Carville Alarmed That The Young Are leaving The Democrat Party

I'll prove it right here, if you have the balls to answer honestly...

Question 1: Is affirmative action needed today to ensure minorities can succeed in today's America?

Question 2: What is your opinion about black conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Candice Owens, and Ben Carson?

Question 3: Who knows what is best for the black American community, a black conservative or a white liberal?
First - define racism.
First - define racism.
Racism: any mentality that directly or indirectly sees one ethnicity above another. But that's my conservative definition. Your side has a different definition entirely. Your side says that whites are inherently racist and thus should not speak on issues about a minority "oppressed" people group. That white people are to sit down, shut up, acknowledge their privilege, and listen. That is fundamental to CRT, which is in fact being pushed from grade school to university. So I am applying you side's rules. So, without dodging the questions again, answer them honestly.
Racism: any mentality that directly or indirectly sees one ethnicity above another. But that's my conservative definition. Your side has a different definition entirely. Your side says that whites are inherently racist and thus should not speak on issues about a minority "oppressed" people group. That white people are to sit down, shut up, acknowledge their privilege, and listen. That is fundamental to CRT, which is in fact being pushed from grade school to university. So I am applying you side's rules. So, without dodging the questions again, answer them honestly.
I use the dictionary. I know you don't like the dictionary, which is why I asked.

Is black culture inferior to white culture?
I'll prove it right here, if you have the balls to answer honestly...

Question 1: Is affirmative action needed today to ensure minorities can succeed in today's America? yes

Question 2: What is your opinion about black conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Candice Owens, and Ben Carson? i have no opinion on them

Question 3: Who knows what is best for the black American community, a black conservative or a white liberal? neither.
once again, you are making claims. quote where I've done of yet all you've done is proof.
Answer the questions posed ... And one more question. I have actually read and listened to the black liberals at length, from today's Marxists to the more traditional black liberals. Why have you not read the words of black conservatives?
Answer the questions posed ... And one more question. I have actually read and listened to the black liberals at length, from today's Marxists to the more traditional black liberals. Why have you not read the words of black conservatives?
I did, now answer me on if you read the Gospel of Mary.
I use the dictionary. I know you don't like the dictionary, which is why I asked.

Is black culture inferior to white culture?
Answer my questions. Stop avoiding them, you racist. Or are you afraid of being exposed, so you use a cheap tactic to try and flip the script.
I'll prove it right here, if you have the balls to answer honestly...

Question 1: Is affirmative action needed today to ensure minorities can succeed in today's America? yes

Question 2: What is your opinion about black conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Candice Owens, and Ben Carson? i have no opinion on them

Question 3: Who knows what is best for the black American community, a black conservative or a white liberal? neither.

To the first answer, you just said blacks are not smart, resourceful, or skilled enough to make it without the (largely white) government's help. That is extremely racist and offensive on its face. You just said blacks need a white savior to rescue them from their stupidity and lack of ability to succeed in the world.

On the second answer, that was a lie. You hate conservatives, hate the ideology, and when I have quoted Sowell you have dismissed him out of hand. You couldn't answer honestly without getting caught in your own trap, so you lied. And, by your side's rules, you can't be neutral on black voices anyway. That is racist. You must affirm, or present a counterargument by a black American.

On the third, damn! A black American doesn't know what is best for his or her own community. Can you say racist? My point is proven.
And you wonder why more and more in the American black community are leaving your side and moving to the Conservative side.... But you keep those delusional theories up. I'm sure they will work out great.
I'll prove it right here, if you have the balls to answer honestly...

Question 1: Is affirmative action needed today to ensure minorities can succeed in today's America? yes

Question 2: What is your opinion about black conservatives like Thomas Sowell, Candice Owens, and Ben Carson? i have no opinion on them

Question 3: Who knows what is best for the black American community, a black conservative or a white liberal? neither.

To the first answer, you just said blacks are not smart, resourceful, or skilled enough to make it without the (largely white) government's help. That is extremely racist and offensive on its face. You just said blacks need a white savior to rescue them from their stupidity and lack of ability to succeed in the world.
no i said affirmative action is needed to overcome systemic racism, but hey keep projecting.
On the second answer, that was a lie. You hate conservatives, hate the ideology, and when I have quoted Sowell you have dismissed him out of hand. You couldn't answer honestly without getting caught in your own trap, so you lied. And, by your side's rules, you can't be neutral on black voices anyway. That is racist. You must affirm, or present a counterargument by a black American.
I'm a Canadian so I have no opinion on them. Again, nice try.
On the third, damn! A black American doesn't know what is best for his or her own community. Can you say racist? My point is proven.
No one person can speak for a community. Example: "I'm a white guy and I say all blue eyed, blond hair people are superior to all other races." Does me saying that, make it true?
no i said affirmative action is needed to overcome systemic racism, but hey keep projecting.

I'm a Canadian so I have no opinion on them. Again, nice try.

No one person can speak for a community. Example: "I'm a white guy and I say all blue eyed, blond hair people are superior to all other races." Does me saying that, make it true?
Name one thing a black man in America can't do that a white man cannot.
We have a uniparty system. There is no distinguishable difference between the two dominant political parties.
I've answered the legit questions in full. You keep dodging mine. Funny how libs hate to have their innate racism and bigotry exposed.
The only question I have an opinion on is the first. Affirmative action is beneficial to minority groups.

As for Candace, she's a vax denier. Sowell seems to hate his own race culture and Ben Carson is who he is.
no i said affirmative action is needed to overcome systemic racism, but hey keep projecting.

I'm a Canadian so I have no opinion on them. Again, nice try.

No one person can speak for a community. Example: "I'm a white guy and I say all blue eyed, blond hair people are superior to all other races." Does me saying that, make it true?
And your other answers don't negate the racism built into them. I am just focusing in on that "systemic racism" talking point, that is itself racist. The rest, when coming from one whom I am sure is a fan of Trudeau of blackface infamy, just don't merit response.
And your other answers don't negate the racism built into them. I am just focusing in on that "systemic racism" talking point, that is itself racist. The rest, when coming from one whom I am sure is a fan of Trudeau of blackface infamy, just don't merit response.
lol, so you support Biden eh?

See how easy that is....btw I am on record about JT....maybe go look then wipe the egg off your face.......
how to say I don't understand systemic racism, without using those words....

example of systemic racism below.....vvvvvvvv
Try not to cite news sources who have been caught in lies over and over again. Just answer the question. Since America is so "systemically racist", name one thing a person who is a minority cannot do in America that a white person can. A simple question for such an obvious situation, right? I mean, if there are tons of examples, you can name one. Right?
lol, so you support Biden eh?

See how easy that is....btw I am on record about JT....maybe go look then wipe the egg off your face.......
And I am clearly not a Biden supporter, but I can back it up with opposition to his policies. I recognize policies come from heart attitudes of people. Unless you condemn Canada's liberal woke policies that are the core of what Trudeau believes, you oppose him in theory only.
Try not to cite news sources who have been caught in lies over and over again. Just answer the question. Since America is so "systemically racist", name one thing a person who is a minority cannot do in America that a white person can. A simple question for such an obvious situation, right? I mean, if there are tons of examples, you can name one. Right?
lol are you denying the story? it's a fucking lawsuit now....i think Fox may have picked up on it....