Chain Story Idea: Sex Slave Scenero

"Tension was palpable in the palace. Even in the harim there was a feeling something was amiss. The Sultan was on campaign again and the lean, silent 'clerks' who usually remained invisibly in the background were everywhere."
Yay! I added the link to the first page and I'll put it in my sig as well. :) It really is a great addition. :D

Thanks, Red. :kiss: I really enjoy collaborating on this chain story. Adventure, intrigue and sex are three of my favorite subjects to write about. ;)
You betcha. ;) VM's got ol' Mahmood down pat. I'm thinkin' the girls are gonna meet him fairly soon ... but they have a little unfinished business to attend to first.

I'm so glad he picked up the political intrigue. I think it would have been missed had he not done it. He's weaving a great tale there, one that I look forward to unraveling. I'll PM LL and see if she wants to move her date up, or keep it where it is.
LL got back with me, she's going to keep the submission date where it is, but will most likely have a story submitted before that date. So for now here is our newest schedule:

LL - Dec. 23
Red - Jan. 6
TE - Jan. 20
VM - Feb. 3

These are 2 weeks apart, but if you can submit before the date that is okay with me. Just keep me informed.

Thanks all!
Boo! I keep getting a page load error from Lit when trying to load chapter 7 right now. I'm ready to read! C'mon already!
Boo! I keep getting a page load error from Lit when trying to load chapter 7 right now. I'm ready to read! C'mon already!

Darn! It was there this morning. I don't know what the problem is. Let's see what happens by tomorrow morning. I know that off and on this week I've tried to load various pages of Lit.'s story boards, and they've come back with the same thing, then they get fixed.
Weird. I could reach it several times through the day but now it won't open. Go figure. Of course, that does explain why it's not getting any votes . . .
It's working for me this morning. Excellent work, VM. This is getting more and more interesting. I can't wait to add my bit.
I was able to access it as well! Yay!! And finally got a chance to re-read it and vote as well as leave a comment.

LL - I look forward to your chapter as well. I'm so thrilled to have this back on the front burner, instead of the back.
Foo! Not the most popular category, isn't it? I love the scores but the number of votes and reads is disappointing.
Foo! Not the most popular category, isn't it? I love the scores but the number of votes and reads is disappointing.

Same here, both on Ch.4 and Ch. 6; 5k or so reads on 4, less than 1k on 6; 7 and 4 votes respectively. Whoever's reading the series seems to like it, and that's what counts. :D
I'm sure it is because of the long slack between chapters. Folks lost interests and unfortunately this chain may not recover from that, my apologies. I do think it's a great story though and I know folks are reading it. They just aren't voting. The "H's" will be slow and steady, but in time they will get there. If you have comments on the previous chapters from Litsters that left names (not from us) - then I suggest sending them a message via Lit. and letting them know the story is up and running again. I know I did that with one Litster that was reading it (who had commented on a chapter), and even sent her my chapter before it posted so she could get a free-viewing before it debuted on Lit. :D - chargergirl (in case you guys see her name on your chapter comments)