Challenge: Grab a Partner

Re: Why suh!

average gina said:

Miss O, ma'am, thanks. Just don't hurt me with that thing in your hand! It looks painful!


Mutt is free to play with anyone he wishes...I promise not to use the crop on anyone but him.
WickedEve said:
After all this time, you haven't heard me mention him? I usually call him the Big M--until he told me to stop because it sounds like a... never mind.
Anyway, I'll see if wants to try this. I kind of think he will. He's registered at lit under Manjaro_Eve. He prefers writing stories but he'll do a poem. Actually, I need to see if his stories are still here. I used to have poetry under Manjaro_Eve before I started using Wicked Eve. I think those are gone--thank god. lol Jeez, I'd love to get him to come onto the board sometime, though I'd have to behave... My god, is that even possible?

"My god, is that even possible?"

I don't know, but it sure would be fun to watch!!!

I had no idea... and here I was feeling sorry for you... :D
BooMerengue, have I done a stranger, you asked?
Once upon a time, I used to be a....

irishcatsmeow, not making a big deal, dear. A stupid question not asked is one that's not. Now then....
I'm in. Going on lots of coffee here.

Can't rhyme so everyone's saying. Well, Remec, start with your first line and send it my way. Can I at least say I want solid lines...not breaking up?

Anyway, let's go :)
Belegon and I will be partners....

*he's a great poet...I just hope I do HIM justice!!
Re: Re: Mutt and Oat

The Mutt said:
Ah, but we are not working face to face. We don't live together and don't get to see each other nearly as often as we would like. Do you think we waste time writing poetry when we are together?
No, we are emailing each other, line by line, and have not discussed the poem in the slightest. Promise.

It's true...He can't talk poetry when he's tied to the bed and I'm sitting on his face!
Written with Tathagata--

Thistles soft as prayer whisper
Return, return.
The tomb begs for the old stories.

Who listens here where once
dandelion seeds rose to sky?
Now excommunicated from sun
ghost flowers lie, paved beneath

intentions, promises,
salvation up in arms,
within the breadth of strangers.
all fall strangled.

Who laments the absent troubadours
Olympus shrouded in years, a cloud
of dust. Magicians and madmen lie,
cave shadows topsy truth turvy,

imply an ashen cross
upon your forehead, no more
than crumbled Crusade dust,
death and smoke.

Who can arise,
stumbling reborn on virtue's legs?
Miss gina,
Your mailbox is full. On top of that, my computer is fubar. It took me thirty minutes just to post this. Aaaarrrrggghhh!!!
I may not be able to get back to you until the sexy tech support lady comes to fix my machine on Monday. mmmm she has the sweetest software.
Anyway, here is the next line.

...from me, like chocolate from a baby's smile...

Honey123 said:
Belegon and I will be partners....

*he's a great poet...I just hope I do HIM justice!!

Somebody needs to recognize her own talents....

(or else there will be spankings....)

Just had to let ya know
Tungtied2u an I have ours done.
Was a lotta fun.

Want to Thank Tungtied2u for
err~ havin me..*grins*

Seriously just loved this challenge~:)
Looking forward to the next one~

Re: Morning~

LilDarlin said:
Just had to let ya know
Tungtied2u an I have ours done.
Was a lotta fun.

Want to Thank Tungtied2u for
err~ havin me..*grins*

Seriously just loved this challenge~:)
Looking forward to the next one~


Awww, Lil... don't quit now!! We have til the 10th of Dec.! Think of what wonders we can come up w/ by then!

I want to do a different one now! Any takers?

With Reltne and dr_mabeuse the piece we're writing is somewhat structured. I suck at free verse (I think) so I want to try one. If it turns out really bad we don't have to post it!

Belegon? You do magic beautifully- want to try one? I guess it's ok to decide on a theme, at least, isn't it? Irish!
this is an excellent exercise! I'm game if anyone else is. It's also a terriffic way to get to know the folks we write with!

My PM box is empty... :devil:
The Mutt said:
Miss gina,
Your mailbox is full. On top of that, my computer is fubar. It took me thirty minutes just to post this. Aaaarrrrggghhh!!!
I may not be able to get back to you until the sexy tech support lady comes to fix my machine on Monday. mmmm she has the sweetest software.
Anyway, here is the next line.

...from me, like chocolate from a baby's smile...


Of course, becuase I saw my box was full I erased all of my stuff, including what I had before. If you get this, give me the line before and I can continue. The last line I have is "for the aches she has earned..."

Miss O, if you could relay this... maybe he has the lines written down or something? Egad.


average gina said:
Of course, becuase I saw my box was full I erased all of my stuff, including what I had before. If you get this, give me the line before and I can continue. The last line I have is "for the aches she has earned..."

Miss O, if you could relay this... maybe he has the lines written down or something? Egad.


Gina? Let's do one...

Here's my email

Here's the theme 2 chicks in a bar on a mmmm Tuesday night

Here's the first line

"Melting cubes the only sound

Let's 'dance', baby (figuratively speaking- we don't have to dance)

No conversation from here on in- we do it or we don't!
Okay folks. I've tried. It seems I'm unable to write working with someone else. I work better alone. To the ones I've been working with, please take no offense. As writers, we all have our "ways" of writing. I've always said "I like a good challenge" but without discussion, I am killing my brain. To those that can do this or already have, more power to you!

Good luck to you all, Christina
my pm box was full and I did not know it considering my home computer was stealing my mail off the server faster than I could grab it at my parents house.

damn, thought I thought of everything :)

So Liar and I may be late for the party.
better sign us up for dessert
average gina said:
Of course, becuase I saw my box was full I erased all of my stuff, including what I had before. If you get this, give me the line before and I can continue. The last line I have is "for the aches she has earned..."

Miss O, if you could relay this... maybe he has the lines written down or something? Egad.


He got it...he figured out he could log on with a dial-up connection instead of his DSL. I'll just have to make a little visit to his house tomorrow and fix the puter...after I kiss him.
His damn computer is driving me nuts!!!!!
annaswirls said:
my pm box was full and I did not know it considering my home computer was stealing my mail off the server faster than I could grab it at my parents house.

damn, thought I thought of everything :)

So Liar and I may be late for the party.
better sign us up for dessert
Well, I'm ready to rumba whenever you are. :)

Deadlines schmeadlines ( there one?), let's just do this until whenever our feet are tired.

Re: Re: Morning~

BooMerengue said:
I want to do a different one now! Any takers?

I suck at free verse (I think) so I want to try one. If it turns out really bad we don't have to post it!

My PM box is empty... :devil:

You pants-on-fire-liar you, lady! Remember what you did to me in the chatroom to make me come here and submit myself to do this challenge in here. It was good, dad gum it!!

Don't let her fool y'all. She can do free verse.

Double dad gum it. :mad:

You are wrong, my friend. What we did in chat was just 2 lines. If you go look at my free verses I've posted you'll see what I mean. They're juvenile and unsophisticated at best!

Come on... quit belly achin... you in or not???
Orginally posted by BooMerengue
You are wrong, my friend. What we did in chat was just 2 lines. If you go look at my free verses I've posted you'll see what I mean. They're juvenile and unsophisticated at best!

Come on... quit belly achin... you in or not???
BooMerengue, I wasn't referring to the two lines that we did in that pm. You pmed me to explain because I was a bit confused and I did appreciate that. Once it was explained, I worked with my partners, and realized it wasn't for me. So, with my last post here, yes, that means I withdraw myself.
Christina!!! Sorry- I was talking to Gina!! She and I traded lines in a chat room.

You can do it, too, tho, Chris- just write the lines and take a deep breath! Who knows- it might suck, or it might make you Poetess Laureate! Never know til you try!!

OK gurl...

Ya have to take the time to do this.
We are all cheering you on..
Just write the silly lines.
Might not make a lotta sense, but when ya put it all together.
Could be great, or really funny.. *Grins*

Go for it gurl~~!!:D

Orginally posted by BooMerengue
Christina!!! Sorry- I was talking to Gina!! She and I traded lines in a chat room.

You can do it, too, tho, Chris- just write the lines and take a deep breath! Who knows- it might suck, or it might make you Poetess Laureate! Never know til you try!!
Well, that's good, Boo! Thanks for clearing that up. I just have so much work to do. I am now editing on two sites which is very tiring, and with having 3 children, I just feel a wee bit burned out. I'm also trying to recover from bronchitus, so I'm really beat. I feel terrible that I haven't reviewed as much as I've been receiving. Bare with me all. I apologize, but it was something I had to do.

*Hugs* Christina
this is magical

Whose lines are whose?

Cerriwiden said:
Written with Tathagata--

Thistles soft as prayer whisper
Return, return.
The tomb begs for the old stories.

Who listens here where once
dandelion seeds rose to sky?
Now excommunicated from sun
ghost flowers lie, paved beneath

intentions, promises,
salvation up in arms,
within the breadth of strangers.
all fall strangled.

Who laments the absent troubadours
Olympus shrouded in years, a cloud
of dust. Magicians and madmen lie,
cave shadows topsy truth turvy,

imply an ashen cross
upon your forehead, no more
than crumbled Crusade dust,
death and smoke.

Who can arise,
stumbling reborn on virtue's legs?
annaswirls said:
this is magical

Whose lines are whose?

I agree, Anna, but wasn't sure I wanted to know who wrote what... I just love it all together.

But hell... it wouldn't hurt to know, would it? *wink