Chaos: Don't Stress, Undress

All orange tabbys share 1 brain. These two have one brain cell each. A bazillion cats would mean a bazillion brain cells making up one brain!
Quick maffs ☺️
Ah yes...


I missed the transition from brain cells to brain. Maybe I have orange tabby in my family tree. You think 23&Me tests for that?

Dang, being raised catholic I'm familiar with guilt and my long list of infractions but…this is one I've never even contemplated. Should I be worried or proud I give off murder vibes? 🤣🤣🤣
Ah, I know your pain. These days when folks asked my religion my standard reply is "Catholic Survivor". Who knew such a powerful religion could sustain itself on a combination of Guilt and Fear. Crazy!

You've never contemplated it or just never carried through after the dismemberment fantasy came to an end? Or maybe it's just me that occasionally imagines Final Destination style deaths upon my boss and the occasional moron that ruins my day.
