Chain Story Idea: Sex Slave Scenero

Kismet Chapter 13 has been submitted for posting. It's a heady mix of combat, war machines, death, destruction and even some hot sex. Something for everyone. :D
Kismet Chapter 13 has been submitted for posting. It's a heady mix of combat, war machines, death, destruction and even some hot sex. Something for everyone. :D

Wonderful! :)

Here is the new schedule: If VM wants to try and get one in with the old schedule that's up to him, otherwise the new dates are in the parenthesis. :D

TE - Feb. 12
VM - Feb. 15 (19)
Red - Feb. 22 (26)
TE - Feb. 29 (Mar. 4th)
The 19th is far more doable, methinks. I know how to open the next chapter but really haven't a clue as to where it ought to lead. This will take some thought.
Perfect! I'm up to seven Word pages so getting it finished, reviewed and posted on time should be a snap. Everything is going according to (the Sultan's) plan.
Kismet Ch. 13 has been posted. Go here to read it:

If you enjoy action, adventure, carnage, death and oh yes, sex, give it a read. Your votes and comments are appreciated. :D
Wonderful! :D

Perfect! I'm up to seven Word pages so getting it finished, reviewed and posted on time should be a snap. Everything is going according to (the Sultan's) plan.
Sounds good - I'm going to PM a thought to you and if you don't think you can do it, then feel free to forward it to TE999 and maybe he can with his chapter.

Looking forward to your chapter too!!
TE - your chapter is titled wrong - You have Ch. 13 titled, it is actually Ch. 12. Please PM Laurel and ask really, really, really nicely if she would go in and change that 3 to a 2.

An edit could take a lot longer than we realize - and sometimes does. But sometimes, if she's not super busy, she can fix the oops and does so with a friendly smile.

VM - please title yours chapter 13 and if we are lucky the error will be fixed before you even submit.

Thanks bunches. :)
Okay, now the correctly numbered Chapter 13 is posted after some minor editing. Whatever the Sultan's faults, indecision is not among them!
Red - Feb. 26
TE - Mar. 4th
VM - Mar. 11th

- I'll be working on mine and seeing where I can place my characters in relation to the others.

What time frame are you both seeing here? From the beginning to the point were VM left off - are we feeling a year? Close to it? Opinions either here or PM, whichever is fine with me.

It seems more like six months to me but it sure could be a year. I'd have thought Afsoon was in Risay's harem for two to three months and then with the Black Squadron for another couple of weeks. Then, if she was in 'spy school' for another six weeks I think we're in the five-six month time frame. How long do you think Hera is in her harem, given time to heal from her injuries and pick up enough of the local language to get by?
It seems more like six months to me but it sure could be a year. I'd have thought Afsoon was in Risay's harem for two to three months and then with the Black Squadron for another couple of weeks. Then, if she was in 'spy school' for another six weeks I think we're in the five-six month time frame. How long do you think Hera is in her harem, given time to heal from her injuries and pick up enough of the local language to get by?

Okay that works with where my mind was the last time I asked this question. I had to go back to the first post and check. It was 5 mths, then which I believe was where I had Hera finally being taken by Ulvi. So 6 mths works very well as long as TE feels it fits then that's where I'll slip in with Hera's next chapter.
Okay that works with where my mind was the last time I asked this question. I had to go back to the first post and check. It was 5 mths, then which I believe was where I had Hera finally being taken by Ulvi. So 6 mths works very well as long as TE feels it fits then that's where I'll slip in with Hera's next chapter.

Works for me. :D
Thanks. :)

As you can guess I'm still working on mine. I sent it for a quick perusal from VM to get an opinion and it was a helpful opinion and greatly appreciated, thus now I need to come into my story differently, so I'll probably get it back on track before the end of today, then get it edited, and finally submitted, so we may be off a couple days from the schedule.
Red, any time. Keep it going, guys!

We would, but we're almost to the end. lol

VM will be bringing more stories/adventures to the group, in a series of his own. TE may too.

I love it when a chain story begins one way and it branches off to take a life of its own, allowing other writers to see the stories of the characters reaching beyond the original story plan. They grow to love the story, the people, the environment and choose to weave more and more for themselves and the readers.