Challenge: Grab a Partner

*Catbabe* said:

There is no escaping the dark side once they drag you onto the parent-side



even better

They need to grow up and move away so I can be foolish(er) yet again...
The_Fool said:

even better

They need to grow up and move away so I can be foolish(er) yet again...

I am so glad you added the (er) there or I would have felt compelled to act on behalf of every one here at Lit to add it for you.

;) :p

The rules for Anna again since we are muddling up the thread:

Rules: Poem should be 16 lines, no discussing poem on phone or through Instant Messaging....just pass it back and forth through email. Include an introduction to the poem, mentioning who your poem partner is.

Submit your joint poems to Literotica on Thursday, December 9th, for posting on December 10th. Have fun!
*Catbabe* said:
I am so glad you added the (er) there or I would have felt compelled to act on behalf of every one here at Lit to add it for you.

;) :p

The rules for Anna again since we are muddling up the thread:

Rules: Poem should be 16 lines, no discussing poem on phone or through Instant Messaging....just pass it back and forth through email. Include an introduction to the poem, mentioning who your poem partner is.

Submit your joint poems to Literotica on Thursday, December 9th, for posting on December 10th. Have fun!

Do we have to create a new member? Do we meld our minds to create a new entity? Can we post crass stroke porn at the same time? :D

body count

I have 3 finished 'dances'; 2 totally spontaneous, and pretty cool if a bit bizarre!! lol And 1 that is also pretty cool, but lost a lot of spontaneity because we got caught uo in meter and other trivial things. My bad, and I'm sorry.

I have 2 cooking that are fun... these are simmering tho, rather than a fast boil!

This is still fun- anyone else wanna dance? I'm game. Or anyone want to do one again?

Maybe I'll go get a new nic and write one with myself. If I do, I promise I won't cheat. Promise. Swear. Cross my heart...
BooMerengue said:

body count

I have 3 finished 'dances'; 2 totally spontaneous, and pretty cool if a bit bizarre!! lol And 1 that is also pretty cool, but lost a lot of spontaneity because we got caught uo in meter and other trivial things. My bad, and I'm sorry.

I have 2 cooking that are fun... these are simmering tho, rather than a fast boil!

This is still fun- anyone else wanna dance? I'm game. Or anyone want to do one again?

Maybe I'll go get a new nic and write one with myself. If I do, I promise I won't cheat. Promise. Swear. Cross my heart...

Geez...some people get 5 or 6 dance partners and some don't get any responses to their requests for a partner...doesn't seem quite fair in the grand scheme of things. Reminds me of a dream i had one night about having a blank dance card (shudders).

Just joking, Boo...i am glad you are having is fun to do, isn't it?
irishcatsmeow said:

Geez...some people get 5 or 6 dance partners and some don't get any responses to their requests for a partner...doesn't seem quite fair in the grand scheme of things. Reminds me of a dream i had one night about having a blank dance card (shudders).

Just joking, Boo...i am glad you are having is fun to do, isn't it?

Well... don't tell this, but sometimes I have to grab 'em by the throat!

It IS fun... I hope this thread keeps going! :p

green lights said:
Can we? uh? ya? :devil:

That was a hoot~~!!
Now awaiting your third err
Do pardon the pun peeps.
It was really funny though~!!

Way past my bed time.

When we go about submitting these next week, is there anything special we have to do as far as getting them listed under both authors' names, or will just something in the Notes section suffice?
Re: Question

Remec said:
When we go about submitting these next week, is there anything special we have to do as far as getting them listed under both authors' names, or will just something in the Notes section suffice?

Good question....

Good Morning, Mr Remec! How are you this fine frosty morning?
Re: Question

Remec said:
When we go about submitting these next week, is there anything special we have to do as far as getting them listed under both authors' names, or will just something in the Notes section suffice?

here is my proposal

Partner A's lines shall be placed in italics and blue
Partner B's lines shall be underlined and green
If such partners worked cooperatively on given words they shall henceforth be called the cheatin lines, and the cheatin lines shall be placed in red henceforth to be known as the scarlet letters.

at the end of each line shall be a link to the Partner in which the line shall be attributed along with their personal email in which case someone wants to send them perv mail for the hell of it.

if possible
post your poem backwards so we can see if there is any real order to it or if you just free associated

if you want help with the code for this challenge, hire tech support

:p :p :p

or we could just say
Partner A and Partner B wrote this poem together
at the bottom of the poem, like Cerriwiden and T-man did for their pre-post post.

I spent all my time this morning on the stupid writing of this post, so I cant find it :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Re: Question

Remec said:
When we go about submitting these next week, is there anything special we have to do as far as getting them listed under both authors' names, or will just something in the Notes section suffice?

This was the intro i added to the poem L&F and i did. It worked for whatever works for you...just give credit to your partner.

This poem was written by Lostandfounder and irishcatsmeow; each writing a line a day and passing the work in progress back and forth through email. L&F wrote the odd numbered lines and irish the even; neither knowing where the poem would go or when it would end. After a final edit by both and a title by L&F, we deemed the poem finished.
Minor, belated, threadjacking

BooMerengue said:
Good question....Good Morning, Mr Remec! How are you this fine frosty morning?

I was doing fine, if tired. My 4yo's preschool class had a field trip that morning, so I came in from him dressed...fed him and the other kids...handed off the daycare at 830...was gone until almost 130...whew....just a long day....but fun....<BG> get back on track...still have a few days to go, anyone else game to try a cooperative poem or three? <smile>
... and did you go on the Field Trip, Dad? I have had some super times with my kid and grandkids on those trips.

I can't get anyone else to dance with me, Rem... Good luck, partner!
irishcatsmeow said:

Geez...some people get 5 or 6 dance partners and some don't get any responses to their requests for a partner...doesn't seem quite fair in the grand scheme of things. Reminds me of a dream i had one night about having a blank dance card (shudders).

Just joking, Boo...i am glad you are having is fun to do, isn't it?

Hey Irish!

Wanna dance?

Nothing fancy- just 2 gals sort of schmoozing while the guys play pool... huh? Here's the first step...

Indigo eyes glanced shyly as he picked up his guitar

I'm feeling colorful and musical cuz I'm HOMELONE today!! Yayyy!!

If Irish doesn't want to dance then I'm not choicy!

Or... (she grinned wickedly) why don't we ALL use that line w/ a partner and see what happens??)

I guarantee if Ange, or Champ see this the rest of us will be blown out of the water... or off the dance floor! They do music and colors like I do typos...!!
Last edited:
I'm in....

Boo, I'll give it a whirl....

I'll send you the next line in a PM...

Thanks for askin', pardner...
Re: I'm in....

irishcatsmeow said:
Boo, I'll give it a whirl....

I'll send you the next line in a PM...

Thanks for askin', pardner...

*doin a little bump 'n grind around the pool table...

She wants to dance!! With ME!! Yeeeehaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
Waaaait a minute.....

Are we supposed to post these for real?? Like in New Poems?? Well... how do we decide who posts them? Can 2 of us post the same poem?

hhmmm... I guess we can, huh?

*brow furrowed in perplexity
BooMerengue said:
Waaaait a minute.....

Are we supposed to post these for real?? Like in New Poems?? Well... how do we decide who posts them? Can 2 of us post the same poem?

hhmmm... I guess we can, huh?

*brow furrowed in perplexity

yes...submit as a new poem on Dec. 9th for posting on Dec. 10th...only one person should post...give credit to your partner in the intro.
irishcatsmeow said:
yes...submit as a new poem on Dec. 9th for posting on Dec. 10th...only one person should post...give credit to your partner in the intro.

I think I'm going to let my partners post- I'll just put them all in here in one post on the 10th. Cuz it's all in fun, right?

GINA!! We need a title!
Catbabe and I

Did this one
I'm putting it here so I don't lose it

no title as of yet
and we still may tinker a little

This woven palace of words is framed
in threads of tapestry that trade night
for day and stand flanked by Byzantine towers
of fancy that fade in the face of dawn.

I walk circular stairs of serpentine calls,
climbing into a minaret of the mind, filled
with archaic scents of forgotten language
that reveal perfumed portraits of the past.

Transported by dervish shadows, forced
to dance against the darkness that draws
history into my eyes and hints at secrets
that kiss the softness of the sheerest veil.

I tip teakwood and watch the sand grains
fail to grip the glass ellipse that empties
with satorial indifference into a shifting pile
of time that paves a path into tomorrow.

A path lined with remnants of waiting
words that writhe and wither
seeking only to be rescued, stored, retained
by omipotent eyes that cry real tears.
Re: Catbabe and I

Tathagata said:
Did this one
I'm putting it here so I don't lose it

no title as of yet
and we still may tinker a little

This woven palace of words is framed
in threads of tapestry that trade night
for day and stand flanked by Byzantine towers
of fancy that fade in the face of dawn.

I walk circular stairs of serpentine calls,
climbing into a minaret of the mind, filled
with archaic scents of forgotten language
that reveal perfumed portraits of the past.

Transported by dervish shadows, forced
to dance against the darkness that draws
history into my eyes and hints at secrets
that kiss the softness of the sheerest veil.

I tip teakwood and watch the sand grains
fail to grip the glass ellipse that empties
with satorial indifference into a shifting pile
of time that paves a path into tomorrow.

A path lined with remnants of waiting
words that writhe and wither
seeking only to be rescued, stored, retained
by omipotent eyes that cry real tears.

Jeeez!!! Where can I get some Absinthe? I've always wanted to try it- think it'll help? It sure couldn't hurt!

Thats wonderful, Tath and Cat. I try soooo hard to do that and I never ... quite... make it!
Boo and I are twelve lines in and the work is taking on a life all it's own...which I LOVE! My best stories are written with the characters telling me what to do rather than me telling them.

Honey and I are about ten lines in. This has really been very cool. All the challenges I have answered have helped me stretch, but the interaction on this one gives it an added dimension.

Boo, Absinthe is still legal in Portugal and the Czech Republic. There are concoctions using the name other places, but as far as I know, only in those places can you still get the real thing. ( I want to try it too...)