Challenge: Grab a Partner

Christina O. Leigh said:
Hey now, I thought this was supposed to be done without any discussion before hand! Or can we do that? I'm confused.

Oh damn, I forgot. I just read the beginning of the thread. I just did a lot of work. I guess you could say I'M FUCKED! I really don't know how to manage a poem without discussing things over with the other person I'm writing it with. So, I'm gonna have to say, I'm out :(


Christina....just let can do this...just see where it takes you and your partner...just respond to each other's big deal. C'mon...get yourself back in this challenge!
I agree~~!!

irishcatsmeow said:
Christina....just let can do this...just see where it takes you and your partner...just respond to each other's big deal. C'mon...get yourself back in this challenge!


Come on gurl. Just pick a line an go with it. You can do this~!!!
Re-join us please~~!:)

Oh man, I wasn't chewing you out Christina-girl! Also didn't mean to throw you into a tail spin!! For goodness sake's join back in and just flow with it, let go, whatever, just don't quit!!

*slapping self on forehead*

Oy, I'ma gonna keep my mouth shut from now on, sorry people.
uh oh... I cheated. Just a tad, tho. I told Reltne I wanted it to be iambic pentameter. But that's all. We didn't discuss anything else. promise!

And I haven't sent the first line to the good Doc yet- think to be fair I'll send the same first line- the 2 fellas are so different it might be really interesting to see where they take me! wooohooooo!!

*wishing this was a real dance... Mannnnnn whatta night, huh?? *wink *nudge

*walking out laughing really evilly

*runnin back in yellin

Quit quibbling, y'all! Keep it light- keep it fun! Christina? You'll be fine, honey! Have you not ever done a stranger?? Girl- you haven't lived!

Gina! If no one asks you- ask someone!

Cerriwidden? I know you're a newbie but if you have a chance to tangle tongues w/ Tung you can't lose... I heard tung oil was pretty slick stuff!!
Miss Gina,
I think I can handle two at once. Miss O doesn't mind sharing. Want to give me a go?
New List

Cordelia & The Fool
Liar & Anna ?
Christina & Remec
Cerriwiden & Tathagata
Boo and Reltne
Boo & dr_mabeuse
tungtied & Lil Darlin
Sandspike & Christina
Postbitum & Flyguy
Mutt & Miss Oatlash
Cerriwiden & Tung ?
LilDarlin--> so encouraging! You're a sweetheart!

irishcatsmeow, you have to explain this a little better to this highly medicated chickie. I'm reading poems where people are taking others this what we're doing? *brain dead here*

postobitum, don't smack yourself. You'll end up like me. Very dizzy! And no, you didn't stir up anything, so no worries. I don't anger easily! Confuse easily? *nods head*

Always likes a good challenge, but this looks scary. OooOOooo

*goes back to bed to cough her brains out*
Soon they'll be on the floor.
Christina O. Leigh said:
LilDarlin--> so encouraging! You're a sweetheart!

irishcatsmeow, you have to explain this a little better to this highly medicated chickie. I'm reading poems where people are taking others this what we're doing? *brain dead here*

postobitum, don't smack yourself. You'll end up like me. Very dizzy! And no, you didn't stir up anything, so no worries. I don't anger easily! Confuse easily? *nods head*

Always likes a good challenge, but this looks scary. OooOOooo

*goes back to bed to cough her brains out*
Soon they'll be on the floor.

<appearing in doorway>
So...hacking and brain dead and shaking in fear...hmmm...does that mean you're still out, or can I confirm you on my dance card?
Remec said:
<appearing in doorway>
So...hacking and brain dead and shaking in fear...hmmm...does that mean you're still out, or can I confirm you on my dance card?

<glancing to the assembled crowd>
Oh, and I have plenty of space for other dancers...if anyone might be so inclined?
<deep teeth-baring smile>
<peering over the rim of my glasses>

:cool: :D
Why suh!

The Mutt said:
Miss Gina,
I think I can handle two at once. Miss O doesn't mind sharing. Want to give me a go?

I shole woul be flattahed ta ecksept cho innviyat!

(I sure would be flattered to accept your invite!)

Thanks. :)

Miss O, ma'am, thanks. Just don't hurt me with that thing in your hand! It looks painful!


So What???

Everyone is getting 2 partners now..

err Thats not fair...

Thinkin no one ever said life is fair.. but good grief.
Ya'll are takin it to extremes..

NOT Fair I say..Stomps foot~~!!

Re: Grumbles~

LilDarlin said:
So What???

Everyone is getting 2 partners now..

err Thats not fair...

Thinkin no one ever said life is fair.. but good grief.
Ya'll are takin it to extremes..

NOT Fair I say..Stomps foot~~!!

It's always better with two partners.
Re: Grumbles~

LilDarlin said:
So What???

Everyone is getting 2 partners now..

err Thats not fair...

Thinkin no one ever said life is fair.. but good grief.
Ya'll are takin it to extremes..

NOT Fair I say..Stomps foot~~!!

Ain't ya jus' da cutest thang when ya does dat? <smile><wink>

So, ya wanna second partner?
Christina O. Leigh said:
LilDarlin--> so encouraging! You're a sweetheart!

irishcatsmeow, you have to explain this a little better to this highly medicated chickie. I'm reading poems where people are taking others this what we're doing? *brain dead here*

postobitum, don't smack yourself. You'll end up like me. Very dizzy! And no, you didn't stir up anything, so no worries. I don't anger easily! Confuse easily? *nods head*

Always likes a good challenge, but this looks scary. OooOOooo

*goes back to bed to cough her brains out*
Soon they'll be on the floor.

*whew!* :rose:
Re: Grumbles~

LilDarlin said:
So What???

Everyone is getting 2 partners now..

err Thats not fair...

Thinkin no one ever said life is fair.. but good grief.
Ya'll are takin it to extremes..

NOT Fair I say..Stomps foot~~!!


Well! I never thought I was in a threesome! Oh my... and she has that crop, too. Hmmm... :confused:

Da pooch offered and I happily accepted. I just hope he will not regret it...

Anyone willing to do a foursome? <falls over laughing>

:D can have as many partners as you want...but only two people should write each poem....

and no, no stealing lines from already posted poems....all should be original just trade the poem back and forth with your writes the odd numbered lines, the other the even numbered lines...y'all are making this much more complicated than it is...

When posting, remember to include an introduction mentioning who your partner is and which lines were written by whom.
irishcatsmeow said: can have as many partners as you want...but only two people should write each poem....

and no, no stealing lines from already posted poems....all should be original just trade the poem back and forth with your writes the odd numbered lines, the other the even numbered lines...y'all are making this much more complicated than it is...

When posting, remember to include an introduction mentioning who your partner is and which lines were written by whom.
Don't you think it would be fun to let the reader guess who had written which lines?
Kind of like multiple partners in a pitch-black room.
Hmmmmm, who made me feel so good?
Here's a sample I found...

Titled Phone Sex

Written by He Said and She Said...

"Hi baby"
"Hi hon... how are you?"
"You're blue? Why are you blue?"
"Oh, yes, I'm fine. You?"
"Tell me..."
"Tell you what?"
"What're you doing?"
"You, I think. Right?"
"Can you hear me?"
"No- you're breaking up"
"Can you hear me now?"
"Sort of"
"What? I couldn't hear you."
"You live near me? Where?"
"I can't hear you."


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irishcatsmeow said:
ummmm, Boo....that was a sample of what???


You want an honest answer? It's a sample of what an idiot I am this early in the am, with no coffee yet! LOL
Hey! Are you makin' fun??? Thats a P O E M !!!

*still laughin like an idiot...

but never fear- the coffee's brewing! And the meds are kicking in!
I may try this--but not sure. I'll see if I can get my Master to do one with me. He wrote a few poems for me last week and swore that writing poetry was making him go limp. Fortunately, he got over it. So, now I'll see if he's willing to go through that hell again. :D
Oh... or is this suppose to be with someone on the board?
WickedEve said:
I may try this--but not sure. I'll see if I can get my Master to do one with me. He wrote a few poems for me last week and swore that writing poetry was making him go limp. Fortunately, he got over it. So, now I'll see if he's willing to go through that hell again. :D
Oh... or is this suppose to be with someone on the board?

I don't know, Eve- haven't heard a rule about that. It's been pretty laid back and rule-less so far- I imagine it'll be ok.

You have a Master? You?

BooMerengue said:
I don't know, Eve- haven't heard a rule about that. It's been pretty laid back and rule-less so far- I imagine it'll be ok.

You have a Master? You?

After all this time, you haven't heard me mention him? I usually call him the Big M--until he told me to stop because it sounds like a... never mind.
Anyway, I'll see if wants to try this. I kind of think he will. He's registered at lit under Manjaro_Eve. He prefers writing stories but he'll do a poem. Actually, I need to see if his stories are still here. I used to have poetry under Manjaro_Eve before I started using Wicked Eve. I think those are gone--thank god. lol Jeez, I'd love to get him to come onto the board sometime, though I'd have to behave... My god, is that even possible?