Chain Story Idea: Sex Slave Scenero

And so she did. ;)

Kismet Ch. 4 has been submitted incorporating our flame tressed leaders sage suggestions and creative comments. Afsoon makes a friend and finds a lover amidst the cruelty and servitude of Risay's harem; and a new character is introduced.


Hot damn! I wonder if the new friend is an agent of Mahmood's. Hell, everyone else in the city seems to be and they're all spying on each other. Such fun!
Hot damn! I wonder if the new friend is an agent of Mahmood's. Hell, everyone else in the city seems to be and they're all spying on each other. Such fun!

Actually another character in the story is an agent of Mahmood's. :D

So we're officially back on track. Can't wait to read it, TE!

Wait no longer, LL. Here it is.

Thanks to everyone for reading and voting. Your comments are welcome.
Thanks, LL. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Now they can watch (and wash) each others backs in the harem. :D

Yep. Now that Mahmood knows what's going on, all sorts of intrigues are gonna play out I bet. ;)

He'd just better be doing a good job of training Afsoon, is all I've got to say. Otherwise the Sultan is not going to be happy and if the Sultan ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
Woah! Someone should have told me the story was up, that's almost a week we could have saved. I have just read chapter 04 and I will start working on my part tomorrow but with no forewarning of the plot it's going to take me a little while before I pick up the pace.

Also I spotted these things which got through editing:

*Returning to Farisa's room, they nibbled on their mid-day meal, enjoying the relaxed of the harem. They reclined on sleeping mats, half dozing. Farisa's hand found Afsoon's and clasped it feeling a squeeze in return. --- Relaxed? I'm guessing there's a word missing here?

*Little moans escaped their throats as the ashes of desire began to glow in hearts so long denied any trace of affection. Farisa lay back

with Afsoon on top of her. Their stiff nipples brushed together as Afsoon slid between Farisa's thighs.
--- What's with the line break?
Woah! Someone should have told me the story was up, that's almost a week we could have saved. I have just read chapter 04 and I will start working on my part tomorrow but with no forewarning of the plot it's going to take me a little while before I pick up the pace.

Also I spotted these things which got through editing:

*Returning to Farisa's room, they nibbled on their mid-day meal, enjoying the relaxed of the harem. They reclined on sleeping mats, half dozing. Farisa's hand found Afsoon's and clasped it feeling a squeeze in return. --- Relaxed? I'm guessing there's a word missing here?

*Little moans escaped their throats as the ashes of desire began to glow in hearts so long denied any trace of affection. Farisa lay back

with Afsoon on top of her. Their stiff nipples brushed together as Afsoon slid between Farisa's thighs.
--- What's with the line break?

The omitted word is 'atmosphere' much for self editing...*sigh*

The line break is Lit's doing. :(
I have a good idea of what I want to write about but the setting is getting fuzzy. I'm about to re-read the series as well this thread and note down everything important that was said, then I'll start on my part.
First off I apologize to all of you. I disappeared from Lit after returning from my vacation because I was dealt a lot all at once. Work and Family had a lot to do with it, but I am here now and though I am not able to be online as much as before I do wish to continue with the chain. Obviously schedules aren't always the easiest with all of us, and that's okay. It'll still be a good story even if the chapters take a while for us to get posted. It can be our story if we don't nab readers... right? :D
First off I apologize to all of you. I disappeared from Lit after returning from my vacation because I was dealt a lot all at once. Work and Family had a lot to do with it, but I am here now and though I am not able to be online as much as before I do wish to continue with the chain. Obviously schedules aren't always the easiest with all of us, and that's okay. It'll still be a good story even if the chapters take a while for us to get posted. It can be our story if we don't nab readers... right? :D

Oh I think we have readers. Perhaps they may be a very select, elite corps but they're out there.
Oh, you have readers. *ahem* Impatient readers at that, who want to know what happens to Afsoon and Mahmood.

:eek: Thanks. Sorry that things have gotten slow with the chain. Life and all it brings with you kinda takes control when you don't want it too. I do hope you've enjoyed it so far.

~ Red
:eek: Thanks. Sorry that things have gotten slow with the chain. Life and all it brings with you kinda takes control when you don't want it too. I do hope you've enjoyed it so far.

~ Red

Good seein' you sweetie. You've been missed. :kiss:
I'm just droping by to say that I'm still alive and hard at work on my part. But it being the summer I can only pretty much only write and even usually browse the net on weekends so it's slowing things down a little.

I'm trying to write a more emotional piece with suspense and all, and I expect the chapter will be around three lit pages long. Hopefully I'll be done soon. I'm happy the thread is picking up again. I was getting a little depressed working on a piece while the project was idle.
Hey all...

I need to pull completely out of this right now. I have no desire to write, as you all probably guessed with my absence from Lit. It's nothing personal with anyone here or even here at home, but I don't feel very musey (if that's a word).

If anyone on the chain wishes to take over and run it then I encourage you to do so. My feelings will not be hurt in anyway whatsoever. I apologize to everyone.


Red :rose:
Morning all - I PMed all former writers for this chain about a week ago and received PMs from 3 of them that are still interested in continuing it, no one else has had a chance to answer back, or they're not interested and that's okay - it has been a LONG time.

Now that the muse is returned, real life is in order, and I've added a few more white hairs to the red ones, we're going to get started again. I know I'm not the first to come and go from Lit. nor will I be the last, but for those that had read the first three chapters, I do believe this story will be a success and a lot of fun, like previous ones were and I do apologize for abandoning the chain, and the writers.

Right now, I'm waiting to hear if those that answered the earlier PMs want to bring in new writers, or just carry the story with just the four of us. I'll post more when I know more, but in a couple of days I think we'll get rolling again.

Another chain story that was also, sadly abandoned, was very close to being done, and I'll look into that one later as well. I'm done with having half projects sitting around and I'm cleaning the clutter as best I can, but doing it in a way that makes me feel I'm giving the story all I can without taking away from the realities of my home life.

~ Thanks :kiss: :rose: :heart:

Morning all -

voluptuary_manque, LoquaciousLady, TE999, and myself are ready to get this story going again, and we are opening it to anyone else that would like to join: those not familiar with chain stories, new writers, time-honored writers of Lit., as well as those that were on here before I took my long Lit. break.

New writers that have never submitted any work to Lit. will need to send us samples of your writing. Also we are asking anyone interested in joining they read Post number one, as well as the three chapters of Kismet that have already been on Lit.

I would also like all of us to reread the story since it has been such a long time since it was started.


How do I participate in the Chain story?

New writers that have never submitted any work to Lit. will need to send us samples of your writing. Also we are asking anyone interested in joining they read Post number one, as well as the three chapters of Kismet that have already been on Lit.

If you have submitted work to Lit. and it has been accepted, just place a link here and we can read your work.
I'd like to take a crack at it as it ties into a new series I'm contemplating....
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