Chain Story Idea: Sex Slave Scenero

Now I'm intrigued. :devil:

Did I say wild horses? I meant a freight train. A pack of rabid dogs. A herd of stampeding cattle. Flying American Airlines again.

Hold it! That last one might do it. ;)

*chuckles* Poor you and American. . .never to be friends again.
Mea Culpa for choosing the cheapest round trip ticket (thanks Expedia).

We learn by doing. ;)

I haven't yet gone through any online services for my flight tickets. I always go through an agent. It's not too much more as far as cost goes.
I haven't yet gone through any online services for my flight tickets. I always go through an agent. It's not too much more as far as cost goes.

Well, there you go! I learned something. I'm so used to going on line to buy everything it was a natural choice. I can't blame expedia tho. American was most definitely the snake in the woodpile. The flights were smooth, only the ground was rough. ;)
Well, there you go! I learned something. I'm so used to going on line to buy everything it was a natural choice. I can't blame expedia tho. American was most definitely the snake in the woodpile. The flights were smooth, only the ground was rough. ;)
I'm sure whether you'd gotten the ticket with Expedia or with an agent the same thing would have happened. A bad route no matter what. Glad you were safe though. I know eventually I'll have my first bad flight experience, but I'm happy to not have it at the moment. lol
Mine was on Northwest coming home from Korea. The flight was so delayed that they were required to land in Anchorage so the crew could be changed because the original bunch had been awake too long. Then, when we landed at Sea-Tac, we watched the last flight to LA take off as we landed. The major was not happy. After he got done with the Northwest agent, we spent the night at the Seattle Hyatt including both dinner and breakfast. We finally got home about 30 hours late!

Tom, I understand completely.
Mine was on Northwest coming home from Korea. The flight was so delayed that they were required to land in Anchorage so the crew could be changed because the original bunch had been awake too long. Then, when we landed at Sea-Tac, we watched the last flight to LA take off as we landed. The major was not happy. After he got done with the Northwest agent, we spent the night at the Seattle Hyatt including both dinner and breakfast. We finally got home about 30 hours late!

Tom, I understand completely.
Ohhh that sounds yucky.

I flew for the first time since I was five just last year. I loved it. It was wonderful, though I'll admit landing and being on the ground was quite wonderful too. The last time I flew I was in awe of the city lights and I knew in my gut I had to get my kids in a plane and not just a tiny one, but a huge one that will take them up so high that the world looks like a Christmas tree. :D

I got the urge to take flight lessons after my last flight. I still would love to do that. It would be amazing.
Mine was on Northwest coming home from Korea. The flight was so delayed that they were required to land in Anchorage so the crew could be changed because the original bunch had been awake too long. Then, when we landed at Sea-Tac, we watched the last flight to LA take off as we landed. The major was not happy. After he got done with the Northwest agent, we spent the night at the Seattle Hyatt including both dinner and breakfast. We finally got home about 30 hours late!

Tom, I understand completely.

It weren't too bad--just had to burn 6 hours of daylight in Chi-O'Hare's terminal until another flight came in. Just about finished a story and had some excellent Mexican cuisine in a food court. ;) When you get a lemon, make lemonade.
It weren't too bad--just had to burn 6 hours of daylight in Chi-O'Hare's terminal until another flight came in. Just about finished a story and had some excellent Mexican cuisine in a food court. ;) When you get a lemon, make lemonade.

Hmm... when I have a lemon I usually squeeze it or suck on it. :rolleyes:
It weren't too bad--just had to burn 6 hours of daylight in Chi-O'Hare's terminal until another flight came in. Just about finished a story and had some excellent Mexican cuisine in a food court. ;) When you get a lemon, make lemonade.

Really! The original problem was that the Final Four was in Seattle and there weren't any hotel rooms . . . until Kentucky was eliminated. They left and we got their place. Damn, but that was a nice hotel. And we stuffed ourselves both meals on Northwest's dime, too!
Hi all I'm dropping by for an update on the chain. What's happening now, TE999 is working on his part?
Hi all I'm dropping by for an update on the chain. What's happening now, TE999 is working on his part?

Yeppers. It's in the final stages of completion, then it's off to our flame tressed leader for her approval.

Afsoon's ordeal continues. ;)
Hi all, home from vacation and will be looking at TE's chapter tonight or tomorrow. Need to relax and have some "home from vacay" errands to do... like pick up my paycheck. :rolleyes:
Hi all, home from vacation and will be looking at TE's chapter tonight or tomorrow. Need to relax and have some "home from vacay" errands to do... like pick up my paycheck. :rolleyes:

Yea for vacations! Mine started at 4:30 pm local, today. Barefeet, beer, brats on the barbie . . . it's going to be a good summer.
Sounds like you're all set. :D

I'm unable to sleep at the moment, so I'm taking this free time to read TE's updated story.

And so she did. ;)

Kismet Ch. 4 has been submitted incorporating our flame tressed leaders sage suggestions and creative comments. Afsoon makes a friend and finds a lover amidst the cruelty and servitude of Risay's harem; and a new character is introduced.
