Carville Alarmed That The Young Are leaving The Democrat Party

No, propaganda and half-truths were given in the video.
Yep.... Repeat that lie loud enough and long enough from the brainwashing centers you call schools and universities, people start believing it. At least until they start looking closer and examining the details. Again, that is why you are shedding minorities as voters. They are starting to do their homework and are sick of being lied to... by YOU!
Yep.... Repeat that lie loud enough and long enough from the brainwashing centers you call schools and universities, people start believing it. At least until they start looking closer and examining the details. Again, that is why you are shedding minorities as voters. They are starting to do their homework and are sick of being lied to... by YOU!
People leaving one party, does not mean they are joining the other. Maybe consider that. The largest growing segment in US politics is the Independent voter title.
Border crossings have dropped significantly this year. That would be why the right has gotten so quiet on the topic.
At this point this administration has proven its willingness to lie, to doctor numbers, to weaponize federal agencies against political enemies, and to cheat or steal their way into power. I don't trust one statistic coming from them. Their ability to tell the truth on anything has been seriously called into question. So until you provide independent and conservative verification on those numbers, I assume you are citing lies.
People leaving one party, does not mean they are joining the other. Maybe consider that. The largest growing segment in US politics is the Independent voter title.
I'm not a Republican either. I am a conservative. I never said they were joining the Republicans. They are joining the ranks of Conservative-leaning Independents. Because we have been the only ones telling the truth for decades
At this point this administration has proven its willingness to lie, to doctor numbers, to weaponize federal agencies against political enemies, and to cheat or steal their way into power. I don't trust one statistic coming from them. Their ability to tell the truth on anything has been seriously called into question. So until you provide independent and conservative verification on those numbers, I assume you are citing lies.
How it works around here is you claim someone is lying, you get the citation to prove that.
I'm not a Republican either. I am a conservative. I never said they were joining the Republicans. They are joining the ranks of Conservative-leaning Independents. Because we have been the only ones telling the truth for decades
By the way, I have provided ample video evidence of this claim, content put out there by black Americans, and your side refuses to watch or listen to any of it. Because you believe blacks need to stay on your white liberal plantation to be used as votes guaranteed by government dependence, one of the ugliest forms of slavery. Of course you wouldn't put it so crassly, but that's what they are saying about you and your ilk.
How it works around here is you claim someone is lying, you get the citation to prove that.
I've done that many times on here. You hate honest sources. You love your propaganda machines. When a person ceases to function with integrity or intelligence, I cease to invest the energy. Back up your claims with independent and conservative sources or you are simply another lying liberal spewing propaganda.
I've done that many times on here.
then get your citation. note you giving one doesn't mean it's accepted. you need to prove the validity of your citation.
You hate honest sources
I don't "hate"or "like" sources, that's an emotion.
. You love your propaganda machines.
define "propaganda sources" then show where i used one.
When a person ceases to function with integrity or intelligence, I cease to invest the energy. Back up your claims with independent and conservative sources or you are simply another lying liberal RWCJ spewing propaganda.
Fixed your post to reflect reality. Something I need to do on most of your comments.
At this point this administration has proven its willingness to lie, to doctor numbers, to weaponize federal agencies against political enemies, and to cheat or steal their way into power. I don't trust one statistic coming from them. Their ability to tell the truth on anything has been seriously called into question. So until you provide independent and conservative verification on those numbers, I assume you are citing lies.
The statistics of border crossings always come from the border patrol. That includes when dipshits were freaking out about extremely high levels and "got aways".

If you're going to trust them when they're high and then not trust them when they're low, that seems to your own issue.

lol it's cute you believe that, but then again you believe in some book written by dozens, edited by dozens, with whole Gospels added or removed dependant upon the church...

ever read the Gospel of Mary?
The "Gospel of Mary" (along with Thomas and a few others, otherwise known as the Gnostic Gospels) has amply been shown to have been written far later than it claims to have been, and definitely not by the ones who they are claimed to have been written by. We know this because the Church has already agreed on the Canon by the end of the 1st century, long before the Catholic councils in the 3rd. We have thousands of copies of letters written between first century pastors, and those letters cite as authoritative what was considered Scripture. When those quotes are combined, we have the entire New Testament as it is known today minus a couple verses that don't deal with any theology. And, by the way, those letters don't quote the Apocrypha either. Even the Jewish people, whose people penned them, don't consider them Scripture.

The Catholic Church, in Rome's con job to try and co-op Christianity, called the counsels and had to at least meet the Christians that far in order to maybe be accepted. But the Counsels were not the source of the Canon. They simply acknowledged what had already been firmly established for more than a century.

But that aside, you don't provide evidence on your claims dismiss proven trustworthy sources when you don't like their findings, then shift to an unrelated topic. Bad debate form, my friend.
The statistics of border crossings always come from the border patrol. That includes when dipshits were freaking out about extremely high levels and "got aways".

If you're going to trust them when they're high and then not trust them when they're low, that seems to your own issue.
I don't trust politicized agencies and agencies where speaking out the truth can get people fired. Just like I trust what our real military generals say about war, but not what political generals say. The real people tell the truth. The politicians lie. Especially if they are liberals or globalists. It's the Marxist way of lying to the public not-so-neatly repackaged.
I don't trust politicized agencies and agencies where speaking out the truth can get people fired. Just like I trust what our real military generals say about war, but not what political generals say. The real people tell the truth. The politicians lie. Especially if they are liberals or globalists. It's the Marxist way of lying to the public not-so-neatly repackaged.
So you don't believe border crossings were at record levels because the border patrol it.
So you don't believe border crossings were at record levels because the border patrol it.
Political leadership in the ranks lie. There are several agents on the ground telling a different story. They get cancelled and fired for it.
I don't need to read a discredited "gospel" written by someone who is clearly not the one who the text claims to be the author. Have you read Thomas Sowell's.... ANYTHING?
no i prefer Justin Martyr.
Thanks for proving you will accept or dismiss evidence on other people's sole words. Not reading and using your own brain. Maybe change that, and you won't come across so much as an idiot.
then get your citation. note you giving one doesn't mean it's accepted. you need to prove the validity of your citation.

I don't "hate"or "like" sources, that's an emotion.

define "propaganda sources" then show where i used one.

Fixed your post to reflect reality. Something I need to do on most of your comments.
All you do is misdirect and redirect and spew racist comments at conservative black Americans because it's about emotions for you. About being "woke"... Or maybe you are just "a trained Marxist" as the founders of BLM openly stated they are. Whatever the case, anyone whose arguments eventually come down to "Fuck you, Trumptard," does not get to correct anyone.
racist comments at conservative black Americans
where, show me one post.
About being "woke"... Or maybe you are just "a trained Marxist" as the founders of BLM openly stated they are. Whatever the case, anyone whose arguments eventually come down to "Fuck you, Trumptard," does not get to correct anyone.
lol you know you've won and beaten a RWCJ to their knees when they throw out "woke"....
Political leadership in the ranks lie. There are several agents on the ground telling a different story. They get cancelled and fired for it.
Cool, the numbers are down. Whether you believe it or not is your own issue.
no i prefer Justin Martyr.
Thanks for proving you will accept or dismiss evidence on other people's sole words. Not reading and using your own brain. Maybe change that, and you won't come across so much as an idiot.
The status of Gnostic Gospels, and the Gnostics themselves who pushed (and penned) them, damning them as frauds and lies, was established by the end of the first century Church. In fact, the latest Gospels in the New Testament take on Gnostic heresy very directly. So to cite the Catholic version of how things ended up in the Bible or didn't is dishonest and disingenuous. The Church had its Bible long before Catholic influence stepped in.

Meantime, you have proven you will make racist comments and dismiss black voices if they disagree with you, and you do so without even hearing what they have to say. I don't condemn the statements and practices of the leaders of BLM without having read and heard them. I condemn them as racist, radical Marxist terrorists because I HAVE listened to and read them at length. And I listen to those in the black community who say the same about them.
where, show me one post.

lol you know you've won and beaten a RWCJ to their knees when they throw out "woke"....
Every time you call a black Conservative "misguided" or wrong for not not supporting your opinion. Every time you dismiss their voice without even hearing all they have to say. Every time you disagree with your white liberal voice instead of letting the black community speak for itself, you are racist. You are racist because those are the rules your side set, and I am now holding you accountable to them.

And so does that community, as demonstrated by the topic of this thread and several videos posted on a couple of mine. That's why they are sick of you white liberals and your savior complex. You are utterly condescending and racist to the core
You claiming something doesn't make it true. Show the posts, or stfu...*chuckles*
I'll prove it right here, if you have the balls to answer honestly...

Question 1: Is affirmative action needed today to ensure minorities can succeed in today's America?

Question 2: What is your opinion about black conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Candice Owens, and Ben Carson?

Question 3: Who knows what is best for the black American community, a black conservative or a white liberal?