Chain Story Idea: Sex Slave Scenero

I know LL was working on her chapter before the holidays and wanted to submit it before she took off for the holidays, but wasn't able to (I assume). I've sent her a PM and am waiting to hear back from her. I've moved our names down the line for submission dates, so that should give her time to slip back online and post the chapter she's been working on.

LL - Jan. 6
Red - Jan. 20
TE - Feb. 3
VM - Feb. 17
Unfortunately, I've not heard from LL nor has she been on Lit. to post or answer PMs. I do hope everything is okay with her and her family. If anyone knows her email address please let her know we're thinking of her and hope all is well.

I will work on a chapter for the chain tomorrow morning and if I feel it is up to par I will edit and submit it tomorrow night. I'll redo the schedule as far as submission goes and hopefully she'll be back soon and will be able to continue in the chain.

Thanks everyone for your awesome support and I know this is like climbing up a tall mountain - gaining a few feet - and sliding back again; the reward will be worth it when the story is complete. :rose:
I was trying to read the story Kismet and found that the trail at the end of the page doesn't list #'s 3-4 or have 5-7 listed either?

If this is a chain story, why doesn't the trail list all the chapters?

I found the same thing in my Horner Springs story, VM's chapter doesn't show in the trail?

How do we fix this?
I was trying to read the story Kismet and found that the trail at the end of the page doesn't list #'s 3-4 or have 5-7 listed either?

If this is a chain story, why doesn't the trail list all the chapters?

I found the same thing in my Horner Springs story, VM's chapter doesn't show in the trail?

How do we fix this?

I believe by trail, you're speaking of the story board and where it has that small "bubble" at the bottom - correct? If that is the case the trail leads to the next chapter that the writer of the chapter you just read - wrote. At least that is what I am seeing when I click on the chapters and scroll down to the bottom.

I wrote #1 and #5 - LL did #3 and that is it so far so no trail - VM did #4 and #7 - TE #2 and #6. Those with the two chapters have the trail.

I checked with the Laresa Chain story and it is the same way. I don't believe there is a "fixing" issue. It is the way the site is set up. To find the series it is probably best to lead folks to the chain story section and looking for the corresponding Alpha character for the title of the chain.
I believe by trail, you're speaking of the story board and where it has that small "bubble" at the bottom - correct? If that is the case the trail leads to the next chapter that the writer of the chapter you just read - wrote. At least that is what I am seeing when I click on the chapters and scroll down to the bottom.

I wrote #1 and #5 - LL did #3 and that is it so far so no trail - VM did #4 and #7 - TE #2 and #6. Those with the two chapters have the trail.

I checked with the Laresa Chain story and it is the same way. I don't believe there is a "fixing" issue. It is the way the site is set up. To find the series it is probably best to lead folks to the chain story section and looking for the corresponding Alpha character for the title of the chain.

I'll check that and see. I wanted to read Kismet and got lost looking for #2, maybe I'll find it?
I'll check that and see. I wanted to read Kismet and got lost looking for #2, maybe I'll find it?
I hope you find it enjoyable.

It's there, but also with my chain stories I keep all the submitted chapters linked in the first post here as well. Granted that only helps folks who visit my links in my sig., or for folks on the boards themselves. But the chain story directory has all the chapters. The only chain I've done that is missing chapters is "A Royal Sacrifice" one of the writers left Lit. and pulled their stories, so 3 chapters disappeared from that chain. The story however can still be read without losing the plot - though I really miss those chapters and there has been "back door" talk of rewriting them.
With the last chapter we were approx. 1 mth and 3 weeks into Afsoon's capture and chapter 8 revealed Hera's whereabouts. I'm working on the next installment and will be advancing the story by approx. 1 1/2 mths. making us just over 3 mths deep into the story. If either of you gentleman wish to advance the story over the course of your chapters feel free, just let me know what you decide. If you chose to just write what is in the same time line that works too. I just don't want to lose sight of where we are in our "fictional" calender.

Thanks. :)

BTW - Hera's turning out to be kinda spoiled. :rolleyes:
No surprise. Her host now knows that she a very shiny apple in the Sultan's eye, plus she's gorgeous. Why wouldn't he want to spoil the bejeebers out of her. Besides, it's good politics!
No surprise. Her host now knows that she a very shiny apple in the Sultan's eye, plus she's gorgeous. Why wouldn't he want to spoil the bejeebers out of her. Besides, it's good politics!

Yeah, but it makes it hard for her to play with others (besides him). :D Women sure are a jealous lot.
This is the newest schedule:

Red - Jan. 8
TE - Jan. 18
VM - Jan. 28
Red (or LL) - Feb. 5

Now if anyone can submit early, I greatly encourage it. I don't want this chain gathering dust.

Also new content has been added in red to the first post of the thread. It concerns the progress of time in the story as well as two characters in Hera's thread of the story.
Chapter 9 has been submitted for posting. :D

There's lots of action, blood and guts in this chapter as Afsoon and Farisa make good their escape from the cruel general's harem, but have to fight to gain and keep their freedom.

I'll post a link when it goes up. ;)
Chapter 9 has been submitted for posting. :D

There's lots of action, blood and guts in this chapter as Afsoon and Farisa make good their escape from the cruel general's harem, but have to fight to gain and keep their freedom.

I'll post a link when it goes up. ;)

Two days ahead of schedule! Yay for you!

Looking forward to seeing it on out there.
I've got some ideas to ponder. Mine will be on time without fail though I'm not sure what will happen in it, yet. If nothing else, Mahmood is gonna get laid.
I've got some ideas to ponder. Mine will be on time without fail though I'm not sure what will happen in it, yet. If nothing else, Mahmood is gonna get laid.
Mmm... I look forward to it. I have a feeling Afsoon's mother is well on her way to being in that position in my next chapter, too. :D I think it is time for me to write some naughty bits for this chain. :devil:

Woot! Chapter 9 has been posted! :D It's full of combat, blood and guts and an interlude of steamy F/F sex. Enjoy!

Here 'tis:

I'll update the first link and place a link in my sig as well. :D w00t!!
I see the story now in your submission page, so I've added a link to the first post and will put it also in my sig.

Tomorrow I should be able to complete my chapter and will have some rumors running around the harem so my folks are still aware of what people are "saying" - grape vines travel and such.

I'll put a new schedule up after I submit my chapter. I'm also going to be starting a second chain story - don't worry - not quite yet. lol Kismet is first, this one will be more of a stand alone type chain.
I've kept up with the story and find it interesting. mostly fives.

Keep it up. :D
I've gotten Ch. 11 back from a lovely Litster that ran through, read it and caught some editing concerns. So I've fixed those and a few more, now I'm submitting and I'll post a new submission schedule on the first post.

TE - Feb. 8
VM - Feb. 15
Red - Feb. 22
TE - Feb. 29
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