Wish I had all those photos on CD's that you have.)

WriterDom You have the best links... well you and cym any way. And you ask some of the strangest questions, but I have to admit they always make me think.

I'm going back to my corner now and think some more... but there will be more...
I'm not going to do any names or point at people individually. I have a piss poor memory and even if i comb through the threads looking for names to include, names i want to include, i know i'll miss some and hurt feelings. I don't want to do that.

So i'll say this, and i mean it with my whole heart (i have tears starting in my eyes, for real):

This place and all the people who, well, people it are precious to me beyond any words i have to express that sentiment.

Into this place, into all of you, i have poured my soul and my secrets. From this place and all of you - all of you - i have taken more than i could posssibly ever give. You've been ears and hearts to me when i felt i had none in my life who would care. You've been courage when mine was lacking. You've been a sounding board when i needed to spout. You've filled in me an almost inexpressible longing to give back what so many now nameless and faceless people have given to me as i walked my own path through the vastness of BDSM possibilities through the 30 years i've been doing this.

I thank you for putting up with my moods, with my temperamental displays of childishness, and with my often jaded cynicism, too. I thank you all for continuing to care for me, about me, through the highs and lows, and for letting me into your lives, too, during good and bad times, feast and famine, triumps and defeats. It's a precious thing, that kind of comradeship. I glory and exult in being able to share it with you.

You are uniquely precious to me and valuable in my life.

Elegantly put, cym.

i, for one, have been more than glad to "put up" with every facet of you. i think you handled the challenge of addressing this kinky multitude with great style.

i'm sure i speak for most of our number in saying that we love you and really appreciate all that you do for us.

i'm also sure that the tears that are getting in my keyboard won't do any permanent damage. i spilled a glass of vodka on my old keyboard once... it got better.

thank you, b.:kiss:
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Desdemona said:
I've been thinking about this alot. I admire everyone who posts here and I have learned so much from reading your words. I also appreciate the fact that many of you share your humor. I love to laugh.

Cellis, you've been my friend through some tough times lately. You've been there when I needed you and understood when I needed to be alone.

Cym, you always know the right thing to say.

Artful, you remind me so very much of a certain man we both know. I value your friendship and the teasing we've engaged in.

From the very beginning, I have been so fortunate in being able to talk to you about anything, (not that we have talked a lot), but it's all been good. I respect you and that someone else highly.

I can only hope that in less than 7 hours,...when I see Dream for the first time, she will be as satisfied with her choice,as much as you have been satisfied with yours.

(Oh yes,...I read that "Perfect Moment"):rose: :)

cymbidia said:
I'm not going to do any names or point at people individually. I have a piss poor memory and even if i comb through the threads looking for names to include, names i want to include, i know i'll miss some and hurt feelings. I don't want to do that.

So i'll say this, and i mean it with my whole heart (i have tears starting in my eyes, for real):

I know in the very beginning, we had a big bump, but I also know you have included me in your post,...that's just the kind of person you are.
BTW:...You are the best "Hip Shooter" I ever met!

Your Friend,............................Art :rose:
Time for two more...

First, to Petrel, who is one of the friendliest little elves i've ever found in these magical woods. The warmth in her posts gets even cozier if you have the nerve to get a little closer.

Her absence made me somehow miss her in my first post to this thread, where she belonged, but it's time for me to speak up.

You know what she said about me?

petrel said:

Dr Blue - Blue you do know I have a crush on you don't you?? Your wisdom, humuor and ability to stay well out of any firefights amazes me (and hey you are a music man)

Thanks for that, bonny lassie. We musicians do have a way of ducking just as the beer bottle gets thrown in a fight. Keep the tunes going! You know they can't shoot the piano player. (it's true too, i've played for a few brawls)

You were about the first person i met from overseas... isn't that a lovely word? Yeah, kinda, until you have a friend on the other side of an ocean and you know that it'd take a miracle to get you face to face.

Still, i think we've had a chance to enrich each other's lives a good deal already and we're by no means finished. Heaps of good wishes for you and your new partner. If i sent you a hairbrush for a wedding present, you'd probably just use it to spank each other.

Then there's cellis. She's been with me as a fellow traveler, a cheerleader, a teacher and an asker of good questions, since pretty much the beginning of my sojourn into Weirdsville.

Warm, joyful, funny, comforting and bright, she has been great company on the "Road to Find Out". She's been more like family to me than anybody in my official family. i feel an outpouring of love and smiles every time i see her pretty butt on a post. i do wish blessings for her and Himself.

i haven't really done her justice yet, but she knows she's in my heart forever.

Funny how having all these people in my heart, makes my heart ...lighter.

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Re: Time for two more...

DRxBlue said:

Funny how having all these people in my heart, makes my heart ...lighter.
Truer words have never been spoken, Blue.....
i might do more than THAT if i could get down there and grab ahold of that handy flogger. :kiss:

With the permission of Himself, of course. And turn about would only be fairplay.

And SierraMoon! You're included in that, y'know. We've been kinda in tandem since the beginning, and you are another one who's in my heart and who lifts me up.

One of these days, you darlin's:D
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